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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1923)
Is 9 l 4 0 ! 6 i.,a 8oitf KS2 guto HHi,t,Yott "H rrrit., TtriJjVT';. a - -- c - - WjfcS TW nii - " " -,4BBSBSBBBBBBXtW 4 Rewstuer That Sires The Newt Flfty-tm Weeks Each Tear Br 11,50 VOLUME 51 RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. JUNE 7. IU23 NUMBER 23. sracsaaEsiaES STRAW HATS FOR DRESS IN ALL THE NEW SHAPES AND STYLES $1.50 to $4.00 New Oxfords, CrawEords, the Newest and Best Quality shown in Red Cloud $7.50 and $8.50 The Harlow Oxford, nothing better for the money $5.00 and $6.50 Snappy Young Men's Suits, in all the new Fabrics and Models, priced from $19.50 to $42.50 REMEMBER WE SELL NOTHING BUT WELL KNOWN LINES OF MERCHANDISE AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE W. G. Hamilton Clo. Co. ittfc I - u ANNOUNCEMENT Webster County Bank WE WISH to announce that we have opened up a sav ings department in our bank for the use of the child ren, adults and every one. Thrift and saving is something that has been neglected. We kindly invite you to take advantage of this sav ings idea and make this your banking home with your savings no matter how small, you are alwas welcome. A saver is a hustler and we are for both. Bank with us and you can bank on us. We welcome every child in the community to become a customer of this new department. THE WEBSTER COUNTY BANK S250 Reward For the recovery of the body of George Anderson, drowned in the Republican River, near Franklin on Sunday, June 3, 1923. Any one locating the body may receive reward by notifying A. W. Anderson Hildreth, :-: Nebr. CITY COUNYIL HOLDS REGULAR MEETING I Red Cloud, Nebraska. June 5, 1923. Maor Peterson cal'ed Council to gether in regular session at Council Chamber. Members present: Christy, Amack. Hummel and Hcffman. MM uets of meeting of May 1 read and ap proved. Monthly report of S. R. Florance presented and ordered p'ac- ed on file Annual report of Clarissa M. Maynard presented and ordered placed on file. W. A. Patten appeared and asked for a ia!se in his salary of $10.00 per month. Moved by ChvUty and sec onded by Amack that Patten be given a raise of $10.00 per month in hfs salary. Yeas: Christy and Amack. Nays, Hoffman and Hummell Lost. Application of John Daikle" for license to operate a confcctionaiy stand and corn popper laid over until next meeting. Moved by Christy and seconded by Amack, that the city consult an en gineer as to plans and specifications preparatory to tileing the water way on Eighth Avenue. Yeas: Amack Christy and Hummel. No: Hoffman. Carried. Councilman Hoffman, chairman of Finance committee presented esti mate of expense for the year 1924 and moved its adoption, seconded by Hummel. Yeas: CJiristy, Amack, Hoffman and Hummel. Carried. Application of S. R. Lewis for a raise in his salary of $13 per month. Rejected. Moved by Hoffman and seconded by Hummel that the Clerk be instructed to renew ithe $8,000.00 Fire and Tor nado Insurance on the IPower House with the American Insurance Co. Also the Workman Compensation with the Globe Indemnity Co. Yeas: Christy, Amack, Hoffman and Hum mel. Carried. The following claims were allowed: H. M. Beard $150.00 W. A. Patten 11000 C. D. Whitaker 100.00 Bert Perry 90.00 Mabel Albright 30.00 Lawrence Doyle 90 00 C. R. Lewis 85.00 S. R. Florance -' 331.34 Mabel Albright 20.95 Malone-Gellatly 11.00 H. E. Hall 4.00 O. Martinson 9.30 John Hays 19.65 W. D. Edson 3.40 Vern Henderson . 6.00 Luther Simpson 2.00 J. G. Parsons .50 John Wilson ,-. 33.00 W. Brouillette i. 5.10 George W. Trine t 5.73 Fred R. Higbie - 39.00 L. Sherman .. 5.1o J. A. Coon .75 J. C. Delph i- 5.40 Electric Sen-ice Co. JZL. 10.26 Zeptino Meter Co. 167.79 Crane & Co. 18.05 Sinclair Ref. Co. 162.18 O. C. Teel 128.40 Joe Hewitt 228.45 Joe Morgan ..... 1.50 Noithwest Petroleum Co. 500.30, Mathieson Alkili Works 33.11 , Judge Blackledge Weds ' Judge Lowls 11. Hlaclcledgo of Red Cloud, Nebr , and Miss Matilda Me. Ciolland, of Hastings, were married at tho chapel of the First Presbyterian Church in Lincoln on Monday, June 4, 1923, byUev. BonJ. M. Nyce, D. I), pastor of that church. Miss McClelland has heretofore de voted herself to school work nnd for several years resided In Hastings, hold, ing the position of principal of the Al oott school, anil Iihb a large circle of friends She formerly taught In the Red Cloud High School, and the c quulntaucc of tho parties dates back to high school days In IUoomlugton. Judge Hlackledgc has been engaged iu his profession as a lawyer for ap proximately twenty five years at Red Cloud, htul Is now Judge of the District Court of the tenth Nebraska district. At this time ho Is engaged in serving on the Supremo Coin t at Lincoln and when he lias Mulshed his woilc there, about July 1st, they will take up their resldeuco in the JJhiekledgo home ut Red Cloud. The 'Chief along with the mnuy friends, extends cougrat ulations Edison Records Beginning at once, we will sell you your choice of our large complete stock of Edison Blue Amberol records at 35c each. These are all 4 minute, indestructiable Blue Amberol records, regularly priced at 60c each. Now is the time to bring that record stock up-to-date by adding some new records. Come