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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 8, 1922)
i THE - SUNDAY HEE: OMAHA. OCTOHEU 8. 1022. 6 A Jowan to Propose More Legislation , for Soldier Aid I!rprerntative Sweet Ha Di rrrliun of Program in He lialf .,f I)i.u,!o, War Herati. n (.11 i-thv Omsk lice ImH Mir. M anlunitlcq, Ih-t. t. ln Mliln ! I'lirem! nf effort M .i,auti)Mial "l Uli-r lmiua Iraud.illon wtivn ruiiKint (irumol tli wilfur of worM war VitiTann la In la iirmefil. ftprjirMtatJva Huitun M. Rwert of lima, auhr of th la wtilili ren all lllr rllrf aeilvltlrt of tha foviriiinnt in Iha vatoraita' bu roan, la (tlririln Hi profram for furthar l KlHl(lvt relief, haa the lo-nprrailun if h'ormtnr ImvlJ I. Walsh f MaararhuHPtla, who rkel ith Kwrrt mi tha jm xi am of relief 'In Iha liiNt mnifrrM and In tlia aln Junt rluartl. To diila tha r"Vf rniiif nt hm apiro liiluin) nun, nun, ooo fur rnra mil I ralitlnif of thn dlwiliW'it, hn nrranR0 fur xriilitiii's of mora than 35, noo.000 for ituialrm-tlmi of nw him Vitals ii n. I (T-nli-(1 r x-p.irHt vrfrrnna' burrait In aiirrvla rell'-f niraaurea. Chiiiiiiiluria of iha silillrs tin nut propus In atnml on h:it haa Iwn dune. Tha proicriiiii being conalilorrd ty Ilnprrapntntlva Hwwl la entirely part from I he limine nieaaure. Mr. hweet Ini'tuilca In the proponed pro gram fr further relief tha following: DnmuiiPiit Into luw of whiit la Ini)n aa Ord-r 67, whlrh permit tha etHrnns' bureau to rata men who r, iee rn or ahall l-a imi4t if u iul ie aaUum riming a ii.n tmuoua riii nf one nor nr mme luUlly ant irriiiant-ntly dieat.Lr.1 Ta inke piuvidiun thai In no ahall the .nn-f ntniinn of a iiaabll men l rlul unl a plonu-al aniinatlun altall liava Uu u: nielli to bit Uat Milne nr i.miI ba almll hava l--ii lven at least ihrr months' nutira of the propmir.t fcl li lli'H, To proia that P'i ht4. neuroaia, pkyrho iieurou, adiv lulM-rfuloaia r ibronlo eiupyrnia i)vi ..pu- iihm tbrea jrara after aprain frmn Hi M-rtlra ahull b entiei.tereit In bate bt-eil ei'iiire1 bila in tha ai-rvVe, Tli preifiit nw limlta tha ibnl to twn )i-ra. To moke rerlmn that In Ih event of death U-fi ra or after ilim hare or n Hiant..n fioin the arvh e, the Vrt eiaoa' bureau uliull pay imI inula than ;o toarl the funeral xtx-nnea and ahall provide a D ig to cuat $1 to drap tha rottln of tha deieaned, the (lg to b-iiue the irnpertjr of tha nut of kin. To pimule that tha retarana' bu reau ahall fuinlnh each iwtlnnt on dlacbarga frmn a hopliiil nlth a nlt ment of iiie1lral nndinga aa to hi eondlllon. To niak mora llliernl prutiHlnna fur the reinaiatemmt 'f laiii hiaurani-e Hii'ea and for the Inveatitiriit by tha veterana bureau of Inaiirnnrn pre. iiiIuimh in Intereat-henrltig olillgallona of tha I'nlled Hlnti-a or In bomU of tha Pwleral Farm lan bank. Nrw Mrm!rrt)liip Sfrrrtary Tha olTli'era of tha Omuha Cliitinher of L'mnniert'a bava annnuticed tha ap I'oliituient of S'. A. ("aim aa nieuiW ahlp aerrrtiiry. O'heaa duttea ware formerly tuken car of by Mlaa In Oilman, who becomea aecreUiry of tha bunlneea and prnf-annnl woman's i.'lvlalnn, and will continue to t aec retary of the koo1 follow elilp com tnlttee, entcrtnlmnant rotnmlttea and aeverni other lmportnnt ronimltteea. Burgess-Nash Gompany. EVERYDODYS STORE Fall and Winter Styles in Mme.'Binner Corsets Why go on buying; just a "corset" when we will help you to select a Mme. Binner corset that will make you look so much better and feel so much bet ter, andone in which you are sure that youhave the corset designed for your figure. You say that your figure problem is so different. You are right, it is. It is an individual need that has been anticipated by Mme. Binner, who has created models for you alone. rri TffM I. '-IT a 1 rl n . 