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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1922)
RED OI.OUD. NEBRASKA. CHIEF Making the Best of a Flood Near Scvorul days ngo Washington and Iclnlty linil one of Hie hardest rains in years, amounting to u small flood. Many streotH In the Hinall towns of Virginia wore turned Into rivers. TIiIh picture, mudo at North Itosemont, Vn., shows the residents making the best of the Hood by using their street an n swimming pool. Woodcraft a t sryfW." ' '-w' ma&arwxm?&Hm!r??&i f? k'ramT :' A SSMStSllSMf " These are the girls of 1'athllnder lodge In camp at I.ako Otsego, near Coopcrstown, N. Y. the camp of the "Lenthorstoeklng Tribe" of the Woodcraft Iteaguu of America. Fiich of them has an Indian name as an nwnrd of merit. x 'HOBO KING" UNMASKED Here are portraits of Mrs. .John J. Hoche and her husband, the "Hobo King" of Seattle, Wash., who Is dis closed as a hero of the World war, .having served with the Canadian ?orccs. Some weeks ago a shabby, nysterlous but well-mannered man registered at a hotel In .Seattle as "Hobo King." Ills real Identity was hidden for several days until It be came known that he had married Mrs. Alice Marie Jordan, widow of the com mander of the l S. 8. Dauntless, who was killed In a light with a German raider off the coast of Mexico In 11)18. Following their marriage, It became known that the "hobo" was In reality (.'apt. John J. ltoche, Canadian war hero, author nnd world traveler, who had made a wager of $,'18,000 that he could travel around the North Ameri can continent without having his real Identity known. Itocho would have completed his trip on Jnnuary 1, WJa, and so lost out by only n few months. RECOGNIZE THESE? Kew jiersons would know the Iden tity of the objects shown in this pho tograph. They are the. new moon with Jupiter above It and Venus be ,low. The picture wns mado by a 20 minute exposure by n cameru with a i!4-!nch focul length lens. MBWbxi ft C HUBS! i F- f li i im $? ill VjVBBBBBpBW ' ' MK Girls Enjoying Their sA. ... ywttf.:wWvw..M.;M$xW.OfrV.vSfrV . Dedicating Sacred MW'SOtSSlw-j , w& i M,. M Premier Kaymond 1'olncare or France dedicating the llrst milestone, at Har-le-nuc, on the famous ".Sacred Way" which leads from Paris to Verdun. This Proves People Are Honest r. II Martin, general manager of Italnler National park, bellevea In tho Inherent honesty of tourists, so he Installed on the souvenir counter In Pura dlse Inn this open box for the sale of postage stamps. So far the visitors to the park have fully Justified Mr. Martin's optimism. TAKEN FROM EXCHANGES The breeding of elephants In cap tivity Is exceedingly dllllcult. Wotting paper Is now for tho first time being produced In Canada. About 00,000 Is the estimated popu lation of Venice, which Is built on be tween 70 nnd 80 Islets. llroadwny "beauty salons" are equipped with nil the Intest electrical Inventions for massage. Norwegian explorers find that the European continent once extended far north to Nova .cmbln. Washington Camp Life IJSK35!EWyC!53p3BHH Way to Verdun Nearly 2,000,000 tons of snnd Is used In the United Stntcn ench year In making glass. Virginia's Confederate pensioners now number 0,575, about half of whom are women. Web to the length of two nnd n quarter miles hns been drawn from the body of a slnglo spider. A doctor's degreo In a German uni versity now costs 000 mnrks, about $0 nt the present rato of exchnnge. Thu French etato railways are ex perlmentlng with gasoline-driven mo tors on lines with limited traflle. NEWS OF NEBRASKA IN CONDENSED FORM Recent Happenings in Nebraska Given in Brief Items For Busy Readers. V. H. (iautsch of I.a Crosse, "Wis., has been elected assistant coach at Lincoln high school. Fire In the Keldonnidgc elevator nt Holdrege destroyed the building and 5,'XK) bushels of wheat. K. C. Wsliop, superintendent oMhe Dradshaw schools, has uccepted th superlntendoncy at Falrbury. A total of r,r7"i nutos passed nt the Junction of the Meridian and S. Y. A. highways dtirlngj count made In one day recently. Practically all of