in and play them, no exchanges, no records loaned while this low price holds. KODAK DEALER E. H. Newhouse RED CLOUD NEBR. COMMITTEES NAMED FOR THE BIG CELEBRATION The Booster Club, at a meeting last night appointed the following conv mitteeso look after the work of the big ceteTTration at Red Oloudf June 28th. Entertainment Fred Henderson, Jas. Gilliam, W. A. Sherwood and Bruce Frame. Free Dinner for Grass Hopper Year Settlers C. C. Howe, H Elmore and Roy Oatman. Sports And Parade Committee- Ben Copley, Earl Hall and Carl Og-levie. Advertising Committee W. J. Linn, W. G. Hamilton and H. a Gel- latly Things are being pushed rapidly posters and newspapers announce ments will carry the detail. Everybody is working to make this the biggest celebration Red Cloud ever had, and they are going to do it. AftftWAJWIAVftVAVV.SV.SV.SW UNDERTAKING The I. T. Amack Undertaking Co. Auto Hearse In Connection Licenied Embalmtr Best Service to Others. Means Reel Happlntss to Oursslvss. BOTH PHONES RED CLOUD, NEB WftfWWWWWflWVVWWWWWVWVA Mrs. II. C. Gcllatly, who 1ms been visiting in Hastings with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Malonc ni)d in Lincoln for the past couple- of weeks returned home Tuesday evening. Miss Mabel Pope, who has been teaching in Sheridan, Wyoming, the Past school year, arrived home Sun day to spend the summer vacation hero with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Pope. Notice Notice Is hereby given that thoWob. ster County Hoard of Equilizntlon will be In session nt tho Court flotisc in Red Cloud. Nebraska on Juno 13th. 11th and lfith, 1023 Said Hoard will Equllize tho 1023 Personal assessments as between the different precincts of Webster County I nnd also hear any complaints regard. t incr tho valuations as plnced on Real I Estate Pltaso take notice thnt this Is the only lime tlio Hoard has authority to chango any valuations and after tho adjournment of the Doard of Equlllza tlon for 1023, no chauges can bo made in Assessments, JJ. P. Perry, County Clerk. Webster Co. Cattle Again Take Top Market at K. C. Webster County feed lots were well represented on the Kansas City cattle market Jane i by 11 Hereford steers that 6cored the top price for the day and for the year by soiling at $10.90 a hundredweight. These market-toppers were two-year-olds raised aud fed by J. H. Crary of Guide Rock They wore well-fatteued and rendered as to loin and quarters, and were the calves from Mr. Crary's herd of Hereford cows. The top figure was forty cents higher than bulk of sales which rang ed from 89 00 to 810.50, showing a very satisfying premium paid for the good "whitcfaces" from Webster County. The second highest price for the day went to R. Morgan of Plattsburg, Missouri, who marketed 52 Panhandle branded Herfords weighing an average of 1478 pounds each that brought SlO -85 a hundredweight V. P. Drown ot Hubbcll, NebrnBka, also offered an attractive bunch of "Whltefaces" nt Kansas City on Juno 1. His four car string averaged 1120 pounds a head aud sold at 810 75 a a hundredweight. Tho lirown cattlo were branded Colorado Herfords, of mountain type and bleeding. DO NOT FAIL TO SEE THAT WONDERFUL PICTURE The Christian FROM SIR HALL CAtNE'9 GREAT NOVEL THIS PICTURE WHICH IS ONE OF THE SENSATIONS OF PIC TURE WORLD WILL BE SHOWN WITH SPECIAL MUSIC. AND HAROLD LLOYD Comedy At BESSE AUDITORIUM RED OLOUD, NEBRASKA TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY JUNE 12 JUNE 13 AT THE EXCEEDINGLY LOW PRICES OF 40c and 20c Red Cloud Beats Guide Rock May Weather Report Temperature Mean 59 dog., maxi mum 81 deg on 31st, minimum 27 deg. on 0th. Precipitation: Total 3.C0 inches. Number of days Clear 15. partly cloudy 5, cloudy 11, Dates of frost Killing 8,0, 10. Thunderstorms 2, 7, 10, 22, 23, 21, 20, 110. Prevailing wind S. E. 11 days. Precipitation since Jan. 1st, 0 10 inches. Wednesday afternoon the Guide Rock team and the local club crossed bats on the Starke diamond. Smith was on the mound fof Red Cloud and he allowed the visitors three hits, only one of their players reaching third huso. Matthews was on tho mound for Guide Rock and our boys run in two scores each inning, the first, fourth aud eighth. Red Cloud won tho gume by a score of G to 0. Our team has been strengthened up, Chuck Green halph made his debuto in tho Held yehteiduy, and .Too Pior a fast and snappy player will bo found on second bHbc, The Alma team, which Is a good one, wilt bo liore Sunday afternoon Miss Marie Laurangcr went to Lincoln Friday morning on train 4 after spending tho past few days here visiting at the James Mcintosh homo. The ball club autoed to Alma Sun day but owing to the heavy rain the game was called off nnd this club comes here Sunday to play the local team. Clms. S. Ludlow, Observor. isville with her father. W. II. Roscncrnns returned home Tuesday evening from Dorchester, where he has been spending tho past couple of days attending to business matters. Mrs. Elizabeth Foe jcturned to this city the latter pait of last week after spending tho past few months in Lew-I & Graham Furn. Co., Red Cloud, Nebr. Wo sell tbem for less. Cash or Credit. IT'S II TO HE POOR but you dont need much money to buy what you need In tho wny of Furniture, Rugs, Draperies, or dishes at Johnson i