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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1924)
i Huimr *•#».. Mmwin tl i lint »• ■ »* , *»■ ’*. 4»»$ MHI »■ |l\ »»«•» |IW lilt tt*. « #T • 41 ■*<>«• 75 «•*• .■►■«« m n*»fcl iiiiwl HI w IHfc W, RitM I# Ha» tl * 1 **-#• #Mk» wged 4«|k» twaflH n I fad mm I, C Rend. I ft ittaiit R* At ** 4V4|Ti t« t*«f 8 a* ♦**■•* K* ♦ Rees* r#*!« mi tR». « »»l II HI*, **ma$*a |to» WIKI MR hm MRS t Mum WH iRtN. II If A, III* a n§»# and AmM* hum. *»»» «wiHaj and iatf >»»jnai*t« Hsigtep 4jBMi§lik UK Al'Tfl I I* «wh4 iw»a»HM Brief f**tk Meal* If 4*»t|M K » t*9f. 1 ..— Nrhim UMhmil Hoard U r A R,N AM ft. Illl. WKLMKOTON INN II AH rt'H NRIIitl* ROOM 9 WITH DBTACHFD OR FR1VATR RATIf AT VERT ATTRACTIVE RATfcR TO 1 FHMANKNT UlKllft. IK)N T FAIL T«» IKE THEM FI'flNIAlf kT» rooms and hmis*kae|iln* t*ia far rani la all parts of the rlt? Kre« Bureau «>f Information, m Fatten Nik, AT ITIS. 4 VERY desirable room ta etrellent loca tion, refined environment, beautifully fur nlahed. IIA HTft. A HI.RKflStl room suitable for t or 2 gentlemen. JA. 4987. 1182 Karnam Rt . Apt, fc. 2 VERY desirable aleeplng rooina. AT 9271, KARNAM 8T.. 3119—Boutheast room, one or two gentlemen, private family, ref* arence. 2409 Dewey. Two large sleeping loom*. ■outheast exposure^ reasonable At. 14 29 CORY room, private noma, near car, II.fto per week. WE. 18<f. LOVELY room, first floor Lafayette apt. No. 1. .1A. ft SO 3 evenings. 134 M. S&TH UT—Very desirable room for gentleman. 1IA. 1059. VERY desirable room. Close In, walking distance. HA. 153*4. Very nice room In desirable location. 129 8. 19th. _ MODERN, clean, pleasant sleeping rooms. 2219 St. Mary Ave. .1 A. 4132. 4210 HARNEY ST—Attractive room, modern home. Farnam car lino. 2SO7 FARNAM—A sleeping room In good location. Walking distance, $4.80. Rooms for Hoiispkpppiiig. 76 1721 HARK Ave.. 2 and 4-room apis, on ground floor. \ try desirable. Rhone IIA fi*9&._ WELL furnished light housekeeping rooms, very desirable; also sleeping. HA. THE Huridon. fill So. Twenty-fourth St Housekeeping rooms, everything furnished. <4 00 to >7,50. V2*! N 42ND ST. 2 or 3 rmi. and kitchen. Mi mod. WA. 3793. l.KUTT hniwkoeplitK rooms. 31&7 Farnam M, HA 1904. • Mf"’ ROmms, 111.* S. ! It h St. Kdoitih, ( nfuriiislied. h THREE pleasant newly decorated rm*.: electric lights, gas. water, heat. hath, phone privileges; private family: no chil dren; employed couple preferred. AT. 3334. Wttero l« Stop In Town. if* 1IOTKI, "lANKOnn— nih »ml Ft rn.m irjTBl, HENHHAW— KNth and F.rnnin Snerlal rate* io permanent icuesta. KKAI KSTATK—KMt KKMT. Apartnwnh—Furnished. fki Mll.ToX APTS. 19th Jon*** Sis. -A dandy 2-rnorn Murphy Red with dressing loom up', on 1st floor. Apt. No. 8, rent $47.50. A 3-room front ant. with .'.-room accom modations. Rent $#6.(Ml. also one at $00 00 Take your pick W. J. PAUIKR CM.. AT. $980. I.ivlng room, dining alcove kitchen, draw ing room and bath. f*l»*aanntly ituated. No. 15 Kingsborough, 2538 I»«>•!*,»• St. PKTKKH TRUST COMPANY * Where Omaha Rents.” AT. 05 4 4. 17th and Farnarn Sis 2-H WITH 3 R. «1 • .onimodn• ion. new modern. Inquire 2810 N., 1 *»t b. M floor -roein heated apt., near Creighton and St. John’s m'KRKKK RF\H KHTATK CO.. Ileal:nr* 101 ri Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. JA. 2716. HXt’IJPTfONA ELY well furnished 1 and -rm apts. to employed adults. 2554 Douglas St. I INK 3 room apt., excellent furnishings in desirable location. Call Free Bureau Information, f»26 Paxton Bldg., AT. 4.98. Ill INTER INN HOME for ! ue traveling • .an o rid wife AT <i9r,n. 4th and Podge Apartments—Unfurnished. HI Five comfortable rooms in a well located building. No. 0. Potter Apis, 33d and Fai iiam streets. $85. Four rooms with 6-room accommodation*. No. 4 Joyce, Lincoln Blvd. at Cailforniu St, $72.50. Hiving room, bedroom and kitchen. No. 14 Hweetwood, corner Dewey and Swe**i vvond avenues, (between 26th Ave. and 28th Ht.), only $50. A I*room apt . No. J4 Joyce at 27th Ave. and California HH, only $40. For May lat. • rooms and sunroom, No. 9 Birch wood. 4808 Dodge St., $100. PETBRS TRUST COMPANY. "Where Omaha Renta.” AT. 0644. 