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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1923)
Ik l'1?. v I i. I Vlutu Uiilotlcnl Hmloty Muoolt A Newspaper That 6Iym The News Flfty-tw Weeks Each Year Ftr SI.50 VOLUME 51 RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. MAY 24. 1923 NUMBER 21. :v: ' STRAW HATS FOR DRESS IN ALL THE NEW SHAPES AliD STYLES $1.50 to $4.00 New Oxfords, CrawEords, the Newest and Best Quality shown in Red Cloud .v $7.50 and $8.50 The Harlow Oxford, nothing better for the money $5.00 and $6.50 Snappy Young Men's Suits, in all the new Fabrics and Models, priced from $19.50 to $42.50 w f OPENING GAME SUNDAY The Red Cloud ball team will open the scasoji heic Sunday afternoon p. 1 ing the wcathei c'euis un. The Smith Center team i hooked to pfay ur team. Smith and Wailincen will .he t'-e battery for t lie bal club. I Come nrd see the jn; ie. NOTICE AMERICAN LEGION MEMBERS Net Sunday, May 27th, is Mem orial Sunday and all members are ie quested to meet at the Club lorn at 10:43 a. m., and attend he Union scr v'ecs at the Besso Auditorium at 11 a. m. Wdnesday, May 30th jou are ic questcd to be out in uniform at 1:15 to participate in the services in mem oi y of the veterans, who have an swered the final muster. Dr. R. S. Mai tin, Commander. A. B. McArthur, Adjutant. I O REMEMBER WE SELL NOTHING HUT WELL KNOWN LINES OF MERCHANDISE AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE W. G. Hamilton Clo. Co. -r--" -- A irwrimimmnMiiMmiTO ANNOUNCEMENT MHMMaanMliHMiaMMMMiNBHMMMM.HMaMMaaMiaHM Webster County Bank WE WISH to announce that we have opened up a sav ings department in our bank for the use of the child ren, adults and every one. Thrift and saving is something that has been neglected. We kindly invite you to take advantage of this sav ings idea and make this your banking home with your savings no matter how small, you are alwas welcome. A saver is a hustler and we are for both. Bank with us and you can bank on us. We welcome every child in the community to become a customer of this new department. THE WEBSTER COUNTY BANK trrasifflm Ernest Welsch Died Suddenly Ernest Welsch, one of the most high ly respected citizens and old pioneers of this city, p.i'hed away at his home in the First ward, about five o'clock Wednesday afternoon. The immediate cause of his death being a Miolce of paralysis, Mr Weleh for many years conducted u restaurant near the depot Resides the aged wlfo he is survived by n nephew HenVy Welaoh, and other relatives He had broil a tnembor of the I. O. O F lodge for many years and this lodge will have charge of the funeial se: vices which will be held at the Christian church Suudaj afternoon at 2 o'clock. The obltuaiy will appear next week. Baccalaureate Services I Held at M. E. Church e V-tzrzrxrm am . crainaCTr'ir, Waterproof Heelproof Hammerproof 11 & C-m jJItkw) m&m&P' rw,. Jcwfcte w- x-T. rani nr ,r vwjrad The Ohio Varnish Company Cleveland. Ohio frame! mhljbtemrikm&h'&e Home" T It i - - - - . . h9irSiiitmii A DEMONSTRATION will be held at My Store IW&y 31st &wd Jgssio '1st To show you how to use these VARNISHES to beautify your home. Come in and learn how to grain in 5 minutes. CHAS. L. COT71NG, Tho Druggist. llllMMMa On account of high water west of hcie No. 11 was detoured via Hast ings Wednesday morning. The track was in such condition later that it was not necessary to detour No. 10 they coming througk from MoOook about on time. . , Charley Syv&ttz of Bladen was a lied vJvuwwn.ur;YTeu,Hwuy'wrnoou. if. t Mrs. W. H. McKimmey and daugh ter, Mrs. W. B. Smith went to Hol diege Tuesdny morning, they being called theto by the serious condition of Eail McKimmey. He was to be operated on for appendicitis Tuesday afternoon. Thomas Swartz Kansas City this morning to buy cattle. Observance of Memorial Day at Besse Auditorium Memoiial day wilt be observed ne.t Sunday in the Uesso Auditorium at 11:15 A.M. The local ministerial as sociation has conferred with Dr. Mar tin and are assured that this year the Legiou boys will atteud this service in a boiy Dr. Mai tin also very kindly oifeied that the Legion would provide a car to bring the veterans of the Civil War, who hie yet living in the com. munity, to this sorvlco. The churches of our town will have their Sunday School at the usual hour and close pi omptly at 11 o'clock. It will thus be possible for all to be at the Audi torium at the 11:15 hour Below is the order of service: "Ameiica the Beautiful" Cqngregation The gtadunting class of '"-'.', consist. Ing of .1 of Hod Cloud's hchool bojb and Rlrl, took their respective chihn nt the M E Church on last SuihIhv evening, and listened to a splendid sermon pleached by the Rev. Samuel Ilardman, on the subject "Wheio Them is no Vision the I'eoplo Polish ' "Vision is needed by all," he continued "but the necessity of today Is the right kind of vision." And he dwelt on the subject of self-saerlllee. saying that, "Self-miuiiitco is not a bitter cut ting away of our personality. It is the enlaignnent of our pcsonallty to embrace others We pass the boundry ot !' and 'you' and think in terms of 