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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1922)
THE SUXIMY hKE: UMAMA. OCTOUKR 29, ' 1022. Washington Fails to Sec Crisis in English Affairs folitit'iam IJn alarmed Ovrr Fall of IJoyil Crorge Continuation of I'oili riri Srrn. Coast Banker May Union Outfitting Co. I "tH"" Union Outfitting Co. Union Outfitting Co. - iy ..i.oiu.k r. M Tumi. H it.H I urr'prulfi Tl Onaha Rm. U'lmlilnitlon, int. Iv.lliJiiil In lirt ii-nir. licre tills wk on the (ill i't the I.loy (ji-nrga ralilnet In Hiul nf of j:nKilh Mi ni' not (lidiurli"! nv.r Hi sltua Hn a It this country ami tha "orl'l t Ihtk". I'nlWi'S in CnKlnnd am rontlnuln, a (rlliuta to htr far Mlng (.iti iiuinihli aliirh even Idltioh tiriiir are wlHtri to i tin1, i cliiinRi In jruv.rninrnt limy tiff. t minor pnlMi-s, ihrv il nut mu'My tha Hliurli stream cf Isrltlsh worlil atlittiila. Ainnntf tli pollWs whlrli will m contltiuml will n timt i:f rtiltlvntlna; K""1 D-liiUmiM With Hid I'nlteil Mules. This Millry un cIpiIiIiiI upnii during the (irtim tnnfiTi-ticii mill win the tdji-! f r. l )m lniicri t In that lunif uikI m (lv lifn nf Arthur l-ilfmir. Jllvnlrli'K over trails an1 hliilnK, rtlf firwoiie ovrr Imal eiifnrrrfiirnt nt the prolilliif Ion Ihws, limy i'uiiH Irrltu turn Hut tnki'ii In It hniinlnr aerse, lMli io'V'tmih-iiIs, tlin Hrlilah ami thnt nt thn I'liltiM Hfiilis, tmve s-t tlii'lr lunula tn lirliiKlnif aluiiit on tut ili'iKliimlitiK lirtwwn llm ttrrut V.nK' Hull Hi-.lklllK M',iK wlilrh will wo fur tnwarila KuurilliiK His "iire i,t t ho wnrM. The n-HlKiiiitlnn nt IJoyil flr'inre la nr.inli'il ln-r tin liiiiiti'lly rmiiiv- llif it Hfiit flRiira frmii thii screen nt Wit-lil nffulm. AniMrli'iin miitemniin huvo Iwrn Irriliitml with t lit llttltt Wnlnlinuin lit IIiiiim. Tln-y liiive thnuitht thnt lift trimmed too niurh, Unit lin wiin willing to gniHi nt rphrrni'-rul iippiirliiiillUa to nuilntiilfi Iiliniii'lf In power, hut nil arknowMie thnt In n. difficult sitIi' of situations hn hue liimilleil lilitwlf nml always htm foii'lm ti'i! himself with dun re liant tn thn traillilims of hid (twit of fir, Tlin !-ml'Tii In Wiidhlnifdin wera i'Mirliilly iiniinyci! whi'n IJoyil fixmxn tnyiil with the liln;Vlllt liiennf-e In 1 tin Oi'non runfc'rinicB. Tho l!rltlh iiullry thfn wim .iirnlmMy nt ll luwrnt lib, with tha imralbla Cvptl'iaof tb in Kotlnllon of the tronty of Bvrm whi-n tha unninil wna luM fnr thn Turklah wmiilliin whlrh a re vival of tha rotiriiKH of IJoyil Oeorxe tiluna atayed from lln a. world dla-(utcr. Ay Some Men In Ohio Still Wearing Separate Cuffs Murtln'a J'eiry, O., Ort. 28. The olilfllyl" Mi'piiruto cuff ntlll ara bciriK worn by ii ten men In thla part of Ohio, nrrnrdlnn to JumM W'llaon, Inumlry nmn, Perlmp a dozen palra of aiiparnta ruffa ara rm?elvd weekly at tho Wilaon liiiiiulry, comparad with liundreda of palra JO yrara ago. Khhard M. Tnhln, Hun Fniirlaru Imnlirr aml'iMilo player, la bring run iilirnl by rrmlib-nt Harding a mill- later lo Orrnr. Mr, Tubiii hii a llru Ifiiaiit In ItilrlllKnii'a 'work during Ilia war, for a limit ImIiik naval rrn aur at I'arla, Millions of Special Delivery Stamps Used WaahltiKton, Oct, 2S. During tha luat year every man In tha United Htntea ai-nt one apwlal dillvr'ry letter and every other man received a reply, or, In tha event tha women ara the gieatcat uaora of tha alump, every wouiiin aeiit one letter and every other wotiinn received one In reply, according to flgurea Juat compiled at the I'oatofJIi'e di'partmcnt. The giirit'rul belief that theae ruah lettnra are' OKKocluted with auimner- tlme, tho "open acnAnn for aiioonera," wua Klven a rmla Jolt by tha flgurea which d:aoai'd thnt