17th and Farnam Hts. 2-ROOM APT. »31. You ran t beat thla. It la cloee In. Newly decorated and good aervlcn. I rook at ,‘,pt. F, Howard Apta., 2I8T AND HOWARD ST*. W. J. PADMBR CO. AT. 1110 - FIVE ROOMS, ateam heatad, 2201 N. lilh St., Drat floor, 121.00. PETERS TRUST COMPANY, "Whara Omaha Renta." AT. 0M(. ITth and Farnam Sta. ' ROOM apt., Ne. 10.130 00 l-rooin apt.. No. 1.110.00 Available May 1; both nutalde apta., at I he Newton Apta., 731 S. 11th St. See them loday, W. J. PAT.MER CO. AT. I*»0 For a fine l-room apartment In choice location, eee Nn. 2 St. tleorge. 113 No. 31et Ave. Open for Inepec tlon today. PAYNE * SONS CO.. ‘Omaha'e Rental Men." ell Omaha Nafl Bk Bldg. -fA. 1011 HANDY Dundee Apt.. 101.00 for eutnmer Mir,I,the. Thla la a 4-room aouth front. 2d floor apt. at Oleparlu Apta., llet „nr Capitol Ave., % blk. from Dundee er-horrl end 1 blk. to rar. Sea Janitor or 1 all WA. 2231 or AT. HIP. rtAWTIIORNB, 2201-7 Howard—Renta re lured. Now. all modern l-room eple. None better In Omnhn. 100-111. Men Jnnl ;nr. APARTMENTS and flnta far rent. > W'R«I PEatMe Mnffitamant Spe^ltilete. i'DOSE In 3 or 4-room apt., private and nncloeed aleeplng puich. Apply Heard 220*4 N. 23rd St. FOR ONE OF DRAKE'S 1,000 APARTMENTS Call Jackaon 2101.__ 1-KTKRH trust company •WHERE OMAHA BENTS' AT. 0144. _17th and lernem Ste STEAM HEAT. 4-room apta 111 end up, nlaee In. O. P. Hlebhlne. ISIS Chicago WI DOWER half modern hotter 4 largo hat I* a,1 rootne. private hath. •** .7 W .3rd BL ft !ITH~ 1104—7-room brick "Dsc*■•J''1*• redecorated, reduced to 110. W A. 1111. n*«i pm*►*? «nr r*iim arm w »»•« I I HRMIMi 1*'* »M 111 .* A biirtii* OHM** | *44 li 1* «••**»• MM W |14 HITI4 M * 4*4 ! *'•* Mil M* HI MM A**** #* *»4 IllMI I*4 «•'» ***. *» |iii**i» ||4 #1 114 CtRIMfRAf 41'k Ml li** .4 #><•« Rt*** •• R*» 1**4* 1 t«*** ih**. ****** MawU* ml • ■4 4hi u»m»IM 1*4 M NANMNltf rillll I'llTIMI'T • nMTUtll» t‘*tk 4*i 1*4 i*i«#»*«**b im* l«M 1mHm**i, I • '• *14 (Mill U4I* |I414 •**»****** |M TRRR4«*R iMUtt-firt At* li Maaoi* Tkwnom • t-afttniot *MA * *•*>« mnatallon T4» ****** r*a*nnibi» i*nl 1* 1 u**4*i**, BMriMl • Mllllilnl »• 44**** if- 1*141 Mir iii. | If INACOM l**» 1*1*11 A **!*»* 1.1*1*** r*M»m. 4i*u<# *k*B .i.***i«l run* 1**4 bill*. It* *1 Mir in. 14'A1 KINU ItiaTAMCK APARTMENT* 111 PAI.ITER Stub *1*4 41 Miry. ***** .1 I too*-, popular Pullman *111*11*4 room apitlmmla *11" lirfM Ih In* room iM built-in <lr**il**i room I" *«•>' ** liking 41 •linn. 114 01 Miy 111. 1 THAI4.VM—1414 A<> »l*» four lurg*. lomforlibl* room* an.l ball*. A rial bargain. 156-01 May III. f*KK ONE OF Ol II POPULAR ONK-ROOM APARTMENTS with s room arrommoAiUan \ I’rlvili baih. rooking and laun dry pflvlllgra. llliAKE MEAL HKRVI*’E In your apartmrni ai , ,m\ If daalrAd. 14* 0® and 14“ so iTioli a of loraIlona. 135 na and IJT.50 Miy lit. 110 URAKE COURT—lid and .Iona* A .lining nook ipartmint In brantlful Urak* Court. 1ST.60. NORTH AIDE APARTMENTS 10 HURDETTE—Hat and Bur ,1.11. I lam* romfortibli room*. St»*m haal and Janitor arrvlr*. H4.0O Vay lit. CALI. US. WK wn.r. TAKE tou out I DRAKE RENTAL AGENCY 17lh and Howard* JA. !I05. Itiiftinefl* Places for Kent._82 STORES. Dirge «tore with tile floor end nice J»a«e inenl. located et 19th and Kama in Hi*. Nice more in the Weed Bldg. 18th and Farnnm Ste. OFFICES. Splendid office apace can be arranged to full on second floor of the t oinmerce r'rLm. m Ih. Wssd Bid*., 'lSth and Nirn . utner rooms In ths Bsldrl*e Bid*. ““'bom* in K * W. Bid*.. 29ih snd Issavcnuorih Sta. COS* Farnam St., 2d floor. 44x132. < heap r*F.' D. WF.AD AND I>. H. BOWMAN. 310 S. llllh si.. Wssd Bill*. AT. 0161. 93,5 m.d ■TJ* N :*TH-Two stores. Very '“W O. O. CAR1.BERO. 510 Brnndels Thester._ja. »>»■ LOCATION snd rendition oCstorss. the best for C«fe. liru* Store Tailor Shop or Bakery. Abply Tll uril. 220 % N -Id SI MODERN siesm*hested store. Low rsnt. (1, P. Stebblns. 1110 Chlos«o__ FARNAM St.. 1*07. *055 SQ F. Hall, 1*0* Harney Ht.. AT._T40I.__ Houses for Kent. W room.- SO* Psston Court.*62 50 9 rooms—:it» Lincoln Blvd.}»• "» « rooms 3511 Cumin* Si.*76 For May 1st. r. rooms—2726 No. 4»th St.145 0« ; rooms 1512 Ames Ave.*60 00 PETERS TRUST COMPANY “Where Oineha Renta." AT. 06 4 4. 17th and Farnarn Ht*. «-Ft. mod.. 4259 Farnam St.}$•» 7- n mod. ex. ht., 2712 Caldwell .Hi {JO 7 H mod ex- ht.. 2634 Hamilton Ht...|10 I -R cottage. 4HH» Decatur Ht. 4- R. cottage. 2008 Pierre St. R cuttage, 3100 Maple Si. . $16 y |, WEAf» AND D H. BOWMAN. 