the corn In north Nebraska Is reported out of frost danger by funnel h who have made n survey of the conditions. The Seventh Corps and officers meeting, with an attendance of about 500 members, eloped an Interesting session at Omnhn last week. The swine herd ol John McNnlr, farmer living near Pawnee, was In creased by 101 pigs with the birth of ten litters In one day last week. The elevator of Hinsdale Hrothers of Palmer was totally destroyed by lire of unknown origin. More thnn 18,000 bushels of corn and wheat In the building were also destroyed. The bonded Indebtedness of Ne braska counties now is $711,7(50,187. according to llgures by Georgo W. Marsh, auditor of public accounts. Mrs. Audro Vnrn of Klgln was prob ably fatally Injured when an auto mobile In which she was riding turn ed over, pinning her under tho ma chine. Albert Dunnlng's grain elevator nt Shelby burned with 2,000 bushels of oats and wheat. The total loss Is estimated at ?10,000, with .yr.OOO of Insurance. Edward Klsasser, 12-year-old school boy, was drowned while bathing In a sand pit pool near Lincoln. At tempts to recover the body were un successful. , Frank llrlggs, employe of the Co lumbus Planing mill, Is dead from In juries received when his Ford car .started forward suddenly while he 'wns cranking It. The new kitchen at the Nebraska stnte hospital at Fremont will be used as a model at the annual meeting of the American hospital bureau nt Atlantic City, X. J. The fourth annual convention of the American Legion. Department of Nebraska, with an attendance of more than 000 delegates, held a thiee, day session at York. rWhllu leading a team of nudes, N. lllllbe of Callaway, suffoicd the am putation of a linger when the team Jerked backwards and the rope sever ed the linger at a Joint. Itev. and Mrs. W. C. Harper who are leaving Wyinore for their new home nt Auburn, were tendered n farewell reception by the Dorcas society of the Methodist church. The old project of using the Hood waters of tile Platte river in .subsoil storage In Adams, Gosper, Phelps and Kearney counties, Is again being re lved, with u good show for Miccess. A commercial potato crop of 7.000 cars for Nebraska Is Indicated by the September condition of the crop, according to estimates furnished by the bureau of markets and marketing. The ashes of the late; Harri son, who died recently in Kansas, and whose body was cremated, were re ceived nt Beatrice by parcel post and Interred In Evergreen home cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Prawl, pioneer residents of Pawnee City, celebrated their sixty-llrst wedding anniversary last week. Mr. Prawl is eighty-eight years old, and active. Mrs. Prawl Is eighty-two. Fearing that tuberculosis among live stock can be tiansferred to their children, farmers of Antelope county nre co-operating with the farm bureau agent In a county-wide movement to eradicate the disease. When Irvln Schulze, six years old, run down the streets of Spencer with his clothing on fire, a group of by standers caught the lad, stood htm on his head to keep htm from Inhaling the iliunes, and then put out the fire. A physlclnn claims the men saved the ,t)oy'B life. He caught fire when u 'gasoline tnnk In front of a filling station exploded. A huge thigh bone and Uve teeth ncllcved to be those of n mastodon .were found In tho bank of Elm creek wear Fremont by Howard Paul, 10, son of Robert Paul, of Cdur Wurfs. The largest tooth measured seven Inches In diameter. Truman Boston, eighteen months jnld son of Sir. nnd Mrs. Jesse Boston of Blue Springs, while playing near tho electric washor crept beuonth the machine and got ids right hand caught In the machinery. The llrst linger wns cut and mashed so bndly It Is fenred It will hnvo to bo amputated at tho second Joint. A now olevntor of 210,000 bushels cnpnclty has Just been comploted at Nora by tho farmers' union associa tion. An auto stolen from Peter Keif, farmer living near West Point, An gust 17, was recovered nt Mitchell, S. D. Armed with a club, Clareuco Onl bralth, farmer living nenr Falibury, caught n