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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1922)
The Omaha Sunday Bee SOCIETY WOMEN'S FEATURES AMUSEMENTS SHOPPING WITH POLLY VOL. 52 NO. 2U. PAUT THREE OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 29, 1922. 1 C FIVE CENTS When "Bin" Becomes "Bean" Artist Voice Discovered in Shop Mr. A. V. Sliolwcll (ut-i to New Voik for Drliiit of .Siskr'n Fii.l- lly G.tllHY I'KTA.I.N. IT l only very lately, any within tha laet week or two that Omaha lint become auffklenlly bin to accept l ha h'ngllsli "bean" for th atralght western "lln." Hut nine the war la more or e in it, ami Imsimillty I ugiiln on hii f mil lug It 1 with real plcuur that w wclrom chnng of liiniii Into mir midst. With tli coming of Mr. Itupert Tur ner nf Manchester, ami Mlsa J run Mi-Olbbon nt Liverpool, Knghimi, Omit au aoclety In politely admiring their soft spoken tnngu ami aecrelly won dering when a broad "a" or two may b elipped Into their own conversation. In our mlilMt every day, urn those, why liy thalr" very rarity cliurm the ear. Mm. Kenneth McKlmmn la a vury lecent acquisition, having brought with her from Hcolland what In de. llghlfully feminine but undeniably a "burr." r. unrl Mra. n. Mill Hilhy who are themselves unlive nf Kriglund fasci nate their friend with what ha eern- ill tO b novel accent. Ill tint east of course the difference in the F.ngllsh mill American hnhlt nt speech la nut an .narked. Urn. Wll Hum II. "'lift, a I'llllail. lplilHli, delight ber friend while nt tho same tlim- she unwittingly remind them with every word ah ultciN that east In east and west la west ami never In dluleet at oast ahull th twain meet. t SOMK inventor thlnka ha ha dis covered a way of sending ruillo iriffMHiiK ao that only mi per Him can receive them, and two friend inn tli iin conduct a prlvulo con versa Hon. Jla may havs mil of hi own In view when he mnki-a audi an an nouncement, but It will be aome tlnvj l-for th public In confiding enough in trm: It heart aecrot to the trench eroua ether wave. The telephone Id a different matter, iiml the eiiuiuiit of buslnosa (iiml plea, urtfy of a atrlrtly private tattura that U carried on In louil tonea from op poalt end of a wire la amazing. Of course there la no futiil letter which mn Incriminate both pari lea If lover' sigh their tender pledge Into a trans mitter InateBd of transcribing them onto paper. There la nothing; to burn later on except regrela. Hut aa to privacy well, every one who ha ever awltrhed Into tha middle of a phone conversation can JihIro for him aelf. An Omaha bachelor the other day learned a lemon from nn experience which befell him, thua: He called a ' number and middenly found himself lldtentnK to a conversation which won Miimlxtiikably between a lady whoao huahnnd was out of town and a lonely vntleman. "George won't enre If you go to the movie with me, Mm bid." "Vea, he will, too; he'll be mad. Vou don't know George, Jim; he'a got 'n awful jealoua nature." They argued back and forth until finally Jim remarked: "Well, you know he won't he home till tomorrow, and nobody'll ever