310 H. ]8th Hi, Wead Bldg AT. 0151. A FINK 1»-room hou*e in vet y fine condition, has recently been re decorated. location l* excellent. :t12H Harney Ht. Open for Inspec tion Humlay. Rental la $80. PAYNE * SONS CO 'Omaha M Rental MVn./ <14 Omaha Nal l Ilk. Bldg JA. 1010 attention home buyers. I have n 7-room home for eale or rent. t*vei> thing modern, heat, hot and told water, laundry ami ahower bath, paved atreet. lot 50x100 ft., garage for one car. In good repair; price $4.5o«i. Term*. Rent, |4f». WA. 222$. 2-story brick houae. cloae In; newly decorated, fift* So 25th Ave, f«6. 2 story brick, all modern, 1431, No 17th. 1*6. .... 2-glory brick, all modern, 1106, No. *3d, _JA. 1625_ CARTER Lake Club, 7-room, modern home, two bathe, large ecreened porch, garage. Rented « nly on yearly beela from May I. Gallagher * Nation. JA. 3382 r.-R. rn Adorn fief. 1211 Leaven worth. *26 8- R. Apt., Dnnaany, 10th and Pierce. $40 1-R. Apt., 8th and Pierce. $12. «»maha Hemal Kx«h. JA. IjH HA .803 5- ROOM modem houae. 2*12 Larlniore Ave. Call Mr. Jones JA. 071>. _lt FRANCIS ST.—Six room houae. partly modern; cheap rent. AT. 7>64. HA. 0467. ALL MODERN HOUSE. DK HIRABLW. ABOUT MAT 1. Houses. Furnished. M KOK RENT—Blx-room furnlxhed biuxe. AT »1»2. _ Suhurban for Kent.JO » ACHES, S-R. houM soil bsrn. Hth end Dsrstur Sts., |SOO. , F. D. WBAD AND D. If. BOWMAN. 31» 8 l»th St., Wesd_Bldlt_^_AT\JM51^ Farm I,and* for Rent. HS DUDOB ST. A.T fOTH—40 scree. terse house. 1* sores slfslf*. hat In <ull I vs lion. Bent !«»#• Act quick, l.sxhbury. JA. (Ilit. HEAL, KOTATB—FOR »AjU% Real Eslato—Investments. 91 WON BKHFH I, NORTH OMAHA t.NVKHT MKNT—STORB Dt'lI.DlNU AND H.ATS. A fine new brick etors building with three modern heeled npsrtmente shove All or < upled. ehowln* good Income. Splendid corner lot, both nireete jisved, Enough extrs ground to build thres more nloiee or fists. This entlro properly for 115,600 and part - sell will handle. Vou < in t help nut Ilka thin. . .IOHNHTON ItPeAT.TT COM I* A NT. 632 KeeUne Hldg._ A r. Ml* WK hgva a tew high claw rooming houses which can be bought right. p*RKK BimKAIJ INFORMATION. 62S Buxton Bldg. Faniitt and Ijndii for Salr. 93 ORANGKH and grapa fruit of finest qual ity easily producad In aouthern Texan Suitable unimproved lands. $f»0 per acre; eaeleat farms to those who will Improve.; Hallway Immigration department. Box 11 CO. Han Antonio. Texas, loW A. 340 farm for "ale. Fine mod ern farm near Kathervllle. Is. Consider flwelling houas or Mouth Usktya farm, an part payment—give time on the balance. Iteaann, old ag*. Write 11. II. Kngelkan, Hallevue. la. yOH jtAl.K-!•« acres well Improved farm 3 ml!*•" frrim Olenvll, flay < minty, SeU 9126 per arre. half cash, hslanes to cut pur* tinner X per rsnt Ini eteel I It Hhawcross, 912 Waal Tanth Mt . Healings, Nab. mm, afMip-*n* on lh>w— laaii *w mb. R ■ (lit \>t+»tt M W(* M tut- I Dill **»« Mm III *>4 »■»• »«* *44 • ••♦ •»(* »• |In 4«» l'*».»»l.|il *«• IiHm »*4 H...4 *1 )**»• M»* •»n»Vl* ♦ l I f* < * t*f»**M* fwp H«*W !*»«*♦* t*i«M | **»* tMMi IMtff cm, ArIwI «f *l»9 V «mI4 VkMiH N| llaNW* M a HRArnn i h.nm h.»htm avu, I gri • *»»«! F» e« «*i piNTiMiv in t*» it* mm HMAWtH A NLP «#osrfed hw*4 oak ft**4 fiwn 4 beau Hfhl auk tiled Mil aaft w end flem , I 1st** maMa* imhhi and hath an (Mid float, hoi %»atr» heat, •t«f m«de*w tnn* entente and eopM aa*'* lhal la uM i« mat.* h mage keep* laa eaay. The let if brant ifullr land' aiaped. Mt hint k eat t of Field • lull, eottih front. Immediate poseee*ton at a low price bunds? call Mwilnn, ll A, 47*1, at lartw, iA •?€!. A P, Tl’KKT A son. MTukey Sold It,** #A. 4113, «2* Fit at Nat. Hank Hide FttR COl«t»R FI» Offering you the moai unumal bargain In a modem eight room h"u»H in the fineat poasiblfi cap. dilion, hot water heat throughout, garage and paving paid both uayr. Thla property ia priced a whole lot lee* than Ha real value and ran be purchased ■* low ai • 500 raah and but 135 monthly. Located at 2902 North 30th. Toai lively will not be shown except on on appointment Call Kvart Way* ei man, KK. 4412. AMOS GRANT COM PANT, Realtors, 210 ft. 14th. AT ► 3Ho. Arthur Big Open to 9 p. m. 632 NORTH 42D KT. Here Is an excellent aix room house In a very fine neighborhood The house Is practically new ami In the best of shape. Drive by and look at it and then call m« and 1 will be glad to give you full information. 