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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1922)
fclnseta ,.-. HJ -,; :-TpKmmmm r-s ja. -as-8y-.raMa&-aaeg-5gg sar-ngT1 a-rtaCTig-rparffiESg &&$&& Jf 1 1' OM 2Xq Etc I IM-.E.til .-Mit- ' u... . K..-:-irin, ,-S.-,: "7-tr ?-. - . - tr.XvVfSl. - --.' iM -- TiEWJ -wT -- A - - .--- .-sis? - S? SWtrAtHijmm -T-u- -u ,a-F v ArfAJWJgBTftfc t. . A Newspaper I hat fihws Thft Netts Frfiy-tHo Wck (Bach rear Fr ii.ritt fc& ,L" J" waum w t im, ii i - --l imiiii ihm.i'- ' " "",:'"." T". '.','i . '?"'." " '"' V""" "" "l'"i'i ' """I. V"-'" '" " ' . """ " ' " '.'.'J HW' VOLUME 60 RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. DECEMBER 28, 1022 illlMUjWli1MIHHIW't Serious Auto Accident GBAlE iPlSC'CPAL ' On l-'rJay the 22n. ve had" cur' Chrh.:nao trc r.rd .-at r th MHH)wmu i.-n o'clock, SMtdvy actaot, their paveiit, cm-'Miioiiiir hut itmumow t nrvidunt mv ; .,.. ants and, fiier.di of the church. .Cu,mt east of thiooity. itl tin- ccinc-n ' .' : ' ,. m. Kov. .'I I ira- '.eld a' on ih- o.lU'ii It 1 highway d appvopr crt'.e f re- i.iit tin , Hunts ioIiUmiui'. BWWISBWBTO NUMBER 52. wwnnriiiutn'iinwwi mi'irwnrmwi ot tMaiuMfflP.'flaai'iincTiw,! iTii"f yoowttoaraa jki ANNOUNCEMENT 1 WE WISH YOU ONE' AND ALL A Very Happy New Year and thank you all for the patronage given us the past year ll iO V 00 'Th botkr , hiiblc a, hymns, u , . Meh was m . i vie l!o i t ' , Cv . every . ! 4r'ntc. j. -i )f toys E. H. Newhouse RED CLOUD NEBR. S KODAK Iff' DEALER 1 1 w i ' . - i f May the New Year. Bring Evr kcreasbg Happhess and Prosperity- Our appreciation of your patronage and that of others . you may have directed our way is expressed in this wish to you THE STATE BANK OF RED CLOUD i Capital & Surplus $60,000.00 EeUblUhtd 1892 fX m iWiLfd IN THE SPIRIT OF GIVING It is the joy of (jiving, rather than the pleasure of receiving, which , makes Christmas the best holiday of them all. And in business, the spirit of giv ing means just one thing Service. To the people of this community whom it is our privilege to serve every month of the twelve, we desire to oxtend our appreciation of this pnvilege'by wishing yu jr ro 7 u W & Prosperous- . Nappy RSow Year k .& A A-6. mZa l$ Attend the Wolf Hunt Monday :-nd u cful ar iclos inn a pos l', fie nc-cro 3l of i ienda 'W in the EihI wo actcc'. aa Santi Glaus lkto our Mis d n. Caady, lv.t , r.n y 'oranj r..:d an apple were pfca to tlcvcrjonr prcsant after which the IDoxol ty was aunjj and the Rev. J. il. Bates pronounced the bcnc"ic'ion. xk Ever one departed with the feeling I that a mist en lovable time bail bci their's. On Sunday morning at 10 a. m., the Suidi'y Sdiool met 'n regular eifion, and at 11, the Master Masons (Oh-rity Lot'ge A. F. & A. M.) at tended se vice. The regular service of morning prayer was given. The text of Mr. Hardman's address was: Alicah C chapter, B verse. "He hath slnwod thee, O man, what is good; and 'hnt doth the Lord ro quire of thee, but to do justly, and to love, mercy and to walk humbly with thy Lord?" The church was well filled. On Monday morning (Christmas Day) the 'service of the Holy Communion was hem at 10 a. m. xne Kev. J. M. Bates, was celebrant', assl ted. by Kev. Samuel Hardnu.n. Mr. Bates made a short address 'to the congre gation. -4 v Community Christmas The spirit of Christmas wus shown In the community exercises Ht the Audi- toiium lust Srttuidav evening. Before six o'clock the lobby whs crowded with puople waiting for the dours to be opened The first thing that