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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (May 10, 1923)
Llitwvtu k, is j$r 5y $f i& --. m a-w - Jr i&a . "- w1- 4. V ' 4 rail'l i ' JMi !&.' ur-7' 3- .-. -". MI?!!:3SJM. '---1 -; - J!Hrf.-i' KdHASt: Jtjmm 1$: aWfMiS11 aasMr-rf ::P3L .. i - - jB-vn mutr jjf&&3ss3&;S i3Hejp&fM--e. . H3a?'i.-E..rr "".-it riiSSSEAJ"i: - '"6.JiEKi JMKiT P555geyia ?? ItWwr $ - . PagBwflfti'nKf rCr rpSBHHHKW JrMv,;M rHM . W??5??? - Xi&daiAFlfi ft ftrWrtL3stift5M miiMf-&' pausu wiHStLuZsag -35s5sy?.w n . -. .. mks35 nEms&&z acaM iihj . . " . . jm r - h. . v.vm ,iaBBm rif i mnBHsiBV'. jtf j nrvbi vHrBT'-rH'-'T .v v- .- - -r a "h m i - m i i i i - fc 'i-i - 1.1 i.iHrJia.Btatfij m 553E:2S?-''2JiiigP -" .- gg5gg"y- -rsjscrgs i ' fc r-- -5s55&&js; - -- --" -.s-sS- '" " -.--, -- - - ii Hfc mmZ'-Jzr&5z-i SSlliilliilii 5"T5-:'3-r?.",-;5l?!.l!rj"' Si:''" !," .-', "-. Jrff3&l2T r.L .- A?.e'JT'S1 V.3: 5KNB&SMi fjBrtsra- w VXifrlZSrWJls IfWSWff NerspaKr Tbat aires The Nes Flftytw Weeks Each Year For 11.50 rSJ5r-'.-irrS S"JSevFfl VOLUME 51 RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. MAY 10. 1U23 NUMBER 19. wism "s m-i-a - , - -nsfTn' wr . V 1 "A ".-.. -9 1. k. DEPENDABLE ,j MERCHANDISE .p hi I 1,1 ' Ii Arrested for Illegal Possession of Booze V Everyone likes to save on their Clothing. That can't be done by buying cheap merchan dise. Buy your Clothing and Furnishings here. 4 We can ave you money. We sell well Known wi lines. The kind that give satisfaction or your money back. Hart-Schaf fner & Narx Suits Emory and Cluett Shirts Crawford Shoes Mallory and Stetson Hats IN WORK CLOTHES WE HAVE Lee and Oskosh Overalls McDonald Work Shirts Hansen Gloves WE ASK YOU TO COME AND LET US SHOW YOU THESE UOOUS VHEl'tK YOU ARfc. READ lO BUY OR NOT W. G. Hamilton Clo. Co. S p-v iuuiamTiMiimninM I ANNOUNCEMENT Webster County Bank WE WISH to announce that we have opened up a sav ings department in our bank for the use of the child ren, adults and every one. Thrift and saving is something that has been neglected. We kindly invite you to take advantage of this sav ings idea and make this your banking home with your savings no matter how small, you are alwas welcome. A saver is a hustler and we are for both. Bank with us and you can bank on us. We welcome every child in the community to become a customer of this new department. THE WEBSTER COUNTY BANK ixmnwiiinwioiiM f The Streamline Elgin, caieJ In yellow, white or green colj orEo!d-filleJ-plainoren!raved,IOO,j!751?60,)SJ51 accordinc to uality of caie When You, Give a Graduation Watch Qive It for a Lifetime Almost everywhere you go you hear peQple apologizing for the "shortcomings" of their watches. Poor time is a bad national habit due very largely to original selections of cheap watches, bought merely as jewelry rather than for their timekeeping accuracy. In considering your graduation gift watch, come in and let us show you our display of lilgin u.ift watches, J. C. MITCHELL Jeweler and Optometrist ELGIN The Professional Timekeeper VALLEY GOLF ASSOCIATION l COMPETES HERE MAY 20 r Sunday uiniiiliii: u- Iteit M lor, Will I'IiicIht mid Uniiv M i'U iwmv Iriv injr I'VmiI urtr (lmMi til siioet tliey Wt-rc incited lit"l n -lie. I In SlivrifF Wnl't't who fun ml it 1 tut nt "uihv.i'" ill thoii po -elon. I hey liotot o .Imlno lUtitii'.v, pk'ti'Hii jrullty mid llni'il W Aicli Uftii was urri'itod on iliu oli.uyn of scllinu' lnjuor to tliein and lie pnid u lino of $l(M) and costs. A Rcpublictui Valley Golf Associa tion was formed some' weeks oro and includes Rolfitci of Franklin, Camp bell, Arapahoe, Orleans, Alma and liiis city. The Association stages a cup contest ou'i-y Sundny on the Kolf links of the ?xrious clubs anil on Sun ('ay, May 20th. the Franklinitcs will won- brought be ttio guests oi tjie members oi me Moniluy, ouuli Heel Cloud Country Club. l ommcr- cial Adveitiscr. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS IN SESSION ON TUESDAY Red Cloud, Nebraska May 8, 1!)2J5 The County Uoard of Commission sioners met as rr adjournment at 10 o'clock p. m. All members present A lcsoltttion adopted by the Web ster County Ministerial Association was filed with the BcVird protesting against the granting of permits for Sunday Base Hall and Gun Club practice. No action taken by Uoard on this matter at this time. County Attorney Foe turned over to fcoard a check for $851.30 which he collected from the Fidelity & De posit Co. of EMtimore, Maryland, in payment of flaxes due Webster county from Ex-Treasurer Frank Starr, who wan bonded by the above company. The following claims were audited and allowed and County Clerk in structed to draw warrants on the pro per lunils for same.A POOR FARM FUND Ed Lewis . Raymond Shipman Irvin Harpham -. . Fay Jlalmer St.ind.ird Oil Co. ...S 9.00 22 00 . JW.OO 14.00 12.23 No fuither business appearing tl'.o Hoard adiourned to meet June lc. 1923. U. F. PERRY. County Cleik. HOARD MAY TAKE ON SMITII-HUGIIES PLAN Mothers' Day Program at the Garfield Community Church The following program will bo rend ered ill the (Jin Hold Community Church Sunday morning at 11. Sunday School will meet nt 10. Devotional Exeieises. Reoitntlou Robert Kslielumn "Mothers' Dnv" Recitation Erma Shipman Exercise by Juniors "Mother, of the Dltilo" Solo Mrs .lohn Drahe Recitation Robert McNntt Recitation Katherlne Wagoner Tributes to Mother.. by IutermcdUtefc Recitation Kenneth Kent Cradle Song llcrnlrc Drake Recitation Nellie West Solo Liiban Wagoner Recitation Lola Amaek Recitation Juiuota McNutt Message to Mothers from Mrs W. J. Lippeucott, Mrs. H. E Esbelman and others. Song by congregation. At the opening of the program the Pastor will give a Miort athliess on "The Meaning and Purpose of M thei's.' Day". A Community Revival Now on at the Brethren Church Edison Records 35c Each Beginning at once, we will sell you your choice of our large complete stock of Edison Blue Amberol records at 35c each. These are all 4 minute, indestructiable Blue Amberol records, regularly priced at 60c each. Now is the time to bring that record stock up-to-date by adding some new records. Come in and play them, no exchanges, no records loaned while this low price holds. KODAK DEALER E. H. Newhouse RED CLOUD NEOR. V ijr v y hitvIco sy tji. .ivr k SCHAAF & 9 8 TURNER FUNERAL HONE Licensed Embalmer in Nebraska and Kansas Bell 80. - - ind. 120x Red Cloud, Nebiaska. May 7, 1023. The Hoard of Education met in reg ular session at the Commercial Club rooms at 8 o'clock p. m. All mem bers present. The minutes of April 2nd, 11th and 21th read and approved. Mr. J. II. Pearson State Supcivisor of Agricultural Education was pres ent and made a thorough explanation of the Smith-Hughes plan of teach ing agriculture. Mr. Pearson was ask ed to look over our present equipment and on his report of same, the Hoard would adopt this course in place of the Manual Training Department. The following bills were audited and allowed and Secretary instructed to diaw warrants for same: Art Nelson S 7.20 Piatt & Frees A. L. Burton H. F. Perry .. . E. W. Stevens F. (. Turnure & Son . Red 'Cloud Chief Johnson & Graham Geo. W. Trine Wilson Chemical Co. , Hansen Laundry R. P. Wcesner So. F. G. Turnure & Son Mrs. Harbara Phares ... Red Cloud Suitatorium Superior Color Press ... Allyn & Hacon University Pub. Go No further business Hoard adjourned Sine Die. H. F. 302 81 7.00 75.00 1.10 1.G7 15 25 13.85 3.20 12.50 1.15 4.30 15.30 11.97 2.25 .. ...... 