1 can aasure you that you can buy thla very r#*;» sonably. Call Mr. Undeland, HA 1246. MONTCLAIR. Consisting of 6 room*, sun room. Bleeping porch, bookmans anti buffet. Oak finish 1 downstairs. Oak and birch upstairs. Va por heat. Double garage. A real buy. Sunday and evenings caii Jake Murphy, At. 4701. C. D HUTCHTNSON CO., Kstabllshed 1885. 1623 Fa rnaiu 8t. JA. 0416. M ONTCLA1 K HOM K BA ROa!N Owner forced to sell quirk, beautiful 7 rooin. 2-story stucco home tn Montclair; numerous built-In features oak and enamel finish, be-autifully decorated and unusually well built strictly for a home; dhuble Kirage and drive. Worth 610,000, but can deliver for only $8,500 and on ea ay terms. JOHNSTON REALTY COMPANY. 532 Keeline Bldg, AT. 6613. 2127 UK WARD STREET. $500 CASH. The owner of this dandy four room completely modern bungalow save It must he sold, and he will aell it for $500 cash (or vacant lot) and bal anre monthly It's a buy that a worth the money. See it today. CRKIOH. SUNS & C( MPA NY. •08 Bee Bldg. JA. 0200. ABOUT 350 CASH 5-r *11 modern home,* all In first class condition. Bcreen porch, fine set of storm windows, garage, large lot near Ame* car and school. Small house or Jot taken a* part payment. HASP PROS . 212 Keeline Bldg AT 0721. 170$ N. *4TH STREET. $750 CASH. This 1b a dandy five-room Btrletly modern bungalow. Neighborhood is good. Algo cloae to school and car line. ft**.* it today. ORKIGII. SON'S It COMPANY, *09 life Bid*. JA. *200. KOUNTZK PLACE HOME. Ong of the beat built gnd practically new. 9 room» with finished attic. well euulpt'»d horn*. In thin addition, with garage, Price for .mirk gale, $9,600. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE COMPANY. Realtor. 101* Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. JA. J515 CHOICE K EI LAATONE W NOALOW NEAR NEW’ NORTH BIDE HIGH Five rooma and hath, oak finiah. ejrira large living room. Srrlcily no io the minute in every reapeei. Kaat front lot. 91.000 cash. $60 a month will handle. OSBORNK REALTY CO. -.90 Pelerw Truat Bldg, JA. 2292. FIVE-ROOM COLONIAL Raautlful nn> 6-room Colonial bungalow in Standard Plair. Large 60-foot ea <t front lot. all oak, dandy haaemenl. altlr Select vour own naturae, ehadee, elr. Prlo-. $1160. rail Mr. Hamer. AT 9*110 BUNCJAT/OW AND HALF At Itl. Large five room, all modern buiv galow. oak finish, garage chicken house, fruit, splendid lightly east front lots. $6,606. About four blo< k* from Clalrmont. Call OHBOHNK REALTY CO.. 630 Peter* Trust Bldg JA. 2312. 2204 OHIO, a real bargain In « "!r« »or nnr home, hue eight rooms on first floor with 6 plastered, though not decorated on second. Liberal tirmi to responsible part v. JOHN R McCARVILLK. Keillor 1002-3 City National. _ AT 60-V HIX KOOiPS AND HLEEPINO PORCH Henutlful. Convenient Neighborhood Living room acroaa front, oak floor* an.l trim full cement basemen' s* reened In porch rsvlnr paid Anift—*4.5*0 W. KARNAM .SMITH A CO Realtors. JA. «»:.44.Bun HA, 2297. HA^ 26*6 FINE | ROOM HOME MODF7RN, *$4 460 FINE NEIOHHORHOOD $760 cash will buy It. Paving paid. Good paint: good roof; go'd paper, etc. Will be sold this month Evening* C a. CARLBKRO, Realtor, ITA. 4747._JA. 6646 HPiOCIAL VALUE FOR QUICK RALK. g-R. MODERN HOME. $< ?T0 Easy terms House In good repair; oak floors, large lot. paved street, fine loca tion. near 40th and Nlchofa. Poaaeaslon tndav _ ' .... McK ITRTCK R. E. Co Realtor*. JA 0100 REE IT TODAY 413R NO. 4,'TH HT Ilrand new 6 r. bungalow, modern and then some. house, lot and location la ju*t perfect WE 4461. #«#* PARKITt AT.—7-rm mod. barn $760 rash bnl mo Extra lor for garden Creigb. 60* B*e. JA. 0200. 3624 N 41 ST HT -Two lot*, four-room bou*e. Owmer. WA. $7$3 r» I* BUCK A CO buy and sell homa* IIoiihch—South. 91 $ ROOM HOME. 1 CAR GARAGKI Modern except furnace, e**t front. hk to car. 2«* bk to Caatclar school. $3,154 with about $1,400 down. M r. HUETTLEMA1ER A Cp , ^ AT 11260 605 Keellne Bldg JA 2364 IfANHCOM PARK nUNOALOW. OWNER MURT HELL Five-room strictly modern bunga low with three Iota; Hose to park and car; $5,260. reasonable uKnoltNK RKAI.TT DO. r,20 l>f-r, Trint HI.1H .IA. -.». KIKI.ll rl.lTM HANW'OM PARK ,760—177.0 ITmh W.ll hunt " room kom«. »ll .Jrlrlly mud ... n in »oud ronillllon, on* h»lf hlu. kHorn W**t BM. o*plln»: W. FAflSAM HMITH * «».. R..RWJ. JA. »U<_Bun. IIA. »»»7. T»»ar A m.»rlnlim» In H *1.1. horn.. llllllSOH-W*»l. •• NK'V i '< if .ON IAI. twin*. 