1lfTifraa K There are mod els designed forthe tall, slejider wom an who, when she is properly fitted inva Mme. Binner has a willowy charm, but wrong ly corse ted, be comes angular and stiffly thin. Models for the tall, slender fig-' idhS ure, $5 to $25. n The stout woman corseted in a Mme. Binner model need not endure the dis comfort of stiff, heavily boned tell tale corsets. She need but "realize that there is un believably more comfort in the dig nified and becom ing kind of natural corseting to be found in the spe cial models de signed by Mme. Binner for her figure. Models for the stout figure, $5 to $25. I f sOt tut J Ihc uliort fr ago Homan cornel til as hhf ought to he in a Mmf, I'm nr ni'uk will mil Iract pound frtin hor u i a r t n t wriv'ht a d will apiieiir a I i m ly l'njrtinit. M tulr ' a f.r the ehort, "tout fijturf, $3 t.i $17.50, Mill. r:4f fprea ridJ tf ail, likt.atc, lfHhr touii, lr iiil rla'llv. in whil, r We Wthome the Decree of Honor of the firanil Lodce, anl In vittt I lie iiieml)fr to niuka u of (hi- act'ommoitattona we have arrfiiif'J for them. Weaiaa't Rl Kaem Thli4 Flea "EVERYBODYfe STORE" Free Movies Any rtiill ralluir in our rlillilrrti'a ilriartinenta will ttcrive free from tlio MumMiii aoi iely ailnuiin to Die Mune theiti-r Sattinlay tiiornlog, Ortnber 14 Noonday Program 12:20-12:50 Tuesday, OctobtT'lO, will begin the firft of a eerie of Tuesday noonday lec lurert to be given in the Burgess-Nash uuditorium. Under the general direction of Miss Marguerite Bookman, bead of Ihe children's theater movement here, lectures on drama, music, art, literature and architecture will be held each Tues day from 12:20 until 12:50 without admission charge. It in our plan to give business men and women a brief respite from duty. Program tor October 10. Madame Stadnitska Pianist Harry Disbrow Baritone Robert Cuscaden Violinist BurfM-Na AudllOflum Fifth Fleer O0 Silk Jersey Vests Each, $1.95 Made of firmly woven Jersey in French band and bodice top style, with shoulder straps of self material. Pink or orchid. Special Monday. , Children's Union Suits Suit, $1.50 Of fine lightweight wool and cotton finished with crochet edge. Made ankle length with Dutch neck and elbow sleeves. Sizes 4, 6, 8 and 10. New Tweed Hose Pair, 50c e ' Excellent for everyday wear, for they are a serviceable wearing hose woven with fancy rib in soft shaded mixtures. Burf Mt-Nli Hoaiery Shop Mala Floor Note Each Value in This Special Selling of Household Linens Dependable, trustw orthy linens of Irih and Scotch manufacture. This "is an opportunity for housewives to supply immediate and future needs, for, the quality of thosfijinens cannot be excelled nor the value surpassed. Celebrated Dctryvaie Irish Linen Damask . . . Beautiful snow-white linens of the ex cellent quality that gives lasting service. 2x2-yard Table Cloths, each.. $4.95 2x22-yard Table Cloths, each, $6.25 2x3-yard Table Cloths, each.. $7.50 22x22-in. Napkins to match, dozen $6.75 Double Damcuk Linen Tabic Cloths The unusually good quality that any housewife might proudly possess. 