'wo' and 'our' and lo, we have found our greater solves." The church was full to oveitlowing and necessitated putting scats in the aisles to accomodate the large audi ence. The invocation 'a us by Uev. Nelson, the lesson wa9 read by Rev. Friinti, and Itev. Twvcdy pronounced the benediction. Rev Copo was muster of ceretnonles. The hymns and an them sung by the choir were beauti fully reiideted The Senior Class Play Last night the senior class play, an original comedy in four acts entitled "Tile New Co-Ed" was pi eseuted to a large audience at the Hesse Audi torium. The following were the leading characteis: Elsie Jeinberg, .kssie Crnbill, Mm eel I a Stockman, Leona Uieakey, Happy Hiulell, lleatrl.t Flor ance, Nellie Kuiley, Gordon llainlltoti, Edgar Amuck, ClilTovd Slebert, Krwln Schnelber, and they under the splen did tiuiulng of Mis. Kailey, carried out theii pints exceptionally well which pleased the audience. Allied McChII and Uaylo Renfio put on the specialties betweou acts which brought forth consideiable mirth fiom the audienco. The high school orchestra rendered several selections befote the Hist act. Edison Records 35c Each Beginning at once, we will sell you your choice of our large complete stock of Edison Blue Amberol records at 35c each. These are all 4 minute, indestructiable Blue Amberol records, regularly priced at 60c each. Now is the time to bring that record stock up-to-date by adding some new records. Come in and play them, no exchanges, no records loaned while this low price holds. : II KODAK DEALER E. H. Newhouse RED CLOUD NEDR. J vv sitvIco y Ml. lV Ml jvjir SCHAAF & TURNER FUNERAL HONE The Old Settlers Meeting The Old Settlers Meeting in the Gat Held Community church last Eii- J day evening was cut short by the 'storm, which proved to be quite (lis 'ast rous to some of the Kansas folks in attendance. All of the spenkeis were piosent except Emanuel Peters of Guide Rock Invocation Rev. H. W. Cone ' and Chtules Guruey of Red Cloud who Choi us Comblued Choir ' weiu kept away by ill health. All hud Sciipturo Rev. II. A. Fiantz messages of leal inteiest and gao Prayer Rev. I V. Kdson ' them lu wajs that wore pleasing to Choi us Combined Choir ttie crowded house of auditoi s. Sermon Rev. C. (1. Nelson The suggestion was made of a prr- "Ameiicu" ongiegation inanent oigani.Htlou of the Old Set Benediction... Rev. Samuel Ilardman tiers of the Community. In all pro- Licensed Embalmer in Nebraska and Kansas Bell 80. - - Ind. J20x GR0CER ITEMS 1 THAT ARE REAL VALUES TUYALLUP BRAND GALLON BLACKBERRIES -75c bablllty this btiggostiou will be acted upon In the future and steps taken to not only make these meetings a yearly matter but also to keep lecord of the addresses given ami events related. The olo9ing addiess by N. H. Wngon er and the" Inst two numbers of tho oiehestra were necessarily omlted be cuuso of the uigonoy avoid the storm lavoiaule cltcumstances llio meeting pioved to be one of rare interest and well wot 111 having. PUYALIiUP BRAND GALLON RASPBERRIES -PUYALLUP BRAND GALLON LOGANBERRIES -75c Toe ..75c BROOKDALE BRAND GALLON PEACHES THESE ARE ALL QUALITY GOODS RED SALMON tall cans RED SALMON Ys flat cans ...23c 18c SWEET POTATOES No. 2!i cans .12VJC The Huilington has just issued Mr N. R. Rnsh will act as musical director. II. A. Franti:. See. Ministeilal Ass'n. Decoration Day Program The following is the for Decoiation Day, Wednesday, May 110, i.UO p. in : Parade will form on coin er of Webster stioot and 1th avenue Allsoldlersof the Civil, Spanish Ameri can. Ameileau Legion members uud World War vetetaus will march in n body to tho cemetery wheie they will decoiato tho giavcs of the deeoiuod their new time card, which takes ef comindeaand tho Legion will couduot feet May 27th. While theie aic no their service changes in the train .service through 2:10 llessc Auditoi ium i,crc they have made a change in the SonS Combined Choir service out of Hastings, which will Invocation Rev. I. W. Kdson bo of interest to Lincoln and Omaha Address b. J. Overinu. .fr.. 0,.. t.,,..i r Mn,, .n. l0UB' Combined Choir ,ect connecUonB llt Hnbtlngs as hoc- r.'i'n';;"; , " anptofore, it will be necessary to wait Lincoln's Gettysburg Speech ' t, .t ,- .- . . iaAMn u''0"l', there until 5:45 p. m. for tin east List of Deceased Soldiera bou"d xttraln or ? " toiAurora. "d Song Choir and Audience ctch No' 40 for Li"cu.ln , an"l"e Star Spangled Ranner . I there nt 0:50 p. m. This Is a little -, , higher there being a difference of , One inch and sixtyQve hundredths of 85 cents in the fare. The service. via, ma uu mi tuig niiiK, vvymoro nas not peea cau(i(p:u. PUNCH BRAND PINEAPPLE large cans -40c PHONE US YOUR ORDER FOR FRESH VEGETABLES AS PARAGUS, RADISHES, ONIONS-HOME GROWN. S.Hr.3 Ij The R. P. Weesner Co. j .auees iiiu 1 1 iu u l 1 1 1 lt x.x yt'v AVJVJ".' UNDERTAKING The I. T. Amack Undertaking Co. Auto Hearse In Connection Licensed Embalmer Deit Service to Others Meane Real Happlneee to Ourielvea. BOTH PHONES RED. CLOUD, NEB . ' ' k "I - Itywwwtfwwww it 1 m H KH H 5 J5 I m v v'i y m v i ,: V j i : V JVW f j i . . W' ' ft v Wisf jri'.it .t'4t.vV i. 'V.