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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1924)
This Week’s Choice Real Estate Valuesj 2843 Wirt $4,250 $500 Caah $40 per Month Brand New Bungalow Sunday Call Mr. Hallgren, WE 3477 R. F. Clary Co. REALTORS 508 Omaha Nat. AT 3678 A 560,000 Investment I* ###il,all» Wat*4 ,#i»it 4l#ir*#t, brtrh btt lillK* Until tbf*» • •an it,n» r»» r«*n •* •,« im% *«•••> Ob# nl Owiaba'# bill li'lil' l##t# ##,# IMMiag alufiB I# »**rtb |U(M*. « MV b#I Ibi»#I WHM* lb# mnir will brlBi ■ goM Ibi###*1 r#ittfB #b,I »h»r# lit# land I# #*rt#)n ,n iBrrrai# In v#lu». George & Company City Nal'l Bank Bldg. AT lanlic 3024 \ Owner Want* Action A dandy ftthtl* h»*n» A mom* and baths Wftrtly modern, oak finish, garagr fin# hedge, eorner l«t paved •trees a and alley, near ear line, IMA South 34th atreet Owner will a h « w you through. Owner i* leaving elty and ha* reduced price |MA, (let hu*v. A Real Good Buy 2724 Fort Street A eplrn did. well-built hou»e. oak finish firat floor, veatihule, large living room, elegant paneled dining room, built in buffet, nire aired kitchen, pantry and refrigerator room, .1 elegant large bed rooms, bath, clothea rhul and linen closet 2d floor, large attic, full basemen*, good furnace, garage and fine large corner lot, paved street, shade, fruit and shrubbery, and only $7,000 for this property. Phone us for appointment. P.J.TEBBENSCO. REALTORS 609*bmaha Nat. Bank Bldg. JA 2182 nr WA 8082 Judicious Investing Is Money Saved The largest nml most important of all investments is buying your home. With this thought in mind, the real estate dealers advertising on this page are offering to co-operate with you. Every property offered is the BEST buy that each respective dealer has among his listings. As you see, it is the most complete group of home bargains ever offered. Read the Ads Every Day Until You Make Your Choice Open House Come Out Sunday Afternoon I to 7 P. M. 2866 Camden Avenue t Blit. South of Fort St. 5-Room Bunfalow $5,650—T erim Ground Floor, 203 S. 19th AT MIS $2,750 $800 Cash I room*, in »»»l food *h*pa, ■II on# floor; Mud *»ro#'. *«.ith front Ralanaa pay* ■Mo only |9t par month Near Fontenelle Park Dandy ft room, nali fioUk bunpalow. firaplara, full ra mantad h**amant and *»• rug* Orrnar, laarinc rity, ha* prirad it to *a||. $4,650. Ea*y tarm* Near No. Omaha High School 15 room* 1 floor, modarn ar rapt haat, nlra lot; a rail vaitia. Priro $.1,300. Tarm*. Sunday rail KE 4746 or KE 5611. GRUENIG REALTY CO. REALTORS JA 1966 1400 l*t Nat. Bk. Two New Bungalows !%** ftot **4et 9r*m t 4 • elerl f ftree • |M pm/' »4|l*f • ‘I 4e*e r4.if» nf H ♦•rtat 4ee«i»e«»*»>. Hill fieteeee •#4 (M!n M4« mu ITttrr f'nWHItol tn*fi•»•* « t| k«l<t| Nee f -ee eleven * twins 4ieeH»ee *»*e fen*h, sereee «wh l'Hk»s»t tefcie, •<* v»e*-e*e e* »•#»•• 4rt*t, PH*e awns*!#** IMM Ml SOUTH 44TM 4TNK.KT raflvefihM te HiMh re' Ft*e r**#»f*e, eretl erren§e4 eM f»»el? fteuM ler|* flaafH #*♦*«• «M #«♦•*# 4##p bee****** A r-'»4 h#k. •r «*#fe*4e iM In. e*4 ee #***4 e» It hale Ul fttfllt Prtf# I* Per fer»l»r hfafeiniae tell f> M Aiaen WA lee* ?4tf. rp flp^f* H»n»«a, WAIeuI l|lt. Benson & Carmichael A GOOD NAME IN THE BUILDING GAME AT laatic MM (U Putfi BU> Beautiful Clairmont Home * i A very beautiful home—7 rooms and sleeping porch. This house is very well con structed and wonderfully lo cated on corner, east front lot. Oak and enamel finish with oak floors throughout. Two-car garage and paving all in and paid for. Price very reasonable and terms to suit. SHULER & CARY REALTORS 328 Kaallna Bldg. JA 8074 No Two Ways About It—Just What You Want Now under construction, 5-room brick veneer in Standard place. Two block* from car, full ce ment basement, hot air heat, oak and birch fin ish. Now js trie cnance to add those little per gonal touche* before completion that will make it truly your home. This, in our opinion, i* one of the best offer ings we have ever had at the price of $7,606, on easy terms. Call Mr. Goodall. Hamilton & Co. 303-4 Neville Blk. JA 0007 Eve.