blue channel cat weighing R7Vj pounds In the Blue river on his farm. He struck tho fish on tho hcud and dragged it out of tho wator by ttti tall. When drcssod there was sufllclcnt inont to feed ton, fflmlllcs. Polk county's new quurter million dollar courthouse will bo dedicated October 10 and opened to the public with n program that will be attractive nnd In oxory mnnner In keeping with the event. The highest figure registered on the fat cattle market at South Omaha In two years time wns reached one day last week when u full car of 1,100 pound stock sold at $11.0." per hun dred weight. Tho llfty-fourth acndemlc yerr of the State 1'iilverslt.v began clnsM.ioin work Thursday of last week with a half-thousnnd Increased registration, (Including .'112 more women) over Hint of a j ear ago. Propositions to vole bonds for thu establishment of a municipal coal yard and to build a swimming pool In Chautauiiua park are being con sidered at Beatrice. Both proposl tlonr. may be submitted to the voters In the November election. Hay Wise, young son of Mr. and Mrs. Bay Wise of Falls City, swallow ed some lye while playing In the kitchen, but quick work on the part of u physician saved Its life. The child's throat and lips were badly burned. Fate of two damage suits against the city of Hastings aggregating $150,000 brought by Otto E. ICoehn of Norfolk, hangs on whether the court decides the suits should hnvo been tiled against "tho city of Hastings" or the "city of Hastings." Drying up of streams and livers has become u boon to natives u round Clearwater who are spearing fish by the thousands. Enormous cattish have been caught floundering about in the shallow holes of the Elkhorn liver, which Is extremely low. Byron o. Pickiird, rescue engineer of the Knlted States Bureau of Mines, who was In charge of tho attempt to rescue the forty-seven miners who were entombed In the Argonaut mine, Is a Nebraska boy and a graduate of the Omaha Central high school. .1. M. Tlngiiurd, lce president of the Hall Hardware company at Lin coln, Is dead from a fractured skull suffered when - ho stepped Into n freight elevator shaft of the store and fell to the basement, lie was not missed until several minutes after his mil. .1. Ed C. Fisher or Beatrice, was unanimously elected state commander of the American Legion, department of Nebraska, at the closing business session of the state convention of the organization at York. Mrs. E. P. Warner of Norfolk Is the new presl. dent of the auxiliary. Wnjne Brewster, son of Dr. Frank Brewster of Beaver City, has regain ed consciousness after a lapse of two weeks as the result of Injuries re ceived at Almoin, Kns., August 10, when I lie nirplane In which Lieuten ant Smith ami Bicwstor were ildiug fell a distance of 0(10 feet. An Interstate treaty between Colo rudo nnd Nebraska, to settle a long standing Irrigation water dNpute In volving the light of western Nebras ka water users to avail themselves of the South Platte waters as far east as North Platte, is being drawn up for ratlticatlon by the legislatures of both states. A well, dug thirty years ago on tho farm of Henry Klein at Stamford to furnish water for the household. Is now producing a barrel of oil a day which tests !!." per cent gasoline and the remainder crude oil and kerosene. Oil llrst appeared on the surface of the wuter In the well, which Is forty live feej, deep, three years ago. L. G. Brian, chief adjuster for the state hull department, is of the opin ion that the department will be alilo to puy 00 per cent of the losses onus, ed by hailstorms. He has practically adjusted all claims and finds that the total loss Is $2 11,247. The hull visitation during the summer of 1022' was the worst In several years. Three boys Ardell Cavaness, Clyde Wallace and Hussell Beatty are tho prldo of Duvvson county. They com pose the team that won the boys' stock Judging contest at the state fair and are to ropresent Dawson county in like competitions at the Inter-stnto fair at Sioux City, la., and the Uvo stock congress at Chicago this fall. To win the contest the