2x2-yard Table Cloths, each... $8.50 2x2 ' i-yard Table Cloths, each, $10.50 2x3-yard Table Cloths, each.. $12.50 22x22-in. Napkins to match, dozen $10.50 Irish Linen Crash Toweling A quality that leaves no lint. Woven with fast-color red bor der. Special Yard, 22c Irish Linen -Face Towels Of manufacture that will leave no lint. Generous size with hemstitched ends. . Each. 69c Irish Linen Napkin Cases Also handkerchief eases of fine linen, hand-scalloped with hand-embroidered design. Each, 73c Madeira Dresser Scarfs Of fin linen with hand-embroidery and hand-scalloped edge, 18x54-inch size. Each, $3.75 Irish Linen Luncheon Napkins Made of very fine linen with hand scalloped edge and elabo rate hand embroidered corner. Half dozen, $3.99 Madeira Luncheon Napkins 1313 inch size with hand scalloped edge and hand-embroidered corners. Special, Dozen, $5.50 Damask Napkins 21x21 Inch size in heavy weight and of splendid quality. Dozen, $4.95 Irish Linen Table Damask A bleached damask of extra heavy quality that will five remarkable service. Woven in several good designs. Yard, $1.49 Table Cloths Pure flax woven in rich designs with hem stitched edge. Special, Each, $5.95 BurfMi-Nh Linta Shop 5con Floor. Hour Sales Crepe de Chine Gowns will be placed on sale for one hour only 1 1 o'clock until 12 At $2.99 BiHMNk Liafwia Shop Second Moor. 1000 Silk Envelope Chemise will be placed on ude for one hour only, 12 o'clock until 1 At $1.99 Linfwla Shop Second f loor. Full Sized Dimity Bed Spreads Spreads of crinkle dimity made with ecalloped edpe and cut corners. Limit of 2 to a customer. 1 until 2 At $2.99 BurffM-Naob Lln.n Shop Second Floor 1000 Flapper Envelope Chemise will be placed on sale for one hour only, 2 o'clock until 3 At 79c Bur..i-Na.h LJnforio Shop Second Floor. Art Needlecraft Specials These Prices fonMonday Only 5 Thousands of pieces in attractive new deigns. Below are listed a few of the many pieces stamped to embroider. A wonderful opportunity to purchase for holiday gifts. At 50c Stamped Scarfs. Stamped Centers. Stamped Napkins. Stamped Doilies. Stamped Bibs. Stamped Infants' Caps. At 65c Stamped Centers. Stamped Towels. Stamped Scarfs. Stamped Throws. Stamped Sets. Stamped Pillows. Stamped Aprons. At 75c Stamped Library Scarfs. Stamped Library Centers Stamped Luncheon SeU. Stamped Breakfast Sets. Stamped Vanity Sets. Stamped Dresser Scarfs. Stamped Dresser Sets. Burfdi-Naih Art Needlework Shop Second Floor Curtains and Draperies Make Windows Attractive ) Following fall house cleaning, most housewives find it necessary to replace some of their window cur tains or shades. We are offering the following values for Monday: Ruffled Curtains Pair, $1.3? Daintily ruffled curtains remain by far the most popu lar for use in bedrooms. We have an exceptionally fine value in this style with full ruffles and tie-baclcs. 2','j yards long. Beautiful Silks and Velvet Priced to Command Your Interest Paisley Crepe 40-in. crepe de chene and georg ette crepe, patterned in rich Persian colors and designs. These make at tractive blouses, or when used with other materials, smart frocks. Yard, $2.95 Silk Duvetyne Both silk faced and all silk duvetyne have a variety of uses in milady's wardrobe suits, wraps, gowns, trimmings, and millinery. 36 to 40 inches wide, in all colors, yd., $3.45 to $4.95 Crepe de Chine Pastel shades that fashion charming lin gerie and negligees. Also dark colors suit able for blouses and dresses. 40 inches in width.' Yard, $1.59. Kimona Silks Suggestive of the Land of Cherry Blos soms are these beauti ful 36-inch silks in bright tinted flower and butterfly designs. Yard, $1.65 Costume Velvet Velutina, the im ported English Cos tume Velvet in fast color and fast pile. 36 inches wide in all colors. Yard, $3.95 - : t .