—KE 3140 or AT 0710 Bonny Dundee An attractive 8-room house nestling among lovely shade trees and surrounded by an abun dance of fragrant flow ers and shrubs. Has nice reception hall, large living room, din ing room, kitchen, but ler’a pantry and lava tory on first floor. 4 bright sunny bedrooms and bath on second floor. Full basement with furnace heat. There Is a large lot and garage with entrance from paved alley. This house is close to car line, Dundee school and churches. Price for a few days less than It would cost to build. Nillagher & Nelson 520 Peters Treat Bldg. JA 3382 HA 8258 XE 2848 Brand New Bungalows $1,000 Down Special Offerings DUNDEE—Eitru w*l! built NEW COLONIAL BUNGALOW, w.ll ar ranged and roomy with fireplace, bookcases and the many new mod ern convenience*. We believe this to ba a real opportunity. While it lasts. $6,500 tha price. Terms easy. EDGE WOOD- Move rijbt In to this clever, substantial bungalow. Has dandiest arrangement of 6 room*, fine oak floors and built in conveniences, near car line and school. Price $6,260, $1,000 down. CLAIRMONT DISTRICT — Here it a bungalow of quality, complete from fireplace to satin-finished oak floors and tile bath. Room* are ampla sited, extra good job of finishing and enameling, spot less kitchen. Only $$,$00, $1,000 down. For particulars Sunday call Mini bus. WA 77S4; Gilbert, KE $01$; Booth. WA 600$. Schroeder Investment Co. REALTORS JA 3261 704 KnIIm Bldg. DRIVE BY THESE THEN CALL US DUNDEE 106 S. 50th St. 311 S. 60th St. , 6010 Capitol Ave. WEST FARNAM 3404 Dewey .18,760 3310 Dewey .|6,500 SOUTHWEST 915 S. 38th Ave...$6,300 921 S. 38th Ave...85,600 2318 S. 35th Ave...|6,500 MINNE LUSA 2744 Mary .Offer 2867 Mary .$6,800 2445 Ida ..$8,350 2882 Whitmore ....86,800 2874 Titui .$6,600 2744 Redick .$8,600 2867 Whitmore _$7,800 Call Mr. Burr, HA 2866; Mr. McDowell, KE 4233. Tin Billon & Birritt Company REALTORS 113 S. l#»h Si. AT $640 We Bail* Tbit end Are Building Many Others If you have a lot or an old house, we can work out a new home for you. Remember, we take in old property on new homes. SHOPEN & CO. REALTORS JA 422S Keellna BMf. J. A. Shopen W. R. Zink Pro*. Sac. C. P. Shopen, Mgr. of Sale* Bergluad, Higbaa, Rabor Let Us Design and Build YOUR NEW HOME WE RENDER COMPLETE ARCHITECTURAL AND BUILDING SERVICE T. H. Maenner Co. BUILDERS SIS Omaha Laaa BM«. 15th aad Dadga AT 33«2 High Class Dundee Home We have Just listed one of the choicest homes in Happy Hollow. Highly restricted: a distinctive brick borne, trimmed with Bedford atone and green tile roof with heated garage for 2 cars to match. Centra] hall arrangement, large living mom with fireplace, large sun porch on the east, affording a wonderful view of ail Harpy Hol low. A complete dining room, breakfast room and kitchen with all built-in features. Selected quarter-sawed oak finish and floors. Second floor: Three very large bedrooms with large enclosed sleeping porch in connection with matter bedroom. Extra lavatory end toilet connecting and complete tile bath with shower, best of fix tures. Third floor: Two maids* rooms, storage room and bath. Vapor heat metal weather strips, flaxlinum. Specifications through out call for highest quality son struct ion. Lighting fixtures and decorations selected with care. Earmtt ua to ahow you this ex ceptional heme. Owner has made considerable reductioa la price to atimniata quick aala Glover & Spain UALTOSS SIS-10 City Nat. Bttk BUy JA 2450 Three Choice [ Buys 4104 Lafayette—An excep tionally well-built home, six rooms, oak floors and finish, garage; pavement all paid. See interior—you will like it. 2864 Bristol Ave.—7 roomr,, square type, in excellent condition; 4 bedrooms, oak floors and finish. Priced at $6,860 for quick sale. Can give terms. 406 N. 39th St.—9 rooms, brick and stucco construc tion; 5 bedrooms, hot water heat; ideal location for your family; close to all schools, churches, street car line. Call us for full details. FirstTrustCo. 