even know you went." The bachelor could not contain hlnv aclf longer. In a aepiilchral voice like that which he Imagine will be employed at the Lant Judgment h boomed; "Are you quite aure that no one will know?" There wa a faint feminine ehrick from one end of the wire, but the lea Mim fulled to "Ink In at the other end. "Hang up, Mable; I'll call you again a little Inter," waa the dauntlee reply. When Caruso and Farrar Sang at Monte Carlo Unn of Oeraldlne Farrara moat mousing experlencea waa the flrat lime ahe ever Bang with Caruao and it la the moiit characterlatlo of her, I no. Aa ahe tolls the alory: " It waa during a apiing aeannn at Mntite Carlo, We were both making our debut on the Riviera that aenaon and were to ling together. 1 came from Rerlln and Caruao from Milan and neither of tia had heard the other much lea than Bang together. We wera to alng "I.ft Roheme." I wa ager and confident, for there were nany reaaone why I wanted to lng ny beat. The holme wna filled from pit to gallery, the orcheatra and rhor ii were peifivt and everything looked l,k a triumph f'r u all. The first not went aplendldly until reaihed ItUilolfe'a romanut "Che gellln inun ina." one of the mot exiullle tunea in all opera. At the point of the action I a Mlinl am Killing on lha floor In the middle ef the tsge whtla Rudolf Hint In me rthr than to the audi j been given a achulitrahlp at the Zoll mt VII to niake a long etory nhort i ner t'onaervaiory of Mu.c In 1.0 An- I i U4 the part too welt My rmo. tlona got all ungll up In the own lonea of CaruMt ou- I forgot all vnvthltif, th theater, th ac ti.m evrrylhirg, hul al thr h i. ma lik a rhill Whn mv cue j I ,!,tii i h ar It Th ur hetra liei- me.t Stv moibir in th winga kI fintlcilv at me I d d not her I hvlii mot twttullful '! ui,i..a.t rr Then b emdtor i.wr.m h.a iml mi l In Ui tone " Well, M Frrr, are iou i Meg t aing r !'' ' Th a.sste' th tlr .enptfcHle l ttn.1rut put hl tia l mi,.l an l rf '"' rr iie- t- th d.Kl " 1 a rtr w it at t Ai t4ium FMtt '" W1' Thwhii tauwiwl U'. T Ituffrt Ptniirrt. fr Mr. Oa TUt Mil 'fc4'''inrf Vtnt V W.n ai!l t (,ihi at hor a t - in '"'("' wm it vi- h t tf kit . I.Mln i ytt ..! tf fp5 qi SbctetiT rt - , i - - ti i w '- - i ,: VtrrK ; . v- ffi A i. - ' J & l &; . : ' 4W 9: ' .A Mr. V. Hhotwell left oil Tuedny for the moult ul ilebiit of her iler' lirolcgo, ,M1n There I'riN haka, In New Vorli. . uluiy on till aame page I ell of the limine illhiovery of her wonilerfiil tiilinl, anil o-4ier axtnala lion with Marin Mikova. Mr. John Mi tiiuk, a plrhed outli enter, uriived Ihl week with her 6 month' old ami, Sidney Well, to Join Mr. McGurk anil to aetlle In their new home. ' Mm. Mcfiurk for the pat few week ha kern vlhiting- In hail An tonio, Tex., where alio had been a Mudeiit In the llnmi Avon mIiooI. Nhe I a nnllve Texan and waa brought up in Aniarlllo. Among her aoulhern connection i In In Cobb, who la her ciniMln. Among Omaha' rhanulng and ca pable young matron In Mr. Roy rage, wk.i rame hero Ave year ago from I alifornla. Hie wa, graduated from the I'lilvrrally of California at licrheley. Mr. Page la "tecretary fm