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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1923)
rri-fe-.-, -zj7mrmtmmim3xmt!ei3xitiii, ..v: w. rawf -t.M"a;3m.'TR5sa.. '0" '. jk- ..53 ''..-. -Miiwn.. RED 0LOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF n - 'j u THE RED CLOUD CHIEF -.Garfield Community Church Rod Cloud, Nobrnskn. Subjutit PUBLISHED KVF.RV THURSDAY Crlllc Entered In Ihn I'oBtoltlce nt llcil (loud, Nob as Hccond Clans Matter A. B. McAIlTHUK, Kdltor anil Owner Advertising Rates Foreign, par column inch 15c Local, ' " " 12' & 15 Congregational Church Notes Sunday School 10 a. in. Morning sorvlco 11 it. nt. Kvcning service 7:150 p. m. Kreryone wolonmo to these bervices Thorpe Davis returned home Satur day from St. Louis where he .spent a few weeks. 1(1 a, in., Sunday fc'chool "The Story of inecliiMis,'' 11 ii. in., .Sermon: "Fact vs Ism." 7:H0 p. m. Service of Snug anrl Story entitled, "Tho Plnl: Rose." On iiccount of (ho provulent illness In the Cibnuiunlfy ufftdlng over half or the Chorus, "The 11 tile Kose" her vieo was not rendered last Sunday evening We am planning to give thin service next Sunday evening, hoping thlit by then all will tin able to take their usual places. The Chorus will meet Saturday evening at thn home of Mr. and Mis. Ira Wagoner for another lehearmil for Sunday uvenlnir and to begin on the special music fur Master. We desire again to call the attention I of parents to the great value of regul arity of attendance at Sunday School ho as to get the very most from the School. It Ih a important to bo re gular at Sunday School as to be regu lar at Day School. LOCAL ITEMS OF THIRTY YEARS AGO More About Orna mental Vines Mrs. Ella R. Parker nrrivedi here from Leavenworth, Kansas, Monday evening on train 17 for n couple of weeks visit at the home of her son, N. R. Rush. Final Warning, Auto Owners Up until Fobniary 1&, I will only re mind automobilo owners to secure thoir 1023 License, but after that dato here will be no reminders, it will mean a line. Also remember each car yoit own calls for a license. Jack Waller, Sheriff. Wall Paper New Spring Patterns Now On Sale CHAS. L. COTTING, . ,'. s 4 When Your PLUMBING OR WIRING Goes Wrong phone us We make a specialty of quick Repair work, keeping always ready the materials for immediate service. Or if you have new work that you wish us to figure on we will be very jjlad to submit prices. Our work is guaranteed to give you satisfaction, and if you are not pleased iu every way wc will spare neither time nor cost to make it right. Art Nelson AtTrine's Hardware Frank and (Jliarley Alles have moved over on Ash Creek, where Frank has bought a farm. Cllf Pope was it town Sunday. Chas, Sohaffiilt was In Franklin, Tuesday, on business. Miss Joslo Igou, who has been visit ing relatives in Dixon, III., Is expected home In a few (Ihs, af'er having had a two months vacation, dho will pro. Imbly tako chaigo of her music class by the 1st of March. W. M Crit tt 11 , who has been visiting in Winchester, W Va , this winter, had started on his homeward trip, and while visiting f i lends at Zmesvllle, Ohio, ho received a telegram that his brother was dying and he returned at once. To show the weakness of humanity we only have to recite a truo story of a young man iu this city. It 'was his birthday, and n large number of the fair sex hearing of the event, deter mined on surprising the young gent, and accordingly did so; but imagine their chagrin when the bashful young man, seeing so many young ladies, picked up his hat and left, leaving the girls to have a time nil by themselves. In a short time there will bo a new firm in Red Cloud. Kllus Uoble will start n meat market iu the building just north of Henry Couk'H. F. W. Stutlebaker, living about four miles west of this city, is the happy father of a bouncing baby boy. .J. W ratten, Bladen's tnilhloruml con tractor, was a pleasant caller this week. Ho was on the petit jury. The poles for the lamps for electric lighting uro being put up, and from their arrangement wo believe (he city will appreciate the light to be gained from them. SuitrisisK Paiitss On the evening of February 17, 181)3, a very pleasant sur prise party took place at the residence of Mrs. Tony Clark, it being for Miss Nellu. as the family are soon to move to Oberlin, Kansas. Class No ,12 of the Chapel Suuday school and their teach er and a few school mates wprc. pre seut, and presented her with h. very pretty pair of gold bracekts. The following are a lhtt of those present: Mrb. A U. Willis,' teacher, Lora, Me- Nitt, Winnie Martin, Clara Aldeu, Jessie Gather, Nella Martin, r Nellie Sherman, Susie Clark,. Sadie fellers, Irene Miner, Jennie Rudd, Myrtle Cliiimberlin, Vance Foe, Alvi'mt Prill, Susie McCord, Dora Groat Iflraukie Leake, ,1011111110 Rudd, Ilertie Clark. A splendid use for vines that have a sprawling or creeping halilt Is to use them as a ground cover at the foie ground or shrubbery plantations, says the U. of N Agiioultural College. For seven months iu a year these bare patches of ground could be covered with partly evergieen plants of Vluca minor (periwinkle) and Kuonyuius radieau.s and even (hn Wlc'iuriana rose uotilil bo used for this purpose. Un sightly and bare banks and dltehesenn be concealed and made ornamental by the plants of Lyciuui cliitiMtisis (matri mony vines), a very tenacious and per. sisteut Kroner. Onco planted It spreads quickly and is suitable for very dry and hot exposures Foisythia Miv pensa, one of the golden hells, makes a good quick cover and likewise the Wichuriaua roe. Grace Church