400 First Nat. AT 0729 After Office Hours WA 0021 4010 Miami, Only $4,750 Clairmont District—$780 Down Don't Mist This Opportunity Set Today Suro Located in a growing district. In fact, 12 months from now you will not know this district. It will he huilt up very quickly. Bun galow has 4 large room* with 5 room accommodations, built - in Murphy bed, besides on# bedroom and bath. Press brick foundation, full cement basement with floor drain, Neshit 4-grate furnace *jnd outside entrance to basement. Oak finish and floors, built-in bon!< rs*e, desk and kitchen cabinet; refrigerator drains by pipe to basement floor drain. Double ga rage, south front, paved atree*. but 2 blocks to car. 4 block* to public and parochial schools. For appointment phone Hudson, WA 2124. or Woodyard, WA 5777. Remember, only 54,750. $1,000 Cash $70 Monthly Buy, a delightful homa and dnubla garaga 4 block from Koun'za park, conzlzting of long living room, aun room, dining room and kitchen end ft fine bedrooma, a large eonth front lot, paving all paid. Owner will take a good flret or eecond mortgage in on thie property. Kountze Park Bungalow, $5,250 You ean't dup1ie«ta (file bargain anywhere. 5 rv»ma, hath and ga rage, alao a finished room on ser ond floor. <4 block from the park, half cash required. $400 Cash $35 Monthly $-room rattaga and *4 *er# near 40th and Grand Ave. Plenty of fruit. House modern but furntea. Can give immediate possession. Edward F. Williams Co. REALTORS SOB'S Omaha Nat. Bh. Bldg. JA 0420 Florence Field is rapidly changing into a beautiful residenca diatrict. It ia YOUR OPPORTUNITY to buy a fine building eite at a low price. SEE IT TODAY Large Lota Low Prices Easy Terms All we ask is that you com pare these lots snd prices with anything offered you ANYWHERE. COME OUT TODAY Office—30th end Vase Sts. Charles W. Martin & Company REALTORS 737 On. Nat'! Bk. AT 0187 Can You Imagine $6,280—$1,800 Cash Kountze Park Wa abaolutaly raaommand ttiia homa aa baingr on# of tha baat barvaina offarad. 8 rootna and alaaplnv porch. ln* Mah typa homa. Firapfaca. beamed eailrnv. bookcaaaa. aafra larva Hvinv room, oak floor* throuph. out. 17.808 homa at 14,250. Will ba aold Monday aura. Sunday evil JA 1714. Stuht-BedfordCo. SpecfalUt* la DumI.i Hama* JA 1734. *tk Fleer City Nat. LOT BARMINS We have a special list of paved street lot* at from $700 to SI.200 which must be sold. Ore a half block east of Dundee cut to $1,100 —A corner in Clairmont dis trict, $1,200. Some near the West Side Park car line only $700. Get this list. Easy pay ments. NOISE BARGAINS 5-room cottage, all modem with hot water heating plant, needs some repairing and decorating. Located on 33d street, between the West Farnam district and the new Technical High school, $5,250. * room*, neartr new. a Moek from the Weet Ride Tark car lloia, ia Windior irhool diitrirt, MHO. (Hi pared street, ha* pa rape. Own* «r transferred. Quirk p«**e**iow. 11-room h*u*e and large ground*, •UGrlnoking Hanteom park, hot water heatinr plant, white oak finish, apeeial'* built for pre*ent owner Call for particular* and appointment to *ee. Not much ea*h needed. Harrison & Morton Hum. HA 1303 i WA 31*7 •IS Omakm N.iIm.1 Ik. JA. 0314 4362 Mason Street A real home for the careful buyer. 5 room* of atmos phere and beauty. Long liv ing room with fireplace; large dining room, built in buffet; kitchen with break fast room accommodations; two beautiful, airy bed room*; tile bath, oak floor*, birch and white enamel fin ish; south front lot, 45x108. This home will meet with your unqualified acceptance and the needs of the most exacting. See it today. HA 2727, AT 5419, WA 1154. J. J. MULV1HILL CO. REALTORS 200 Rrandci* The*. Bldg. JA. 33S2 $2,750 StNCnh •OM PINE STREET 4 rooms, furnace, electric lights and water; let 46x182; ■mall garage. In a new ter ritory that is rapidly devel oping. Mil PINE STREET TWO LOTS 5-room stucco, new, oak fin ish. full cemented basement, furnace heat, electric lights. Price $4,500. $500 cash. 1109 SOUTH Mtk STREET 7-ROOM MOD. HOUSE « LOTS Price reduced to $7,000. One acre of ground. Chicken house, fruit, well-fenced, chicken tight: on car line; right in path of Omaha's most rapid growth. Want to settle estate. Terms. Sun day call WA 5082. J. L Hiatt Caapiiy AT MOO NEW I SPRING 1 HOMES UOCKWOOD COLONIAL “ breek- I 81* 'tr*® '7,"Vk .nd en.m.l f,.t nook. •« ‘ b, .elected, 1 ,.b decor»tlon» m<,r Bt drive double *»:“t,Uh ehrubb.ry »"•' corner lot. b, proud ot £*.