the Omaha Society of Fine Art thl year ami vice president nf the Fort nightly Mimical club. Hbe la a paxt tireaident of the Hook club. Mr. Harold Jiuues Trait until Thui'Kilay wo Mine Florence Jenka, daughter ol the Itev. and Mr, Fdwln Hart Jeiili. That evening her wed ding tvn anleiiuitzed In the First riThliylenun church of which her fa ther I pastor. The ceremony which waa perfect In ll'a appointment, wa the gift of the church and waa one uf Iho mint beautiful ever aeen in Oma ha. Mr. (', 10. Black had the ar rangement under her supervision. Another bride of Thursday - wa Mr. Hawthorne Daniel, who left that evening with her author-husband fiirm.jU her new home in Fast llroolilyn. Mrs. Im I'urter 1 chairman of the November team nf the First Metho ilist church which will present liishop Homer (', Stunt z In a Itiownliig lec tin e, Monday nli;hl, November 6. Kiyiop Slnnli I considered an au thority on llrownlng. He will present "Tho King and The Hook." The pub lic I invited to attend the lecture for which ticket may he obtained at the church, at Malt hews Hook shop or the T. Conili Jewelry atore. Mr. Porter I not only a valued worker In her church hut "lie hn been a believer in parent-teacher aa- Former Omaha Boy Vins Coveted Music Honors at Zoellner Conservatory Richard r.eiii.n. who. with hi par ent. Mr. and .Mr ' J. A. Render, and aiKtrr, I'ati'icu, bft Omaha In June to reside In California, hu a coveted I honor In th mualral world. II ha ' gele Thia roneet vatory belong to Mi Ilrisliitt Aiimwiiitf Wrililing l'laiia. l,w Ihinbin , l J.I o . i.wa a th liour rr her r .ling I V.tnWy, November .i, t Jneph j .ri ami h Mi l.vdia J )turntt a hr nitd nf horn 1 Mi Hiinbin, who la a aiaiiu! o( tit Corner' .hi.l of Whinf!nn. 1 1. o, will a he hrt.lnMot la of art m h. liou M m M.l liJ K.tlmu of lK?mr an4 Mim AdUid, vim ef Oil t"1t. P , wll whoia h pal the iimmer la t.arop a (i . Mat JMfh: l.i of Chba - f.t, th grwritt a itr, wist l a i !. 4 hoi Mi Urttm j W ilbttrt C, mht t-f l'bhi will 'terv Mr Irnrn: tt ntaa, a4 li )! B It- vr !! tl IT, a t'i.lB ..htae4, K.,l W N.a Mi I.. I' CnTt aill oil ,n.rte M . r. .1 t'K,..i t t I, .t.a v- Unit Vt.nttf l Mm !' ll sat ri Sri- . Hw- W I Sax J; . :Mv , jt, W f J k,-X,JbA ,11 '... V Vr- paaw f war mm t in Omaha and waa an or ganizer and the flrt president of iate Parent -Teacher association. A winter trip to the far east Is the delightful outlook of Mr. Henry S. MrUonald, who will leave here No vember 11 for San Francisco, her sail ing point. After several day with friend in that city, she will sail No vember H on the President Taft. In Honolulu she will visit with Mis Fsther Thomas, known here, and In Shanghai with Mr. C. . I.ohingier, former Omiihan. Hong Kong, Kobe, tokohanik and Nagasaki are nlher point of Interest which Mr. Me Honald will ace before arriving in tha let. faninua Zoellner atrliiged M'wr - mien nan pmyeo. in milium on aeveral occaiuma. Jof Zoellner I nm piano learner, isicnarn i..i.u.t waa a member of the Junior Muleal-' her ami wna mognlxed n a talented young player. Mr, Zmlinn declare i hi work ha "color." Affair ftr Mi McHti(;li l!ar Ilftii (lantM-lleil. Willi ,01 Mrlltiah I'uinl, of Mi ml Mr. I'liir Hio.l. w inl.lnil) 'rlikm mull unilrt fer tiliinl4 niorinn and th aft.tir (.Luuiwl In honor of M m M,rio Wiliih of M.niil.i, who ha pendliif th k lib. Mr lUird, ha bn cnn-tld M Mttltiah l i tying with her sunt, Mi ki Mi liush. (if few iUt In for 1. 