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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1923)
RED OLOnD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF ?- k- K-r hi . i ! 4 T I i' I rv W M K X X h' OS TOLD TO US X K 15 8 X X X X X X X X Sen L W.rrii'U, '.list. Fred Copley was down from lna- PIANOS ,0 ,0 Di$C0UnJ is plann maV.i p. JFM'-up'I,ii rraiJ, taken hick fui nun paxnrni nl InMMImrnu. lot irilck ! will il icounl Ihe anyiunt pM Kiillv nuitantr..!. rinlrln tout oMnlino. I air tetmt on Inlanrr. KMi-fof ffrr tut anj .toctlptlon. A. IIOSFE CO., Omalia, Nclr. Tor 49 Yir Nabraski'a Mmlc Center I WAYl'I.!) Mini with car to soil 0'iiiii'lf inn Imv pili'cd TIRU.H AND 1 I'lMir.s $IOll.(Hi per Hwlt Storlltlf- i ,.!'.. I' i , Sii-i iifi,'. I', Liw uit)l. Ohio vale. Tuesdr.y. Next Thursday is Cicorgo iilgton'a birthday. Wash- Inn. Silvcv was down from Inuv.ilc ''itrsdny v ftenioon. Smith Uron. $: Copley unloaded a cat oC Fordtf Tuesday. IaH. llub:.U:.. of lllndun was in tlic city Tuosdi'y aftcrrTOon. Joe NoeloUe wiw a passenger to Guide Rock Friday morning. Mrs. V. J. Linn was a passenger to Superior Monday morning. Cecil Rruncr wus a passenger Hastings Thui.sdny morning. i Marion Mojm was a passenger Lincoln Friday morning on train 4. to to Furl Hall and Frank Peterson were in Kansafi City the first of the week. Frank Gowdcn is able to be at the store again after several wocks illness. Miss Forn Smith was a passenger to Hasting-? Wednesday morning on train 1. Miv Rock day. . J. K, Rutlcr wont to Ciuide Thur-(!a morning to pond the .Judge L II. Ulr.cklcdgc wan a pas senger to Alma Thuvxday morning on train 15. Rev. S 11 tnlmpn wa I ' Hlooniington Fridav train ID. a panscnger morning on Mr. W. II. French went to Frr.nk lin Friday morning to i'.pond the dry visiting with friends. F. It. Hughe; went to Hastings Fri day morning to spend the day attend nig to business matters. Harry Yost has returned home from Esbon, Kansas, where he had been re ce'ving medical treatment. Mrs. J. C. Mitchell went to Hfist ings Tuesday morning to spend the day, returning home that evening on train 11. liert Anderson and B. Aubushon nutoed to Stapleton Sunday to spend a few days. Mrs. Moranville went to Lincoln Sunday morning to visit her daughter, Mrs. Downey. .The Red Cloud High Basket Rail team will play the Bloomington team here Friday evening. A large nurfjber of the citizens of this community have been kick with the flu the past week. Mrs. J. W. Corbctt has moved into the residence recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stroup. Fred Temple of Kansas City spent Saturday hero attending to buninc matters, roturn'ng to his home Sunday morning. If yon h,' Kuv Kir, Nose oi Tli i oat ttouiilnor ni'fd kIhsl"j sn' Dr. Wiirrlek. Tin- .Specialist at Dr. Darner alls Wed im. day, Fflntiiiry Ul f loins 2 toll Owing to the cold weather and the pu'vali'iieo of lllncs it has ln-t n de cided to dispense with tin' meeting of Chin ity loiige A. F ,fc A. M. Filday overling. V. A. Kent returned home Friday morn'ng en tra;n 11 from St. Francis, Kansas, where he had been spending the past few days attending to busi ness matters. Amos Dill n, 0. It. Abby, Ohas.