Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1924)
r~-—-— i __» ^ Special 65c Tea Room Luncheon Fruit Cocktail Vermicelli Furre A La Jackson, aux Crouton* Fried Croppie Parsley Rutter Shirred Egg*. Prioress Boiled Corn Beef and Cahhasre Baked Smoked Sugar Cured Ham Candled Sweet Potatoes Roat-t Prime Ribs of Beef au Jus I Boulllion Potatoes Mashed Potatoes Fried Eggplant Stewed Tomatoes I Orientale Salad, Mayonnaise Hot Rolls Green Apple Pie | Pumpkin Pie | Cottage Pudding Custard Sauce French Vanilla Ice Cream \ Sherbet Chofolate Ice Cream Tea Coffee Milk Seventh Floor. 3 Cameo Records S|| ^|k ^|l m v« W ■ « wa jm All rh*r«» purchase* K| I nr ET vv »lll A v U I fiiJ RA IIV h- 'n,'"d en ==£ !i°° DIJKuuj IiAon bUnrANT. — = i “EVERYBODYS STORE* 1 ; i ■ i Bargain Basement An Additional Feature for Dollar-Day Sale of NewFall resses Dresses practical for business and school wear in the newest ; fall styles are fashioned of checked worsteds, wool jerseys and serges in plain colors and Btripes. These are all attractively trimmed and in clude values up to $12.75. In navy, black and the new | .hade* of brown. Deft trimming touched in contrasting color* add to their smartness. Value* to $17.50. The materials, the workmanship and the styles all combine to make these unusual values at this price. All the favored modes for fall are represented here, fashioned of charmeuie and silk crepes in * p“l" Wom1en’* beautiful shade*. Value* to $25.00. Very special. J semi-fashioned, in all the light $1.00 i 4 Pair. Woman’. Fiber Silk Ho*. Size* 16 to 20, 36 to 44, 42V2 to 54V* J in black and cordovan. Garter ■ tops. 8% to 10, £ $ QQ * at .w 1 .UU 3 infant*’ Ho.e of wool and cot- 3 Pil|ow Ca»e. 0f Lonsdale mus- 5 Table Napkin., 22x22-inch ■ . P.l„ On(.i» H... ton, in black and white with col-, lin, a standard quali- £ 1 QQ "ize, mercerized £1 QQ Si'S? £1 $1.00 ty in 42x3$-in. siie.. $ 1 .00 n.tal, ............ *1 -WU and balbriggan. With rib or Nzes ^ 10 b. 81x90-Inch Seamle.. Sheet., an 4 Yard. Linen Toweling, both - hem* tops. 9 to AA 2 "Pre.ident” £ $ AA -xcellent quality, free £ -I QQ glass and dish toweling, made * 10% .V * .UU Su.pender..«UU from dressing. Each W X .UU Irom pure flax, £ 1 QQ 5 Pair. Women’. Ho.e, eotton 2 Men s Shirts Broken lots of in_ a quality equal f QQ Dre.»er Scarf, made with linen ,lisle, in cordovan £ 1 AA dress and work shirts. . lightly "Pannerell” .... $ X .UU centers and cluny or filet edges, and balbriggan.«J> I .UU soiled from $1.00 8 Yard. Pur. White Mu.lin, suit- in 45 to 54-inch £1 QQ ssars,sjf"rfSS fsasH?.?. i site "I. d .. $1.00 *• ..^-.r'Er*d’$1.00 =\". $1.00 . Women. Underwear, silk top, rasJ «icn.... ▼ v • 7G F.,t r-|nr p„r I 8 Pair. Children’. Hose, cotton |n bodice or tailored styles. Pink 4 Yard. M.rqu, ,n pretty 5 Varda :JS-inck F..t Color P« , lisle in black only. With re- _iv Tieht knee 1 patterns m suitable £1 QQ '»■* ln f al a inforced feet. £1 QQ Not a,l fzes . $1.00 curtain lengths ... . M .UU figures with light and £t QQ , Sizes 5 to 9%..UU ;ot a" 91269 V 7 . , .. Heavy Net Panel Curtain., trim- £«* back£oundsaP X 2 Women i Union Suits, knit m?d with widt; insertion and ® iard» Security um^ntra, a f 7 Pair. Boy.’ Ho.e, black Cotton suits with bodice or tailored top. fanev black beaded <N 1 nn well-known brand of very fine with double heel and £* QQ Sizes 34 to 44, £1 QQ frinee edge ... V X .UU quality in plaid, £ 1 QQ toe. Sizes 5 to 8%. Jpl.UU for.$ 1 .UU 7 Yard. Cretonne. 