more apeclida lira acnt In tho IiiKt quarter of the yeiir, than durinir any other period, In dicating prohuhly that the average citizen Ignorea tha "mall early" plea ami then apenda 10 centa to get hla Chrlatmaa pitckuge ruahed. Keporta from aoulhnrn cltlea de clara that the negro la tha moat ex. tenaiva uanr of tha rectangular atamp, aomo of them putting ono on each letter they aend. Tha number of apeclal delivery alampa aold during tha laat year to taled 73, 092, 980, Total receipt! from tha aala of the atampa were $7,439,299, averaging mora than 1500,000 a month. Washington Gossip M tllrXI.K JENNINGS TALBERT. Hume rail It Jt plain "rumor fac tory," Othera give to It the more high anunilliig title, "whlaperlng gal lery of the Potomac." Hut under any name Ha thorna ara juat aa aharp thla niany-tongued goaalp of Waeh lngton. More atorlea of thlnga which are auppnacd to hava happened and thlnga which peraona are auppoaed to have en lit may be heard here within an hour than anywhere on the earth. And thn percentage of fiction runa remarkably high, ' Juat now Mre. Harding la tha vie time of the rumor factory. In eplte of all the precautions taken by Kec rotary Chrlatlan, with the approval of the prcMldent and Gen. Sawyer, to give the American people all the facta about Mra. Hardlng'a unfortu nate lllneaa and he, progreaa toward recovery, goaalpy Washington Just In-' lata on manufacturing wild atorlea about her. A few daya ago tha Ukranlan Na tional chorus, an Interesting and tal ented group of artists, came to the capital for a performance at one of the theaters. It had been hoped Mra. Harding'a condition would permit of their giving a special performance for her at the White House, That wna not poaaihle aa tha presldent'a wife eame too recently from the ahadowe, and her recovery la to be by alow atagea. Yet, when It became known tha concert wna not to take place tha "rumor factory" Immediately worked at top speed turning out tha wildcat aort of atorlea about how Mra. Hard ing had suffered a relapse ant again waa at tha point of,death. Tha rumor apread Ilka wlldflra over Washington. The White Houae waa awampe.1 with Inquiries. Not a Una waa printed about it tn any of the local newspapers, yet the whole town seemed to know of It. And what tha facta? Just these: Mra Harding had enjoyed en of tha beat daya of her Illness. Phe waa brlifhter and better than ever. At br Insistence, the president had gone out I an afternoon if golf, ling. tlen. fttwyer, who had krpt an cloee to the tut House from the Inception i t her (lines. wa so encuuraaevl over her pr'r'sa ha had left Washing ton i n a )ourny of a. m distance, oft ip.rtnt wtiial matters. Now, how do auih thlna eima a!'nt? Ihey titty epintln, K !! a k pasiwe without tt tiwra tha iWath ol f nnr I'im' ,Uni i 'eon .N4 so ry I-oa so, ri', fKe In Vtua'oa it totwi.1 a hwtiM waa staadtag la frvnt f the Mlsm vn H u ot. The fM sti.inu.n, Air, WiU.n aa vut tiding in aia auliu tl a(iu rUpa ky iKi I iim tiJt k tNfMiiie aa tn ! at tUiM-a, A l nlil Uit k it i l l t u l f tlltAl, i.t itMiitia ta JkuI. h eirtinniit u. l ia. twH,nl iatui v i a I lx !...! eij i .,M..i tut j. . kObl k if t' ( .aH ! t( ta4 Hm iu 'i-ia i 4 h M ' ! is. tilr a Iks tua-a l.i4 ktl, anu4'.4 1 - Ike I Htua v m a4 at j tk ui. , t-l g '" . ..!!. t' ! - kt wr-Ms 'i t fwe t h SHa M H4 fs l 4 taM ment haa been a moat profitable on In other ways. It haa afforded tranalent residence to hundreds of women oblig ed to vlalt Washington alone. It has carried out auccesafully a no tlp pol icy, with tha smallest servant turn over of any hotel of Ita alze. In thla city. Mra, John I. Rockefeller, Jr., aa chairman of tha board of managera of the