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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1923)
RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF KliJiiSKSiiiiKKKiSKlJtSifiK d.ij, '"ovn ng to -pond the day. Kj AS TOLD TO US J m.. jun Wiuren and Mr, Lewi c ujle of di .-itir.g with fnVnd- I. L. Meobe, .1 Conner resident of tliN city, hut n.nv living at Omaha, rBRiSKiSiSSXtStRKSSReSIS ''" r .. , - .. .' ... ' T i:ii'.ui:a murmur uu iiiiui . arrived hero Monday evening on No. I have a fresh supply of Dip on It f r a short vis.t with fnemK lie .la. Hubatlm whs down from Bladen toiinv hand now, .$l.;il) per gallon without can, $1.15 with can. .1. H. llurics went to Hustings Tuesday moui'iir I have on hiuid a Kimhiill l'lmio, nearly Hew, which I hrtd to take back and will -ell it lor just lhi balaiict" ilue, If Inteiested write me at once A. O. Cliue, 1.M.1 Doiitflus St., Uiualni, Xebr. Fur iiile or Hunt tlie Mis A. A. Pope property.-U W. llutchhon Mrs. E. C. Fair, who?o husband is firing on the Hastings pas.-cngcr, is here from Mccook for a lew days visit. A. V. Mmtl'er, deputy revenue folluutor, was In the city toduy 3S -V G- T-i in c-v3 M-jSTJ'" YELLOW PENCIL piiW!.rM.crrckNAMOQtrttruouitTmi5 iZZ loWitte RED BAND made by I . EAGLE PENCL CO. NEWYOfiCU.SA n in the world :i .-'j ! i Con gotboino high olusi rose hushes, Rive me your older now. C fc. Homine Cilon Feain was in Wilcox Monday Rev. J. M. Hates was a passenger to Hastings Tuesday morning. Mrs. K. L. Morliait was a passenger to lncoln Saturday morning. kc. J. M. Hates returned home Hundp.N evening from Fairbury whoie he has been spending the past few di s. Mrs. G. J. Wan en was a passenger to Hastings Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Thompson were down from Cowles Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hewitt spent Sun tlav with relatives at Republican City. Mrs. J. C Mitchell was a passenger t.i Lincoln .Saturday morning on train 1 Rev. J. M. Hates was a passenger to Fairbury Friday morning on train 1G. Miss Virginia Tate leturned home from Superior Thursday evening where she has been visiting fr'cnds. with Phillip Quails went to Omaha Wcd nedny morning to spend a few day:' with his wife who has been In one of the hospitals in that city for the past three weeks receiving medical tical-ment. -5 "5 ""ft .""; ""? "-; - rw -w H u ig -i m 5 -V "S -mm -mm mm 5 " w " "" 5" " 1 Miss Edith McKeighan and Miss Mary McHridc were passengers to Hastings Wednesday morning on train 1. Kov. Samuel Hardman was e jas senger to Uloomington Saturday even ing on train 17 where he held services S-m'ay. Frank Dclahoy ol' Hlue Hill spent several hours in this city Sunday vis iting with friends rcturniiTg home that evening. J. E. Morris and George Arnup were down from Riverton Saturday evening. Frank Hutch'son of Ragan is visit ing his uncle. G. W. Hutchison and wife. A large number of the local Shrin crs are attending the Shrina lodge at Hastings today. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Walker and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Polnicky spent Sun day in Hastings. Raymond L. Uiggins and Martha E. Jensen, both of Upland, wchc granted a marrage license by Judge Ranncy last Thuridav. Mrs. James Tanquary of Republican arrived here Thursday morning on train 1(5 to spend the day visiting with relatives. Harry Hoats, who has been here for the past few weeks visiting with relatives and attending to business matter--, returned to his home at He troit, MVlr'gan, Friday morning on No. M. State Treasurer and Mrs. C. D. Robin.