36 . inch checks and stripes $ 1 .UU 12 Pair. Children’. Ho.e in white 2 Women’. Knit Union Suit., Width, m a iarge a CrepV'fn aM r^ve"*? loraim“nd i cotton. Sizes £1 QQ teddy bear style, £1 QQ $1.00 oriental patterns $1 rtf) 5 to 9%.1 -UU top... .4)1 .UU patterns at . . $1-00 t Women's Hole of Dure silk and 3 Women* Union Suit*, knit 'able covering for comforts, in ® ^ *rd,f Colored Striped Outing at to ll $1.00 nmtu .$1.00 Ss. Sk~i Wt. a*. ,.. . , $ 1-UU - . 3 Women’. V..t. lisle in bodice „d finish. 66x78- £-1 QQ 4°-'nch Serge Suiting, in a large Wrap-Around Girdle, of fancy uUored tops V* /VO rir.e. each. $ 1 .UU assortment of plaids, stripes. brocade and pink coutil. Broken white onlv $1.00 54.54-lnch Luncheon Cloth., checks and plain color*. Re sizes, 22 to 36, (1 AA White only.W * .W flne mercerized fin- £-I AA lar $1.49 values. £ 1 QQ at.JplaUU 4 Women’. Knit Drawer., With _ ish, special, each.. . $ 1 «UU *1 v . ' .7* , , tight knees. Sizes £ 1 AA k ___ j_-.#,.1 4 ^ Ling«tte* nnd 4 Brassiere* of pink brocade, 4q *0 4g Ip 1 •l/U . ^ wonderful assortment f Satine* in useful lengths. \ a! tmndeaux style. (1 AA . h.U for women and misses. In- u*. up to $1.50 a $1 Afi Sizes 36 to 42.sP 1 .UU 2 Pair. Women’. Ho.e. mercer eluding felts. hatter plush mod- vanj. Special at $ 1 .UU ized, ribbed, with double heel -ds, velours and duvetyns in 36-inch Silk Poplin in a complete sortment of colors £-1 QQ colors ... "Eh .. . $1.00 Red Gray uowing, filers. JJ QQ *bd 81268.«P1.UU B0y,' Outing Flannel ^ O Purple W.ter.ide Velvet Umbrella, made with steel Gown., sizes 8 to 14 W X .UU RoSClCOod Corduroy in the nar &0^inPr°°--Bt^ Boy, A..-WOO, Knicker. Excep Nor WOm*n .17. Values to £1 QQ 4°^ “ah'rVUrtalu'"' inch w ith. Y.Vi 2'Cotton Wai.t., regularly priced $7.89 .V * .UU ow" • (J> 1 Afl at $1.00. Slightly £1 QQ Boy, Blou.a.' of silk and self *J> 1 .UU toiled .*el •\J\J stripe madras, cut £ -t rk/\ Bungalow Apron, of percale and lar«e’ 11 29 valu”‘ * 1 ,UU gingham. All £ 1 QQ Boy.’ Blue Denim Overall., of to 16. Valuea to £ i nn Sensational I Union Suits 2 Polly Prim Aprons in an as- $1.89 . , .1 *UU D^tTni"*4 .. $ 1 »00 Boyall. of blue denim and khaki, I or trimmed with ^-•^.oo .$i-°° waie oi onoes ^ prlc . Boy.’ Knit Sport Coat., sizes 28 . p .. w pr ■ in Hrop seat and closed style. 2 Children’. Bloomer, made with to 34, regular $1.29 £ «| qq jT Or rVOmCH, Chlldren at\d DO\S Sizes 2 to 16, *1.00. reinforced crotch. In white and value .W X *vU dark colors. £ $ QQ 3 palrl m.,,., silfc Hot. regu ar j For Women \ For Mitutcs aw I Sizes 2 to 14.$i .47 value, £ rktUmmm < Infant. Dre..e. of nainsook and ,ur.^ v calf ..lord, r.i.n« or i.u.u ell. . dimity. Sizes 1 to 4, £ | QQ 4 Pair. Men’* Ho.e, of fiber silk. kid .oml.rl ene- ■'•n” and •p*r* St .. ^ x .UU Regular 39c £ | qq ..r.p., , “h.t, .he. Infant, Knit Sweater, in white, qUal’ty.^ 1 P*UM M"Tr. •,r*P ,,,p pijlk and blue, tf' 1 ^ Pair* Men** All-Wool Ho**, In Comfort Oxford. Fancy Irathrr mail Sad at .1 *UU gray ^ «* Hi«l» lac# $hn*. n,ro?" .-I- an I llll - . e. ,_. . Black fym oxford* with I ! only...V X lUv Franck ar Cuban harla. rubber anl»a 3 Infant** Creapers and Dresses f Quiltrd satin brdroom of good quality washable materi- Man** Baibrigymn Union Sulfa, In altpyara. Vnr /nfnnfa nla hrnki»n fbl AA gray, ecru and Two tons maccaatn fait. * MlUUtlll* | a s, broken sizes, £ \ QQ wh|te .$1.00 BUch .„d Baby Blanket., 36x48-inch aixe, 7 P,“jT* ,S°M' $1 00 _ , . with nursery £ 1 QQ R,>ck7ord brand-V1 .UU for ft0yH an({ ) oilth* ..