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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1922)
THE SUNDAY BEE: OMAHA. OCTOPER 2D. 1022. 0 R WK.TT SIDE PROPERTY. West Farnam Kelt.. tout? in4 sew, but bunt befne re..,,, ,4 vascea. Ilea. ia lov Heat room, ever ,.4 jh toumt . living raom. Frog, k dome ,as roam) full fcrlik beeemenl; larg Ikrea Ursa beitreema, 1 1 14 t)ath; kutceai location. price en4 terms. rll Schroetler Investment Co., sreanor Al If You Really Want a Itargain Permit ta allow y..u a els-room bung, low, ry ri.1, attractive, all an ni finer, wnk full kaaernent n4 la's attic; pries kaa Ju.t baa redie.d to ll.illO; l cosh lll handle, located en paved iraai in Leavenworth u.ighls. Ownsr ieann allr kaa ta Mil. Glover & Spain, Realtors '" ili-t Oil r National. OWHKR IH I.fAVlNO CITT. WoulS (id, ( nia t.,m hous. on Far nam. kefor Nov. I Thie hum. I, wall iTraif.4 and finished in oak; three mnu down and ihreo bedroom, n4 bath up; full; fin fur. i.aia. I at ton 11. Price only 11,710. 'la through rail Wit. I. Aim '. M.AIUI'OH, Realtor. JA. HI. tu., Om. I.un III,,. WA. 1701 r Burrall, WIS. 4T(, Sunday, -ew Hoiuaa Your Trine AT. 46. Grove-Hibbard Co. ..IVJ.; III! T IJITP " " W Specialty! MUl-Itl 1 sj cam phalli) Keelln lllds. I'hwa AT. toll nr WA. Ilul avenlnis. BENSON PROPERTY IANbT i-ruom bungalow; lot Milt; half hioek from ear Una. I'' It, 11,16. C. A. Ilrlfnmal, phnn JA. IAII. DUNDEE PROPERTY. New Dundee Lint ' $6,9:0, $1,000 Cash flva-ronm bungalow. nrny tihr, "a. mi whlla nntn fin (ah, I tit i-atlv KKim, good atl.-n, full bcntftit. Tarma l.ka Mill. $8,500, $2,S00 Cabli HH fiKin and leaping pnrrh, full two lory ami aMI. flrrtUnj at, hull t-In tnutre, on Chktfu atrani, nnr (he iar line, $8,500, $1,000 Cash Thi, la a hi and new alx-rnom. two-lnry, all mi, i . i, well hull!, nicely finished, Misplace, iila balk. $9,000, $1,500 Cash tlini I nvw, colonial, six room", center hall urn. ii"ni. til bath luotn, vmy at iiaeiive hums ami wall built. Trnie very caey. $11,500 . N i.i-oirt, nil iMfihrii lioint, tint mttrt !'.-.(, ,,tuf hi, plmrd , j'i,- r. i !-'I for quick Ml. 'iTiliH I'liyiifcCiJ, $17,500. A viry iltalralila hoina, In tlia new diatrlrt uiiih ut lunlga ir-t, aluriu cunatru'MInn, Iiviiik iiiimi ilinlin mum, aun romn. In. i iiimn u ml kill hi u flrit flur; lnur n;ii l.-.liii'nii, ala.piiig VTi'h and bnt'i aiituiitl flour malil'a rOom. bath Anil h.lliatu luom OH llllnl floufi bulll in llii-i'lui'a and other faiurta; two-ear . ii, ii,o ami ilrivaway. fnitiarty In i. la tuutllUoii. , Glover & Spain, Realtors JA. ;:.". lii-!D Oily National. ,.v.;uOJ&OOOOCOOOOOOOOO v i .1 i 8 $750 Cabh llalaucc Monthly Dundee District Jui iiimiilflrd am) rarty for omm iuiny. Iin lr living room wltli rirDli. onrt lMiokci'. t'rtmll ilnorn li-twan llvli( room and din ny rouin: both rouma ara flnlah4 In flna yualliy nk. alnk, liraakfaai nook wiih hullt ln labia ami aiaiai ln dink and (liiaawara nablnri; rafrlrtor roomi two lrK bilroima and bath will' onnmt'l fmlalii axtra. clothaa clml; linen uloxut; fliithfa rhula; atalr tu apiond flour, whera una larga room and atora room fnuld h fin lahad. Full inint bHHvmant with coal bin, Kiiarntaa4 furni, fruit rloaat, floor ilinln, baa all win dow, and outalda ntranr". Mhadfa and rorta for all wlndowa; avry room doenrated ; flna elm-trio fu ture,; yarii h railed and aeeded. The Byron Reed Company c0 O PO. 0S97. lCli Farnam ft. . O O o ooooooooooooooooooooooooo Xv Ttiv TW 1.1 Blil.Tfl Ml 'Hill O o o SHOP F1KST. A TKKAT FOR BARGAIN HUNTEHS. Tn ordar to kv room for now Mpinant of phonoKrapha w will aairlfli-a our preaant alock of new and u'il niti hlnea, retardlaaa of coat. Kvary mai-hlna of atandard make and fully a-uaianUed. Jut to quota a frw price,: IJI VV'tor. '" t'oliinibla. lit. H Path,, IIT.M. ?5 Vl.-tor, 47.5I). 1SI Kdlaon, IK. 117, Kmrraon, HT.M. llf.O Columbia. l bii. list, Patlia, lH l?3J Victor. HH. J7, Vlniaiaon, IISI. IJ00 Tatba rrlod modal. SITS. fit. i) Vi.-tor fclertrlc, IJSa. And maay othera. An4 many oihara. COO POOOP OOOOO OOOOOOOPOOO Duutlee Rrit k Apartment Mui" iiartn'nta. 5 room ,!eep!n poreh each. An -Invaal lurM .rtvailian Ha thai la el. tll.o.l Think ut nin thi, prar'y Ineatad o ft corner in 1uJ. lt aoutk 4 a,aiuiaa. ill, veeileul antra' a, li.. li la ee'-h apafimanl. ai- r-(iiirae ar4 rertiarai ,. an4 it. I'jin !' i .'i' S par . !. i.ainm w-H e-iupravl 'fc p'Oala l.vkare. Inii, a4 (nation Ojlail- in.r .,n ut m cf VI I e frrrn ai .l M". Farnam Smith & Co., H al' sa ' J - :' j 000 O CO 000 3 r .. .i 'rt 9 ,.,.-. , , .. ( - rt . . .a i a 4 ,.' a i, t ; , . k e a.l f-ft'i. (t inal.1 f ' ' .r, .-., 01 .., . a- . I", i-, ka- ? a kvs c. J 9 f 9 f ? Dundee CJoni, , . " I I , . a-M I - - ' ' " - ..-. 4 t k . , . fc !.. - , . I I - - . , . . a a . e- a a, ' - - VA H.t a a. f V-aa , Crt A ('. lUllu I At. DUNDEE PROPERTY , $1,000 Douu 7 loom houe ; flr.l floor fonla.n, Ur,a ruoin acroaa anura hnu.a; libiary, dinina- room, all fimaned In oak; kitchan and but lar'a pantry flnl.h.d In blr. i Ta far, bedromiia up and heal d porch, f.nlehed ta birrh. il ern In conn. fl, on with laun dry, rnre ll lud; ooo ra.H, balance on p.rm.nn. l.iKat.d al oil luard h. C. Q. Carllierir, Realtor JA Dili. iu ttranueie Theater B.da irEAI. ri'M'KK IIOMK j nmiM MI'KI'IAI, fKATl KKS. HcH-ki niiDl.'CblU 11,001), IU . iriih Ave t-rnnm, real borne; lar,e living room with firoplec, and book i; lovely limit ilrnlii room; up-lo Ihe-rulnuta kitchen with built-in featurea; biaakraat room, rlr ; all oak; I lovely bedrooma wltk heated elaepln,- porch; oak and while nm-l, ule balk, lateil fiatmea; laic lot; S.viir garage. W. Farnam Smith & Co., Heallore. 1 SI" farnam HI J A. 0i4. A BICAr. 