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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1922)
-v w . -r7 -Hk-MriWII0SSSl1U,rV- . -v. .. -vIJ i. j.rwrjainBTr-.-3jiiaTiiraBTHhJp .. nmm- .. . .. ,-jii'iiLi , iV. .maimi'iy fHHHHHH t i ' ' - .jftiva t - g?.-fe ,.i jg-ggl-'tSSIrrj. t. ut-MmHHHi rc:cS V,yNi (ri V f.- .JO'fi .ft k P;-3HBMEii?lyPHyilWHPPMnifagfc rSfr'--'"-" ""rlBfTffllBBBHHWnBffHffHWHKTPrH HHHHHK9BC?Rf!clJLK3Hr nHiyiyMj BSJlii srj ''!!!!!!LlHlHBiHHwJBSJxMHM A WnwiHUr Tilt fllTM Tlit fUni fflfty-twt WMki Itch Tar Br tf.5 VOLUME 60 RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. DECEMBER 14. 1922 NUMBER 50. ftfeft$ &mM!mik Tax Payers Notice Tlii-re will ben taxpayers mabs meet intr't'lniiRiiuy, Deo. 21. t. 1 o'clock &' nhifp, to be held Mt the court house in .U Red Cloud. Evct-v ix par Is re fit niits'"'1 to Rttend llii meetm . Hy Order of Cuminlnoe. A. I. S'mifr. Chuirmall. m- &' Tim i! i-J r jfii HBRThVhHSIhfIhBhhhh'h'hhR &. :t? HlHHHWIHHHH9HllHHK''neMaHHH J a CSB.vVM I ksKpSw ' 111 I. fc2 ,'.' $tTpHE present that gives pleasure, not merely for- : a few days, but for long months and years, isW X the ideal gift. : $ RESIGNS full of the beauty of art are lound in W JiiisitJniiii' nroiusiun nure. tHOOSIN fi is nn lonrror a task, linf . pleasure. &; af Jff SCHOOL SYSTEM A POINT OV ATTACK .jn u WI nloq(Mltn i-j .picaauiti -fil SK yJWPlTTTWJgylCJyrlr..gTv'"TTrrtnflT.JyTTmwv'A WLiLK,tTf?w MriiiWMia 'w Yortr- mi W Christinas W KSt Family Reunion A vny ilelllitful fmiiily '"Union was lifhl tit thi! lioine or Mi lUrbarn PliMii-h Sniiiiiiy evt'iitiiv Fred Piiu on and U of Miorieupi'lls were hfit lleiiry l'hiireh nn.l uilu from C u I in I ( I iv, Chiiries nml .Shfiulun Plntifn anil iln-ir fumili-s weru hi'lc from iulile It'irK A Iioiiii'miiis dlii iifr ." iii'i-i:ni il ty Mrs I'liarcH, ivlm was inili'cil vcij hupp.' to tin vc nil In'. fimil liioniid t lie Ikiiiik talilu Ollee (.Mill foi such a ,j , v m.s ofi-inn The Value of Good Roads There ure iilnnit lilO.OU'i jnNiiiiuliileH in Xibriif-kn The aveiaue ceiiof oper- .itimi, ineliiilln ri pairs, (leptcnation and fuel, i.s esiunated to lm eleven cents a mil", mid the average jenry mlleufje iv (0(i() miles per ear. which nieiiiiH I hut $lo3, 11)0,0 H) is Npuiil nlli iw ally foi operatinj; the enrr. of tho stutc. By u coiiHarvtitive estinntle (ooil ro ds deereahe operuttu,' expenweb twnniy Uvo percent. A coutinualion of tie Kood roads pioratn of the htate will tlicreforc save $:i9,(i0O,0lK) to auto driv ers vuch year, or 8 1 ( per car. Figures voveriuu the total amount of farmers' haulage, either by motor or horse drawn vehicles, ure not available, and we cannot estimate the Raving on this item It is known how. over, that tho expense of hauling is reduced U." per cent by itood roKilb The behellts derived from gord roads are so grat ami ho commonlv rt'eognized that any proplisltion to iwr. tail or abandon their construction maintei mice receives liitin serii-t h coilMileiMlion. BUY PRACTICAL GIFTS Hand Bags Dress Goods Handkerchiefs Ladies' Coats Sweaters Childrens Coats Silk Hose Underwear Gloves . Blankets Mittens Baby Blankets Ribbons , Petticoats '4; 1 8 at' 3 ZUa 8, Many other items let us help you plan your Christ mas Gifts. Everything in Christmas Candies and Nuts. .tV it. The