-K. Gurney, Fred M. Hurst ami Fred Cor bett wont to Kansas City Sunday morning in charge of the stock ship incuts from here. Mr. ami Mrs. Cecil Harrctt returned home Wednesday evening from York where she has been spending the past thicc weeks visiting with her parents and with friends. HOARD OF KMTATION IN SFSS10N ON MON'IUY Red Cloud, NeOuiska I! i U, 1"U. TIi Hoard of lMiK'ation net r. special ses ion at t'-.e call of the IV i lent at 8 .'clock p. in. All mem'icis present except C. J. lipt The follow;ng( hills weie (.Mowed and Sen clary instructed to draw wvi rnnts tor the fame: b. R Florence . ,1'ope Ihfis. Amer can Hook Co Ginn & Co. It. P. Wccsner Co Webster Co. Argus Mrs Stnelsui SiIpi r.urdett Co. Allyu & llacon Fnhoisiiy Pub Co. ' 'iiic il v of Nebraska Sam F..x Pub Co. Co . W. Johnson Art Nelson Johnson & Grahs.m Red Cloud Chief A H. Gelwlck - Piatt & Frees W G. Hamilton .. Aupi. uciwiCK mane a detailed re port of his attendance at the meeting of School Riards of Nebraska held at Lincoln in January. On motion the Superintendent and Secretary were instructed to prepare a teacher's salary schedule for tho cons'dcration of the Hoard at next meeting. No further business the Hoard ad journed to meet March R, 1923. R. F. PERRY, Secretary. -fV "(fV 1 ?;ir.o 27 , iii.7;i :?.:m -0 71 IU.80 , 2.1)5 l.'.K) 2.!)'.) 1.01 . :.8.U 1 .2!) S.10 .7.) 22.:i5 1.20 . U.fiO . 18 07 787.7(5 11.00 Wm. McRride arrived home Tues day evening on train 11 for a visit with his parents, Mr. r.nd Mrs. R. E. McRride. Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Hamilton re turned homo Wednesday morning after a few days in Franklin spent with relatives. Harvey Shrincr and Lulu Stethern, both of Riverton, were married by County Judge A. D. Ranney, Wednesday. County Highway Commissioner George Overing returned home Satur dav evening from Los Angeles, Cali fornia, where he has been spending the past four weeks visiting with his mother and with friends Dave Smith, boiler maker foreman for the Burl'ngton at McCtook, spent Wednesday here attending to matters in connection with his work, returning home on No. 17 that evening. Mr. and Ms. N. B. Bush went to Oxford Thursday morning on train 15 they being called by the death of an uncle of hers. Mr. Bush returned home on No. 1G Friday morning. (By (0 (0 '.r-a OUR PRICES MEAN Shopping Economies Buying your Grocery needs here brings more than a momentary saving. It brings a saving in health and strength as well as added values in energy. Purity is the watchword of this store. All the food-stuffs we handle must be measured up to our high standard of quality or they do not reach our shelves. P. A. WULLBRANDT Groceries and Queensware ii -r ' m m ft. m w m m vaWjC:'4 -'Ml'-r, Mrs. W. L. Abby of Blue Hill was a passenger to Mountain Grove Mis souri, from here Thursday morning on train No. 1C. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Conley and Mrs. Kennedy were down from Tnc vale Wednesday afternoon. II. G. Hulsebusch went to St. Tuesday morning in charge of stock shipped from Lester. - Joe the Miss Helen Reiher and Miv. Fred Maurcr went to Hastings Monday niorning to spend the day. J. C. Mitchell went to Hastings Monday nurn'ng to spend the day at tend'ng to business matters. A. II. Lech returned to his home at Pawnee Scturday morning on train 16 after a short visit here with friends. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Grimes and chil dren went it Hastings Saturday, morn ing to spend me day, rcuinunK '. on No. 11 that evening. Dr. and Mrs. R. E. Camp returned home Tuesday evening from McCook where they went a few days ago for a short visit with friends. George Cather, of Bladen, has been here for the past few days visiting nt the home of his brother, C. F. Cather, and -with other relatives. Miss Davis went to Superior Thurs day morning on train 16 to spend a few days visiting with her parents. Wm. Letson of Oakland, California, arrived here Sunday morning he be ing called by the death of his mother. Thorval Jcn'cn returned to his woik here Monday miming alter spending Sundny in McCook visiting friends. with ' Five cars of hogs and four carloads of cattle to Kansas City comprised the stock shipments from her Sunday morning. Mrs. Paul Pope of Hastings spent