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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1924)
f | I The Early Dollar Day Shopper • j Will Have the Advantage Read carefully the wonderful values offered by mer j chants in today’s Bee. They have gone the limit to : make Ak-Sar-Ben Dollar Day the greatest ever recorded : ’ in local retailing--Get your share of these bargains. • ._ , _I \(-----N | c1hnmpson -Belden DOLLAR DAY 'y. of Our Month-End Sale Every section manager in the store submitted items for Dollar Day. We inspected the values i and chose the following as the five best bar | gains. We invite you to buy them. » • i * j Maderia Centers . . $1 Pure linen, real hand-embroidered Ma deira center pieces: 18-inch round, 12x | I 18 oval, 10x12 and 8x14 ablong; some ' with hand-made rose scalloped edge. J Street Floor • » ) j j Boudoir Slippers . . $1 * 100 pairs of quilted satin boudoirs with soft padded soles. The colors are old rose, blue, and American beauty. These — slippers are unusually well made. Street Floor Gingham Frocks . . $1 . Twelve styles of fast-color gingham apron frocks in the popular apron shades; full cut and well made. The \ styles are most attractive. Second Floor | A * I Envelope Chemise . $1 I Teddy style and made of fine quality shadow striped batiste stitched with | contrasting shade. White, flesh and • honeydew in all sizes. t Outing Gowns - - $1 J Downy white outing gowns are comfort J ing these first cool nights. Made with yoke, hemstitched "V” neck ,and long ! sleeves they are practical—and values • for Dollar Day only. J Second Floor. » “The Rent Place to Shop After All” • k_ 9 9 9 1 : j ^ J “Where the Family Meets to Buy Its Footwear” ^ • 207 N. 16th St._£_Mail Orders Filled I "DOLLAR DAY • 5000 Pairs Ladies’ and i Children’s > Hi and ^ Low «P | SHOES ;t LOT NO. 1—Ladies’ Satin, Suede, Kid, ! Calf and Patent Strap Slippers and Ox • fords with high, medium or low heels; • sizes 2*4 to 8. Former values $4.98. . ] , LOT NO. 2—Infants’, 3 to 8; chil J dren’s, 8*4 to 11, and misses’, 11*/* to i 2. Regular $L98 to $2.98 values. • Little colored strap slippers in green • and red, black patent leathers, little • brown and black button shoes, with | plain or fancy tops, black and brown J lace shoes. • D Regular $1.49 and $1.69; , flOVS suction sole; brown I J trim; play and tennis shoes J - m L*du;’, ■, Vidi“j Mtrciruitd LliU I nr«*d Silk Hosiery Hosiery Roys' end Girls* j ft BUck or Brown Blnck, Brown W,d* ' | $1 ■ a"£ si I -^ ON DOLLAR DAY we suggest TWO TICKETS | TO THE Sun Theater TO SEE “Welcome Stranger5 The best dollar’s worth of entertainment in Omaha. V.___—y 5 Famous A OKEH $ 1 Records I Tuesday Only RIALTO MUSIC SHOP 1416 Douglas 4907 S. 24th Two Big Stores k._J -> &ov\>sra>ic,™w» cio. The Store of Individual Shops T Black Kid Boudoir Black Kid One Strap Flat Heel House Shoe V___J * f--—> A REAL DOLLAR DAY VALUE TUESDAY l > icfacns. $75,000.°® f'-JEWEERY RELEASE-'? JOHN HENR1CKS0N IflTH AND CAPITOI. I V ■ „ ■ .. ..—S * 1 *\ Some Real Values in Used Sewing Machines For Tuesday Only 1 Davis, good for year# of | service .$16.50 1 Lakeside, a bargain .... . 12.00 1 Paragon, a very good ma chine . 18.00 1 Edgemere, a dandy. 16 50 1 Eldredge, a real snap. ... 