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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1922)
RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF Jitfismias Facts zmi A KEEPING WELL MEANS A CONSTANT FIGHT AGAINST CATARRH Mny Alttttnm raty b dmcrtbM cattrrtial conflltlon. Coughs, coMi, niuil caurrh, itotnacb and bowel dUonUra ar Jiut n fw of tho Ty common ilia duo to catarrh. Fight Itl Fight catarrh with trmv&y of amurcd morlt, remedy which hai reputation (or tuclulnoaa cxUnding orer hall a century .DR. HARTMAN' PE-RU-NA Tmblmtm er Liquid Sold Kvrywher w .m. . '.rs&sira;,w.. " v&mm-. . , . ,x&a?: &? ,s?mm r imi nBHB3BLv.;-.r ttwsviw .& vis. .Mr&rf "v mdvhhhmbwh y, lbfaBlBBB3flBI&' ; !?$?&. .v owwifc JllHSv?iraHiM "slBBBl ! '. V V 4 WmmkM IMIli ''"JMm Ill If 'i I fcii - m HViHvW V' A IfiWItfliiWtr11! W'1 " "'Hi urfmM m WW 'm , H' 'ill ii i liilll If . Pb .bV VliliJl . J I I V T- 1 TirrH-1aei T i ii i i - W.MJl t'H. 1 -b k V - III I nil ! Illi II II H ! I1HM I 111 I H B 11 IHBl I I J . .laaBBBaBH - ISSP'Sw HHPHHP'I dP !! I III I m K-"t - r-v- K V.tHHBHia C J I Vr"! - Disordered Stomach Take a good dose of Carter's Little Liver Pills then take 2 or 3 for a few night9 alter. You will relish your meala without fear of trouble to follow. Millions of all ages take them for Biliousness, Dizzincs3,Sick Headache, UpsetStomach and for Sallow, Pimply, Blotchy Skin. TAey end (he mtiery of ContUpallon. "y&&ZC Sm.ll Pill;SmU Doie;SmaH Prlc Ku The Meddlera. Meddlesome; people nro not neces sarily malicious tlioy tnny even he uell'inonnliiK hut the harm they do Is none the less real. Knowing how to inn other pcopltH hiislnest Ih not uhns bo much u gift us an n miction. By JOHN m vrz? DICKINSON SHERMAN HUKK WISK MKN, as everyone l.nous, paid homagu to Jesus at his birth. Their story Is told in part thus hi the Gospel nc cordlng to St. Matthew: Now when Jesus was horn In Uethlehcm of Judea In tho duyu of Herod the King, behold, there came wise men from tho East to Jerusalem. Saying, where Is he that Is born King of the Jews? for wo have seen his star In the Kast, and are come to worship him. When Herod the King had heard these things, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him. And when he had gathered all the chief priests nud scribes of the people together, he demanded of 'tAoni where Christ should he horn. And they said unto him, In Bethlehem of Judca, for thus It Is written by the prophet. And thou, Itcthlehem, In the land of Judca, are not tho least among the princes of Judca ; for out of thee shall come a Goernor, that shall rule my people Israel. Then Herod, when he had privily called tho wluo men, Inquired of them diligently what time the star appeared. And he sent them to Bethlehem, and said, Go and search diligently for the young child; and when ye hnve found him, bring mo word again, that I may come und worship him also. When they had heard tho king, they departed, and, lo, the star, which they saw lu the East, went before them, till It came and stood over where the young child was. When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy. And when they were come Into the house, they naw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshiped him: and when they had opened their treasure, they presented unto him gifts; gold, and frankincense nnd myrrh. And being warned of God In n dream that they Bhould not return to Herod, they departed Into their own country another way. These Three Wise Men were named Mclchtor, Knspar and Halthazar. They aro sometimes called tho "Three Kings of Cologne." Their hones nre said to rest In the cathedral of Cologne. This Is the finest specimen of Gothic architecture In Eur ope and Its building took more than 000 yenrs 12l6 to 1SS0. Anyway, skulls purporting to bo theirs were exhibited as Into as tho Eighteenth century To touch them was to ho healed. An old prayer charm reada: Yo three holy klntrn, Knspar, Mclchtor and Balthazar, Pray for us now And In tho hour of death. Early trndltlon supplemented this nccount by adding n fourth wise man. And tho story of this fourth wise mnn Is one for us all to keep In mind at Christmas time. Tills fourth wise mnn started with (he other three to mnkc the Journey to Jerusalem and pay homngo to tho new-horn King. But ho never reached the manger where lay the child. Instend ho sacrificed his life to render service. Never theless, before ho died he was granted n vision of the Christ. Henry Van Dyko's "The Story of tho Other Wise Man" tells the trndltlon most ex cellently well: Detained by his efforts to save n dying stranger, Artahnn becomes separntcd from his, compnnlons. He, therefore, seeks tho