1 j,,r hm, h mil return t. unit ; ) m J iaiurtr li Nt ! iil of , Mr Wil!-m Xb Hugh. J , j .ii,inri Mrrl I'rirtul tf j Tti -t.nt.t n of I i.f Mt i. ! Twii fc' ill 'tea II ik.. k H lwi if Mi ' -rfai,i r!4ii- .k t.t WH4 IWha IWtl M y ,ir li.t Uoitk, w t Via J . H l; riti W14 . titn la a-ntoiai . tn k-P t-a't , IMVI l imi.jl t ; ll l K u .- it II i I. o .i..,, N i Manila, where (.lie will upend the win- 'ijh M ' I IV W f ter with her (laughter, Mr, t'harle ' &t'''' ' 4 li S If' t ,f I'lmNuiii, formerly Mian Rnth Mc. I ' rv.-..aK 1 " - Hr v-i'F ' l fin .,Mia Jean Mi tJililmn ha cmae to P 'C - I f' f I fi i Onmlia from her hiiiiie In Knglunil, lo rV" t f; I ' ' ' i see, tliia new country which haa been I C ' . I r ' P. 'V' the hoiiie of her HiKter, Mr, le Koa f V YiJl' f- . ' f ' V Newkirk, aince her iiinrriaKe in l.h'er- I J V. lr fWtK,?'' V - i Vf f'-fSA "'-r S-Vn f,dM-': I im A Lincoln guest of the week Is Mis ilii.i FiizsimmniiH, who ha been widely entertained while visiting Mr. .Mlvin llekin. She will return to her home today. Dunsany Play to Be Given on . Thursday Lord liuimaiiv a nluv. "A Nlcht In Sr, nn - lung m, act tragedy. WU liw .,.,! Thur.Uiy evening, i Novetntter !, by Omaha a l.ltile Th- , mrf ,,.. ,lf ,h, Mlnrr . tiim j.llnk. WnrH n n.. third fliMir of the Patleraon Mmk, "An Kilial Chunc" and "The Sweetnieut tiunie" ar other onact pLiy to be given th aame evening. A number of play by well known phi) wrlght ha tm pirmied for iIih ikiiiiii Th writer Include Clyde Klti h, whoe fiuiract drama, 'tier tKn Way.-' will . given, lloolh Trh mgti-n, W P. Il.iwrlt, CUi Kuninirr, 1 Kl John Frvltie, IMwarit Irf k, Win , jnoith Mmi A roiV. t'britopbr ; MM try. Pulil llfrvlew and Itotwit II M. l-ang Mm Mi.. Itri.lrnll,.! Will Ur-I NiirtlllrT 8. ! Mr n. Mia liroteoitotl of Wino i bat ImuimI b e. ting rU If th tiOlUII of Ihnr tiihir. Miry lliof ant t'n' Tui.Wvn lt. av nf tt'ttiU NoHttt 1 M. ui.ii.mi tiuifi.i t ioK.n M) I yi . sod .. trt tta tia . uel at I f: i llor ta lh Tin u r Ufi will .! is ttti . tulrtMliMt Mi. M, t.atk w !' ' t i:i a i a k iii t-l "t fti.ttij t Kiii I'n tm n l h -H.t l-i . ii J a M 'i .t a fen h t U t l.-trt I - !-.. In t.-tll tl HI n Nit, ana Mi M tiuit, tu . -. ) w- w 'i I If J ? . , r, z j jf ' ii i Business Women Drive Their, Cars to Work Each Morning Just Like "Regular Fellows" i ji,.t tall a th ttria ' , luhlt. M lh I I 141) gill. K i tbey ut thiintkh lb hitt hg am do i f tiir mm i.Mii i i nn th v.ojt-rail euait t tita ihtn I ik4 iivet!r, l ihuI-mi .hel kuth hMt th.m in at f rtt tk oy It, Mim I I.I. tt 1tl. l.!i t ll.v tkxuiky ihli..i in I Ktk'in ' bi M i i.ii if li Ukiiiiii att -ant ! ti to aok k ' at..Hii. M . Mt Ul.n ll I i i lMrt4a t lit t i.iiti til Vi'tti , Wt.ii. tl .! akin i. k.i rt.Man ' Tig-''",,' ' Nisr o,r it lud llivit