1t'N)KK.f)CKWOOI) HOMK IIET. MUWAKU AND JONH.8 ON ill) KT. In I he beautiful Lock wood addition of liumloe w have a ltory, full I room, modern home; up-to-lhe-mliiajta In every detail. Located on a large eaat front lot; 4 rooma gown, 4 b'drooma up. Will roneidar eachange for larger home. For further Information rail. W. Farnam Smith & Co., Htultor.. 1110 remain HI. JA. "Hill. Dundee Duugalow li ronnn, rnnalatlnf of linn room, dln li room, kitchen, rfrlirator nimn, flmt lliinr; a oeiiio'iina ano ''. ........ Oak flume and Uilllt-ln featuraa, flrnilrca. rrill narMrini, uaiair ini"' UOUao in A-l roooiiiuii. . J. L. Hialt Company, I'lrat Nailnnnl Hanli Hid. AT. M. Dundee Lot An .1. eiitionally well localrd lot with all aptolalg In ami puld fur. Priced low at HI.I'IO. Can arrange tvrma. (), T. Hamer, H0& Farurim HI, O AT. linn o Foil fiuiidoe proiierty ae, K. II. ftennei CO. 404 Koellne Hlilg. Cull ua. DO. 4ll. FLORENCE PROPERTY ome Agent TeI. Ku. MISCELLANEOUS PROPERTY oo 6 o o o o 6 od o o o o o oo o 6 o o oo o 6 ? North Side n llrialol street, wo liave a nice home of 7 rooma, 6 rooma, wiih 2 bedroonia o eeroinf floor. Kx cellent condition. H'Teencd In porch. Hot water heat, ahower In Intftpimnt. l'avui alrerta. Paving paid, tlaraae. A bargain at ', ioo, ll.iiU'i caeh. Miiine Luia A claaey colonial, nifty and tip-lo-dato' In every reaped. To appre ciate thla home you inuet eee lb" flnlah on the lnde. All the lateet built-in fealijru. Wring your car pmrler friend to enamlne conetrue. tloti. Til, belli. Heat of plumb ing. Beautiful fixture. Hteel girder, Large aouth front lot. llnrage to match hnuae. An OUU at 17,000. l, C00 caeh. Dundee Must be old, f)n Nlfliolee atreel. Overlooking Happy Hollow. A HDlendlil arrangement of roome; beaurlfiilly flnlahed In oak and while enamel; all the lateat built in feature,: fine attic; plaatered baaemwil. Houill front, double gar age. Let ue ahuw you thi, today and make offer Huudaya call Mr. Langfellner K. js;i. Mr. Ilolaltiglnn. KB. 3472, or lr. flrader, Kr). 61170. Chas. W. Martin & Co., REALTORS. ' 7oT Omaha Nat. Ilk. AT. 0187. Moving to New York Must Sell Thla houae la In arlrndtd condition, eatl bulo and cont oloeet, large, living room and aun room, dining room and den all In oak, 1 nlct bail rooma and largo heated aleeping porclt up. r looreu am.., - "i - All wlndowa weather elrippeil. Large liaeo ment with aepnrate coal and fruit rooma. Sunday WA. 0751 or Hurr-Gray Co., ATi 4ii;. 717 Pelera Truet Hldg. ""WT BuirdTo"Please'' Temple MrKavden Co.. JMI rarnatn St. iTA&TINC.S-TlRTnKN. Kealtora. .f m r I' I' ;: Inl'iU'l' n '''""t SCO Lines want Machinists, 75c per hour Boilermakers, 75c per hour Blacksmiths, 75c per hour For Springfield, Mo., and other points on FrUco Lines. Permanent employment positively guaranteed to those Mho ran t.ualifr. Agreement with NEW employees row in effect covering working condi tions and rates of pay. j Room US, Hotel Carlton, J 0twa lUraey aai Howard on IStK St. ,(, Tata p W gaa ! ffmfkf 5J2 Loans J 10,000 up to $100,000 ntj Utftr dala s,aaat el CB ast laaiaatt 1111 M TltM ITrVfY nilM KvfrOSU IVVSK. il 1',- h Omaha Produce , tWbeleeale.) Hy S;ata Itepartnienl of Agnuult'jra Hureau al Maraeia end Marketing! J'llTA lllKH Carlo! report for 14 houra etnting a m. Saturday. Tejnperatura, wraiacj, at ft a. Ill,, O drgieea. clear, i idabo, I Mlune .ula, l'i ebraeka, t Nullh liakola lara arrived, 44 care ou track, meluding broken, !etnand and luuveinenl innderate, market eiighlly weaker; aunpliea heav. alee, Mlnnaaoig aaiH.d Ited Hlver I'iiloa, I nued Hiaie, giada No. I, , aia at It. It per cat. IIL'TTKR. rreamery Katree, 4ic; 101k, tuba, 44c; gtat'daiiU, 43r, firaia, lie, liairy Huyera paying iio tor dairy toll; :i(tilu 'or packing aioik Mlll"l:ii K AT. Itallon price, J 4c: delivered, Omaba. t.'c Viua Strictly freak, delivered Omaha, 3le dna ; No. 3, rracka, Uo; avma buyer, pay log , li), cane count. Juutmig I'rua tu Matallere Freak No. I fany, Inn; Mieute, Jic; aiurago aelecta, lr, trade, S4o; .No, I, lie, cbecke, liu, ei)ULTHV. I.tve-llroilere, lie; aprlnga, lie; heavy hena, 17c; lignt bene, lie;, lire; capona, over Iba, lie; Iridium noultry, about 3o leaa; dura,, lat, lac; geeae, fat, lull feathered, 14c; gulneae, ike earn, turkea, II lu lie, grcoiding to alia ami londinun; plgeona, do,., ll.Ov, no alca, crliipleU or cully poultry wuliud al any pri.a. Iireeaed Springs, ll2c; broiler,, itic; hena, aocordurg to arse, ligjilbc; rooatvia, He; dutke, 2v; lurkex, 4u04fiC. ValAi. I.oral buyrra are quoting tka following pricea fur Itrak veal delivered: Fancy, to 111 lbs., per lb., Uu; heavy, not over 140 Iba, per lb, luv; liver, heart and lunge mux! be left In veai. UKKr CV'IS. Illha No. 1, lie; Nu, I, lie. J.olne No. JCc; No. I, l:.c. ' Xounda No, Z, lie; Nu. 3, loc. Chucke No. Z, loc; No. 3, 7c. ' Platee Nu. 2, ftc; Nu. I, Ic. MJTK. New cocoanuts. aaeka Ab.iut 100 count, 17.10, Large nlrkury nuts, per lb., tic. Ulai k welnute, In aacka, per lb., le. K'.cily round fllbtrta, aaika, per lb., I I'.. Pecgne,, according to iuu, aacka, lb., 370, Waalied lirraiia, accoidlng to las, Iu, HlllU New tiigllali walnuts, lou-lb. aacka, llu, Uallfor iln brake Inn dluui eofi ehell) per ib., IDe. ' allfuniia alinouile, aoft etiiil. eacke, lb., 3rto. Pea nuts, raw, accuiduig to alae, aacka, 7 H 9 IUo. peanuta, mailed, according to alas, sacks, Vk Idito. CHKKMB. Amerlcsn Cheese No. I fancy, twin,, 27c; single daisies, Jnc; double ilalalia, 37taui young Americas, Zee; longtiurna, 3kc; aqua re prints, 2u btlch, ilDhv. IIOMCT . New extracted, 'ii, ll-ux., 2 doxen to eaae, per cane, 15.00; new comb, 24 sso. tluna per caau, 4 S"; hew exiracterl clov sr, 10-lt. cam, I cans to case, per lb., He. rutins. Ifauauas Haaed on Belling price of I'c per lb., I3.76&I.7I. or.ingea Kxtra fancy Culifornla naveie, 200 air, and larger, per box, .lulu), ill alxe, IlliOO; Sdll slse, ll il'i; Km ma, ln.uo; ,ii, alas, it.ou; 3eo site, II. tu; Florida 121 8i4 alxaa,; IHl-aill-SSI auca, 17.00; 1(6-21)0-16 elua, 17.10. I.emoiia fcilra California, 30!), 314 sine, per box, llo.00tfll.oo; choice. 