%r£. wi» .urprl.e tou. I minne LUSA 1 i imrfartBatfiS and hath, ->.0ic« south front I sign »nd fin ehto park. »hout 1 ',O;:n00nc*..b w,U b.nd.e thl. ' ttfol home. I I NEW NORTH HIGH A very 0"» h.«h largs rooms snf* . #;nisw, built- I I Sen o.k af >.*->;• KsSS? About .-1.0 ce.h. bel 1 monthly. ^ „om vz:^r^ •unAdr.,.r* ~:s gfc'jr««« ”*'■ RASP BROS. Owmn 210 BWr AT Unlit 0721 See Beautiful TODAY Large 6-room colonial and various types of bungalow*, all open for inspection f*om 1 to 6 p. m. Just, follow Fontenelle Bird, to Old People’s Home, then turn east on newly graded street and see our new home* and the prettiest lay ing lots in Omaha. Salesmen on the ground or call— £ Mr. Grove, WA 1196 \ g Mr. Slattery, WA 4783 * • Mr. Walker, WA 7082 * • ._j__:n i I 222 Bankart fUa. Ufa Bldg. AT 18 82 1 Acre C Rmr Cottage Located Outside City Limits on South House It In food condition, hes large rooms, eleotrie fights, full basement. Iusrge chicken house, good garage, some grapes and fruit. Owner leaving sltjr and wants to dispose of this before leaving. He asks us to get him an offer—een he bought on terms. West "R” Street 6 Rooms Modern $5,300 Tills Is e lergs square type home built about eight years ago, full basement, f.O-ft. lot on pavement, one block to car line, f 1,000 will handle. J. H. KOPIETZ REALTOR MA OSAO. Sunday Call MA 3089 Easter Greetings We Are All Attending Church Today Our regular ads will run during the week-One property every day 333Sfnmtinm At73B Dundee Semi Bungalow Thia ta your opportunity to own a ••room semi-bungalow on one of the prettiest streets in Dundee. House Is of substantial construc tion throughout and is an ideal home for a small family. Living room, dining room, dsn and kitchen on first Door, rresent ar rangement permits of living room extending full width of hotea with brick fireplaca at ona end. Tee bedrooms and bath on second Doer with ample cloeet room. Taot is full alxed and has been tiled ta insura perfect drainage. This house is situated one block from Dundee school and one block from car line. Yvr Sunday appointment call IIA C. T. Spier & Co. REALTOR* It* It.nkfri Rp.#..« RM|. JA. 4MT OPEN TODAY, S-6 P. M. Three Good Houses Ready to Occupy Now 45*4 f.arimore Ave. —I#-foot lot. Has large front porch. races south, overlooking Fontenelle park. 7 rooms. 4 bedrooms and hath sec end floor. AH floors oak. Oak fin ish heloor. hir«*h bedrooms. Only on# block to 4$d street ear and Central Park school. Garage. Spe cial price 19.59®. Easy terms. 414® Burdatte Ft.—T rooms. Uv. ing room oak with fireplace. Three comfortable bedrooms. Larva sleep ing porch and hath. Full baaa menl. brick foundation, goad fur nace. I sundry separate roans. Ga rage for 2 cars Special price, 9 4,500. Easy terms. 4400 Wskeley St.—Two ttery. 9 rooms, strictly modern. Reception hall and living room. RuOt-tn bookcases. Finish oak. heautifullv decorated All floors oak. White • name! kitchen, bedrooms and bath. Fell cemented basement. Good j furnace. Kuud heater low price, j Easy terms. |5tf will handle. E.H. Benner Co. REALTORS 4016 K*«lin» Bid, JA SSS4 4058 Ames Ave. ThU U • vary attsaatlca kaaa •a a alra Mraar la* faalaf aaath. farye >lrln« ream, dlatna roam, tww earner bedrooms. hath with hallt-ln tuh. A eeaienteat kitchen with cabinet* artwaa *Ma Hand? rafriaaratar Book. FImikI attic Attractli# Hahtiaa ft at urea (hade* and acrnana complete. rail cemented basement. first class material ard workmanship ft.kdd down, balance monthly. Call 1. M Payne, Wk 7»9»; H K. Kilaore, HA HIT. or C. f Allen. KK IHi Pay** I Stas Ca. SIS Om. Nall Bk. JA 10IS