Christ nlone, traveling from place to place, feeding the hungry as he goes, clothing the naked, nursing the sick, comforting tho oppressed. Ono nfter nnother he spends for others tho precious gifts which he hnd hoped to offer to the Christ. At last ho surrenders his ono remaining pearl In order to ransom n tormented slave girl. Struck on the temple by n falling tile, he lies bleeding and breathless. But he hears a Voice commending him. Unnblo to believe the testimony of his own ears, tho Other WIso Man murmurs: "Not so, my Lord! For when snw I Thee nn hungered and. fed Thee? Or thirsty, nnd gave Thee drink? When saw I Tlieo a Btrangcr, nnd took Thco In? Or naked, and clothed Thee? When snw I Thee' sick and In prison and enme unto Thee? Three-nnd-thlrty years have I looked after Thee; but I have never seen Thy face, nor min istered to Thee my King," 1 But tho Voice replies: I "Inasmuch as thou hast done It unto one of the ifeast of these, my brethren, thou hast done It unto iwo." Is It hard to Imagine the Fourth Wise Man re- There Is nothing moro satisfactory nfter a day of hard work thnn u line full of snowy white clothes. For such results uso Bed Cross Ball Blue. Advertisement. A Sure Sign. "Is your wife a good cook?" "She must he. All her relntlves Btop with ua when they visit town." COUGH TVyPISO'S Aatontatilnglr qu'ick relief. A jrrup different from all other pleaiant no up. act alomach no opiate. 35c and 00c aTerywhero. IF YOUR VETERINARIAN 'The Cutter Laboratory "Tht Ldiirtfrj ihit Kniuilliw" Berkeley (U.S.Uctn) California A conceited woman Is seldom jealous. Uses "Cutter's" Serums and VacclneiheU doing hit bcit to conterve your intercut. Z3ycar concentration on one line count for otncthlnfc. appearing on earth ot Christmas time with u mes sage to nil mankind? Certainly he hns n mes sage well worth delivering. And certulnly It is a message well worth listening to. For from his experience he could say to us : "You have served God only as you have served men." The Christian citizen should he serving God in relation to his home, his community and his nation. There nro those who are serving God by trying to Improve the conditions under which their less privileged fellows live and work, by trying to bring more of justice, beauty, pence nnd love Into tho life of the world. It Is to bo fenred that most of us fall far short here. But he Is u poor Chris tian nnd n poor citizen Indeed who, having, can pass Christmas without doing something in keep ing with tho day for those who have not. Everywhere In our modern Twentieth century life wo meet tho very people whom Jesus painted in lllng words 2,000 yenrs ago the prodigal son, who "came to himself'; tho elder brother, who "was angry nnd would not go In"; the rrlest and tho Lovlte, who "pissed )y on tho other side"; the good Snmnritan, who "was moved with compas sion" ; tho Pharisee, who thanked God thnt he was "not as other men nre"; tho publican, who cried "God ho merciful unto me, n sinner I" At Christians time, If nt no other, it Is well for us to bo the publican and tho good Samaritan. , Without Christmas tree, holly nnd mistletoe Christmas would seem strnngo Indeed to most Americans. The balsam fir Is most used for Christmas trees, but doubtless nlniost any kind of evergreen can bo used in nn emergency. And some of tho munlclpnl and community center Christmas trees nowadays aro of great size, espe cially when they nro set up outdoors. The photograph of the Christmas tree repro duced herewith is worth studying as something qulto out of tho ordinary in several respects. In the first place, In tho original photograph throe sepnrate exposures of tho plato were made the flrst for the building nnd Its lights; the second for the Christmas treo and Its lights, nnd tho third for tho moon. Each exposure varied lu length to suit the different degrees of brllllnnce. And where do you suppose this unusunl photo graph was taken? Why, at the annual Christians celebration In Yosemlte valley, Yosemlte National park, California. Most people think thnt all the national parks are closed In the winter time. Well, they nro not. Rocky Mountain National pnrk In Colorado has n carnival of winter sports In Febru ary. Mount Itnlnlcr National park In Washington has winter sports nnd n ski tournnment 11s Into as July. And Yosemlte Is open the year 'round. And Yosemlto's Christmas celebration Includes n fat, Jolly, fur-clad Santa Clans who drives up In the old-fnshlqncd way In his sleigh and distributes his gifts to tho village children. But that Isn't all about this unusual picture. What kind of a tree do you suppose tho Christmas treo Is? You could not guess If your Christmas gift depended upon your guess. That's because It is tho only one of Its kind In tho whole world. This Chrlstmns treo Is nothing less than 0 living Sequoia tree. Tho Sequoia (Sequoia glgantea) is the oldest and biggest living thing In the world. Some of the biggest and oldest of them nre .15 fee In dlnmeter nnd at least G.