3Ui), I ill else, ID.IOwlO.oo; Limes, 100, 13. lie Orapefrult Florida, 4 alae, lli.ilii; 4-7l-ID sixe, it. 60; Itle of Him a, alia 3,-40, In. 00; alio M-M-;(l-hl-9, li.f.'l. Cranberries Wbl, 100 lus II2.U0; bog, iO Iba. ID no Apples lellrluua, box, according to nli-.e and quality, K.dO'd 4.011; Woalnngloil .lonalhaua, per box, l. 1 f.'u' J.Mi; lilalln Jonathana, bills., :l 75; lm bek., II. 6; on urea Oolden, lm. bek., II 50; Ken Oavla, exua fancy, 4.5u; fancy Wo. PlnnlnB, per bhl 14 ii ; fancy York Imperlula, per blrl , 14.76. W inter banana, per box, 13. mi. Pearo Michigan Kelfer, bu. bull., 11.76; Cnloradii Kelfer, per box, iz.iffi; fnucy VVaehlngton ))e Autou, per box, ::.S0. Pachea Washington Freestona per bog, II. til. Crape, Tokay, 4-baaket crrite, 12.76. Flae California, 24 ca ton box, iO-cartnti box, 1.1. 60 Dates llullowll, 7ll-lb. butle, lb., lie; Dromidary. cbbs, 13.00; box. 10.76. Avocadoa t All'ator pours), according to erne, oozen, 14.0006.00. Cider Now Nebraska, 14-gul kegs, per kr?, Ii 00. VFCIKTAnLtSI. Fotntnuc Mlnneauta Had ftlver Oliloa, No. 1, 11.40 per cwt.; Nebraska Korly Ohlos, No. 1, 11.26 per cwt.; No. , II 0 per cwt, Hwoel PotatnB Vltglnln, bu, bell., 11.60; hul.. 13.50; southern, bu. bek., 11.60. ftutobotee Per lb.. li!. Ueele, Carrota. Turnlpa, l'aranlps Per market bek., !(Bl)r. Peppers Market bek., 11.00. I lant Hebided, iloaen, il 26. Tomatoes Homeffruwti. market bek., 11.50: lioth'iuee, 2-carton box, 12.60 par carton; California lug,, union Homegrown, doen. ba.'., i(c; Imported Hpanieu, cwt., II to; yellow, per cwt,, ted, lb . l4o. tlarlli: Per lb., 25c. l.atlneM Colorado keili. 46c; white, per cwt., 13.00; Iowa and dn?en, crate, I4.768i5.v0 per duten, 11.60 leaf, doseii, one. Kplnach Per bu., 11.25. , Cauliflower California, crates, 12.60. Calibufe Cralen, per lb.. 2c; aacked, 13tc; red cnbbaire, 3c; celory cabbage, per lb.. 10c: tlrueaell sprouls, II), 26c. ' Celj-y Michigan, per doaeu. 0976o; Id.ihn. I er doun, II 261 T6 Honey Dew Melon crates, 12 00. C'urumr.era Market baakvt. 11.60. Pumtklna, Huuneh Per Ib, Vo. FLOUft. First patent, one-fourths, 17.25; fancy clear, onhalves, 6.7I; quutatlons are t. o. b. Omaha. FEKD. Prices at which manufacturer and Job ber, ara selling their producta In round .Jiilnli liillilii.illil:tli'i:l'l!iliH'll' I I I I . I WANTED ! j By Missouri Pscilii ; 1 at St. Louis, Kansas City, I . Littla Rock, Omaha and othet il important point! . Machinists, Boilermaker, 2 Blacksmiths. - Standard wage and working J conditions, a : Apply 217 South 14th St. ! I Omaha, Neb. t :u I - I I 'I I I II I I l'l'il'H'i -,i''Iii' l 1 I I II I III II I II I 1 I I f ,. ; Why Are the Railroads ; Not Furnishings Cars I ', to Move Coal and I 1 Foodstuffs? I ) Becau.e. owing to their refusal to , settle tk shopmen', strike, the moat . 1 of their cars are un side tracks 1 a wall In, repair while (he farmers 1 an4 frutl growers are facing ruin and e 1 the public Biervadon with tka adde4 kaur4 of freeimg Ikte wlrter wkil soma of Ihe -)ia Hard" railroad of- iris's lake Ike puellinn nf "The Putt. , II be pawned" . I Oauaha f .eV.rel.4 Skeascraha Sllllllllllllllllllllll Th C. a A Q. R. R. has msds rermsnent sgret'inent with its rent rmvloyva. Ilavs fgp.t-ie (or a ImiteJ number of Machinists BoiUrmakers Blacksmiths Car Rspairan Tin Smith Asalr lit FIim Raelalaa BailJiai, Tola sao) laraaaa, CHaaka, Nek. lota in fimah (ullcw: Hran I.I i' lln.en aiiorl. :: 1 1. Ilrey Hhartl; . Mlddllnge I In Had. lug III "ceil , Alf.Tla Ma 4-liotr,, ?llel)ii. I, l-.keOiloO; No l, I : t l.u.. DJ. No I.lneerd Meal I.I .I'rt.l do Colton.ed kleal 41 per cent, fit t0. Homing Feed White, .l II; yellow, l:i. lu. Putlef milk Condeliaed. I M bid, i I-iok per Ib ; Hake buttermilk, 101 to Lino Iba . 7',e per lb leg hbella lirlnl and ground, lut lb. sacks, I...00 per n. sti;p. ' I.oral buyers ais paying (ha fu!loleg pi o es for field eed, delivered Omaha, inotallone are f r bundiedwelaht meaaure. Alfalfa, II! e'io 2'i nu: red lover, IKI00 til us; al.yke. Ill eeu JJ 00; iiinothy, 14 60414 10, Hilda il graa-. IIIIO; while bloaooin eiteet clover, III 00; red lop, Uleu; nrchard graea, 114 00; rVe. llv0; filliey mlllell, 1 U. gulden nilllelt, 1 l, amber aorglium tane. .00. II A f New quoiai'sne leaned by Ilia Omaha Hay eicbeiiae allow the bay market to bo alialitly higher. Car ahortaaa la 1 1 1 1 inuaing delay in both Blupmenia to and from lima ha and Is affecting Ilia market. The demand la taking all ahlpmenla to thla market, eapeolally for III, belter grades. Kerelpts continue light. Prlrea below ara fur lerload lots: Ppland Prairie No, I, !4imiiiso0; Mo. J, Ill.OOtl 13 00; Nu. 1, liooylloo Midland Prairie No. 1, IH50ITI410; No. 2, 11 1 6(1 11 liH; No. i, notf in oa. L.