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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1923)
9 ft- j 1 1 i 0 y i wiwlu UUloiloM 8orlel J.luouln rrn .-TTrreajf -... .,.. USSSt jjjjBgcriw.yggy'-tf- J- -. -'rmf-ifS A RewsHKr That -Wet The (lews Flfty-twt Weeks. EKh Tear Br 11.50 VOLUME Si RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA, MAY 31. 1923 NUMBER 22. If lb LBVlfcSgitta hr.i.fEi5j ! iUCSLS! JKiiJSSiaZSi IS STRAW HATS FOR DRESS IN ALL THE NEW SHAPES AND STYLES $1.50 to $4.00 New Oxfords, Crawfords, the Newest' and Best Quality shown in Red Cloud $7.50 and $8.50 The Harlow Oxford, nothing better for the money $5.00 and $6.50 Snappy Young Men's Suits, in all the new Fabrics and Models, priced from $19.50 to $42.50 I. 0. 0. F. Elects Officers Monthly evening- at the regular meet- lug of Ben Adhcm lodge the following Won Opening Game ? Tho base ball season was duly open. ed here Sunday afternoon at which ntfl..,ia jlh... .iltk..t..l (ii I In unailttw tlmit ft lilci.n .irrnvrl wis nriinnt fn fit,. , ..v. i.ivi.i. .. ...v v...ow...B .. .- "" -" "J ............. . v, tHrni, Installation will b tirst meeting in July Past Grand Joe Ilwitt NoMe (iratid W. A. fatten. Vice liruntl Porter Hale. Trustee Grant Christy. Delegates to Grand Lodge Ray Op levie and E J. Ovoring Alternates, I T Amtclc Htul Joe Hewitt. Tlie initiatory decree will he eonferr- held the the local club play the fast Smith ! Center team. Those who attended were well pleased and woro indeed stir prised that the local managers had picked a team of real players who no doubt will put this oity on the ball map before tho season is well begun. the undefeated Smith Center team met their first defeat at the hands of our boys who shut them out by a score ed on three candidates next Monday of 3 to 0 in ti frame that was played evening Memorial Sunday Observed REMEMBER WE SELL NOTHING BUT WELL KNOWN LINES 07 MERCHANDISE fJT THE LOWS3T T053IBLE PRICE W. G. Hamilton Clo. Co. lilcglSS 1 IV".' 1A r-v i. ' St r i HasH The churches united Sunday morn ing and held Memorial services at the Hesse Audit orium at which time a large number wuiu in attendance. As j -the Civil War Veterans are fast pass- lug away only a fow of them were iu attendance while about twentyfive of the American Legion members weie' .. jnvc piesent A combined choir under the leader ship of N. 13. Bush furnished the sing ing. Miss Jessie Crablll was at the piano and J. E. Itetz violouist. Uev. Tweedy presided and Rev. Cope gave the opeulng prayer after which Rev. Prantz read the Scripture lesson Rf" p.Isui ala,' offered prayer and Rev. C G. Nelson preached a very able sermon from the text "What Mean Ye By This service?" The choir and audi ence sang America after which Uev. Hardman pronounced the benediction. fast and full of pep hikI was the beat that had been played here iu many years. Coohrau, of Osborne, was ou tho mound for the visitors, he striking' out blx and walked one white Smith struck out 12 of the vlsltois ami walked ore. Smith Center was let down w itli three lilt and Red Cloud secured live, two of which were to baggar.s. The following was tho line-up: Butteries, Smith Center, Cochiun Red Cloud, Smith mid ANNOUNCEMENT Webster County Bank WE WISH to announce that we have opened up a sav ings department in our bank for the use of the child ren, adults and every one. Thrift and saving is something that has been neglected. We kindly invite you to take advantage of this sav ings idea and make this your banking home with your savings no matter how small, you are alwas welcome. A saver is a hustler and we are for both. Bank with us and you can bank on us. We welcome every child in the community to become a customer of this new department. 1 THE WEBSTER COUNTY BANK ."! AMERICAN PATRIOTISM Wulgien. S C. Lineup R. C. Cochran 1 Smith Hayes C. Walgicn Nilcs 1st Verson Cutchfield 2nd Palmer E. Hayes Ord Elmore Delan.. S. S. Denton M. Hayes L. F. Kaley A. Hayes C. F. Folnicky Barger R. P. Huff IS MORE THAN SKIN DEED AND THOS. KJAN MASTER PIECE INCE'S GREAT AM- -2 S s KIN DEEP" JJJ GOES TO PROVE IT. THIS PICTURE WILL BE SflWN UNDER ? AUSPICES OF THE AMERICAN LEGION i? At BESSE AUDITORIUM RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA SUNDAY and MONDAY JUNE a JUNE 1 AT THE EXTREMELY LOW PRICE 10c 20c 1ST SHOW BEGINS 8 P. M. Decoration Day Observed Wednesday afternoon a procession was formed consisting of the Arington Stock Co's. band, the American Legion tiring squad and members, old soldiers and citizens who proceeded to the cemetery where Commander R. S. Martin offered prayer in memory of the departed soldiers after which the graves of the departed comrads were decorated, the firing squad tired three volleys in honor of the dead and Elton Pope sounded taps. The people theu returned to the Besso Auditorium whore the program was given. The combined ohoir under the lead ership of N. II. Bush rendered two appropriate songs for the occasion after which I. W. Edson ottered prayer. Mr. E J. Overlng delivered the ad. dress for the occasion in his usual pleasing