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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 8, 1922)
l G A Tlin SUNDAY FKK: OMAHA. OCTOBER 9. 1022. Congregational Conference Will Meet in Norfolk Changes in Constitution an ' Union With Prcshytfrian Church Among Iinjcn tant Cont-iilcrationi. Norfolk, NUi, Oct. 7, tSlieHiu! Election of a new mw1fratr aril other offlctra, decisions on the tha (juration erf a union with th rrrsliyterUm lunl otter chunlifo, the chunking- or re vritinc of the constitution mid other Important business In scheduled for Oaiisartlun at the 60th annual ineetlnjr of the Nihrusku 'i'ii(!nniillnnul con fvrmce which opens In Norfolk Mini- dny Ortohrr 9. IMi-siites lire coining from every corner of t h" st.ite. J'ruiu tnmt speakers n ml icrent church au IhiirlUi lire commit from many atutre of the union uti'l mm of the church workers In t"f iun fulii will lit In (lindane. Not folk miiI are plan ning to take cure of tha ureal gather Ing of chutrh workers and elaborate programa huve Ixcn an.irnc!. ncv. V. V. Clark of I-Ulbr la tlio present mntlcuitor. Ji.ii successor ajj'I the mctiiliiTN of the board will lie elected at u nu-ri.tiir next Thursday tuornimr. Durinir tho liuslnesa sea ion on Thursday w.ll develop the rrwrXnit of the count tullon. The chunj-e wan lieiin Inst ymr and the rev. s. on w.ll not ulter the constitution materially, rbunh worki-rs buy. I'nion fons'di-red. More Importance, however, la at tached to the pkm of a union between the churches. The suKSTHllon wsui made ly the JYesliyUriiin church lust j'eur mid referred to thn Cuiiftre Katloual church. Tlu) f.rtit move will be to Induce a closer federation of tho , work between various churches Ue Ultimate objective of u complete Union. Decision on the toleration of church work will bo Hindu at Thurs day's niectinnr. The conference Will be opened by the conference r?rmon, "The Church's Ow n Foundation," by Ozc ra H. Pavls, president of tho Chicago Theological semlaary. Oil Tuesday's profjrnm anions other prominent church people, will appear licv. Vic tor V. Clark of Pillar with the annual address of thn moderator. Frank M. ftheldon of Hoflton, aecretary of the Congregational Education society, Openes the devotional hotir Tuesday morning. This devollonul hour be comes a permanent part of the con ference and all business la side tracked for ono hour each day dur ing these services. Prominent Workers AUend, A large list of state workers are on Tuesday's program which will be con ciued in the evening with un address, "The Church' Challenge to young People," by Pr. Frank M. Sheldon of PoBton. Most of the work of the young people will be taken up during Tuesday's program. ' O. W. Jv'uh of Chicago, president, Congregational Foundation for liu ca tion, is on Cor an address during Wed nesday morning's program.. Wednes day afternoon the work among the Indians will be featured. 1 There wdl bo songs by the young people from the .San.tee Indian reser vation and -0 address by Pr. V. It. B.ggS on work done among the Kan tees. Ii. f. llalliday of New York will give a report of the present con-d-tion of the national home mission ary work. A fi'l.iwi-hlp dinner Is plan ned for Wednesday evening. Secre tary Ernest II. JJallidny of the Con grepational ctensoi boards w H de liver his principal address on Wed nedny n'ght. llev. Frank B. Warner of Taiku, Sbansi Province, China, will deliver the closing address on Thursday ve '.flS. This address cornea after the Ws business session on Tuesday afternoon. Lincoln Vet Heads Bellevue Students UanLels ReerivrTship of Creamorv Firm ten tad Iluijjert Pnniel's iweivernhjp of the V'i.trloo Cieimery con-.nany was "Ui.ord d by Kedeir.l Jud."e Wood tough to Include two subsld'ary eoin panles, the Corliss Liind and Kkhorn Valley Condensing companiesi. Matter of Including the Alamlto iMiry r.nd linldulT Candy company In Ibis action Is postponed f.r he.iring until October 16. .fter that date the Judge will an n aMic judgment on tigbt directors of tho CJinianiea h'm ha found H.H!y of cjnteuipt f civt for vio b.llng bis reeeiveih!) order. A I i V t Ul'l ,)' Ui' 'P Clears Skin of Pimples Remarkable Acitea ol Stuart's Cal cium Wafers in HUiiag Faca pi PiuipUt, Uilt, Kaib, lilotehei, Etc, Y k" a l. ' ' ft .l.