(.vliind Prairio Nu. I. HOOOIOOO; No. 3. I 0ll7.60. Alfalfa Choice, 121 ) II : No, 1, III 5110 21 HO: elandard, 1 1 7 tu 'o-1 "0 ; Nu. 2, III 60l 10 10: No. I. 1 1 1 0D4J 1 4 00 Hi raw oat, I7.00CIOO, w Heat, 14 009 III. IIIDKa) Tha feeling among the hide trade Is hopeful, although lira bote la Bounded that Ihe . a of hi. lee baa been forced up too rapidly. Tannera ara planning on lurlalligg their uuipui In an effort la etrengtiVn the leather market by pro ducing leaa and In that way raalng up the preaaure In Hie hlda market. However, the Intel market la firm ,n4 i.iM.i 1.1 urn. on hides rre ailvaneed ellghtly Haturday. The calf kin.sYket la quiet. Korea hlrtee ara quiet aiaVeakt unchanged pi IceS, Won) and sheep aklns ara firm and huyera are Inlereeied in both. The tallow and grange markets ire atrong and lalo eelee have been at 140 advance uver prevloue trndea. Thla price, however, la regarded by buyera aa trellie and not In be rilled Upon. That remalna In be determined leter and local buyrra are picking up nil that they can get on reasonable terms. The 'luoteilons given below ara en In hauls of goods delivered Omaha 1 Current receipt hides, I4e and I3! green hide., n slid 11c; bulls, H'o and ,c; branded hides, Hie; liln, 15n ri4 U'a'", calf. 17c and J6'ic; deacona, o each; glua calf and kip. 7c; glue hldae, 7n; ponle, and a Hies, II. 00 each: cnlts, 25o each; hog skins, 15c each; horse tildes, 14 60 and la 60: dry hides, Nu, 1, lie; dry aalted. lie; dry glue, In. Wool pelte, Il ar.'fl I ror run wonieo kklns: spring lemhs, 7l(l)0c for lata take off: clips, no value; wool. Illume. No. 1 tallow, tic; II tallow, I'ijo; No. t tallow, 6c; A greaaa, II greaae, Rc: yellow greeae, 6e; brown greaae, in; pork cracklings, x0 per ton; beef crack lings, I'iO per Ion; beeswax, 120 per ton. Business Activities l.lecet New Officers. Cnlumbus The dlrwtors of Ihe paxsnn liavla coinpany, wholesale grocers, elected nfflcera lu fill the vacancy caueed by tha denlli of Loula II, Bruckner, the firms secretary-treasurer. Max Hruckner nr Platte Conler wa, named treasurer and Robert. K, McLean of Clarke Is to boconi, secretary, and ciedlt munager. Phw Klk Home. , Cnlumbus An Important elcp forwvd In their movement for the erection of a new Flka' home wng taken by members of lodge No. 1 lr, .when they au Ihorlied the lulldlng crunmlllea 10 pre pare a comprehensive plan for financing the project. They hope to develop a p'nn for raising at least 100,oi)0 among tb members of Ihe lodge. Aulo Deulers Itity Hullillng. Deal rice J, C. Whoe ton Hon. who are enanged lu the nulnmohlle bualiiraa here, hsva eloeed a ileal the purchase of the O. o, hsliis block for which they paid 120,0(10. They ex I'M to occupy me building January 1. I Pilrtnerslilli nlssnltril. Pewneo 4 III y A deal baa been completed by which W. N. Hrooke becomea aula proprietor of the aloro formerly known a" Nelson Jtrooka , a general merchandise concern, H. W, Nelson, een lor piopiielor. sold his Interest. The two hsvii been aaeoclaied together In the bual n,as for alx years. Buy Hie re Hulldlag. Ord ;Kafrjia nnd Hon have purehaaed tne i ron nuii'iinw vi', i,. ..n.o cupled Mi" paet year Willi a slock nf gen- nr,.h,.ii,1lNe Thi'V havn cxIeliHlve plnns for remodeling the siruciurs so that It will better ault their needs. Masons are alrendy tuny extending the building to the alley. The second floor la to be re-,l .....I - eno.nlnle atoelr fit flirill- tura will be added. Aulinrn Hotel Hold. Auburn W. II. Hrown? who hns been the landlord at the Auburn hotel, has eold his Interests to Bcnfleld brothers, who cume to Auburn from Pawnee City. Kuvor llond faatie. Clay Center In the special elcotlon held In this city in which the matter of bonds for additional water supply and the nuestlnn of a snnltnry sewer system for Ihe ctty were voted upon, :iH4 votes were csst for sewers and 77 iigalnat. For the well bonds, 37". votea were favorable and 33 against. The sewer question was brinish! up under a referendum petition filed subsequent to the city council hav ing acted favorably on the question. II11II1I Transmission l.lne. Wymorr The work of building (he transmission linn from Pameaton hy draulic power plant to Heal rice, hae been commenced. The line will be 24 miles long and will enrry three heavy wires. There will le three transformer stations, one at Hsmeetoii, one at Holmeavllle and one at Beatrice. The coal uf the line will be ahmit IMi.oon. Deaths W. S. Allison. HIleKon W. M Allison, 4, veteran nf Ihe civil war, died ut Ilia home here. While he and .Mia. Allliaon were returning home from a trip to Yulparnleo, Ind., h, suffered a parnlyllu stroke on Ihe (rain In South Chicago, III, When they reached Hhelton he was In a critical condition. Mr. Alliaon had been a realdent of Hhelton for more than 30 eara. Ha wea an ac tive member of (he O. A. It. poet. -lief. ire going tn Indiana he attended the natlunal encampment a( Oea Momea. la. He wea a member of tha A. F. and A. M. lodge. K. A. ?iBill. Ptri' TU. funcr. i( K A. OanibU. vrtfrAH ftreitmn, who sit rt at hi litn In ttiiB ity, watt hul.t in tli fumtly rt- j 1rir, t ii iirmoii tiftiiif V i vsm by ( J. rrtiUlitl IU- Man. H is) Pf ths. ftr ; tlstf sartttivfit, M utlprn W vt1mn of Amrtr, i rnr 4'tt.mi aiJ ciha-tai wtrw in ( I IcD'taitit). j PtKl titty At Jutaii W Th. 1 hn U"l h Ii Jl'4,rftrt. it i , tvtr tir al IU tha fathr uf kin A Nualr nf Una pit. I 4r. Uitnt UmalwsiVfl. j Mmk(i-Mii i,iatn ap.. 1 aid tUHt uf (lcttt tiit at fcr tint t a b m fm nt J ' Wt'.-i RiMHf ! .l;.ti 1 W ) HassJaksrii l Vh!tAts" Mr A . K ,i k. t 1 t at mi tS.iS ' l"fft tn 44.aV R I ,4Hfj If Ufa 4"-S4(ttk fc" ifesj if SretfXkfot t- ht BMlliJ . ftjtst i 4lvV li H iM.fcwM-! -,.n.j,i ae.i ft 9 Jta lft , ir -f fc- fctta a.ts i 0tv- i4 - l M I at Ike Ike I . - Is - a t - t " I I ... a Ik a is ( o -.1 4 i k l: A- eesee a.i-i,'- s mi a ' - ; I- a. i, , . , 4 . I l i - h . a Man -af I ... ... , a I ie waivaaa .. . ..... . . ; ., ik a,- a . . i 1 .I..II, M I..-.-" as. ' - .!-. -I aa e k.4 v a ..a, e... '-a I"-.-. . i. a .-a , .-,- . a a - . -u , ' . I . -, e a , - .- . 1-4 1. 