H- P. Weesne Gompany iff. &s$&m SKtejS585 V.VA Phone Ind. 3 on 90, Bell 174. Residence, Bell 241 1 Mrs. Ed Amack UNDERTAKING BOTH PHONES RED CLOUD, NEB : L T. AMACK-PHONE IND. 32M UWWJWfMWJWJVWVJV PROGRAM FOR THE COMSI UNITY CANTATA Tho following is the program for Christmas cantata, "Tito, Light Eternal," with nvisic by II. W. Totrie, to ho given by the Community Chorus under tho direction of Miss Joscpliino Mizer, with Mrs. Howard S Foe as accompanist, at the Be sc Auditorium on Sunday evening, December 17th, commencing at 8 o'clock. Organ Prelude Invocation .-..i Ilcverend Cope Chorus Praisp the Great Z Z. Redeemer. Tenor Solo and Chorus. It Speaks to the Werld. Soloist Mr. Glen Mountford Bass Solo and Chorus God" Hath Given a Son Soloist Mr. N. B. Busli Soprano Sclo and Chorus While SOicpards Watched Soloist Mis.5 Mildred Boren Trio for Soprano, Tenor and Bari tone Star of Bethlehem Mrs. Gellatly, Messrs. L. Wagoner and N. B. Bush Contralto Solo The Dawning Mrs. Frank Hughes Tenor Solo and Quartet .Ho Came To Give Salvation Mesdamos Gellatly and Bush Messrs. Bu?h and II. Thomas Soprano Solo and Chorus Born In a Manger Soloist Miss Pearl Hines Soprano Solo and Chorus .Tho Light of Glory Soloist Mrs. Laird Potter Duet for Sprano and Contr. Iter The Message Mesdamoj Laird Potter aid Earl Hall Tenor Solo and Chorus Tho , Light of All tho World Soloist Mr. C. L. Cotting Soprano Solp Angel Voices Miss Itu'jy Koon Chorus Lc-d Me Benediction -., Reverend Franta Savo this program and take it vith you. No admission fee will he charged but a freo will offering will be taken up: Forty delegates from various coun ties were p.e.cnt Monday evening for the opening of the meeting of the tux payors' league, called to meet hero by C. I.) Farley of Aurora, for the puposo of organizing a state league which will have representatives at the legislture to aid in bringing about a reduction in taxes in the state. The Hamilton county delegation, composed of Mr. Farley, T. M. Scott, J. R. David on, George I. Burr and F. E. Edgarton, brought a 'proposed constitution for the state league. Talk among the delegates indicated tlii't the abolishing f the accrcdi.ed hCiiool Lyotem and investigation by the coming legislature o' tho expo i ,ol tne slate univc sity arc ives some will seJc. Among tho early arrivals a a i.olugation from Gai field comity, com posed of T. U Dora.., rep esemativo .n 100!j and l'J07; Frun s Wagner, Fia.ik Mo lusil and William Wondorly. "There a o 17 counties in the west c n and northern iKirt of the state', Mr. Doran said, "that have a poblcm in .alarics of county oillcials, raised by recent legislation." Tho county judge in Garfield county Mr. Doran said, gets 51,000 i- year for work that for 20 years hud been done for $300 or $400 a year. And the pay of tho tfhcrlu", lie laid was out of all proportions of the work. Harlan county is represented hero by C. A. Davis and Teter Jl Shea. Webster county has three delegates Alva Stoner of lnavale, 0. A. Waldo, Rcprcse itative Garber and Mr. Amack of Red Cloud. W. D. McCord of Ainsworth, in Brown county, said that the salaries of rural toichcrs' in that county was an excessive burden on the taxpayer;'. They remained, he said, at the peak of war prices, and rural teachers are gctti' g from $90 to $105 a moith. T. E