met their eyes wus the Chrlstmns tree, beautifully le. uijruteil at one side of the stage. The pronriira started with the orchestra plnyini; h belectloei and the orowit stood up as Rtv. Hardmuti offered the Invocation. The story of The Shoerasker and the BIvbb, which is in most of the school renders, was improvised into a play, by Mrs. George Kailey. This took aom thirty oharctrs, tbe priucipal onu T)'eitig: Rushel Pranta, sbocmaker; De Ette Corner, bis wife: Allan Walker. Bobble and Laird Wolfe, 'the Klves; EdnaKoontz, mother; Elizabeth Mizer, neighbor; Robert McFarland and Irene Mays', wealthy couple; Mr B. H. Goble, tianta Claus; and groups of children hang carols. The play was well noted, and tbe di minutive characters pleased tbe audi ence very much, us judged by the ap plause given This all showed much Ingenuity on the part of Mrs. Kailey also. At tbe conclusion of tbe program and before the treats were distributed, Fred Maorur mude a few announce ments and extended thnnks to Mr. Linn for the free use of the auditor ium; to Mr. Hugh Miner for the lsrgii tree hy the stae; Mrs. W. H. Muliridu for tlm dui'orittluns of the little true used in tint play; to tho nuwhp.ipern for nil thftlr publicity; lo the childien i tut their line proginui mid haul pmc.- ii'ilng foi'Nime; Lo nil tin' uuiitt ibutoita 'of money that niul tlu Ciiumunity tCbrleUuix puMnOI.' and to all the iuiiii ( mttU'tis. i Tieu tHs nrrltil i1 Iriauta t t- CHpH il Uli liil( iui.iit(,'i IJrt u .!!. tt .n th' 1'wiuijn i.' n Ui' wifAim. liifcrid t n; il -i i bniKliutr (t ( be ...1 l.. ... 1 4...X I .... W'li ... . I....I ill 1 H'lt 1 l li'll ililil ii- 11 niivi- hum b in nut for 11 1 lib- in lflio fuuiK,r,- Kmd eoupo, and wen totiuiilia; to ti.unwlu'ii (lie iIk'IiIs ueut out mid I'm I Hits diiving slowly, lollowiug Cln-t Unbeils InKi toivn, when a car k''ilnu east with Mkjiik lili'S blinded Cm and liiiw In such a matiner tint tln ear hit the south paiapxl nt the bililge, causing it lo full over on Its side in 11 hole about' ten fool deep lit--ileal h the lulilj:t). As suoii ns Curl trot out ol the winch ed ear, he spoke to Lew, but found him uncont'Cloub and took hlni out of the cur anil came to town wheie he summoned medical nbsisiHiice, who with others, brought Lew lo Dr. Mar tin's tdllce where It was found that he wus badly injured about tbe face, and be underwent uu operation which caused him to one eye. It Is thpngbt that be lilt the broken glass in tho wind-shield which cut his face and eye. Carl escaped without much injury. Tbe wrecked ear was brought to town Tuesday morning. e ' ' ' ' Lew Walters Passed Away This Morning Lew Waiters, who whs raiauy injur ed in p abtotnobile accidout While out ;rldlngAtipday-eVenlng, passed away nt'Dr. Martin's "hospital this morning at six o'clock without ever regaining consciousness and tbe untiring efforts of tho physicians proved to be of no avail. Lew was born at Connorsvillo, Ind., Match 0, 1870 and won nged 52 years, 0 months unit 1U davs lie- came to tins county with his parents in 1872, and has resided Here ever since. Lew has been our neighbor and friend forithe past twenty years and mude his homo with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Walters. He was un experienced mechanic In thti art of building concrete work and for many years has followed this tiude. He was kind hearted and always ready to help those in need. Besides bis parents, three brothers, Will, Ed and Charles, two sisters Mrs Anna Goodwin and Mrs. Teubrt, and one son Lawrence are loft