4 4 4 .. aV. 441 4 . - . I SOUTH OMAHA DltASOII orricf!, JITII AND N STS-, MA. 4II. South Omaha Post of Legion Plans Boxing Carniv al View Held That Stale Com iiiiskioii Will Grant Litrune New Quarters Con-idcrcd. The Irgulur IQUIllhly lli,etltl of Mouth Onmlia poal, Amerlcnn legion, wna hclil Krlitny nlglrt sf Kuula hall, Twrnty llilrd nnd N slri'i'ts, with Coinniuniler Charles Itapp ptrslillng, Iurlni( tli biiilnes meeting John J. i.itrkln, chiilriniin of a t-oiiuiiltte to aci urn tiunrleis fur tlio pimt until a lititna of Its own rarrtie erei ieil, re ported that an offer hnoj liren re. ci'lvi-d tdiili ring KK hall ss a mci t lug plat's and that (ho committee had lnviwtle.ii.tcil sevurul other place, Filial ki-tlon on a mr-ttlnff plrice will bo mud at the next reuular meeting, After tha routine Imalneag lind Iwi-n flnlaliixl an entertainment priitram was given which Included vocul and liielriiineiilnl mualc, followed by a mokcr nnd luncheon, With a kiuw that the etalo l.oxlng comnilMalini will grant Kouth Omaha P0Mt a license to singe lioxliig ahows a committee) will tie appointed tomiike arrsngnincnls for a hig hosing enrol val shout Thsiikaglvlng week. I'luns are aleo under wsy for the giving of a big nilnalrcl show to cidnbrsts ths opening of It'iseland theater, Twenty, fourth and ) streets, being erected by J. W. Murphy. Mi Kuth Nichols Dies. Mis Kuth Nil hole, 27, daughter of Mr. and Mm, Klcliurd Nichols, 1331 Mouth Twenty-fifth street, died Friday night st her home, JJesldo her purcnlg glut Is survived by two slHtera, Mrs, Harold McKcn na of Ontahit, and Mr,. C'hiirleg Kg liert of ("renton, lu., and a brother, flcorge Nichols, Mouth, Omaha, live NtiM'k comnilMHli.ii man. The body will be taken from the, homo to Wt'liHtcr gtreet station nt S Monday morning and will bs sent to Newcastle, Neb, , Man Reports He Is Held Up Two Hours After Arrival John Jeffrie of rortland, Ore,, who arrived In Omaha at V Thursday night, reported to Mouth Omulia police at It that ho had Junt been held up by two bandits and robbed of $35, The ho'Iup took place at Twenty geventh and R streets, Jeffries said, while ha was seeking the homo of a friend. South Omaha Brevities LOST A white hog with rtrd neck and hied. Call MA. 3176. For sale Barber ahop fixture. 7:8 II street. Call MA. 1005, The South Side Pleasure club give their regular dance Sunday evening nt Kagica hull. Twenty-third and N streets. Advor tlsement. The Honlh Hide Pleasure club glSes a big carnation boll Sunday evening, No vember II, at Ksgleg hall, Twsnty-thlrd and N arrcats. Kacli and every one who attends receives a beautiful carnation. Advaitisemept. The Houth Hlda Pleasure club wants everybody to ta sura and get their cna timis ready for ths big mask hall Hnhir. dny evening, November 4, gt Thirteenth and Martha streets. Six dandy prl,ea given. Lady' ruby ring given aa a door prize, Advertisement, August 24, 1146. and, Immigrated to Mar. queue, Wl,., at tho ags of about 20 where on January 6, mils, she wa, united In mar riage to Uevld Perron. In June, )72, she with hai family lo cated In Boone county, Nebraska, being among the csrly pioneers and where she and her huaband have since resided. Hho la survived by her huaband, three daugh ters and six aona. Wllllum Butler. Orand Ialand William Hutler died at the home of his dnuahter. Mrs. fl. J, lingers. Funeral sorlvces wer, held In the O'Loughlln-Llvlngston chapel, Rev. c, .1. Chrlstlanson of the Congressional church officiating. A son, Wellington l-. Butler, reside. In Lincoln. JiiniiHi A. ArnHt. Ornnd Tsla:il Jamp Andrew Arntt, ar, 6H, well-known rfaldent tit Dillllpei, fllad at hla hunt, Ha Hh(1 been a n-alUt-nt 'nf NHhrHnka for 36 ypHra, HvmIcIh hta widow, two dauKhtan, two aona, and 12 Ki -nnitrhlldrrn turvlvn him. KiiihthI ner ti'Pi WfTf i'lrtitliHtPd itsthA homa In T'hIU llpa, Hav. Bonk nn nf tha Methodiiit t hun h offiriatlng. JiUfrmnt waa made at ho up City. Wllllani J. Olauae. (Jrand Inland William J. Ulaua.. (13, a rs.etnl.-rn of ltalay, dlad at tha Ht. Krancla ht'spltal In thla city tha rfault nf In-Jurl-a auatalncd In a runaway antiflent, wlills at work on hta farm na.r HHlnfy, Ha hd baen a rtldnt of Merrick county fur 4'Jt yatira. Hla widow two aona, four tlauf htira, and aman urundrhlldrati aurvlva htm. The funem! waa held at tha hnm of a ion, ( hirl-a, at Calmer, burial baliisj mada at Atther. Nctv Weddings l-emMa-tiorwuiM. Peatrlce i)ia linoa, 4, an4 Calll, Oorman. 3 6. bol hot ILalrlc. war mar ri.d by County Judge eWeemnre, A mar riage llc o.e a. as also granted t Henry rolkee. ; and Freda I aulkbelner, II, both uf W liber. a. halls-4.ehrlng. Ileaill. Cerl A. hulls of Ihl Ky ui-a Hi. ib I', lloabvma nf tlamei.ton . .k. .--...i.M ..k.... a e,l, niarriw ei mi . -". .v ,rrld el (he 1 eihiiilc ihui.k at j i U i i..)ii I i.ll.i i inin "- i'uil, will ii,B ni, in''." ...w....-, . ' - . I.. ,a. ..! . ... . . . ... .... Ib It. .1.1. m w ei gagnl In Ik inegl gaaineas. lacikiewl4.areps. I',i.s i iii-Dui l..loe l Te, a . ad Frank llii4Mi thlel ' rl.anl. . Ike Faehee 1 . ielboeia ",. ,ar v.i4 a.arii.4 i Aabara, Tkey viol li, h llMkka alaei a. lie H - lleka a4 Mlee I Vl.,v e.ik .1 Iseie Uses ..I at in. al "ii el e e. e Ja la, .1 F,.... .. .. j4 l. w. Hoirt - , ai.-g la. le a ms a ar e4 Hi. in,. iii... ei ai-i.'., .w oi. k la II. a ). d, .1 MS M.a I II. aa l Ike I J i Maw itii ' b -eaa al lw bWas. leeea.-4ielt, t ,l.. I ' ll.a. I 4 Tv ... , u. ..t 1". ei.4.'..4 a . i l . . a la , w la a a" ' l le .it , ,,ai4. ik. I- si ....eal-ai-.. Ik. I ..4 Sial.a .! I.a . 1 .. e. . 1 i ' i- . , tae ' 1- ai a aa -a .'i -I au as k 1 fl it l-4l I..I.4 I.UVa. 1.14 ' . 4 4.1 1 1 -a a ( i ei I I. ... - e-i. s4a. o 1 U- 1.1 .1 a. a 4 . ,4 -144 4 -f li a M si --ta . .a.,,. ,,..-.. ,4,1 a 14 -fr .. ..4 i-l a t S't l.i a .1 . - . - I ,1 ie - -ei.,!, 1. a. ' - ' . U , a- e-. . , ... I a a, 4 ...... a ... 4 a 4.. ... 4. -4-:, . .4 ,.- at , Fall Demand for Lots Proves Big Keultors lind Many Hujers Kuger to Anpiire Suhurhan Trai ts for Later lluilding. Ai tlvltr In a.-reag and other eub dl. vision f r iperty bee een notre esteneiva Ibis fall luan t waa last spun, si tor. I lug la reatiurs whu keep a ciu.e ckeik 0 lb tl-'id of bueineee. This sllilalkm, I lies' ssy, IS unusual. prtiig ilia generally accepted tin., for activity In all kind of vacant prop any. 