Notes iy FECT BAKING With a Small Amount of Fuel Is the Most Essential Requisite of a Range The Soulh Bend Malleable Range fills the bill in every respect, and more. It is the finest looking range built, and is made of the best materials. Wc would be glad of an opportunity to convince you that what we say is true. We have received notice from the wholesale houses of an increase in prices of ranges effective Janu ary I st, but wc will continue to sell what few ranges we have at the same old price. GEORGE W. TRINE 10 YKARS AGO Mrs. (Jeo. Ilollisterund Mrs. O. C. Teel were passengers to Lincoln, Tuesday. Miss Noima Richardson is tho new iustiiictor iu the Kindergarten depart ment of our schools. C L. Cutting and Miss Klizst Cottiug left yesterday fnrMowii and and other eastern points on an extended visit. Fred Stanbery, who for some months past has heen the obliging clerk in the Fd Amuck furniture and under t iking establishment, has resigned his position and leaves thn iHst of the week for Scottsbluff, Nebraska, where he has accepted a position iu the freight ntlice of the Burlington rail road. W. L Weesner shipped a car of cattle to market Wednesday. Oliver Hedge, eritwhile sheriff and all around good fellow, was mixing will the hoys in Hastings last Satur day. .1. A Uradford spent Sunday in Hastings visiting his wife who went thereto visit relatives a few days pre vious, The P. K Ob. held a linen shower for Mrs. Hurry Qilham on Friday night al the home of Judge Kantiey. .Ml ro port a big time. Dr. Stockman and his wife had for their guests over Sunday Mr. and Mrs. lames Chambers of Olldden, Iowa, and Mr. and Mrs. linden of Formosa, Kas. K J Overing Jr., treated the pupils of Hchool District No. :), taught by Miss Fay Teel to a very interesting ad dress on the "Life of Abraham Lin coin" on Wednesday afternoon. - State Line Red Cloud Satur First Sunday In Lent. Sunday School al IU a. in. Morning Service with Sermon Rev. J, M. Dates, at 11 a. iu. No Vesper Service. Wednesday, February I2lst. Even ing Prayer and Address at 8 p. m, Friday, February 23rd, Litany and Address at 4:15 p. in. Join us iu keeping the Lenten Sea. sou prayerfully. Inavale Local Gives Smoker The Smoker of tho Farmers Union at Inavale was pulled off amid great clouds of smoke, and with tho help of a halt bushel of peanuts and a bushel of apples for those that didn't smoke, the evening passed away all to quickly. A fair number of Farmers were pre sent but not what there should have been. The address of Rev. Simpson on the Progress of the Farmers at Alberta, Canada, was wortii coming miles to hear. Mr. Slmp'sou has evidentally made rural life a part of his life study from the masterful way in which lie handled the subject. A special invitation was extended the business me'n of our community, and did any of them show up. Nix. Was the farmers sore because they didn't smoke the Pipe of Peace with them. Not a bit of it. Rut it was thought that by having a meeting for men only (the business men heing women shy) we could get them inter eftrd. They perhaps thought they could smoke at home, but the sociali tiillty of a smoke with your nclirhboi is wortii while and you missed an op portuuity for a gooi time at our ox peuse. Well other affairs is going to happen iu the futiiie and the latch siring is always out to any and everybody that is interested in our social welfaio so fall lit line. You don't, have to join in order to be a good fellow. A. L. Stoner, Pies. I Place Your Coal i : : i iwifwaM nnffMw jmvu tr "' T"1 TlZl Eb5S:sajl I tin i I SIB I That's what you get when we do your work. There is no "ifs," "finds' or "buts" about it. The paper stock is right, the work is tight and the price is right. We print most anything and keep our promises on deliveries. When you give us an order you need not worry about it until it is time for you to have the finish ed job on hand. And then it will be there even before you can remind us of the de livery promise. IMF IE U I PHONE YOUR COAL ORDER TO :3 FARMERS' ELEVATOR Bell Phone 29 Ind. Phone 12 3 a c How About Harness! ss line away I will meet any catalogue pi ice ( ii i-nthing in the harnt Don't, let someone tell you (hut jnu eim savt money by set ding come in and look my stick over 1 can saveyt u vonu- money. Bring in your old ours mid get tin in fixed up and oiled before Spring LEE R. WALKER Harness and Saddlery Orders Now The Malone-Gellatly Co. tins ll'.ng was in day. Charles Dlckerson arrived Saturday from Lincoln for a vilt with rolntlves and friends'. Frank Slebert hauled corn from Ina- valo Friday, Clifford Noble and Mrlck Dlckerson made a trip to Womer, Monday. Frank Rrown sawed wood Monday. Ora Prill hauled posts from Rellalro tho first of tho week. Mrs. O, M, Noble and children spent Sunday at Paul Carper's near Lebunon. English Lutheran Church Regular sorvlcoa every first and third Sunday in the mouth In tho Advontist church at 11 a. m. .. l THE Sarcophagus, or stone coffin, has been used by the more civilized peoples since the days of the early Egyptians. Its successor today is tlie Norwalk Vault. Luxuriantly carved and painted were the sarcophagi of the Greeks and Romans, but the Norwulk Vault of moulded granite combines quiet dignity with its rugged strength. Sealed by hand, within the grave, it becomes one solid piece of eternally protecting masonry. For every funeral: THE NORWALK VAULT All Good Undertakers Recommend the Norwalk the Best INSIST upon it' J METCALF & BRINKMAN 1 U ' 'H Local Manufactuiers i . s I Office at Bailey's Tie Barn WWWWWWWlrWWWtfWWVWWW O. R. Helnltz, Pastor;' , j, i f y !L