6 room*. <or n.r iiuttl In I uh, brP*hf«»l t h 1.1 *. •try.* . loan lo . sr_ 11.01)0 r».h Ki> WA. 7IH» KOWLER KINDS rOl.KH who huy hom.i f,lit your property allh ua for fetult* JA. 1424 HURT C. FOWLER CQ„ Realtors. I,OT 4?i7*.o ft-30th ami Hurt atraet*. $l.2»tn All Impio aments In OEORtlE A ND COM PANT AT $074 WILL htilld to vmir order on our he*utl fol Iota tn Edg*wood; vary aaay ttrrni rhon* AT. #140. ' HI II IMIII I OH * III Humh-HiM N ; * I ct1«*MMbM*NWT • »m» y i|>mi I <■** u*k * <# *• • »* ,1 HI >Ml •» •*■<*%■ *» "..V'V— * ,i i ,«4 •** IM [••**#• *<• MtOMfl |M »S%#lf4 tort |t"> ■m** imttt t* t*WWk*>S H» k 1-lkHi. f** •'inf itNsnj, |» K Mli R A m, I'll OmtF® Ration*! JA t*®* |k*ikkvt«*H u< »fif# It It Rt®| I’lvi Ml nr. • if, R-fc rr in* t HR Inf rip MVtNlll RfCtr riKI.II ( U R HRlt R IRNRRR i Ilk r*t«td onto |« »sH<* |kf* Itllltf (M | »«k*IH »f tins tktsnfiii Hi<l Korn* R* • to t«tuisi*4 tin it Is th# llRfii Nr nsift in • |u|ti n.*»<# m omstia Iskiftg t ut M t K I 1*11 AS ti| rRR m w r»»n rni n*Mr ism pm» k •' • <»rrs rt» iKTimilRTrri roiriRM FHftM t •Til, I P M lit SHAY, M t "Adt'lt hVIJTMKNT CD., RRUiTOM ja mi ! *IX Room-J.KAVKMWOIITII l«RtQHT* Tn« ,f*ir frsms hmisoj print room, dm In* room snd N-h#n thro* hkdrnottis j snd l oth: «»sk floors throughout Houso | \orr bmI snd in first Hass condition frlrk I#, son, forms ros sons Ido Sundays and or**nfn** »*ll VIA 7*4® HiHih " llsskrr or JA, 172®, Htttry i J. Jtrsnlry, MAI HICK P ORfPPl.V TO, R»a1 FsUto Insurant# j "Persons I Barries** **Thst Protons’* *64 First Nsllonsl Bsnk Mdf AT t®17. FIVE LARGE LOT*. A bungalow with gla**ed-1« porches, a garage and about every kind of rabbit and c hu ken house von could aak for with quite a number of fruit tree*. Take* about |1.ion to hand!** It, Call C. K Dlckaion. KK. 2141. AMOS GRANT COMPANY, Realtora. 110 8. llth. AT 1310 Arthur Blf. open to • p. m. 18,100 8FB THIS AT ONCE. Brand new 6-room bungalow, modern and complete from baeement up. Heavy *-ak floor* throughout, oak finish living :ind pining room, dandy kitchen. Icehox -pace, built-in bath tub, lota of clothe# • loseta. etc* $500 cash, $47.60 per month, will handle. Evenings call Srhmltx, WA. 1231. R F. CLARY. 508 Omaha Nat. AT. $171. 8-room, modern.«.•••»•••••••••«•..$5,600 7- foom, modern....$6."00 6-room, modern...$5,100 5-room, modern...$8,250 5-room, modern.$4,750 5-room, modern. $3,300 4-room, modern....$4,200 2-room, 2 lota.$1,000 small c*ah payment, balance like rent. See the*# today. FRED A. BAILEY. 8011 Military Ave. WA. 4204. 1 94,ISO. Here !• n l-room modem home with garage, near Hanarom park, which ran t>e bought fop- $1,000 down, the balance monthly. The houae la not new, but a good hum# place and in very good repair. 0. F. BO ST WICK. AT. 160$. 720 Peters Trust Bldg. $600 CASH DOWN Would be considered on this modem new 5 room home. Heavy oak floors. Oak and enamel trim Decorated. Hall to tiled bath Built-In plumbing. All latest con venience* Best materials and workman ship. He* it today after $. at S. E corner 60th Avt. and LakA. Ownar, WA. 5704 CLASSY NEW HUNOALOW. rust being completed. On aaat front lot #n paved street. Jx»t 61x313. Jlouee ha* 5 fine rooms and large attic Purchaser Mill have choir# of decorations, light fis sure* and shade*, etc. Price $8,400. For further Information call owner, WA. 1610. e DUNDEE HOUSE. 8- room, oak floors, all modern: located 1 Mock from both Duideo cars, and 1 i,lock from Catholic church and school. Price only $4,300. mKEBKK HEAL ESTATE CO., Realtor*. 1014 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. JA. $716. LEAVENWORTH HEIGHT* BUNGALOW Brand new. Flvo rooms. Well arranged nd nicely finished In oak and anamel Tastily decorated. Love! lot on pAved street Price $8,160 Easy term* For further information call W'alnut 1»$0. VES very easy term*. Byt hero’s some thing different. The now'real home val ue*. 4 brand new exceptionally well-built, strictly mod. homes In choir* oectlos; M-sutiful view, high and alghtly; 6lat Htid Grant. 