Thursday here visiting with relatives and friends, returning home Friday morning via auto. John Neuerbcrg returned home Sun day evening on No. 17 from Hot Springs, Arkansas, wheie he has been spending the past few weeks. Marklc H. Strait, of Concordia, Kan s&s and Stella B. Brown of Mnnkato, Kansas, were married by County Judge A. D. Ranney Mo-mtoy II. K4 Shaw arrived here Monday evening from St. Jociwith his carload of household effects. He will make his 'uture home on a farm near here. Mr. nnd Mrs. B. R. Frazior and children went through here Thursday morning enroute to Pittsfield, Pennsyl vania, where he has accqpted a posi tion with the General Electric Coi Mr. Frazier has been at Riverton for the past few months. ' Mr. and Mrs. Pcrrv were passeii gers to Harvard Thursday morning on train 4 alter spending sthe past few weeks here visit'ng at the home of his son, County Clerk B. F. Perry and' fami'" Mrs. E. A Mitchell and son, Mark, arrived here Tuesday morning on train 14 from Akron, Colorado, for a few days vsit i't the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hauck and with other friends. Stacc Morhart reutrned home Sat urday evening on train 11 from Omaha where he has been spending tho past week attending to business matters. Mrs. Alvcna Burg went ti Pawnee Monday morning on tra'p 16 after spending the past few weeks here visiting with her mother, Mrs. Maude Itcnfro. Wm. Letson intends returning to h's home at Oakland, California, Wednes day evening on train 17. Ho wns called here by the death of his nnthei and the serious illness of his brother, Holton. Mr. and Mr.;. Frank Sutton and chil drcn arrived here .Mondays evening from Lcmoyne for a week's vis't here with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Duckcr and Mrs. Mary Sutton and with friends. A. B. Allen, Collector of Internal Revenue for Nebraska, stales that a lepresentative of that office will hs in Red Cloud, March 2, JJ and Cth to assist the taxpayers in filing income tax returns. Mrs. N. B. Bush returned home Fri day morning from Oxford whore she was called a few days ago by the death of a relative. Player Plnno at a Barftaini-Wo have a player piano in good condition that ono of our customers was unable to finish paying for, that wo will plane froo of charge In tho hmiielof any satis factory customer In tho vlulnity of Red Cloud who will pay tho balance In cash or oasy payment). Write GASTON MUSIC & FITRNITUUECO., Hastings, Nebraska. C. M. Funk returned to Superior Sunday morning on No. 16 after spend ing a couple of days here visiting at the home of his Fistcr, Miss Julia Funk. Mr. and Mrs. John Sells and child ren returned home Tuesday evening from Hurwell where they have been for the past ten days visiting with relatives. Dr.W.H.Mc Bride DENTIST Red Cloud OVBU STATB ANK I fc ,,,,, uUn ,.,,,., W. G. Hamilton went to Omalia Monday morning to spend a few days attending a meeting of tho Retail Clothiers Association being held there this week. Farm Loans. Read This. I am in the farm loan business and am malting quite u success of it for various reasons. I have the very low est rate of interest going and by all odds the best option oiferud. There i no ilelny in closing a loan, as it is practically closed tho moment the application is made I havo certain udvuiitiigos that c iiatilt s me to" .save many of yoii'froni $20 to $'10 in neKOti. atlng tho loan. You get tho entire f.ico Of tho loan, its no portion of il Mr. and Mrs. Chal Gollatly weie pas engcrs to Omalia Tuesday morn ing on train 4 where ho will spend a few days attending a meeting held there this week by the Nebraska Lum ber Dealers Association. Lee Walker's brand of harness and prices are spreading far beyond th limits of