Y. W. C. A., which built tho Orace Dodge hotel, came to Wash ington for the first anniversary of ita operation. Bhe was more than happy over ita success, "J Tot el men told ua there were not enough women In the country com ing to Washington alone on political uffalra or merely sight-seeing to sup port a hotel of 400 rooms. It'a first year'a record haa eatubliHhed the need for it beyond doubt.' The patronage already haa necessitated enlargement of floor apace in the restaurants." About tht time laat year, Washing, ton waa preparing for the conference on the limitation of armament. Inci dentally, it was getting ready for the "wetteat" winter since the capital waa voted "dry" mora than a year prior to operation of nationwide prohibition. Thla year, all Is changed. With a coal nhortnge in prospect and no confer ence, a "hard winter" wua Imminent. But that wasn't all. Out etepa Attor ney General Dougherty with hla rul ing to the effect that ahtpa of foreign nations may not bring liquors Inside the three-mile limit. Thus are the diplomats hard put to obtain the aup plica to which they are entitled under the international law of dlplomatlo Immunity, Someone even suggested they might have to aend their own warships over the sea with "prtvata alocka." "A fine perfidy," aaya one member Ht tha dlplomatlo corps. "Last win ter, yon have a conference, during which you consume most of our drink ing supplies, and scrap tha navies of the world. Thla year you deny us the right to bring tn anything on mer chant snipe and tH us ta ue the rhipa whlrh yu Induced ua to at-rap." j "Th.ra ain't no pfctura la the f M i t can't ." Is ths tt of one of j that nery band of photographer as- laaed t catch the rtlrbrltlea around Ike h.te House, There are aiut a ; dxit In k. greup of ' ' sad ' Hu l" dalnerKnirii, They ate ho , rpeitr of p-t I s t'ahlint in j r.ra tot't since have avt up tmiig ; la shah th.iM iff and now eta I In , I tie and throt,,-ti htrr stents j ttte .t.i.. ii h. r dirVtM Tk t'il I ,,i. (-1 Vfit UhimI i. t,ro ! I'ttniMiu h ah sn I bw kd srounl as Ititv Ike White! Ib-uac IU:lr 1 pisi r til j I !ut t Mill a. i liJ sinks ' W ) iit t'.kis a rsa ,l'.t a , . h , ( h I iii.a if t-.ii.. a h iiii I ka I'O-ttl amt)r t km wnjlil j !, f ' ' . tk. l -iifi,t taiB.r , K o k I- I k iw . vt. an i l l! h. un t .1 Wk tha . - -' v - ..-v.o.a. Ml llu It h I n i-r I (.'. 4 l It aatr M M ' tn u, a few iao M't r, tut ' aa tm. k k. aa i j t Ika iwi. iii( i,in4 tkie i t. e'aat fivm k e i". I i wfc u.ui v( alia j Itali a e-Vtuta ia fcfa.' TWO things make this Month-End Sale of real importance to homcmakers VALUES and CREDIT. Whatever it is you want t. bedroom suite, dining suite, living room suite or a few single pfeces here you will find the price tags marked at an old-time low price and we will "make the terms to suit your convenience. A Big Two-Day Clean Up of Table Phonographs Attractive Day Beat with mahogany finished frame and cretonne covered mattress; open into a lull for only . Matting Box, a 27-inch model well constructed with a tj extra bai? of fragrant Cedar Chips, Davenport Table in rich mahogany finish with long 48-inch top, just one of this model, $22.50 X $4.50 p.rkd... $15.95 cllliji 19 sij" Pathe and Columbia If you have ever wished for a GOOD Phonograph at a moderate price, this TWO-DAY Clean-Up Sale brings that opportunity. Pathe and Columbia Table Phonograph! are exquisitely designed with the same skill and craftsmanship found in the more elaborate models and their naturalness of tone is all that could be desired. In this "Clean-Up" Sale oak and mahogany fin ished models with 12 Records Free! 24 50 A Good 45-Lb. Mattress, full iayer felt covered with dur A Set cf FOUR Dining Chair in solid oak Bble art ticking, has aateon with comfortable wood seats, shaped border, double row stftchinsr ja-rss?! JW5 S S'..''