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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1922)
I F M ; () ' t ' h f I VOLUME 50 1 KSlKiS 1 & BsaagErafifimnnwra - 1 jjfcsssH&a s V? ri!ir t S! B Prcsen that gives 1 i a few days, but for " ' tne meal gut. g RESIGNS full of the I fi: glistening profusion beauty of here. JT. W SnHnnuw r. is no SKI -i.. M j picuouic. ; i )jM Yoiii mj nS? Chrisfmas Wt I BUY PRACTICAL GIFTS - Hand Bags ' Handkerchiefs 01" 3?t Sweaters Silk Hose Gloves Mittens Ribbons I f: Many other items let us help you plan your Christ mas Gifts. Everything in Christmas Candies and Nuts." TM P. Weesnen Company f,v.V.l3,,.4l,fJ1X2 -1. Ill U.l.'.WhllbM' J-'li 'IkA.IUJI 7u " 1 i Phone hid. 3 on 90, Bell 174. 4rs. Ed P UNDERTAKING both Phones redjcloud, neb L T. AMACK-PHONE IND. 32M WWUl.tOlfcnl Booltf . i mw fK i l r (J pleasure,, not merely ror:j$ long montn'sSarid" years, is'g O . J ' ."Wi fl-- :rt are fccunt .longer a task, but $ Dress Goods Ladies' Coats Childrens' Coats Underwear Blankets Baby Blankets Petticoats ,1; ?' 7 $ iV.;kU:&UWKJltts;s'.tei K ".IJ'VI - - " 1 t "JiiiT .'1U .MtUr ' ' Residence, Bell 241 Amack 4 IfcwHNr That Htm The Rent Flfty-tw Weeks lack Tear Br if.St RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. DECEMBER 21. 1922 Fred Tfmn? SprnrPt Rttr rrea temple secures Better Position at Kansas City MM. ii PI. In to I.I....0...1 ...... n i. i .i . .i t Its ichMits tlinl ntriillir on of our, , fo. m.-r i-ltlzeiiH In flun log W lnddcr r si ivess Ht. the Kiiiishs CI y Stock ard-. The penti. mini whom wo refer too Mr IwO.I lump.,, wliu !.. hcM a p islllllfl fill t)itlt 1 till I'v Jttlll llllf.llltlft Jt... - ...... & Co . a he sinclt commission ill m, but he i.-lu i Deci'iither lUih to uccept u more Mii'iiiiivH po.ltioii with tin Wil. Hoti.J'Loiri. Smuli'iMit (' i'-. I'littlu lie. pntiiiriit when- he ton licr if tt tills llriii .oil in tin I to lill tin- wants of tin' f -i dors hi'io I'lfil iii'i'ils no inttO' dnoiiii'i in ili. iii MioU imti in th vi.,,u ..she u.. .. m.iy ram of l' '"'h !r,,"!' ,?s 7,Vk w,uh iiOl ii III r H' ID I'lll-lint ! t'l itlc t'l IIS it I- III iip-ll l Mlk 'III I Is tMl'lill lo t ii- lit ii). lli Hi in lii! i ii. i c in:u'(!t el itli hnu ivivi.ii in iiin tiu-i t,d ii is . s ii , ,ts tin- i puk ui (iih at r llllil is ui'll Icni-wn thill Ml' ll'L'(!'.ll'itM Thi Ch'i'f aliuit; Mli ni. iiniiiy filt'iids I'.' MUl'.lt 111 111' till' ill III (III si'C III ll ll in iiti'i ihi'V will ni'r Inivu I (loul)t his w rl cnub to Bound Over to District Court Miiurdiiy. hiatw UfpSii Slitria"8 Ci rl Suliinult and O l. Hi (Ik-, iiui'le u mill on tho "buotl'gKih"in the northwest put of the county in-ar Cmnpbull. Thi'ir fit Ht i.iriy wits iulli-d oil' at the Fi'i'd Relin furm wuru one still and two giillons of wliiskoy wore gathered in by them, after wliieli tln-v callnd on lite Iliiiibon boyH Kr.sln and Carvln who wi'ie nurtnois with th5 former, wlmru three Ntllls. some wlindcey mid mish were tound Tim ollleerM iool clmiveof the stills an I l)jo,e and infniined hheiitl' llul for. vslio (!liMp"inui'il the (li'fiMidniits o thisclt.i. A pti'litniniry lii'iuliiK whs held befoni Jiule Kitimey that uve. ni"'kr