5.GG 8.00 - 11G.0D appearing the MVA', PERRY, Secictary. The new Hoard met pursuant to the adjournment of tlie old Hoard. The credentials of E. J. Overing and A. 15. Crabill the newly elected i members wcic received and placed on ( inc. On motion Mrs. Y A. Sherwood ' was elected temporary chairman. The ! itoaid now proceeded to organize for the new year and the following of ficers were elected by ballot: E. L. Grimes, piesidont. C. J. Pope, vice ptesident. H. F. Perry, secictary. Superintendent Gelwick made n do- tailed report of the Lsle of Chance Operetta held recently which sliowed n profit of ? 10 27 to the School Dis trict. No further business appearing tho Hoard adjourned. B. F. PERRY, Secretary. The evangelistic meetings now being conduct I'd in the Brethren Chuicli under the direction of Reverend and Mrh Jaiboe uro priigit'ssing very splendidly. Each niKht the nudiene grows lnrgur and the interest in ereaso". There is still some avail able space for seating in the hide room. Hxtia chairs will be provided each evening as need requires. We are going to close in on Mr. Jarboc within a few evenings by plaelng elmiiH in nil the avuilatilo space up to and in cluding a part of the rohtiim. The evangelist may as woll begin to accus tom himself to using a little less llooi apitce while he preacho", for wo will soon need the extra room. Those, who hear the message one evening do not wunt to mUs the next one, and this means a steady Increase in both iiiiiu bers and interest. Tonight has been designated aa family night. Let whole families como together. We'll reserve a row of seats for all who so desire. The young people have boon coming in increasing numbers. Wo still want inoro of them. Meetings begin each evening prompt ly at 8:00, Saturday included. Get your shopping dono early Saturday OYenlng, aud be at the church by 8 00. Next Sunday; Sunday School at 10 n. m .' Morning worship at 11. Sunday Evening Prayer Service at 7:45, Sermon to follow. The subject for the overling will bo, "One of tho Hi eatest problems tho World Is Pacini-." This u COMMUNITY RRVIVAL and is for nil. Let everybody join in that wo may rejoice together in the uplift of that which Is good, and in tlm bunging to Cluist those who have not yet found him us their Savior. II. A. FRANTZ, Pastor UNDERTAKING The I. T. Amack Undertaking Co. Auto Hearse in Connection Licensed Embalmer Best Service to Othors Means Real Happiness to Ourselves. J BOTH PHONES RED CLOUD, NEB wAAAAAVwwwwuvwvA.wWlAfwuAftv Dr. R. S. Martin was in Inavale Wednesday cvcn'ng where he r:an!n ed a class of candidates for tho M. W. A. lodge. Fred Henderson, Chester Roberts and Don Wilson were in Smith Contor tho last of the week, whero they rcg' ister preparatory to drawing the ad justed compensation, whidh KansaB will pay her ex-service men. (Carter's I m ( f K 'J (Union 1 Suits 1 Distinguish the Best From the Rest Carters Knit Underwear Ladies- Misses - Childrens In a Variety of Styles Babys Vests and Bands Cotton, Wooland Silk Wool The A P. Weesnep Go. mr.mmm-m h& Jii'l5;-' :y -VJft