'Thi movement aaem, lo beer out (he prediction nied eeverel inoptba ago by Pog.r lisbsun and ether economists.' President alleles of Ik Itsal Ratals boald said kalutdaf. "Ilst.i and olhsi five month so piedicled a sirnng tendency on lb part of ally luika lo aciulra suburban property with tha plan nf living on It later" Sbuler A Cerr, who carried un big de velopment wink In Weal pecifio thla year, lor eala laal Thureday tk third unit of Ih'a development, known a the Han Ira I. The demand for (hie land aa sluing from Hi hour thai the sal e opened Anoiher Indlcatton nf Ihe tendency le buy vacant properly and build on il wee Ihe Sale of 14 lole on Weal Msple street two w,eks ago by OeOlge F. Jonea com. tomy, livery lot wea Bold and one Iniyr ibs sires. I, started lo build. A .hurt time prmr 4u the Jones sal. Ha.nriBS a Meyilen eold nut sn enure senium en North Siatletli siieet. A new eal of lots In Mian. lard Place, an addition west of the Field club, bid a wsek sg i, showed a continuing rlemend for propeiiy in this district, gcrordlng lo II. A. Wolf, who condole Slandaid Macs. Tract Hun Completed. Roy N, Towl, civil engineer, Ihie week will turn over lu lla.nns. A lleyden hie oilgliiai blua pfinta for the development which be propoMia lo recoiinm-nd for the i.-eera Leugan tract on Weet lrolae sllset, piirclaee, a month ago Irdfii the Lungsn H'alty company. Tina la tho largeel and most sxpsnslva trsei of ground acuutred by Imuglaa county fur several ycare for anbdlviaion piirpoaea and the development plana, which will be adopted by llaellnga a Hey. den, are being welched WI'll Irilereat. Mr. Toai ea,e, la lo uae trench digging methods imployed In the war for alraighi eiilng Ilia west bank of the l.llilo I'appio Cnsk which runs along Iba east aide of ths addition; lie plane to move the treee and ground at (he asms Urns by the use of dynsmlta Property Worth $200,000 Sold in Siiliiirlian Project Hy ths Line todey', sain of the Ityan tract Oil Wert Pacific closes, considerably mors than l;'i"),ii" wo.-ih of properly will been sold rhla year In the Weat Pa. clfle suburban homo site development project, eceordlng to Hhuler A Cary, realtors, who are developing cwtjnliy home altes In Ihl seellnn. The aynii tract, which Is lb" third unit of this levelnpment project lo bs mar keted, w.u put on sale Thureday after, noon. Tkia property, coneldered Ilia high est and most sightly In the district, coin, prises the 3 acres fifrinsrly owned by William M. Ityan and on which ho bad hie home. i The 111 an Ira't has been nude a part nf Loveland, legally. It has beep iil,dl v ried inio sees and half acre home allea ami lias building resirlciions of ,00U. Suhdivinion PurcliaHcd. A tract of ground comprising 33 Iota on Hi soul Ii side of Lake street be tween Fiftieth and Fifty-first, waa pur chased laet week S,y the llaneen invest ment intiipsiiy from Havld philpot nd Peter Melchiors. The ground will be euh divided and eold nexl spring, according lo L. C. Hboles, msnsger of tho llsneou rmi I sslste depart nieiit. This ground lann block from Military svanu and la a ahnrl dlstsnce multicast from the Country club. It goe, eouth from Lake to (Irani atreet and Is one of the high locations Jn Ills northwest dis trict. Building Department Added. Dii to rapid expansion of city real estate bu;ilneea, the IC'iultable Trust com psny has added a building and construc tion deoartraerrl. II will enable the trust rnmpuny In build and finance homes in sll perls of tha eliy. Seven houses at now under course of construction in the Te-avenworth Kslguis and Minna l.u.a districts, Graham Buys Property. There waa placed on record last week a deed wlnreby Michael Tuehman sold to W. T. Oraharn three plecea of property, Including a lions at Forty-third and California, another at Forty-fourth and Case end eomn vacant property at Fiftieth and Center streets for 113,250. D. K. II tick Returns. T, K. Buck, who hss beg. on a Jo-day hunllng trip near Hynnnls with a psrty of Omaha friends, returned hom ycater- day. Real Estate Northweat, Mollis C, Clary tn Kale Van Vllet, 3166 Curl la avenue, 17,000, Kill Van Vllet to Mollis C, Clary, 6416 17 Itedlck avenue, IS, Hi ll, Paul Kowerwlne to 11, 3. Erhorn, 4520 Ohio street,. 14.600. Renn .f. Fund to Ida M. Turk, Fonto nelle boulevard, between Wirt and Kin ney Btreete, 17.000. . If J. drove to Helen H. Illbhiird, north west corner Twenty-aeventh and Vrown Point avenue, lu.sno, Klelnoro Place company to ,T. W. Flteh, 32M Norih Flfty-elghih atreet, 16,600. B. F. Kleeherger lo Klhel A. Lloyd, 1014 North Fortieth elreet, 16,600. J. VV. Filch In K. N. Alderman, aouth et corner Sixtieth and Lake rreet. ,-.,;ir,i). Cathedral. William Skngman to Mary A. Lynch, 400 North Thirty-ninth street. 111.6m). Luke MnUrath to Kllrnherli Duggan. 42ll;l California atreet, 17,600. Michael Tuehman lo II. W. Oraharn, Forty-third and California atreeta; aouth weet corner Forty-fourth end t'aaa treets, lid other property, 111,200. Central. Robert Chapmen to Mag noaenbaum, i:n.l Cuming atreet (2IW. 14x14 brick), 16,600. . . (1. M. hedlck to J. P. Paly, 4lt-J-i-7-1.11 North Nineteenth street, 130 nno. V M. Clark lo J. C. Clark. !l"3 Call, fornia and 5U avenue. Maria Aletta (o Sebastlano Salerno, 113 Pierce elre.l, 14.700. Annie MrOavock lo Mane n iwie. ... North Twenly flrat street, 14,000, llanocim rrk. K f. Hodgea lo N, '? Andereon. rir- tletk alreei. between llancroit ana umu Itreel. 14.8117. . ,,.., Kve II Nalllliger M r.oima a .- 11)1 k.ulh Tblily-lklrd treel. I7.M10 IV 11 1' to C, A. Moore, 3052 ,..iv Thirtv-lourth street. 