-lu. k ( Hoik uJ a'l ll Ik Mr Indiwiu thai ! i r aV- v. - WW 1 rr Uail Managers Taking Steps to Meet Freight Jam AeormMtf in Capital tu Work Out Detail of I'lati t KnJ the hi(iinj( IMotkade. Ity t.liOHt.K r. At IIIIMI n aahlniiua ( orrrapiHiml TIm Onisaa IVaahiiiglon. tti-t. 7. f pet' ul Trl ram 1 All agiiitlt-a of h kviu Mknt are at work to break the freight Jam Which threatens to wreck the transportation machinery of the coun try. Kidlowlnc a euitfrrene of railroad nccutlvea here, 9 rrpr'wBtalive transportation tnanagers, rvpresentliiK iSalrin r"rtd, liiet in Vtimi,t ill yrS 'hi r4 ftlttt III IliCteSSB In llifli0ts ! ti'id.ty ti wrk out d ' :U of thi Kn jer Mus outlined by ih railway I The ruma Nsnch of IU go. 'erillomt W tlllrlwlrd I't th .luaHot Hid at tb M hue Houm it la acknowl- d?l tji.'t c,n-buona "iidutriitlly, euouirii.ily and reonin;rnlly" art in th right direetloa, aliliouaU a srt. (.us trvpormtlon situation nd bjlllij, It was Intimated, litd.iwtly, thnt the roads ar rptaibl fr the situa- (loll briuu I'f their refu:il tH ac cept tba president's Initial suggestion fr I'H understanding betwem the roads and their rtnployra to settle the strike, . Ju porta received by tho transporta tion n.anuKcie howed coiiditluns liil piwrd at Kuffslo and tipu the roads leading into New York. While Im provement woa marked there. It was admitted at the Whit House that Wheat tiiibargoes bad been applied In certain tiidlie wtxtern slat-a. The reports on freight offerlnaa rontinura, indicating that all tenuis will bo broken. The pwik of h'ttvy ti4iiKl.'ll.n usually eunus uhoiit ! 'h-ti.Ur It and every effort la beiim brectnl ui kri things g(ng the next 1UO ttrcka. It IS flit If this ' HI b .jie, d irr uvan b averted. Hv, A. IK I)iiii Taken Hov. A. I. iHvis. for two ear etliployed by tbw educatlonMl Inuird of il .Metboillst cliii-ih. Is the luw u-1-eilutendi.iit of OttLitu dlctr ct, N biaka Children's Home atnUly, Itev K. Jl. Itulls, statu supi'rlntiiident, liblluUllcetl today. KrV, PiivIh will ho in the l'al ottW, McCilgue' building, lie W4H for iiatiiy years minisur In Nebraska and Illinois Meiboditt "Ol.ferelicrs. The electroscope, an enortnously siDs.tiva instrument, is us-d tu tndl a'4 the piraeiice of invisible quaiitl tiia. It la nnll.on times mure m-nei-live than the spectroscope. Deadlock in I.. 1). S. Conference Broken IVojxwal to DcSfr Aft ion on I'urportftl Rfvtlation It Tal.l.ii. Indeindeiice, Mo., Oct. 7. tSpei'lal TU:nim.r The gviiorul c.inf. inioa of the IU-orgnnlxed Church of Jesus CJnmt ljitler Pays Halnts here jester day tabled the document presrnted by the iiuurum of 13 and presiding bib oiwic ask tug that action on Uie pur ported revvlnllon presented by t'reai dnt rr.-dertck M. Kinith imi Motnlsy be deferred until certain dlagre ments between him and the joint council were eliminated. This solution of the deadlock, which b'U held up the usual business of the If. -lifer, nee for four dys, wis rea'hrd )ft-r a rn!m pien.titi by ptrt A. ' Kmith, iitAn wU with 1'irder.ilt Hut th I in I ha prrJlroty, of ths fsi Ibat tloi coiuriiuiig the dlfssitemini and niattet prrtsinliig thfleto rnul4 b ikrit after roiisid. ration of the revelation, "lt us esse this nioet pacullar and Utipiwedeiitvil s. tuition In which a pri-sun-.aldy a rburcti bultt upon tha fact of roiitioiiel revetitiim, have idetrnckrd rijiiiliHtlon of a pur