-on and daughters, Helen and Katlcline autoed down from Lincoln Friday to s-jpcntl a few days visiting nt the home ef Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Powell. A. II. Crabill ..hipped one ear'oad of hogs and one of cattle to the Kan si's City market Tuesday morning Thco. Martin went to Kansas City Tuesday in chigc of the stock ship ped from here. C. A. Francis of Northbranch, Kan sas, was a passenger from the local ticket office to Buffalo, New Tuesday morning. York Mrs. Anna Adams of Coffeyville, Kansas, is here visiting for a few days at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. W. Hauck. Rev. and Mrs. Samuel Hardman were parscngcrs to Hastings Monday morning on No. !. The Smith Center ball team will play the Inavale team at the latter lilace next Sunday. .Henry Stahr of Ulue Hill purchased a Chevrolet scdancttc'of Oglcvio Bros, the lust of the week. Mrs. E. A. Creighton and Mn. W. A. Sherwood were passengers to Hast ings Monday morning. Mrs. V. L Watkins was a passenger to Fairbury Thursday morning she being culled there by the serious sick ness of her sister. One carload of hogs and three car loads of cattle were shipped from here Sunday morning to the Kansas City market. B. F. Reed and C. E. Sur rey accompanied the stock through to Kansas City. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Newhouse and childien spent Sunday heic visiting with her mother, Mrs. Herb Ludlow, and jt the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Newhoufe, returning to their home that evening via auto. (t: m (0 m (0 (0 m i& Here is an Event You Have Been Looking for To Make Room for our Summer Stock will Close Out ALL COATS and SILK DRESSES 20 off OF THE REGULAR PRICES This is a bargain as these COATS and DRESSES were all marked very close at the beginning of the season and with this discount is lower than replacement cost. First come will have pick of stock so do not delay. These are all new goods bought this spring. BARBARA PHARES T 9) iv . T FARM BUREAU NOTES Miss Florence Peters went to Puw nce Saturday morning on train M to spend the day, returning home on No. 17 that evening. Mrs. Snndcrfton returned to her home at Lincoln Monday morning 4on train 1 after spending the past few days here visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Potter and with her brother, Laird and fam- iiy. F. A. Hildebrandt went to Hastings Friday morning to spend the day at tending to business matters. vMrs. J. W. Hauck and her mother, Mis Adams autoed to Hastings Fri- The Low Cost of a trip Out West this summer Will Surprise You! Lcith Stunkard loaded out a car oud of farm implements for Padroni, Colorado, Monday. He is renting a farm near that place this year. Frank Campbell, John Fox and Art Robinscu returned home the last of the week frjm Ayr where they had been gracing for the C. B. t Q. Rudyard Manlcy went to Hardy Sat unlay morning to spend a couple of days visiting with friends. He re turned home M nday on No. in. Mrs. Erne t Newhouse went to Guide Rock Wednesday morning to spend the day visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Newhouse. Mrs. II. C. Cutter, who has been vis iting here for a few days at the homo of Mrs. Alice Tatro and with other old friends resumed her journey to her home in Jamesvillc, Wisconsin. She has been spending the past . few months in California. Win, Ilines, Sr., of Wymore is here for a couple of days visit with his son, W. L. Hines and fami'y. He arrived here Thursday from Grand Island where he has been attending the Grand Lodge of the I 0. O. F., !n :ession there this week. (By County Extension Agent, Henry R. Fausch) CORN VARIETY TEST , Corn variety test plot was planted on Henry W. Lambrecht's farm north of Inavale' as follows: Reids and Houges crossed yellow, smooth kernel ears, Roids and Houges crossed yellow rough kernel ears, yellow 'Learning from A. Schultz, Red from H. W. Lambrccht, sy beans from II. R. Fausch. St. Charles white raised in fiottom from Georg'e Ohmstedc, St.' Charles wh'tc raised on upland from H. R. Fausch, Boone county while from Lawrence .Means, Iowa Silver mine from II. R. Fausch, White Ele phant from II. Lambrccht. This fall a Field Day will be he'd when these varieties will be husked and weighed. Remnant cars have been saved and will be on exhibition. P Attorney Walters returned to his home at Blue Hill Wednesday morn ing on train -I after spending a couple of days attending to business