^ 1 7 p*‘“ Co‘- $ 1 QQ „d Uo Uc. ,h.M. 3 Infant.' Band, of wool and ton Flannel Clove... W X Bl«k «ym ..lord, with ruhhw .«l. cotton. Very £| QQ 2 Mm'. Cap., £x * special .X .UU broken lot*.*P I .UU I _ f _ _ Infant, S.cque. and Kimono. 10 Pair. Men’. Colton So, in I Ba*ement Cafeteria McnU of sheered crepe and £ J AA «ray, navy, and £ | I »erge. vl .UU black.vl*vU I Paprika of Vonl with Noodlrs Mashed Potatoes 4 Children’s Panty Wai.t. of 3 Man’. Glove., gauntlet style, | Roll with Blitter Green Apple Pie O Cp white muslin, sizes QQ leather qq I Coffee Milk AdxJV. Welcome Ak-Sar-Ben Visitors While In Omaha we In vite you to take advantage of our many conveniences, Women'* Re*t Room*, I Men’* Barber Shop, I Postoffice, Bank, / Check Stand, I Information Desk, Mezzanine Lunch Fountain, Seventh Floor Tea u Room and Base J JJ ment Cafeteria. ✓ _ ( Dollar Day j j Offerings j | from Other j I Floors | : I Mixing Bowl Sets I • Consisting of 5 yeilow bowls in 2 a graduated sizes: 6, 7, 8, 9 and I J I 10-inch. Very d? 1 Aft I I special, set.vl •Uv | • Crumb Trays 1 I Metal crumb trays with scraper I | I in nickel, brass or copper finish. • • *1.50 value. Tues- dj 1 AA a • day only. ^ 1 *UU I P 12 Rolls Toilet Paper } ) j • Fort Orange brand toilet tissue, a j ^1ular,y 12%c 8 $ 1.001 Jjj Fourth Floor ^ ! Imported French I 1 Kid Gloves I 2 Two-clasp real kid gloves In * ] j I brown, black and white. Values I , j I to $3.00. Excep- d* 1 A A J I tional values at, pr.. V * sV/Vf a • Main Floor f j | Rugs f I Rag rugs, 25x50-inch size in a • hit and miss effects and Jute I * t Smyrna rugs in Indian patterns I I and tolors. 26x46- 1 A A * I inch. Each .1 ‘VU I • Sixth Floor I 3 2 Linen Towels 1 1 To Embroider • 2 18x34-inch size, with hem- I I stitched ends. $1.50 $1.00! ( Second Floor o I Lunch Cloth 1 a To Embroider I 54 and 45-inch sizes, stamped I I on unbleached art sheeting and » • white Indian Head. ^ 1 A A a | $1.65 value. «P 1 I I Second Floor | | Boys’ Wash Suits • f of Peggy cloth, galetea, khaki I I cloth and crash. In Oliver I I Twist and middy styles. Brok- I • en sizes, 2 to 8. d* 1 AA ? I$2.25 values. 1 I Thirst Floor j 2 Gotham Sanitary Belts * I of all-silk ela'tic. Small, med- I I ium, large sizes. Flesh only, f I $1.00: (Main Floor I Silk Mull ! t Dress Linings f I in bodice top *tyle, black and I I white. Silk ribbon straps. All ■ ;:r, ” ” $1.00 j ■ Main Floor | ; 6 Women’s f Handkerchiefs | I I of white and colored linen. Wov- I » en borders and s me w ith em- • j $1,001 6 Men’s * Handkerchiefs 1 P .if tons. 1 $1.00j ^ Main Floor I 1 Candy (Bo* of Johnston* Chocolate*— I j “Quintette". “C h o i c •" or I "Twontv“ Odd", . d» -1 CVCh | 2 $1 50 value V 1 .VV * I Main Floor 1 f Daniel Green J Comfys I I for women. Of all-wool felt, I I padded moccasin soles. Ik pom I * pom. In all wanted ^ t A A * 2 Mors. $1.50 value V 1 *UU I I Main Floor I 1 Wool Felt Bootees * • for children and misses. With | I hunnv or astrakhan collar. I I \2; $i.oo| • Main Fleer | I 3 Men’s Silk Ties | I in an assortment of patterns * # a- i . i rs. Reg fl ( 1 AA a f an i $1.50. Each V 1 .UU I h Main Fleer I Silks Yd. $1.00 f 2 Value* to $1 95 | I 40 inch Arab Print* 1 I 16-inch Figured Kimono Silk | I 15 inch Pt tod Pongee # • 16 inch l ight Colored Pongee 1 ’ | , I S6 inch Tubular Vesting 1 t ( I 12 inch Pleated Flouncing for I I Pt . • IS inch Hat Velvet a (Not All Color* I Se* anti FWr £ n| r . v