lKlted r ilallon, pr vaunted to tis ly the li uin whom wa bave auvtitlnH as prophet, seer and rcvelntnr tu the rhuith, and have gu'Vn prior rmieid' etntloii to a document which w know to b purely of human onln. Aaslslsnt rWrtUry of the N'avy Theodore UMevcll addri ed an auU i ii m of many tbouaaiids List et rioi it lu the big talwrnai e, pr reding the rnion by Jl istorutn Walter Wayne Hiiillh. Twiiliiht at the stone church the leading muslcUma of the ihujrli prenented a program. It Urge feature of which wna the singing of oratorio b tha 4i ften fboi of I'Utte Quuty TrarlitT HoM Mating at Ct.lnnihiu IVdambu. Nth -t. 7 t' l i One rundre4 ssd tracbers are attend ng the riatte eouniy teitii' In.t tute, l"ail Hrbek of lha s'ata un.vera.ty u g.vmg aa of lf turea. Hatt.a W M4e M trbU, dean of wo men at the atoie ioiu. at )' i burgh, Kan, on "1 he t.on of ralaeA,i" Jr, C.lgruva if Han I bego is one of the instructors I'rofraaur II. O Imu-.n of .:n. oln b t bargs of the 1'ius c. BACK TO NORMAL Mm'i 2 r 3 pUe sail f 1 cleaaeal a ad prMtea DRES1IER BROS. 2217 Farnn AT OKI John Kelly. John Kelly, I-lwoln,' Neb., who wag elected president of the student body of liellevu Vocational Training school. Kelly was wounded twice In France, He was decorated With the Croix de Ouerra for valor In the face of tha enemy and with the Distinguished Swvlc Cross by t'ncle Main for ex ceptional courage under (Ire In Flan ders' fields. . Man Willi United Cur HeR After he Is nllegod to have at tempted to "mooch" onie gasoline at a filling station In Auhurn, iinh Her bert Felter, 'it, blacksmith, who la uild to have rented a coupe from the Prlve it Yourself rtgnpany last Mon day, was arrested by a sheriff five miles south of Auburn Friday. Felter was rotui-ued to Otmiia VrUiuy flight by Petectlve "Pugs" Huglewlci oo a chargo of larceny n bailee. Sheriff Is "Eagle Eye." Fremont, Neb., Oct. 7. (SW'lil. Sheriff "Pill" Oondit again proved his right to the nlcknauic, "Kagle Kye," with his arrest of Iuy Crocker, aign painter, vlien the otllcial noticed a bottle protruding from Crocker's shirt as the latter passed by on a bicycle. The beat mieraid coma from Peru. where the stone was once regarded us sacred. l f. t , M" 4 ' r . Cii. e4 (4 itHI ss 4 im ' 4 It "! !: . tli 1 t- l a tM -, M S t 'f !. 4 " i m it -a u a --4 I m - ' ' ' t m ' e 1 i t tMl l w 4 ft tm .- Cadillac Slightly Used Type "61s". As good as new. Look lik brand new ars. Nine month free inspection serv ice the same as ex tended with new cars. Type 61 Touring Special paint, wire wheels, used only 500 miles. An out-of-town banker dreve his new Cad illae in to the con vention and decided to take home a new enclosed Cadillac, and traded in this practically brand new touring. Tvpe 61 Victoria This car looks and runs exactly like new. You would never know it wasn't new if we didn't tell you that it had been used a few hundreds miles. Traded in on a larg er clos:ed car by an owner who found it too email for his large family. Type 61 Touring Standard dark preen color. Just like a new car, ex cept in price. Maay p r as I aeat busineis as a a f Omaha Wur Ihtie j'irhtly used eM !ky ar wise. They lasw they era get ting a er a eoed a raw and are fU money, COMK IN NOW! liRIVK UP THK Ol.! CAR UK Will. TRADE IT IN! TAKK AH. V A N T A (i K W T II IS OrTORTt'. NH V T t!KT A !Tl 1 AT M K K Nr;W AT A I ! UK AT SAVINtiJ TiiFY wim. r.n J'AHf. TMKftK A UK ONLY TIIRKK-HO ( UMK NllWJ J.H. HANSEN Cadillac Co. r....i:w Haiti A SaftVhct fa ftut CriN It rr lOtlNtaPH LAST WEEK OF SALE A. HOSPE CO.