F.ruin HiiiiMin mnl I'umI Ki-hn were iMi'lilimil lt)0 anil eostf, for liniitiK 1 i mr in th.'ifios esmnn The lonner bnig iitialiie ti pny his tine as aw it ! d to he n L'ti-st of Shi't'ilf Hut. for, Hhile tlin laltei piitil Ins line but tl d leplevln paputti for' tliu miiud The trio ie then IihiiikI oer to div triet eouit, loud- Ih-Iii placed at 31.000 eiieli; tliov bi'inur unable to pro d n'e hiune weie gin Into custody ot hlieiilf llulfer. r 'l A"' l T Community Christmas lree The beautifull) lighted tree in the UlN'lhUi'titl fttvits of thih city, tc mimls iih of the fact that Christinas' is , almost here, and sends each mid every el'i.Hii on their way with it more ChriMiniih hpliit, a little more liiid mss towhrd each other, which is the true meaning of Christmas. A meeting of the ehaiinien of vurL ous committers was held Monday niirht when final plans weto inudb lor the Festival to be held Shturday evening at 0: IS in the Auditorium. After the play 'IheaiioemaKer and the Klveh,' Santa will appear, to the delight of every child. Treats have been provided for every child under lo years ot age; not on y the childreu of Red Clotnl, but from tho surrounding country, me to be : emmnbutcd. Boxes tor the contribution for tl. ineing tho Community Chiistmas have but 11 placed In convenient places "h Hi" business -cation mid If von have 'not alremly given t( to thin fund, lie 'good fellow" mill come across and have the hutlsfaciion of knowing that yon have helped some child to enjoy tills Christ urns day. Remember iho piogram fctarts at ti'15 pioiupt. So ooine early. . 1 - The Red Cloud Furmois' Union local held their iiniiiml iiiHHtmg lust Tiiui- day uvaiiliig and elncted the following oillcuis for the ensuing ear: A. It' Pierce, prebldcnt; Will UtvskltiH, vice prsdent; Claudo I'loice, hecretar ; and H S. Fllz. tiea-uter. Rev. I W. Edson and II-or) Keeney wore pies. out and gave iutorcsting talks, ufter which those picbent on joyed an oyster supper. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS IN session on Tuesday Rod Cloud, Nebraska December, 19 22 Tho County Board of Commissioners mot as per adjournment at 10 o'clock n. m. with all members present. f)n tnnt,nn Ht. County Treasurer was f A 1 1 1 I .1 lnsirucicu ui reuuee mo 1922 assessment of John W. HuBlics on 15x307 cast side of south 307 of lot 20 in block 20 of Roberts add. to Guide Rock in the sum of $1000 this amaint bong assessed against this nruncrtv for imnrovomonts. which was i l A r t - an error i.s no improvements on this property. Also reduce the 1922 as sj.sflmcnt f llar-y Vnughan in the t m of $300 on lots 7 to 12 Jltk 11 of Vr'ucs rd.!. to Guide Rock. This nn.-unt ia for iinproxcmc t which wr, nn c.ror, as no improvements on 'hose lots. The 1922 st loment of the Webster Coui.ty Fair Assn. was placed bffo:c tho Board by tho County Clerk and o i motion tho same w. s t rdcrcd placed on file. In Mie matte.' of two petition:; pre sented to fill the vrcancy of Justice of Peace for Blue Hill Village caused by the death of F. C. Busch w. A motion was made, seconded and carded that Frank Delchoy be ap pointed fill said vacancy. The following official bondj were approved .by Board: Geo. H. Ovcring, county surveyor; C. F. Goiter, road ovcrseoi", Dist. 1G B; Henry Mngain, Dist. 8 Bj Adam Albcr, Dist 3; E1. Zazic, Dist 11; Archie Harris, Dist. 5; Henry Fcis, DtetlG; Jas. Mcintosh Dist. 10; John C. Me tile, Dist.7; StcUn Duckcr, county .upcrtintcndcn; Jack Waller county .sheriff; H. S. Foe, cuinty attorney; E. .T. Solomon, .7. of P., Glciwood; E. Peter , J. of P. Guit'c Rock Village; C. V Fulton J. of P II rmony prect The following claimr. wore audited and allowed and County Clcr'.: ii.struct cd ti draw wa rants for the same: GENERAL FUND Jthn Renting . - T. J Chaplin - W. D. Kdson - PI tt & Frees 0. J Kailev s no oo . 90 40, . C7 40 . 783 ir , 52 00 , 4 9l . 15 .in . Gl 20 . 1G5 00 . 10 00 1.1 25 . 32 00 . GO 00 . 205 00 ... 21 CO . 7 00 . 5 00 . 30 80 . 54 01 , 10 00 . 10 00 . 2 DO .. 5 50 , 4 00 .. 8 GO . 1 25 .. 1 00 25 .. 10 00 .. 10 00 100 00 . 22G 30 I'O 00 .. Mt 01 02 SO ... 01 00 ... I"' SO - 105 00 ... 140 49 University Pub. Co n. s. Foe P. Il Boner Grant Shidler Blue Hill Fire Dcpt. Smith & McKimmey Blue Hill Leader Anna Stumphcnhorst II. It. Fausch .. E. D. Loiby H Huffman Gen Sup. Co. School Dist. No. 23 Gricc & Grimes - Lincoln" Sch-ol Sup. Co. Sci00l Dist. No. 18 Scliool Dist. No. Gl Seth Greene E. McBride C. E. Vnughan O. C. Tccl I W. Endorf Titos. A. Friend Mrs Jno. Williamson . Lloyd II. Hun or V. S. Hall . .. ... Go T ?. Cather a, M lone & Golfatly Co. . John B. Stan or Farmers' Union Cowlcs "Jerhart B os. . - . . V G 'i'urnuvo & Son . .. it a . Stumnhonhorst ... II TI. C.-owell C-ilara McMilhn Webster Co. Treasurer 121 44 A, L. Ambro e D.j'Ut Bu r Mrs. A. J. Frcy -.. Louis Kiel a 10 a 10 a so a 10 r 10 5 10 5 10 3 10 ft Eddie Sanson Mario Rcibins -. J L. Whaley (Continued on page eight) ' ANNOUNCEMENT Webster County Bank WE WISH to announce that we have opened up a sav ings department in our bank for the use of the child ren, adults and every one. Thrift and saving isf something that has been neglected. We kindly invite you to take advantage of this -savings idea and make this your banking home with your savings no matter how small, you are alwas welcome. A saver is a hustler and wo are for both. Bank with us and you can bank on us. We welcome every child in the community to become a customcr.of this new department. THE WEBSTER COUNTY BANK I iraaromMiiUiiiiiMiai iirawMiniiJiiniiM iIipiwiu'Miikmi. cinaaaiaisaiiiiTMrgttii This Christmas Your Photograph the only gift that only you can maKe., Now is the time to "phone Red 132 for an appointment. The ANNOUNCEMENT Having opened a shop in the TRINE HARDWARE store, 1 am now ready to do your Plumbing, Heating and Electrical Work at reasonable prices-guaranteeing first-class work manship and courteous service. GIVE ME A TRIAL AND BE CONVINCED ART NELSON At Trine's Hardware Big Wrestling Match Besse Auditorium, Red Cloud, Monday, Dec. 25, 3:30 P. M. Loo Pavelka, of Bladen, 185 lbs. vs Z, A. Green of Superior, 195 lbs. Admission 55c; - Ringside 75c Ladies Free We wish all A NUMBER 51. ninniniritwuiit' wmuinin wwinriiri iiiiJ'Mn.iurcffiiimMinti Rim 1 t Ms -,"-- Gleason Studi 10 U II, H IMWSXMPWUUQttMM VlWfSSi Merry Christmas -- 1 i WVrVfrVVVVSArVWVrWWWfVWV wty VrV., . - 'Vvi f - ii