4 and 7 rooms. Th* prices ar* right. Your own tor m s. McKITRIUK R E ru. Realtor*. JA. 0100 EIKJEWOOP* Have one mora bungalow In rdg*wood for $4,960. .strictly modern. Fir* plat*, r*ce*a tub. til* floor In hath This plac* will be worth Inv*aiigailng. Call Mr, Hloan, w A. 281$. BY OWNER. £-room bungalow In Edgewood. Tinted wall*. French door*, connecting nail le i ween badrooma and bath. Window* weather atrlpned. Kallaetone flnlah: aarage to match. Full cement nrlve. »*’c 4711 Maaen Street. NEAT rrH.ONfAr7NKAR rl.AlltMONT ONLY 14,140—TBKMS r.erga living room, built-in cabinet# In kitchen, 2 big bedroom*. oak floors and ""'nr/isnu r nt'bHkfAN. o„n,r. Heme HA 22»7. Offlr». 1A «««4 IP you »,nt a hum* you can't b*at thla Flva room* Sleuth front. Payln* »nd a I .(.octal* paid. I.oto »f ,h««!o flara*a. li t water boot. Trlca only Toll V>^\ :m 4420 JONFS "T. Fly* nlca *l«c.l room. )u«t 1 block to 'ho cor; double »ara*c, lar*a lot Tbla ta m haroaln at ll.asn. Oaa. alartrlc Itchta. furnaco, ate. Practically your own tarma. B. K. Corao. JA. 1014._ FINK SIX-IU «M MUNUAI.OW. All on one floor. ^ Three bedrooma. ' Low price on thl*. For they sure want f» wll Phone Mr. Lovejoy, HA 4.47. BU NO A LOW. 4-room, oak flnlah Half acre In Ben*on t ell owner, WA. JS24. MODERN' ft-room bungalow. welklng dlatame, weal Prtce cut *o 14,174 tjply |3Rn rnah required. AT. 4113 or KB. • lift ^ llniinps—Brnnwfl. W BENSON HOMIT. Thl# le a good looking modern home of ais room* Well arranged with a reception hall. o#e bed room downstair*. Lot i* large and fenced. Owner moving from the city. Priced to go at Cell George Hanenn. KE. 4364. Hen*on. AMOS Oft ANT COMPANY, Realtor*. 31 n •. llth At 1310. Arthur Bldg, open to f a m. COUNTRY HOME IN CITY. FINK HENSON HURST IK'MK Fight room* and bath; full two *tory; atrh tly modern, with oak flnlah; on paved atreet, and a lot *2il30 feat llullt by owner for home. Price $1,400. AI*o addi tional lot, aame alia, for tl.400. Call OS lb iRNK REALTY CO ft3# Tcter* Truet Bldg JA 22»2. For S;iIp—lliinder. 100 south front pundf.k stucco Cuming between 4l>th and 4|*l 4 main room*. aunroom and almplng porch. Ivory and mahogany flnlah llof water heat, rwo . mr garage Offered at a price lo attract. SB FDD INVESTMENT CO, JA. 4244. Realtafe. Sunday WA. Iltft Ml M MMtl »MM I **f Lit IkiMlft (Cl mrinmw tftH N<*ttfM 4tTl4 *t*»»*T |NIV ! I>HMN Ml Mt'l r<»MN IN Tht# tifttn* may leak Pmall fM*m *■!»•.>1* apf»^*5*n**' h*it *tf**=n fa* »(*» <)** y*m wm find M**ng t***m tl*U. d*#»*ng u»w Malt, M MMim I It (I aU** l-tiM Im buffet, * h.-me i« rntMplei* In every detail tnlertrr ftnub nek and »RM* m i • • • h*at. Celt ©wner *VA. 12*1. m*Nnrn womb I yil,iH*K Tf» « A ft LIN*. | HUM KH TO H I.i «ing r«»f*n\ dining r«o»n end klt< hen first floor, four rerner Uilnxitn* and hath eei ond fleer. Full haaeinont. Furnace heet l ot Sfttin feel. l-*rg# shad* tree* and ahrubber y. Thla property ean l.« pur< haee<1 very reasonable end nil easy term*. OEORaB A COMPANY Ftiltera. ATLANTIC *«!4. AT.MOST NEW DI NhFB COLONTAIa Near 454 tnd Capitol. T main rooma end aunroom. Unique flnlah 1n French gray over oak tnd Ivory. Vapor heat Carer* Could not ba duplicated today for price quoted SHEDD INVESTMENT CO.. JA. 42S4. Realtor*. Sunday WA. life. NEW DUNDEE HOME. Trie# IH.tlMI—Reaaonabl* Term*. Reautlful two-atory aturro aeven room home; long living room with fireplace and bookraaea; front dining room; breakfast room with cabinet*; aptendld kitchen, . ..mplete bullt-ln featurea. Three larg* corner bedroom*. a*wlDg room and tiled bath with latent plumbing; double garage; lot 60x 135; paving paid; owner con tract, built for home; moving to Chicago. Reasonable term*. Call OSBORNE REALTY CO ^ (30 Peter* Trust Bldg. JA. 2211, For Sale—Florence. 101 NETHAWAT ■•II* to whltaa only. «n<! t» chief EDITOR of THE CAUCASIAN. KE. 1408, I«U lor Sale. 103 SPLENDID DOT VADUES. WEST N'»»r S«th and P»rk*r .I 400 49th and Caldwall. paved »tr««t .... 700 50th .nd JUmliton . »»0 47th a nd Burt, paved street .. »0S 45th and Rugglea (facing Fontanel!# Park) 2 lota . 1.000 F.0th Ava. and Hard, paved .treat.. 1.100 44th and Harney, paved atreet . 