Wyman, delegate f "" Wheel or county, said that in his county the accredited -chool system vs r. burden "Wo feel that wo have to put in studies that the children never flni h and never use," he do hired. "A-id we want t get away f om this bur den." Many deem it important th'.t the axpnyers' league get to Lincoln ,be fore the hou e orginizes so thr t some effect may bo produce, 1 in the selec tion of committee chairmanships. The Lincoln Star. ANNOUNCEMENT Webster County Bank WE WISH to announce that we havo opened up a sav ings department in our bank for the uso'of the child ren, adults and every one. Thrift a'hd saving is something that has been neglected. We kindly invite you to take advantage of this sav ings idea and make this your banking home with your savings no matter how small, you are alwas welcome. A saver is a hustler and wo are for both. Bank with us and you can bank on us. We welcome every child in the community to become a customer of this new department. THE WEBSTER COUNTY BANK i 'aflftPrjriiiitiiiiiittii iii!W!ii!iii!!lii!iii niiiiiinj'iinini" itiiHi'i niwi,iJ4rijnifliiirthWirBfln,nHnHHrMfitii .iwwtiii'WWHiB.iuitiiKiniiiinrntiiimiiHtnr'fnaiiiiii ;wr.a.ifHf-ttsftagiJst3inn District Court Proceedings State of NebiasU'a vh Lynn Delph and Ralph Chaplin, parole continual State ot Nebraska vs Thomas Jeff rlen, bond forfeited. State of Nebrasldi Vh John W. Sheets, intoxication, 00 days impilsonment and coitn. State of Nebraska vs Albert Perry, dismissed by County Attorney. State of Nebraska vh Thomas Kill, ougli, illegal miIo of liquor, dlsmibsd by County Attorney. Stato of Nebraska vs Thomas Kill oiik'li, manslaughter, not guilty ' State of Nebraska vs John V Sheet-, and one. Ford Automobile, illegal transportation liquor, not guilty Stato af Nebrasim vs John W Khtotb, Illegal transportation liquor, 2100 and costs. civil, DOCK!', i' , County of Webster vs Hugh (iiilli foni, mile conlli ined. Ruliy Sehouh.)uig vs Henry Audei sou, settled and dl-nilsecl. State Hank ot flildioth vs. MahxtiiKer ot at, bettled. Tho KxcliaiiL'o Hani; of liladen vh A. H. Lairlek, jiidgmont fur dotendnnt. .Iiiuirs V. Auld is (Jliaiies 1), Siew aril, sale confirmed, Kose Durr s John Bmr, ill vmoe for pbiiptiif and custody nf clilliii'uu Allcu Hamilton vh Clm-. llumilion, divoice lor plaiutiil' and custody ol children. Alva Carpenter va Ella Ctiruenter, et al, partltlon'ordered. This Christmas Your Photograph M-1 i 'frf ?twr the only gift that only you can maKe. Now is the time to 'phbnenU Red 1 32 for an appoint ment. The Gleason Studio raaaifwi n iiummmmimiimgjojigmmi!jmj.miiiiiwjiogii ANNOUNCEMENT Having opened a shop in the TRINE HARDWARE store, 1 am now ready to do your Plumbing, Heating and Electrical Work t at reaiBnable prices-guaranteeing fust-class work manship and courteous service. GIVE ME A TRIAL AND BE CONVINCED ART NELSON s . At Trine's Hardware Ed. "Strangler" Lewis The World's Champion Will Wrestle John Grandivich, The Bohemian Champion At the Community Arena in Marysville, Kansas, Wednesday Night, December 20th In a finished match best two in three falls. Reserved seats will be placed on sale THURSDAY, December Hth. Reserved 5eats Ringside $2 00. Orders for seats by. mail will be filled in the order in which they are received. W "p'jifa-W"" - riccar-aaczKswssswr