.i'io.95 New Fall RUGS New Fall Patterne New Low Prices Seamless Velvet Rugs in 7-6x9 sizes that will wear well, for Monday $1750 Seamless Tap estry Rugs, at tractive pat terns in 8-3x 10-6 sizes only 50 Seamless Velvet Rugs, $150 in 6x9-ft. sizes are.. 10 -Wire Tapestry Brussels Rugs that are seamless in 9x12 sizes are ?3350 Long Wearing Seamless Vel vet Rugs, 9x12 sizes for Liv ing Rooms at $4450 A Howard Overdraft Heate Saves Fuel m h !r 1 wv-- New Arrivals in Smart The "overdraft" contruc tiori of a "HOWARD" makes it possible to use any kind of fuel and less of it, as you get perfect combustion the warm air being drawn over the fire ignites the coal gases usually lost up a chimney in smoke. A Howard Heater Soon Pays for Itself Odin Gas Heaters $45 "Perfection" Oil Stoves 75 nil Good Oak Heaters as Low as $9.75 Moderately Priced and on Convenient Easy to Pay Terms Now, when your health demands a warm, smart looking coat, our convenient Charge Account Plan la waiting to dress you in one. and while you are wearing and enjoying its beauty, and comfort, you can pay for it on little, easy-to-pay terms as best suits your income and convenience. Late Arrivals Within the Past Few Days Brought the Newest Styles and Fabrics There are wonderful tweeds and coatings, also Mar leen, Gerona, Panvelaine, Ardenna, etc., in the latest fall colorings made up into long, wrappy styles that permit of such original ideas in draping at $24.50 $29.50 $32.50 UP) Fall Suits Are 32S0 Up Fall Dresses Are $17so Fall Millinery at $49S A Big A Shower's Bedroom Suite in genuine mahogany veneer comprising a full cize Bed, a 4'2-inch Dresser, a Dressing Table and Chiffonier with French plate mirrors $132.50 THree-Pie Living Room Suite, a erlol tlonifi with mahogany fmUhfttlramra ami cane backs tih.Uti-r'it in t'luo Nttour with loose cushions CI C7 Crt OltJI.OU Electric 5 1 69 Toaster A T.'i l n (ortni r fur CP vha h rmittuttif, a i it wiU toast, fry f I-roil rem fvmj'Srlc v. till .vrl. itul extra nHl.wi f-r til t ir Visit Our Exchange Dept. , Our Exchange 1) o p a r tment will take in your old fur niture at a fair value on any now fur nituro you se lect. Thij furniture is priced hiw for quick dear anre. Every Day Values Galvanized Wash Tubs. Mixinir Topper r.oll.TS. tialvaniictl Wash Tails, lurtain rrtohrr., Sl.'-il . l'r-ain K-iiert, 7t (vn lilnu S.-is. U Oil aiy l....r li A sl fn A NEW Innovation in Living Room Furniture sanitized so as to he forever free from germs and moths three pieces aa pictured, upholstered in a rich velour with bnck covered with same material, fl 1 QC Art and lo5e cushions for )l7'J.wU Queen Anne Dining Room Suite in genuine walnut vrnrrr. comiirWinif a fixS 1-inch t'l'lmitf Taulo that ftrnl i ft -t, and KOl'K Chaiu unhi!t-rvd In hint? f.tthrr for . . $59.50 s V.r m1'-s- V I h'rrilll .Uavu jlj nHD3D(Q)D0 OTFfl ,v $ V it I ns' fci ,15a ',' ) Stocking., I -v t i i 1 Variety of iOToats J Moderately Priced l Cnough variety in style, fabric and color to satisfy every man's needs. There are long coats, short coats, regular ;i n d r a g 1 a n sleeves in soft fleecy or hard finished fabrics ut prices in keeping with our Third Floor location. 2450 up BOYS' Warm Overcoat! and Mackinaw ,V lny shnuU b krpt warm atlhout I'H a'l "bouat up'" at-t f'in" shoviM t w.ivt'n 'n the KarJ r.t km i.f rar. Muthera ! Ve li.'il)f itj!f ri- l .ltf a'i'1 IH a I , it !. I'nr.s li"it' ttn it' t i I l S6.95 :: 09 c S I 25 Knit 'lit l Ii , K , ! . L 1 a I !.(.. r I hii .a ;, . l ti tlx My j uf aa, at a. t l.',anil miX, 1