--LAST WEEK OF SALE PMCES MUST COME DOWNX - OctoW 14th J Of every fine home is possession of a beautiful Grand Piano, The choice of great artists and the en joyment of all music lovers. You can have one tomor row. The Baby Grand of fered in this sale is known and celebrated the world over us the wonderful little grand with the marvelously big tone. It occupies but little more space than the ordinary upright. To see one is to fall in love with it. You can realize your fond est dream. You will be as tonished tt the price, during this great Money-Saving Sale. You've Waited Many Year for This Opportunity Grasp it quickly. Such bargains may not come again in your lifetime. Some prices far below prewar. Even th most critical musician will be amazed at the quali ties and prices to be had here now, on these Grands, Uprights and Player-Piano Thousands' of dollars will be saved the buyers who have the foresight to grasp this unusual opportunity. Sale Price Used 575 This fine Player-Piano used. Former price, when new, $jtP r 'uiii i a mm l,s f -i Ask to sec this one. 12 rolls of music and bench included. SALE PRICE $185 The greatest array of the world's finest Pianos, Player-Pianos, Grand Pianos, Reproducing Pianos, Electric Pianos and Phonograph ever assembled in Omaha. Included in this stock' are brand new instruments, some slightly used, others returned from rental, many partly paid for Repossessions in their clean-up, ami a number of slightly shopworn, in an un excelled selection. The world's leading makes of new and used Uprights and Player I'iunos such a: Vote A. Son, & Bark, Steinway, Bkih tt Lsae, Apollo, Msioa & Hamlin, Cable-Nelson, Can nier at Co., Kimball, Davea-port-Tracy, Strotibcr, Lagon. da, Hints, Whitney, Hoipo sad many othersall Included In I Via treat sale. PEOPLE ARE COMING FROM MILES AROUND! The people of Omaha and vicinity have responded. Pianos are selling at this great sale about ai fast as we can wait on customers. This great sale and the extraordinary offei'3 that are being made are such that it is a difficult matter for anyone with even the slightest thought of purchasing a piano to resist the temptation to buy now. Read every word of this advertisement. Bring the ad with you if neces sary. You can buy a piano NOW at a small fraction of its actual worth. This is certainly piano buying time. You will have, to hurry, as bargain after bargain is being snapped up. LARGEST STOCK OF VICTROLAS AND BRUNSWICKS IN THE WEST Pkyer-1"! Thi Beautiful Playt Piano case like new. Must be beard to be appreciated. I r?H5W? Guaranteed by the mak ers. 12 rolls of music and bench included. SALE PRICE $293 Dorr )A RECORD SELECTIONS are Included With Each I lZiUm-LLs Talking M&chtn Purchased During This Sale illlBi lliMI SI F.irmfr P $65 W'J sv.. i cR I'rio S ?f $42.50 l lixo .j IK pr kttli la : These phonographs play all rec ords, includirg Vktor, Colum bia, Edison and Pathe, These machines are made in the style of cabinet so much in demand, ('abinets are different sizes, constructed of double veneer fancy figured wood throughout Tone is dimply marvelous. Mus be heard to be appreciated. We include with these ma chinos this week a jewel point with .which to play Kdison rec ords, and a sapphire ball point for the Pathe record; also full usortment of htcel needles. And, p'liK'inlur, these machine! I lay all mikes of rvconls cr i.'ctlj', including Pi- U tep Italian Walaut Cotuola, reauUr SALE PRIC:. $1. SO ptr m1i. Period Model 1200.00 style. $89.00 EDISON, COLUMBIA. PATHE AND VICTOR. NEW ANi) USED SPECIALS TO BE ON SALE MONDAY AND TUESDAY ia 111 2KEiSS5BS tfi&p&X mmi IBSV mm ilfe ii ' nil lk i,1 I V M t f Slore Open Evenings Until 9 o'clock. I'ut do your ihoppini ti?r if fa4it, Iho early ihopT lwx h th firit choke, LAST WEEK i'l',-''. L va Hurry I - Ti'l Ycm from tHT GolJcn Slrm of Ur?ini if u w -r : aiiTWiHiii1" in sa in hi 1 1 in . i kTll 1 sS aJaJDbft7. V irt r slid si-iv i Terms Are Gladly Extended to rc.tnibl pvuplc, nj r mndt t fj ;ini!y ey, If ea want a piano, pUycr tr phonoirapS -it it now! LAST WEEK I OMAHA, NfB. Mm 1511 DOUCLAi iTIICLT