17 . .... nr. kiaon m John Vols, Thirty- flfi'h. between Woolwonh vnua and Pine tied, I7.i". W :et'' ( A l' Steaart, 1174 i: s. In, iii.iii a,a,illrt 1.II- ; -i , - - - , 1, .1 -.1 C.ill, ........ ...... ..r I...... I um.r lo VV 1, tl.eif, l .oiiri.''in - - N'ufth a.iei.ieenih siree'. t , , . r " lema l' '"" kW '"".,' I .Sorts T..nt -lOk slieel. . 1 . . . ." ... . , ,..iL 2.14 Hails l. naeniieie w Kattk hl.eelr. SCe-l. Il l" S t. ..e.le l A"-"' Se'ekee, JI3I . ... 1: 144 Arlkue a.kee I Al.d,.a.., ll-'l !r''S r; " V . ik III Seal ! ,m w..-, I. '" Si.ams. I'" , ,..,,1 in te,C. l . i. .. Ul l" ! , lil .. ....g t t . u i,.. ,, .1... .'! lilt aaawlki s .e,,S Iw J ' I-' , . ,v llll ).UIH v .ul,.. I'.lmi l It lj..a..... 14 ,v w i V U a' !" Sol waa a... Tv...l.,a I '! TV..-I-. I ; 1 , I I, 4,lk ,,.ih S .i, ' e ia l. v ... I '- .a ,,, ..a-. a e ' .-- ,,,, lia4e M 4 I I. v l Sat . f I,. I Ik. I , .1 ... .4 v- " "- ,v, . ..','' 4a ,, ".,',; ..... t k Ilin t a.. 1 .- , to. ( , . 1 I iiuenb't itil Ik.H 4 li .1 .We I I- . baa, M4 I Irs, Two New American drdinals Predicted Home, m. , Uly A. P. Two new Amu lean cardinal. Atvhbiahop Mtindeh'Pi nf Chicago and Archblahop linyea of New York, may tw) appoint til at liu, frit ronltory nf ths pon tlleats of 1'ops I'lti, according to au IlKitilallvo vatlcsn reports. Ths i'onltory which will hav world wide Importance as tha pops will deliver his that encyclical con taining ths program of his pontificals, la declared to hsvs been art for the flrat fortnight of lJecember. , Total of $738,000 Is Collected for G.0 P. Campaign Statement Filed With Clerk of House Shows Total of $6::,000 Disbursed to Date. ' ly iiiurroN' u n.( ox. Wusliliigton, Oct, H. Ths rupuli llenn party, us rrrpilred by Ihe fndarul corrupt piacllces act, yeeiordny filed a preliminary accounting nf hs rsiii dilutes It hits made tu retain control of Ihe national government In ths oresent cotiKi-eaaloinil ciniiiinlsn. Through tha Vnrlous party ssencies In chnrK of the cniniialgn S738.000 has been collei'li'd and 1 005,000 dl bulged ty dale. A final accounting of contributions and expenditures will he minlft 10 days after the sloclious In ac cordance with ths law, Hlutcmriils Filed, The cxprnae Htntements of the vari ous republican conimltleen filed with lbs clerk of tho I hi use, Tyler Tags, showed tlio following: lti'publlyiM inttinnul coiniiilltee: Its. eel pi a, ih,WW, dlgburaements, tZ!, 0(10. . , Upulilean acnutoiial csmiialgn committee, Monntor Medlll Mot'or- mlek, cbulrmnn: Receipts, I3,000; dlMbui'gemeiits, $103,000. Rnptilillcan congresslonHl rnmpslgn committee: Itncelpls, $168,000; dls btiraemi'tils, 1120,000. Jteiubllean speakers hureuu: Re ceipts, $17,000; dlkhuraement's, $11,000. Nous of these expenditures npproi lmttto thoHO of two years ngo when the presidential election was In full swing- In malting an accounting fur tha corresponding period two years ago the republican national committee acknowledged expenditures of $2,466,000. The present contrlbU' tlrms and expenditures, howover, ars far In exccHK of those filed to data by the democratic organisations. Several (iive $10,000. Virtually nil the money collected by tho repulillcun senatorial commit tee came from Chicago, New York and Philadelphia. In the $10,000 class of contributions were frederlclc w. Allen, New York,, republican national committeeman; D. A. Reed, Pitts burgh; Henry V. Llppltt, former sena tor, Providence, The 10,000 duns Included: 'Wllllani Wrlgley, Jr., Chicago; Humuel Insult, Chicago;, J. A. I'atton, Kvanston; R. B. Guggenheim, New York; H. I Doherty, New York; Otto ICahn, New York; Payne Whitney, New York, Moat of the mosey reported under the head of contributions by the re publican congressional committee was Hlmply turned over to tha committee by Its former chulrman, ilepreBenia tlve Mlmeon J. Fess. This Item amounted to $80,000. John V. Rocke feller, sr., and John IJ. Rockefeller, Jr., each gave $75 to the congressional committer. First Prison Terms Given Brewery Heads Cincinnati, Oct.' SS. Sentences lm poaed upon three officials of the Schaller I'.rewlng company by Judge Peck in United States dlHtrict court hore last night are said to be the first prison sentences to bo pronounced In the United States against brewery heads charged with violation of the Volstead act. Verdicts of guilty on both charges wers returned by a Jury sgalnet Michael flllsinger, receiver, and Mi chael Keck and Joseph Herrmen, offi cials of the brewery, who were In dicted on a charge of having manu factured, poHHCHHed, transported and sold beer containing alcohol in excess of one-half of 1 per cent, and with having maintained on the premises of the brewery a "common- nuisance" In violation of the Volstead law. Mllslnger was sentenced to one year and six months in the federal prison st Atlanta nnd to pay a flnS of $5,000 In the conspiracy case. In the other case a fine of $1,000 whs Imposed. Upon Keck tho court Imposed a s"n- tenia ut one year and a day In Al-i iHiitaa federal pillion nJ $.'.00 fine and lien man wa sentenced to six months In Jnil and lined $1.00(1 and ciala In the Hi at case and $306 Slid coats In III second. RoMiery Is Si Clt'ter 1 H1:! ieli Illume Vanki London, (Hi II A rvnt mldiery in Umdott 4 cleverly dolia lhi( p.u aitiilm(d II to Anicrlmna. A fUlli ft JelvlS Wer fll"4 CO lh ""l'n"n" "nl Allien- Man. l VilioT Ihe natti r Wr, Pel- . N,.w Vi.rk."' Wriutasl to hak . . , . ' di.monl. in hia faun at a U SB.iWa hold, Tu aoleeinen, tear lug a MW-aat ttMiUimiiej $ .s.oi wt.rih i f Sni. went ta lh. aigivalaj bulel .1.JI laar. &fc.,al,l 1.1 It. . .... .a W-4. IMI,'kJ lllla.H." Ths tU ta ur ,4la .ltrk . mined lh flu. and I he i I a uul .k tu lake thetil ttilit uijea atliiiiw Ivmi lu lnw Ikeau u l-e Wife, wku aa ill la) kar.l II, al. .4 11. Id Iba bell n tta and gtuatij lb 41 at f k Me a) at fear nun,. ..i.. ih. jewel a. Ionian p.. .u.a au ; ; 014 an t wpv.i 0,114 ait uf Ik i J-a K. I1.4 i .f .a rM lh ktaa t.m. ktf 1,1 the.f k a it.1 a anil iiae ar .i k-t.l wit a, a-as. ,hf 11. m tfte aal,' ,h" .,, la, a, .4 t.i It a....'",, V' ' ' iiiaaa a k-u leefut ik.a... at. , -l" - etii I a.