Webster county as on Tues day he disposed of three sets of work harness to John and George Specht and John Borendes of Orleans. The initiatory and second degree were conferred on wo candidates by the I. 0. O. F. degree teams Monday evening. The attendance has been in creasing and next Monday evening after the work a lunch will be served. FARM BUREAU NOTES County Extension Agent, II. It. Fausch) Accieditcd Farm Flocks 0. N. Summers, Poultry Specialist, insj ccts poultry on iurms that mc being acci edited and males breeding pens. Following is the lht in Web ster county: Emil Blumcuthal, Blue Hill, White Wyandottcs; Mrs. C. Esh clim n, Red Cloud, White Wyandottcs; Mrs Robert Fausch, Guide Rock, White and Barred Plymouth Rocks; Henry Iambrecht, Inavalc, White Leghorns; Marqu'st Merrill, Red Cloud, White Leghorns; Mrs. A. Ar nold, Inavale, S. C. Rhode Island Reds, Mrs. H. Fnusch, Guide Rock, S. C. Rhode Island Reds: Mm John Erick son, Red Cloud, Silver Laced Wyan dottcs. Accredited Farm Flocks 1922 Mrs. A. Arnold of Inavale had the only accredited flock in 1922. Her 14.5 hens averaged 113 eggs. There were 201 accredited flocks in Nebras ka with an average of 133 hetiB nnd thoy produced an average of 113.5 eggs. The rank of breeds arc first S. C. White Leghorns, second S. C. Rhode Island Reds, third S. C. Brown Leghorns, fourth Wh'tc Wyandottcs, fifth Burred Rocks, sixth Buff Or-ph-ngtins, seventh White Rocks, e'gth It C. Rhode Island Reds, ninth Black Minorcas, tenth White Orphing tons. There were 116,409 farm flocks in Nebraska and almost that many town flocks. The state average for hens fo 70 eggs. If culling end better nictli ods were applind to the average State Flocks we could easily increase the eug production Vj and at 20 cents per docr. tliH would amount. 10 .-j,uii,-398 20 per year. In Webster county it would amount to $129,019 97. Guide R:ck Community Club The Guide Rock Community Club held a banquet for Live Stock Club rovs from Guide Rock vicinity. The banquet was held at the Bushec hotel. A short program was given after the dinner. Lorimor Etlsou talked on Calf Club; Eugene White on, Pig Club; W. B. Vnnco on, Dad's View of Club Wotk; Harry Vaughan, Business Man' View of Club Work; C. B. Steward, Breed ers' View of Club Work; Henry It Fausch, Live Stock Clubs. Lorimer Edson and Eugene White have won many honors in Club work and both told of their experience i. W. H. Vance told how his sm, Snencer. became interested in Club work 4 year.-, ago and today they were breeding pure bred cattle and nog?.. Harry Vaughan told of the good Club work had done for his son and what it would mean to other city bojs especially those who expect to be the business men of the future. The train ing along this line would help him t understand the farmers' problems. C. P.. Steward, told why the brooder was interested i Live Stock Clubs. He said few men are in the pure bred livestock business for profit alone. Their love for good stock is cither innate or has been acquired lrom ob servation, study and association nnd in any event it hfi made an idealist olit of him. The mind fashions models of his favorite breed nnd he strives to attain this goal. Mr. Steward paid tribute to the Guide Rock Community Club for the interest they were taking in Live Stock Club Avork nnd he didn't won der that Guide Rock Community has si much good live stock. nTB.