1.100 Near 57th and .Tackaon TGreenlea).. Near 6«th and Emile (Oreenlea) .. Lion Naar 5!d and Howard (Lockwood). .1,(00 I4HEDD INVESTMENT CO. / JA. (154. Realtor*. Sun. JA. 0211. LOT 40x1(7, on 314 Avn.. facing Hanacom park, for aal* al a bargain prlca. C. A. PRIMMED JA. 1(11. FLORENCE MELD SEI-LINFJ. Sa Icemen «n ground* atfery day. <’ \V, MARTIN A CO.. AT. 0117, LOANS on Omaha Real Estate 5V.2 and 6 Per Cent Fit* and Fiftaan-Yaar Maluriliaa United States Treat Co. 1612 Farnam Si. JA 2911 A Real Investment New Cathedral An 11-room house that can rtrjr easily be converted Into a St. I^oult flat. Has 6 rooms on first floor, all in oak and 1 rooms and batn on second floor. Urys basement. Hot air heat I«ot .10x200. Priced to eell. Sunday and eveninfs call Mr. Mr tiuiian. HA 1080 or Jake Murphy. AT 4701. C. D. Hutchinson Co. EatakUak.4 IMS 1623 Farnam St. JA 0416 j Garages Complete > $100 Up Good material, firat-claaa work, manehlp. Phone tor aaleaman to call. MORRISON j Lumber and Coal Co. 22d and Paul Ste. WE35«1. BUILD and have a home that you will he proud of and enjoy living in. If your house is not just, what you want, bet ter eomo in and arrange to let us build one for you. Our materials and workmanship are the best and our prices ard reasonable. We will build complete from start to finish, all in one contract and you have nothing to worry about. Come in and let's talk it over. | t Douglas and 19th. At. 2943 Bankers Reserve Life Bldg. HI M Mtm Ml# H**l • M«l* •**• I ».♦*«#*. * ift# Hu.*, »«>**»• t ****** **►# t m I r«t»Wi' ««■ *»•»-'♦••• ApiriM, fm* • l*****.* *« ft*NMs*t *« HiMHI »«f *4 ^ i * <«n) tvii *r" * ►** * *»**•• ft*sis> • M P #»*« ft j v*<-t *nn* * *#•'# m p#* «** *«• *• '*•**!» : 1t* **-A r^*#**#* mpjii ft*** ***** *«••>.* M| i^whi |#i ###. H***j | »m | • p** H* fitt^i 4 _ I #*fcftffft ft#*!, Mt» t f ii = I Mii| lit* immIi Hi» Kmi bii| 4A |fli i rtMl MI N M N|4* II# i»*M *IJ lirti' i mi iwifl »*♦ pi# M« iNii IflHlxf * #M»rtt*ww Mlfftf* f*#HWNk%-M Hh : h*N Itfirt *# ***** #* ftmrt #'*“»**, i|rHM llHil (n«l «**♦*§#*• fc*f *»*»H hwi MruM #•** •*•* *f '*•#• T •##>*, I •Htsib* N»* MM* tUKI T IXOiRl Ihill I, A Mi I J I »*»# I * UBin INHlitiN t |t«J pl.|. Kill* PlM* III*## ft R ri N, t • hMiiii* mm§ 1/iT nN Mifl 'MKtNll ! n»it % r**vn* *fft* ttf W*M*r* I '•«"(( *».»• |*M> * |4 7ii, |M Hi* «|oi, ji IHi 1 ITH'II lie kVHK »**r* «M »•• ill ****** («•* Median* hr *»w*f»* Kt*ii?i| •* *®S I »tiiftfe *f *<i«**l ***** PHKK INFORMATION ftl’UKU. \|l PaiteR AT ITM rOH »««h*nt» 111 *•• first m«rt«*f* *•• urM f>*» Minh r**l *•!•»* Will *»*«•**• for • #«mM Mull) In tiM ftrftifjkft it:* Plymouth ft Mr . Mtnn»«|*n*. Mint* H A NTT, 11 -i or T-ft'orn »*»o-l*rn Hm** if *\m fi.lso *M,vilty. Kin fin bunfilnw. < lmrrn»«M. to trs 4* H' A - t> 11 * • «c *«« nn l Mil It let ms trade It. S. IT Browne Cn, III Se.urttlca Bids tn.HM house In ea.hsnge for S-rm. boons nr acreage K-1184 Otneha Hee FARMS. illMtone Sleet 41" Psleee TrueE Ws nlrfl—Heal KaUlr. I*» SERVICE AND RESULTS. Competent aalea fnree. TA 3H88 CLOVER A SPAIN. R«altnra WE SELL HOMES ~~ LIST WITH US FOR RESULTS M’CAOUE INVESTMENT CO. JA. 1348. NEW HOMES—a tint" TESMS OROVF.-HIBBARD CO., ?ti Bankers Reserve BIdg. AT. HU "WE BUILD TO Ff-PASE." TEMPLE MF^FDEN. T5AS Farnam BtA. AT. *t«0 CAMPBELL will "svs you money on con structing your home. Beat material" ana workmanship. 837 Keellne. AT. 1041. SEE ua flrat. Need listings, any location. 5 to 8 rooms. Shopen A Co, Rea.tore JA. 42Z8 lit Keellno Bldg. WE SELT. HOMES. LIST WITH US. HAMILTON 4k CO.. 303.4 Neville Block.JA. 0€I7. LIST your property with ua or. If you are In the market for acreage, call «Louj» Cohn for quick aalee. MA. 0141. MA. 80.3. c D HUTCHINSON CO, Real Eatate, Ins 1838 Farnam. Ja. 041s. WORLD REALTY CO. Realtora AT 34S3. II. W. Vollend Co. for Real Service. AT. Si»8 O. A. SANDEI.L. Beal Estate. AT, »333. SLATER A CO., Realtora. Keellne Bldg. WESTERN Real Estate Bla JA- >807. Huettelmsler Real Estate. AT 438S $4,150, Takes $500 Cash I Brand New Bungalow • Will take a good lot as part pay- | ment. Extra well built large 4 rooms m and bath, modern and complete. Three i blocks to car line, beet grade oak floors j throughout, huilt-ln features. Just 100 - feet from paved street. 60-ft. south C front lot. Call owner and builder, s WAinut 1282. | -w- w j i Biggest Bargain in Dundee i This is on# of the finest new | brick homes In the new part of Dundee and must be sold at one#. Call us today and we will be very glad to show it to you. . Sunday eall WA 1991. WE S0I9. 