tft mint it., im-4 a, Id tai il uhill itilt. il. ku.i.aal lly h.t dilv I Ii ir ah' i datihg ii.kel fiom lulling Ih-ti.i, i M I'll lt tw ui to. n I t Makonay 4 rsa Mi kio-k tia tsuih lt -ti t,i th Not tkttasltr a ocuht.l, ktua fis .Uii h 1 1 . all alautit t''kn Lit I'tr.a ft I III! yt IM tl i.t Ik ityi ..! t.f at. '.oil t-i fe l. ts te t-f Ik t i..ut usit illtitM l H-.i 4t it - b. n ml ll- l . t , I htt,: ,( Vt aa Mj at.twii k ,( 111 Vbait.k w4 !,:. mniaiiat, roiil.l a goml tin log In a tiielt with iomoIsi ahe: iltiv Hit ii un I 4i 1 her la Mt ' Ijuvii It -ma i Mis W J Min.p a. n Ml ln-lUll 1 1 a tl. Mia rllMUlh Kabftintn Ma Mtiy Cimiwr ant M t.Ha IM i a n l.t man) ion a t Mi W It Msiikaa lull aluii la bar Utik ltoi aa' Ii lootiilg IM hall an "l.y il ti Stay4l,i VI a WII I lltl. t-ain rr but ttaM I lap, iUum lu ai 1 1 si llily it. akasl . al VI, fiail lln.aala o ill It a kr ti I a)laa il'iMf i lai -at.ntg! i f atat 4at Mi a I' I . ilia ial t.f t un la Kot.l, Mai Itawl.k till lllil Mil I itirt 4 l,itit :.ttoa i ; I lk. t t tl '. ait a ik a tti I taut I of l',m i I .lit ta I wa at t.ol tt-'lvit1! at. I, I f at. .,! uoiiy Mr A V Hhotwtll will have fur New Vwk, whir b ...III I J .4. . . . .... I win o one ,i i in- iiioni iiiieresifHi in : lb audience that will greet There I'riH'ha.kii on lier debut In Aeolian Hull N'oveuilrt-r 7. a he lio- to bring Inr to iimaha aa a gueat b. ! fore the artiste leave for KuroM, Mrs. Shot well ulsti-r. Ml. Chrl I'll llnsik. Mini Will H llll llllM-le.l , a Christine Condrou a well, Uhniiceil to oveihear Ml I'lis-'iarkii, a -young ( .cclilsh glil. ienking to a customer In a iiiait but hop oil Fifth avenue Ihtee yeut ago am Wa ' churined with the unusual mijalcal jnuallly of her voice that h guv lo-r ier run! and with It tho opiHirtunity for the Hniiili yf training that lay I at ber command I Ml". Comlroo. a her Oinaba fi lend , know, hud a IniHc expeil ; ence In devoting heisi lf to u inusu al i career. Wo- hud atudted with the I PtX'st i;iiron uii liuisti ie. A seiie of ' professlniml eiigageiiiel.i fijlowed I that piniiilseil the lewiinl her geniu 'at uihl, When Ktidililily overnight hr I voire wn Iiml. ' After a time ahe letiiriied to lb j l ulled Hliiles urn! ban l" ( ll l'. long for the le.t live year In New York, Mis I'roiluizka, from shyine, did nntblng about It, and eooti Mr, I'.rook forgot her Mix fiionth biter Mr, lirooke, again oil a millinery nuest, hud the aani -pirl'-me of dlmovery and on present ing i herself to' the asloiilehed girl, found her to be the aiime Theiea Hint h had f i rut heard Hii en- '.listed the Mid of Mile, I'nj. linzUn father III peisiiiidlii! Icr to accept all j the opportunities that, her experience ci.uld offer. Then Mr. Rrook, who 1 effort me tireless where ber lliteresta ere intrigued,' succeeded In obt'iilnmg . living allowance from Adulph I-wl-'aohn, the toulll nillllonnlre, who Is ao : fatnoua a a patron of the art. Mis Marie Mlkova, Omaha' fu i mou pianist, who I also Itohenimn, met Tbeieao at a Czech tousle fealb val. Through the bond of their ar jtlstlc longings, a warm friendship : wa Imrn nnd for a