--- Wk-JL. iwaiMr: SECOND ANNUAL SPRING SALE, FEB. 27-28, 1923. TWO DAYS, ONE CATTLE ONE HOGS To be held at the Fair Grounds at Nelson. Rain or shine on above dates. We are pleased to present this offering to the buyeri at our Sec ond Annual Spring Sale as it is one that will be a credit to the As sociation. The consignors arc all reliable men and guarantee the buyers a square deal, and furthermore there will be no by-bidding; everything listed is to sell. Sale will be held in comfortable quarters and lunch will, be provided at noon each day, so come early and spend the day and be sure to bring the boy along. The cattle, which will be sold the first day, consist of the most popular blood lines; are growthy, not pampered and will do the buyer lot of good. All are tuberculin tested and sold subject to a 60-day rctest under conditions stated in the contract. A select offering of sows and gilts and a few boars make up the offering for the second day. They are bred right; are a real bunch of producers and arc of the big stretchy type which prodnce 'big litters and are market toppers. All are cholera immuncd. THIRTY FIVE HEAD OF CATTLE Bulls Females 16 Shorthorn .Mi ' 10 Shorthorn Cows and Heifers 4 Polled Shorthorn 2 Polled Shorthorn Cows 2 Red Polled 1 Red Polled Cow Several of the cows have calves by side and all females will prove a good buy for the boy or for the old man cither. We know that the bulls will please and they will make good to the buyer. SECOND DAY OF SALE, ABOUT 40 HEAD OF HOGS Twenty head of Poland China hogi and a similiar number of Duroc Jersey; three Chester Whites and three head of Hampshircs make up the offering for the second days sale. There are a few hoars consigned one Duroc Jersey, three Polauds and three Hamp shircs. These hogs have been selected from the best herds of the country and are o. k. in every respect. j&' Write Lawrence Smith at Superior for Catalogue. Col. J. C. Price will conduct the auction and he will bcassistcd by Cols. Henderson, C. M. Livingston and John Waldron. HLJ- ivingsi "" illllfflWCTffli'nnii!iMMniirirtnm ANNOUNCEMENT J. H. BAILKY, One carload of hogs nnd one of hogs nnd cnttlo mixed to St. Joe and one car of hogs to Kcnsas City were ship ped from Lester Tuesday morning. Ono carload ot hogs were shipped from here to St. Joe Tuesday morning. F. R. Hughes has sold bis Suitator. lum to Roy Barnes, of Franklin, who takes possession next. Monday. Mr. Barnes is n brother of Mrs, John Kur. rush and has hail cousldornblo o.xpcr iouctt In his Hade Mr. add Mrs. Himhus will niovo to Superior where ho will be associated with a tailoring firm, Mrs. Hindu's will bo inhsed In tin musical olrclo huro ua sholhad taU en part In all affairs of this activity..; Card of Thanks Webster County Bank WE WISH to announce that wo have opened up a sav ings department in our bank for the use of the child ren, adults and every one. Thrift and saving is something that has been neglected. We kindly invite you to take advantage of this sav ings idea and make this your banking home with your savings no matter how small, you are alwas welcome. A saver is a hustler and we are for both. Bank with us and you can bank on us. We welcome every child in the community to become a customer of this new department. THE WEBSTER COUNTY BANK M K camrMtm.irwiwm'iM r Wo wihh to expiess our gratitude Uw tho many friends who assihtod at the time of our sou's illness and denth and and for th beautiful floral oiferlngs Mr. and Mrs. Claude Conley, and daughter Gertrude-. no To Whom Concerned I hereby clve nntiuu that I will longor bo responsible- for tho payment of any dibtn Inclined by my wife Mangle Merrill. DaU'd February 3. 19JII. Ony G. Mori ill E DC 3E 3E DlLn Dr.R. V. Nicholson Ui DENTIST Red Cloud, Nebrast WE ARE SHOWING NEW SPRING HATS & CAPS THIS WEEK See our Display in our South Window. New Stetson Blocks in the New Spring Shades. WE HAVE ALSO RECEIVED MANY NEW SPRING SUITS FOR MEM AND YOUNG MEN SEE THE NEW SPORTS ,ii . i - - . The Cowden-Kaley CIo. Co. i" "Always Reliable . J4 , "J m i ,Vrrir p.sii ii IZ3"JI J '& PI