1 John R. McCarville REALTOR 1002 City Nat I AT 502S < Money to Loan on Improved Property Long Time Loans Easy Payments United States Trust Co. 1612 Fa mam St. JA 2611 We Make I 5% Loans Oa fa rail 54% Oa Osaka Km] Fatal* 6% Monthly Pnyaent Loam leiNnm r> i_t_t f iron inmiompany IMm National Bank * * lair CreigktM and Teak High BnI Value In Thla District Two Full Lott. lOO.It. Frontage First Floor: Reception hall, large living room, dining room and kitchen; quarter sawed floor* and finish. Second Floor: Four large and airy bedrooms, up in nice shape. This is one of those two-story square homes that nr* real homelike. For Appointment and Inspection, Evenings and Sundays, Call JA R72I, Henry J. Hrawtey. HA 7M0, Harlan W Masker Murice B. Griffin Go. Real Estate, Insurance Personal Service. That Protects. (104 First National Hank Building AT lantic fHU7 U*M»4 | M»t* >• f***ii* w nT* iPiM* j • r«4 f***» *’* * %Hf « j| n§ ^ J - A H#hi * # «■**$# »•■*<*** ►*♦. j f**t ♦ .* *#**1 i if K*» j (1 ¥ HiMt i > ***#• , • *♦• ' , * ,*..T HMI Ml Ml •♦'tM Mtl W*M.4 N»*l »*!»♦. M f r»?'»i”*!’+' * * TS* i™*■ •*• MtM *- M 11 nfflB *""'" '"* M** i * **M< ■«**■•> Ml M fxNlil ***M^j|^P*M ** ***** »"r*4 *»•*.» *». ‘ »»»■» »• r»» r***' * • *•-• • *<•»*• •* ♦* I Ml _ f«i |*t « fit a! IiM MONEY To Loan on Homes an ■ United State* Trust Co. ISIS Faraaia Si. JA XVII We Have Money to Loan! At SV2 and 6% On Business, Apartment House or Residence Property in Omaha FRANK H. BINDER 823 City Nall. Bank Buildia(. Phone JA cluon 2541 Fireplace, bookcase*, tile bath, built-in kitchen cabinets, break fast table, broom closets; oak finish and floor*; pressed brick foundations; best construction. Ready to occupy April 25. See it today at 4666 Woolworth Are. It won’t last. Price $6,850. Term*. Open for inspection 2:30 to 5 p, m, Sunday. D. E. BUCK CO. 742 A SAFE PLACE TO BUY The marvelous sale of tha new non-vibrating V-83 Cadillac is bringing many wonderful bargains to our used ear department, a few of which we list below: $200 will buy a Type 81 Cadillac. A good running, good tired tour ing car with many miles of service for the men who wishes to save money on the original purchase price. Type S3 Cadillac—In exceptionally good condition—was rebuilt shortly before we purchased this car with the intention of running it for several years. Try it yourself. See it—end you will realise it is a bargain at $500. Type 58 Touring Car—This car has been run by a very careful man, given the best of care in our own shops, motor has many of the Type 59 features and is an outstanding car of this model. Finish is perfect and a wonderful buy at $500. Type $7 Touring—This car has just been refinished in our shop and is a beautiful appearing car. Take a ride in it. Let ua show why a Cadillac of this model ia a better cag to own than a new car at the price of $1,000. Typo 89 Tearing—This is a real re-new-ed model. Refinished and sold under our re-new-ed plan. Just the car for the one who desires a high-grade touring car for real service. Price $1,150. Type 59 Victoria—Re-new-ed, refinished and retired, always con sidered one of Cadillac’s most popular body styles and a real aristocrat in any company. Deduct the reconditioning cost from our price of $2,250 on this car antbaee how low-priced it really is, condition considered. Hudson Coach—Late 1923 model and with only demonstrating mileage, a perfect car in every particular and one we can rec ommend, although it is not a Cadillac. Price $1,400, Under the Hansen plan, yon have always been assured of the greatest automobile value for your dollar—trade in your old ear, and arrange eesy terms to pay as you use the car. J, H. HANSEN CADILLAC CO. HA may 0710 Formans at 2Stk Avenue ^Happy Hollow Omaha's Most Desirable Residence District We regard the location of the new unit of Happy Hollow as the best residence location ever developed in Omaha. It is just north of the present Happy Hollow clubhouse and west of' the Dundee Sunken Gardens. In the development of this unit. the landscape architect has done a masterful piece of i cork. May ire adrise you noir how easily you can begin to ac quire a home there. Ask for a Happy Holloir salesman. George & Cpmpany City National Rank Building