to monrn his untimely death. Tbe fnneral services will probably be held Saturday afternoon. The Chief along with tbe entire com- mnnitv extends sympathy to tbe be. reavsd family. Webster County Bank WE WISH to announce that we have opened up a sav ings department in our bank for the use of the child ren, adults and every one. Thrift and saving is something that has been neglected. We kindly invite you to take advantage of this sav ings idea and malco this your banking home with your savings no matter how small, you are alwas welcome. A saver is a hustler and we are for both. Bank with us and you can bank on us. We welcome every child in the community to become a customer of this new department. THE WEBSTER COUNTY BANK IIIIMIIIMBIIM UllllblMUHMI WE WISH YOU A Happy and Prosperous Year 1 923 and avail ourselves of. f his oppor tunity x to express our sincere thanks for the courtesies shown .-.,-. in -the past ' ! . THE R. P. WEESNER CO. tKfeplF W. T. Gravet Diet Suddenly Walter T. Graves, who las been working in this office for the past oix months, vfat found dead in bed this morning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Kent where he had been staying. The doctor was summoned and stated death wan caused from heart trouble The decerned did not work Wednesday afternoon owing to a slight illness and the Kent family were shocked very much this morn ing to find when they called him for breakfast that he had passed to the eternal home. Mr. Graves spent Christmas with I his wife and relatives at Kansas City, and they were shocked to hear of his demise. Ho was a printer of many years cxpcrcncc and w:s n good workman whom could always be rehed upon Ho several years "o run r. ncwiaper t.t Upland and before earning t th city evrned a pi s'jow a,U A'drjvi. He va-i a menber of lb- FLV e ivh, flnce co-nisf here .ewib in th choir van Cmf ti oijtm.aii, i piey pf. of, that chojeh cr.d Uvd i. yUV-Con tilUii tor the Ui plAwiw nHin. J f. ' A .wife, who is i i poor health at Km as City, two daughter u o le-ft miro. no!a&'es wll ha hcivj Friday morning and accompany the body to Kansas City, for interment. Tho wUtorJiextendsjhfs heartfelt sympathy6itthe bereaved ." ones. ANNOUNCEMENT Having .opened, shop in the TRINE HARDWARE tore, I am now ready to do your Plumbing, Heating and Electrical Work work- is at reasonable prices-guaranteeing first-class anaaship and courteous service. GIVE ME A TRIAL AND BE CONVINCED ART NELSON At Trine's Hardware I iim iAiun. luVtttpfc tif it .(iinumlty dui'-tina 's i's hiieu binl ,ik i li ti I. 'I ! p ' in i n,r 'll U nen yrar ll Jus hunt Dm iii-trn-iiii'iii nf li itti. iiir Mlmlfh' mii'il goner cuts h lp mid niithf.ti'iloil to it iuik iiiiinlier ii( ilnnofh of u ts tin pie mid direct inuihod ot trunsl.iting iChiiMiims genoioslty Into (eiins, nf 1 henlth. Imniiino-H, good cheer, thtis- sencc or'.tho Chribtmus bpirltS'fomhe .CWl fo ii nnd thre to mou n hi d wuole community, rtfr Hess Stock and Poultry Remedies nw Are the Best in t!ie market and are Fully Guaranteed HESS PANACEA I will keep your h-ns in health and make lliem lay .V.S m HESS LICE POWDER JR Kill Lice on IowU cad Animals $ ft HESS ST0CSC TOHIC ' for all kirtA of nmwal. Alto Roup Kemetly. !-letiv Powdei I Jis'cm- m per Remedy, Colic Remedy, Worm Powder otJ I log Worm Remedy -M Try Them and be Convinced jjg f.HAS. L COTTING. Thc PrnE8ist 1 .nr. ' ' ..I-' j- . 'iu ii jii m ' . yWlc. . ', . S .. ? mmmms&ste3em& "1 ti i U si 'A a I . '2 :mmM :imr" r .9 -& 'tmm Wff J1t"i n i ,r('T,'nk. 1 4 t-,V' ?T