--VTi - V:V-J . .. j ' A-' i n ii -i -i .vii " Sea Mercerized Pongee Yard, 69c Heavier than all-silk pongee, this highly mer cerized cotton material looks well and wears well. It is most attractive for casement windows. Figured Marquisette Yard, 75c These have a 1 1 the beauty of the filet , pat terns, yet do not require stretching ironing is all that is necessary. In ivory or ecru. Shades on Hartshorn Rollers Each, 79c are size 3Cx(, made of a good quality shade cloth in both light and dark green. Mounted, on the famous Hartshorn roller. Nate Dieer Dot. Keurlh Fleer Sale of Glassware 3,000 Pieces Greatly Under priced A factory's overstock of highest quality lead blown glassware. All are late shapes, decorated with plain and simple designs in needlepoint etchings. From these pieces you will be able to renew broken numbers, and to add the pieces required by in creased winter entertaining. There are also novelty items for gift purposes. Many stemware shapes. Jugs, each, $1.95. Goblets, each, 29c. Parfaits, each, 29c. Tumblers, each, 19c. Grape Juices, each, 19c. Comports, each, 93c to $1.49. Oyster Cocktails, ea., 19c. Sherbets, high and low, each, 29c. -Ice Teas and Highballs, each, 29c. Wines, Cordials, Cock tails, each, 29c, But le.iNe.a llaueeiuraiehiat Shea F aval a. Floor Burfeu-Nith 311V Shop Second Floor Linoleum by the Yard New PatternsLow Prices Many would like to refloor every room in the house with so practical and serviceable a covering. These attractive printed and inlaid patterns in wood, tile, and carpet effects are becoming more and more popular with women who desire a sanitary floor covering, and one that is easily kept in this clean condition. If you would like an estimate of the cost, we will gladly measure the floor space without charge to you. 6-foot widths are priced, a square yard, at $1.15 to $3.00 Armstrong Linoleum Rus W'e have both runner and stove rugs in a good range of patterns and colorings and one may choose these genuine Armstrong linoleums at the following low prices : 3xl2-ft. size ...$1.98 4-Gxl(i-G-ft. size .$2.49 4-(ixG-ft. size ..$1.50 l-6.12-ft. size . .$2.98 Carpet Remnants v Each, $1.00 18x27-inch size with fin ished ends. These small rugs are samples from discon tinued paterns of our cut order line. Limited number only. Kach, $1.00. flurf.u N..k Rtlg 5a I laar 0 All Wool Skirts $5.00 Mnt ttrittie in w a r with t' svfjti r r l!iut' I hjt Urt of y ell-WMii) I'rtiiiflln. lNr unitii in'fd at leaM iiio cir.)t k irt to icnw !!( her wurdi !, Of l-laik, f4y Mm and lru with V.rii" of tiilra,:Pf ilvr. All ar l '!mif-l. ,Sij,a '.'I t :t ait. Monday Specials in Domestics and Blankets tiih TottvlitU! Yard, v ? huh Mi-ai'l rJ U"i t;ul q-iaMy f .r r W I it' i .Vrt'ut!y I'tur.) ("t M'ii'U IllUk TnWll-i Kach. 'J V lniti!iht. tide f l ) l.'-l it .V nf I T,dl ' P tir.t. Yard. IIV M li e- !. f . I I l't f i In t1 ii i l i , K Stee i.t twe.t.e om Ihm! Sjqvads liUaclied .Mtblin Kach, Yard. fili, iiH'!et h t Mini) .l,hl 31 liu! ih i .-.irtl fr full eut I l . ' " Wtllit'lt 0rnM.nn (V.ttnu r.l.uikits, rach jH. it tii,ktt l'i fit) Un an I itiU ttH fan') br I ri HMru Six !l:mU t ltte USanki t- I, ; ai ,,,!, MnAoit In t!ti H -e. i f aU in ii . s i t i.. aUiH. I, iloi.i H'la'i'y- I'-ir, la?,1. l'ii l.llll '. i ftmn Scrim Curtain Yard, t'Sc Mm N vl i!l rim ivh I4iti!y iuff! il h-xili-n, ', ' ll Irngih, Tuah lNinj'o Yard, . ,14 in, H wi!h, Mktviial tf j I iiM-i'i J'ijr, I wr Kimun.t Silk Yard, VV (liim i i v l n J (it !- Ii a . .let X.k toeHe liei HtlVC You j'l-f Co!(cd An Km ire Me;il Over One siar W . ami Thin ..; , n. -t il-r an'l II. a i iituii 1 1 .. i r, i:i lhi lllH.-f.irr..,h,iia -r'.. t, will li r Jim ! it i'U v Mn" US lit I'liii. c il l .'.! I." Ke . r Si I ini. i r mi r " r tiiinur, in u. h a a ! . MfT li nt f the ful ..---i,,f rt'-llfv I fl Mi h,. . el SM.( M- Iwritl I bm Mi! l'i V I .! in ll.m l . - v.mU m W i' h e . I ai 1i . i-.w ( . ) s I t .' I . -. I I I " Ui,. 1 v''. ! I I ( II o)h s a4 0j- n.ta Sid, flh-- sitio. $:s. SI, 7 Sr. VS0. 13 50, $10, $U33, It 9-a4 9