manner, he dwelt on the patriotism of the young men of this country in the past wars, and the audience was well pleased with his address. Rev. S. Hardman was to have given Lincoln's Gettysburg address but he having moved away it was dispensed witli and Dr. R. S. Martin read the list of deceased soldierb buried in the Red Cloud cemetery. The choir sang the "Star Spangled Banner," after which Rev. Edson made the closing prayer. BIG CELEBRATION THURSDAY JUNE 28 FOR RED CLOUD Edison Records 35c Each Beginning at once, we will sell you your choice of our large complete stock of Edison Blue Amberol records at 35c each. These are all 4 minute, indestructiable Blue Amberol records, regularly priced at 60c each. Now is the time to bring that record stock up-to-date by adding some new records. Come in and play them, no exchanges, no records loaned while this low price holds. KODAK DEALER E. H. Newhouse RED CLOUD NEBR. , J E. F. Bennett drove to Friend Sun day morning to accompany his wife and baby home, they returning Mon day evening. She has been there for the past two weeks visiting with tcl-atives. Miss Margaret Minor anived homo Sunday morning on No. 15 from Falls City, wheic .she lias been teaching ror the past year, to spend the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. IL Miner, Do you remember the old fashioned dance, and the old fashioned fiddler who played "Turkey In The Straw," "Sally. Goodin" and all the old time favorites. Well Red Oloud is going to have a fiddlers' contest on June 28th and all the old time fiddlers of Webster, Nuckols und Franklin counties iu Ne braska and Smith, Republic and Jewell counties, Kansas, will partici pate for some nice cash prizes and a loving cup. The cash prizes are to he given by W. J. Linn of the Besse Auditorium and the loving cup by Red Cloud business men. If you are an old time fiddler (no note reading violinists need apply) ovor forty-five years of age, who plays entirely by ear make applica tion at once to enter contest, by writing Besse Auditorium, Red Cloud Nebraska Only the first twenty-five qualified applicants will be allowed to .partici pate. Rules governing tho contest will he supplied to all persons desiring them. Now don't laugh or Imagine this is not to be a real celebration for re ports from other parts of the country where the?c contests arc being held show record breaking crowds of 3000 to 10,000 people. In addition to the fiddlin contest a b'g base hall game, dances, old fashioned and new fangted will be staged nnd a program of sports and entertainments is being arranged and Red Cloud should be peparcd for the biggest crowd in years. Remember the date, Thursday, Juno 28th and watch papers and posters for particulars. gftrtrVvftftvJ,.vv.vAv.vv.vAv.v.vA .T r, ,,.T . UlNUbK 1 1S11NU The I. T. Amack Undertaking Co. Auto Hears In Connection Licensed Embalmer Beit Service to Others Means Real Happiness to Ourselves. BOTH PHONES . RED CLOUD. NEB JVJJtTiTJVJVJVJVJfJVVJVJV V Sf3j?g33S&a !Sgv'A-sgl 111 1 WEESNER'S Y SPECIALS Nancy Hanks Brand Gallon Peaches 75c jpjj Gallon Loganberries, heavy pack - 75c H Gallon Blackberries, heavy pack - - 75c m Gallon Peaches, good quality, very P special - - . - 50c No. 2 1-2 Bartlett Pears - 25c jj No. 2 1-2 Yellow Free Peaches - 25c rjf No. 3 Gypsy Boy Sweet Potatoes, 1 special - - 18c No. 2 Sunflower Brand -Red Kidney Beans - - 15c No. 3 Gypsy Boy Hominy - 13c Try NIAGARA FLAKE LYE Doesn't Harden in the Can H DON'T MISS THIS PICTURE &rravuKHvumH ; v l Mr. and .Mrs. CIia?. Shcrcr arrived here Thursday evening on train 11 from Lincoln to spend tho summer vacation with his nnients, Mr. and Mrs. T. Sheier and with her mother, Mrs. Georgia Walker. Misses- Kay and May Saladen ar rived here the latter part of last week from Iowa, where they have- been spending the winter with their broth er, Earl. They will spend the sum mer here with relatives. A bulletin, 'Handling Wheat From Field to Mailcct', written and compiled by II M. Bainer, Director of tho South western Wheat Improvement Associa tion, lias just been completed. It re presents the experience, observations aud conclusions of many of the most prominent wheat authorities In Ameri ca and is characterised by the simplic ity and brevity with which It conveys Information of Incstlmablo value to every individual intoiested in the pro duction of bettor wheat Tho bulletin can bo obtained froo of charge by writ ing The Southwestern Wheat Improve uient Association, 20o New York Llfo Building, Kansas City, Missouri. Another Car of Those Russet Tabic Potatoes Just Received All Nice and Solid lsspfS sggste$IM Mr. and Mrs J. I. Chccic and cliil dien and Lee McAiUur departed Mon day, via auto, for Hillshoro, Oregon, where Mr. Cheek takes up his duties as Plant Manager of tho Hillshoro Telephone Co. Lee McArthur has secured a position with this company. J'iie Amhoy Mills shipped one car load cf hogs from Lester to Kansas City and Dclanoy Bros, one car of iiogs, A. B. Crabill one car of hogs to Kansas City nnd G. E. Coon one carload of cattle to St. Joe from hero Tuesday morning1.