20 00 Other rebuilt machine* from $12.00 up ' Dollar Down--Dollar Per Week MICK EL’S 15th and Harney St#. Al. 4361 <-----J C£ % Sion of Individual Shops' DollarDay Bargains TWO PAIRS OF PURE ' SILK HOSE Regular 1.00 and 1.50 values. Sub stantial, good-look ing hose in hlaek and all the new fall shades. 5 for $1 Hosiery Table Wonderful Bargains Here! 25c and 35c Children’s Stock ings. 80c and 75c Children’* *4 length hose. 50c and 75c Women’s Lisle hose in black and brown. All lots are in broken sizes. Main O Full-fashioned Chiffon Hose Value* up tc 2.95. Sheer, clear stock ings In black, gun metal and all beau tlful new fall shades. Floor. --n Dollar Specials from the Art Needlework Shop No Refunds. No C. O. D.a. No Exchanges. No Deliveries. DOLLAR 2 FOR $1 3 FOR $1 TABLE TABLE TABLE ODDS AND ENDS IN Napkii- $<U- Pur. Linen T . « stamped linens Stamped on Indian Tow.U — Red-bor- j 45. 54 and 45x6o-inch Head; hemstitched dered towel* stamp Lunch cloth*—stamped f0r crochet. Four ed in six pattern*. H«d?,th^ut,crh.dndf“ napkins in each set. Dr....r Jt.rfn crochet, value* to * *0 Dreuer Scarf a- Stamped in cro** '■*ch- Stamped on Indian stitch pattern*; hem 35- inch Lunch Cloth and Head; hemstitched, stitched. . 4 Matching Napkins— -- ..... . ■ - ■ .. ■ i1.—- - ■ Stamped on Indian Head, some hemstitched for Purs Unsei Dreeaer Fine quality; hemstitch crochet. Reg. 12 value. Scarfs and Buffet Seta— ed for crochet. Sm Our Window*. Bra.iere*—Vallies to $5.00. Braxiere.—Values to $1 Silk Brocade, Satin and each. Cotton brocades and Lace models, in ^ 1 lace combinations. ^ | sizes 32 to 44. W A TWO FOR A Second Floor. O-----o Hand Made Blouses , A limited number of these beauti ful dimity blouses that formerly .old to 4.95. Ev ery stitch by hand with col lars and cuffs of colored h a n dkercftief linen — hand e m b r oidered and hand drawn. Other equally good values in well tailored tub blouses. Odd. and End. on the I Odd. and End. on the $1 TABLE 2 FOR $1 TABLE Union Suit.—Women. hf»Ii rr.rfr Blou.e.—Round dimltr garment.. ilMvrlfi*. with lomr model*. .Irew v ankle nr knee length , white. Undermu.lin.—Gown.. teddie. and fle*h or eream, «onif \ % t wool. Middy Blouse. A Few Sweater.. Collar and Cuff Sat*. Petticoat.. Ckimoii-Su«dt Glove*. Main Floor. ( V _ Warm Togs' for Babies Q 3 year*. White and color*, hlannal Sleeper*, drop seat, button front model* in size* 4 and 6. f Saeques for Infant* ; pure wool, hand crochetad. Diaper Bag*, cretonne cov ered, With Kleinert rubber lining divided into four compartment*. 1.26 value. Silk and Wool Banda, 75c value. / THI" Flann*! Gertrude*. button on shoulder model. Cro cheted A edge*. Flannel Kimona*. Il Baby Pillows, pink or blue. 1 Kapok filled. Bootees, hand knit, daintily trimmed. . Third Floor j o-c BOYS’ WEAR BLOUSES 2 for. Ages 6 to 16. Neat ‘ striped percales jj thRt will give a world of service. All Wool j KNICKERS A(e> 7 to 17. Good knickers for everyday wear. Fully lined, with taped seams. ) Second Floor [ i i — J While They Last! j t: 1 , '■■■-■ ■ -- ..— -- — i A Special Event in Our 50th j Anniversary Sale for Tuesday | Ben Dollar Day, Tuesday, at the extremely low price of $1. These purses are finely made and worth many times the price. We have been known for many years as dealers in trustworthy luggage. No matter how great or small the investment, we can assure you of service and integrity. ! I Frelirg & Steinie l 180,'t Farnam St. Telephone JA. W73 Vx-^ * •