year or more t.h j two girl have lived together. l,ast year Kmma Destln, who a a i singer at the lop of tier prof'-sslon I can now afford to aid those who ahow promise, praised Mis rrm lnizka and I assisting In 'curlni her an api-ar-8 nee with the opera In Prague. How ever, before she leave, Mr. Hhoiwell plan to persuade Mr. Rrooka and her prafegij to visit her and her Ornnha friend for a few week. While In New York, Mr. Hhotwelt will aee the opening of fh operatic season, aa ha been her custom for several yeaia past. In Omaha her tnualcal intereata have been manifest a a member of th Fortnightly Musical. ' Y. W. to Continue Campaign for Another Week The Young Women' Christian asso ciation finance campaign acheduled to clnae Saturday will be continued thl week, a the necessary amount had not been aecured at the noon luncheon yesterday. The slight increase thia year la due to the expense of and Incident to the paving and regradlns of St. Muryg avenue, according to S. S. Caldwell, a member of the board of trute.. "For several year I have been In dime touch with the alma" and object ol the Young Women' Chrlatlan aao elation and the reitull obtained and know of the value of thia organization to the community. The fact that In an annual budget of approximately $:00,000 it la within 15 per cent etlf supporting, speak wed for the management. ,The men and women of thl city can make no better invest ment than giving llnancial support to thl Institution," uy M. U. Cameron. C. M. Wllhilm makea the following; statement: "With the other member, ol the advisory committee, I have been over the budget, Hem by Hem, and plve It my umiuallfled endorsement. The board of director have worked lonscienlloiisly to cut to th lowest possible ninount, and men-rye and hum tain the work aa now functioning with j no new department this year." Fiction Writer of Omaha Brings Out a New Novel liasirg C Hhrilil. one of iMutihuit l lst kuoan writer, Im . Iirmigiit out a new Usik tin f ill. "Ciyder nf th Dig Wiasla." Ik.til.i. ill)'. I'ng A Co am th piilili.ini. Th clitry I of tlm pmint tiny i V iplrviil an oiltgioa I b' of coiobhont ; a bo h Mr Hbld i.liwrve.1 in tl i i,oitbae. tiiiitaac coniiii v alien hi as thei IT ri ego lo.un .luii !y J after leaving tlm IMtaiaiiy uf N bika, abet ti w a iiof-aoi n the Dniiliah ilepsl lliienl III l,at tsMig as lli Iron I'uiMiit ' ub liahiil tan )tr sit Mr i'd Mi aoeitd tetun.t. i i.i.m ttoin St totk aki it. ay aalt fly li. Oillia Mi fitaitt a Vli lli Ni ii l-tf. i I Ii- ii tost )ll li I half lc taidly mi - ! ..(.a i f ll.nii a. a .it p.. 1. 1 mutt IM lit a tail lilt II Uf . n.paei.. l a t.., f II. luff .' io-a of Ik illy M.aa tt, ,lk M f at to I lA i it i.t ana hf li tar t. i l kaa kus tie ftti.l il Ut !( al kaHaafi 4r I U t W -it alt -,tt a il It.- I il M'll.( tool Iklt tun -.. ! l tt a i- . k ttna-a t , at It 1 I tll .!,! (... , , tai. ti a t s Mm J4n !. a t tt.i-. y. t t.llili-t l b H la 4'm a a r at It. t ta h I ta. r-ii i.w, , l .-f it ' ' 1 laa Wt4 l ..J t Wi i Ir.1 l k n.i.1 1 1 ak ' ' 1 t tti . f ik. U tt t 1 !,.. t i a Ik. I if vk t.l,t(. .ti llto il. ,WMI ttvtt,.