- ,t lt. 1. aa . kunS I Ska-.! kai4" lH4, Iks p,4Mm kfce4 i Star Witness for State Describes Hammer Murder Story of Witness Shakes Calm of Defendant in Lo -Angeles Trial for First Time. li Angeles, Oct, Ift.llotli prote. rullon and defense were buay lodaf with preparstlons for (lis resiiniplioii .Monday uf the (rial of Mrs. tiara l'hllllM for tlir murder of Mrs. Al berla Trrmaliin Mesdows, uuiig wid ow, who was beaten lo drslh with a hsniiiier. So session was held today. Ily l;iW.KI IIOIIKKTV. IO Angeles, Oct. 4'latn l'hll lips, charged with hammering Mrs, Alberta Meadows tn death, lost her slolo Hile Friday for the first I line, and gave wsy to her nerves. Her rhtim of chorus girl day a, Mrs, Peggy Cuffee, was on the slninl, tell ing ihe story by which, the slats hopes to hang the defendant. HIin had described a shopping tour In the downtown district lh day before ths murder, bud numnd tha articles purchased. Hhe bud Included umnng them a hammer. At mention of tb hammer a imy. slcal change) nuns over tha defendant, Mh seemed tn singe up from her choir. It seemed ss If aim must go right over the counsel iiiblo townr, the witness stand. Put she sto,i.rd. Ilur hands gripped the edge of the table. Tim knuckles Were w hite. Nbs poks quickly, passionately. Her voles was hoarse, ilka the growling of an animal. "Tell the truth, Pesiry," she said. "You bought the hummer," Witness Hhtidilrrs. Peggy looked st Clara nnd shud dered. She drew back a little, turned hirr foe) uwuy. There was terror In her voles un she snswered Clara: "Clara Phillips purchased the ham' mer herself." There were other dramatic moments In the dnyeabut lions that surpassed this incident ss a thriller, Peggy told how she and Clara hud gone to the hotel room of a friend to get Clara a drink; how they hud gone to Lams; Peach the next day and obtained a flaexk of whisky. "Th boys drank most of It," idi said, "but thero was a little In the bottle end Clara asked for It. fihw wrapped It up." "When did you last se the bottle?" "It was on the hill. In the auto, Just as we stopped, Clara asked Mrs. Meadows If she didn't want a drink. Alberta said 'No,' Clara drank ths remainder of the whisky In the bot tle, and threw the bottle away. It was Just before she killed Alberts.".'. PSfy told how, sfter the murder, Clara mads her wipe sway the blood that covered Clara's face. "She made mo do it. fihs gavs hi hor handkerchief and I did It, . - "Clara'a bands were bloody. Iter gloves were dripping blood. Khs rolled up her gloves and dropped thcin. into her purse, Hhe mado me give her my gloves made me put them on hr, (She kept one hand on the wheel while I put the glove on the other.". Pegg's-recital of the murder of Itself simple, horrible, vastly effective: ' "Clara got out first and then At berta and I got out last, Clara said: 'My husband purchased you this car and those tires.' Alberta denied It, Clara said: 'He did,' and struck her. She hit Alberta with the hammer, on the right side of the forehead, Al harta's hat fell off. She ran down the hill, screaming. I ran up the hill, cry ing for help. Then heard voices and I started back, Clara and Alberta wore coming toward mo, arm-in-arm. They got to the auto. Clara said: 'He bought you that wrist watch, too. Alberta said she bought It herself. Clara hit her again with the hamniur. Hanuner Rose and Fell. "I stepped forward to take Clara away, to put my arms around her and pull her away. Alberta put her hands to her forhead, and Clara swung on me andssald: 'Damn you, I'll kill you, too.' "I ran down the hill, screaming, until I couldn't run any mors. - I turned and saw Clara kneeling over Alberta's body. Her arm rose and fell. Her arm wss red. It held a hummer. The hammer rose and fell, rose and fell. I guess I fainted. - I didn't remember any more except. I was picking myself up snd brushl'ifi off my skirt, and Clara wss right near me, tooting, the horn of the ma chine. 8he told me to get in. I did. She said she would kill me If I told anybody. Her eyes were on fire. j. I wss afraid of her." 4 Attorney pert Herrlngton, counsel for Mrs. Phillips, questioned ths show girl for hours, but did not shake her story In any particular. "Living Wapes' Demanded hy Caddies Out on Strike Punxysutswney, Pa , Oct. SS. Ths high cost of living goes band In hitml with the expense nf golf, Caddies at the PunxNulawnsy Country club ate mi strike for higher w.-iges. On of th hoys writes thus: "We cuddle a. on strike. Ws sr union caddies ami li.ive to tut snd sleep an. in as i.ther people, sn ran t do It nl 2j tents a round, Th reason golfers ara -m Is l-a. cm us raddles try 14 g.t 4 iini who ill y nioie thin 4 nu.i ter for two rounds. "Thera Is a numlatr 4't eti Mice jit our thai his to ir punts, and ws earn ,uy a p-i.r a a.-.,a..n ,y only making ii tent a itnv, "We ilnn I Ihink a Lid. I t moe ni.m.y would suit eon,, of , fv. lew who rhi.iga e.t dutel nm, ti I f tha nt either ' Cautpers Ue Ilitth , hen HimmI Frrre ati-i nu Inn, 11, in 1. jiiau.M txi4 tha Wtni. w.ler iit.g , t 1 l iigbl s)- I In the i t Iks l.llu Win. k l-i. ke bti e. u.,iy ""!" ! Kit I tint, I nmt pei a-. 1.. I Wl.aiiia II ... 1,1, . f . (.riiitbttia I.H.. 4 il. an ae) ka f1.. a, ,1 it,, frotn i.r iie. ,11 lb aSMt.lie.1 stter Kaiakav i. I th. t.M... le) Ik- Doe S Ike 1 V ai-e lae iaii ..b i a.t. . a.i m a. ... e, , . - . . 1 . I , .- e .1 e ' . s .4 . lh . ' ... , 4. 4 . I , ( v.. -a as a-a-aaA , taWaaW al oaiJj .1 1$ MMS I a4 V. ,'' I ' ' ' aaj, , ,a