matters. Mr. N. Ji. Bush returned home Thursday moining on train It after spending the past couple of weeks on a business trip to Gooding, Idaho. Enroute home she slopped at McCook fdr a couple of days visit with her sister, Mrs. John Marshall and family. Excursion Tickets to Pacific Coast on Sale May 15; to Colorado, National Parks, and other Western points, June 1. Stop-over everywhere go one way and return an other, long return limits. N. B. BUSH Ticket Agent, Mrs. Arnold of Franklin went to Hastings Wednesday moining on No. I after spending a short time here at the home of her daughter Mrs. A. IC. Boles. Mrs. 0. B. Crone was a passenger to Hastings Monday morning after spending the past few days here at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Frank Peterson. There wme one hundred and forty six cars of stock through here Sunday morning for the Kansas City and St. Joe market i. They wore handled in thvee trains. George Finney, master carpenter for the C. B. & Q. spent Thursday here attending to Burlington busi ness matters, returning to McCook Friday morning. Mrs. J. E Jai'lrc of Lincoln, who has been sick at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Thomas for tlie. past few days, was taken worse Saturday. Her condition was such it was thought advisable to take her to Hastings for an operation, the trip be ing made late that night vra auto. HE 3F1E DIH! MAY 15 STAW HAT TIME SEE OUR WONDERFUL LINE OF NEW STRAW HATS NEW BLOCKS NEW SHADES NEW PRICES GIRLS' CLOTHING CLUBS ORGANIZED Eckley Stitehwcll, first ye :r cloth ing club organized with 11 mcnibor.s Mrs. R. Doughit, local leader; Ger trude Vance, president; Erma Spi'.ker, vice-president; Sarah Monia, secre tary. Happy ButPerfly, first ear cloth ing club of Guide Rock organized with 9 members. Miss Delia Fergu son, local leader, Ruth Cone, president Freda Schouburg, vicc-prcsVont, Geor gia Kindscher, secretary. Guide Rock Nimbel Thimblcrs, 2nd year clothing club organized with 7 members. Mrs. F. D. Yunj, local leader; Mae Luscher, president, May- rce Hudson, vice-president; Esther Hicks, secretary. BILL BOOSTER SAYS Everett Hawkins went to Wymore Thursday morning on train 1G after spending the past couple of weeks her visiting his parents. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Hawkins and with friends. Sovoiv.l of the fighting fan.- of this city are plan'.Tiig on attending ttic Elk's Boxing matches at Hastings Friday. Fred Mcf'hoelers i hooked to fight Pat McGill at this event. MY. D. C. Henderson drove down from Hastings Saturday where he lu's been spending the past few weeks at the home of a sister, to spend a TkOUft U01AE UEWSPAPEfcVS nwe towwHj- aogt waxwol 300STGR. VT LOWfrUM PR.O CLfMVAS TVVE tlDWMS )KVCUS, COMCEW.S S FWOUTfc AUD PROUOLM BEMS VCS 9fAV40A,aO A8RCM) m tYE VJORUOl VT WORKS FOR AU. WPROVEVAEWT5, PROMOTES HARIAOUM AUD ASSvSf S IkVTUE SUCCESSES OF TUE 6USUESS PEOPUE. " A.0 Jyo7 jlJy I mm ''''IBZffiJSExvzL. sulfite Price Rufts Any Place. Then come bore Htid you will buy your rug. The truth of the pudding is In the tithtme. Johnson .V (iraham Film. Co , Red Cloud, Xebr. We sell rugs for less. ALSO A NEW SNAPPY LINE YOUNG MENS SPORT SUITS . $18.50 to $37.50 NEW OXFORDS NEW CAPS U Thtf fnwnpn-Kalpv fin Ct U Always R.elievble 1F1CZ: lEEill ltESy I ! I ffeflv J Vi i ' i ! I P uf f J(VII fc.V. c'-n .Ai2..t-.1?. i.-.-fi i ij' a jpeflfS i MM The Streamline I'tnln, caiej In yellow, white or Rree n colJ ortoM-lillcJ-plainortnRravfJ.HIiJO..iSMJ.JSJS, accorJing to ijuality ol cate When You Give a Graduation Watch (jive It for a Lifetime Almost everywhere you go you hear people apologizing for the "shortcomings" of their watches. Poor time is a had national hahit clue very largely to original selections of cheap -watches, bought merely as jewelry rather than for their timekeeping accuracy. In considering your graduation gift watch, come in and let us show you our display of lilgin u'lft watches. J. C. MITCHELL Jeweler and OptometrisT: ELGIN 77e Professional Timekeeper f m m m m m