&00 years old. So yot seo many of these Big Trees In Sequoia and Yosem Ito national parks were not even middle-aged whet Christ was born In Bethlehem. This particular Sequoia Christmas tree win planted In 1S00. From a seedling It has grnwi to a height of moro than GO feet. A thousand yenrs from now It will probably be nearly UOO feel tall and have a diameter of in or 20 feet. One wonders If there will be a similar Chrlstmni celebration In Yosemlte valley then n thousand years from now. Why not? Christinas will still bo celebrated then if tho world endures. And our nineteen national parks have been set nparl by congress ns public playgrounds for tho people forever. So, If tho United States of America en dures, why not a Christians celebration In Yosem lte A. D. 2922? All that seems to be necessarj Is the planting of a Sequoia seedling every thirty years or so. Christmas and mince pie! Nobody ought to have to tell anybody that Christmas Is the time for mlnce pie. Why, tho two go together Just like Thanksgiving nnd pumpkin plo and tho Fourth ol July nnd spring lnmb nnd green pens. The llrst mlnco plo of the winter shouli'. grace the Christmas bonrd; any housewife who gives her family even u tu&to of ono heforo Christinas day should go with out a now Easter hat that's tho punishment to fit tho crime. And any man who eats inlnce pie at n restaurant or nt his club before Christmas day bhould go without mlnco plo all winter. However, If ho should, his punishment would likely fit tho crime. For nowadays the making of mlnco pies is largely n lost nrt. Tho ordinary restuurant mlnce pie Is nothing but minced fruit. There Is a saying that every really good woman cook must have n temper. Maybe. Certainly she Should he nlco and plump as If sho ate her own mluce pies nnd thrived on them. And it's easy to tell by watching u woman make mlnce pies whether or not they're going 'to be a success. If sho goes nt It, you know, as If it wero sort of a religious rite as If the fate of the nation hung on her work why, nil Is well. "Pies like mother used to makol" Tenderloin of beef and Northern Spy npples and renl elder and everything clso to correspond I Mnybo mother used to hake her pics a dozen nt n time and set them awny In a cold store room to freeze. Maybe mother got her mlnco meat ready nnd set It nsldo In it big stono Jar to ripen. It doesn't make nny difference. They wero renl mlnco pies when they got to the Christmas dinner. Tho looks of them ! The smell of them! The tasto of them! Yum, yum! Thero'a n memory a fellow can carry with him to his grnve. Do you remember Iznak Walton's friend Dr. Bot teler and hla famous appreciation of the strawber ry? Well, It's quite evident the good doctor never sat down to Just the right kind of n Christmas dinner or ho would hnve Ignored the strawberry as unworthy of his cleverness and would have said In stead that doubtless God could have Inspired some heaven-born cook to make it more appropriate des. sert for December 25 thun mlnce plo hut that douU less God never did. SAY' "BAYER" when you buy. Insist!" Unless you see the "Bayer Cross" on tablets, you are not getting the genuine Bayer product prescribed by physicians over 23 years and proved safe by millions for Colds Headache Toothache Rheumatism Neuritis ' Lumbago Neuralgia Pain, Pain Accept only "Bayer" package which contains proper directions. Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles of 24 and 100 Druggists. Aspirin Is tho trado mark of Jlayor Manufacture of Monoaretlcactdcstor of BallcyUcacld. It Is tho role of every baker to have I Timo for One, Then. a roU "Mamn, Tigo's begging. Must I glv " him n piece of my cookie l" A dlvorco sseree Is nlwuys a part-1 "Of course you must " ' Ing Injunction. "Well. I haven't any cookie !" T.Ife. 1,1 I -I I II 111 I I I I II I ! Mill -.-. .!. I "Lots far Your Money Brands Should Not Tempt You Use CALUMET the Economy BAKING POWDER 91 That's What Millions of Housewives Do r C A v eoNTNTiii- They know tWt Good Baking Ponder can't be sold formless that "more for, the mon ey"means balceday fail ures, waste of jtime and money that Calumet' means economy. sd V x . 1, rff?: THE WORLD'S The sales of-Calurnet are a over 150 'grea.tfe'rthan s tyf of any otr tk- BEST BY TEST iftgipowCler. f V., . x r-iOL ir--i.j GREATEST BAKING POWIM '? V! y mi v r H -MM