tonpi scored 8,015 points out of u possible 3,000. Cuvuness contributed 1,034 points, Wallace 1,008, and Beatty 000. Cuv uness was second high Individual win ner and Wnllace third, Wllbor Miller of York, with 1.011 points winning first Individual honors. A shutdown forced through luck of coul has been remedied nt the Super ior Cement company plant nnd tho mills are again running. The chnmber of commerce of All ance has requested tho state rallwny commission to do something to help potato growers. A reduction In freight rates is suggested. The comisslon will tnke tho niattor tip vMi the Bur lington road with a view to obtaining u voluntary reduction. The price ol pfltntoeB Is bo low that It Is doubtful If n lower freight rnto will be of much nld to potato growers, but It may help somo. Dr. William Taylor wns elected president, Dr. J. Preston, of Fremont, vice president, and Dr. Georgo B, Pot ter was re-elected secretary, by alumni of Nebrnska university's medi cal college who held their thlrtenth annual reunion In Omnhn last week. To Mrs. A. J. Taylor, of Blair, Leg ion men bollovo the honor to be uwnrdort the war mother of tho stnto who had the largest number of sons In the wnr, will he due, and her namo Is to bo entered In the competition. Flvo of Mrs. Taylor's sons saw active service on the bnttlellcld, nnd tw6 Wtfe In training, cumpt , . IMPROVED UNIFORM INTERNATIONAL SundaySchool ' Lesson T I3y riKV. P. D. FlTZWATEIl, D. D. Tcncher of Kngllnh Ulble In the Moofly Ulble Institute of Chlcano.) Copyright. 1922. Wmtfrn Nfwpaptr Onlfln. LESSON FOR OCTOBER 1 BIRTH OF JOHN THE BAPTIST LKSSON THXT-UiUo l.C-23, D7-C3. GOLDEN TEXT-He shall bo jjreat In the Bight of the Lord, and lie shall drlnlc no wino nor utronK drink. Luke 1:15. UEFI'ItENCi: MA1i:niAL-Jsa. 40:3-5; Mnl. 4:4-0. PIMMAHY TOPIC-An Ansel Urlngs Good News. JUNIOU TOl'lC-The Birth of John the llnptlnt. INTBIIMBIJIATE AND 8ENIOII TOPIC Preparation for the Coming of Christ. YOUNG PEOPLE AND ADULT TOPIC The Place nnd Work of John tho Bap tist. We are today entering upon a six months' course of study In the Gospel of Luke, whose general hubject Is "Jesus thu Woild's Savior." Toduy'a lesson concerns the birth of John the Baptist, the forerunner of Christ. I. The Parents of John the Baptist (vv. 5-7). I. When They Lived (v. fi). "In the dnH of Herod the King." They lived In u day when ungodliness was rife. The pilcsthood was very corrupt nrui the ruling classes were wicked. Zach arias and his wife, lived In u time when it wns not ; easy to be godly. 1!. Their Character (v. 0). They were righteous before God. To bo righteous before God Is a high tribute. Many appear to be righteous before men who sue not righteous before (Sod. Their llvesvere m muted that they .walked In the commandments of the Lord blameless. How beautiful It is when husband and wife nre united In the Lord nnd walk together In fellow ship with God. :t. They Were Childless (v. 7). Though this godly couple were well mated and they possessed the Joy of the Lord In their souls, there was it real lack In that home. II. The Birth of John Promised (vv. S-17). 1. By Whom (v. 11 ; ef. v. 10). Tho angel Gabriel appeared and made known the good news to Zathaiias. This exalted being, the special mes senger of God, was sent to make this disclosure. 2. When (vv. S-M). While officiat ing as priest this good news came to him. .mhaiias must have been defi nitely prating about this very matter (v. i:i). As he hurtled incense, which t.vplllcd, the multitude without were praying. i. Characteristics of the Child (w. l.r-17). (1) Shall be great in the sight of the Loid (v. lfi). Though tho people did not greatly esteem him he was highly esteemed by the Lord. Tills Is Inllnitely better than If he had been greatly esteemed In the eyes of men or in ids own eyes. Tills Is the esteem for which we nil should long and pray. 1'2) Shall drink neither wine nor strong drink (v. 15). The child shall become n Nazarlte, separating him self from the sensuous things nnd ded icating himself to the service of the Lord. (.') Be filled with tho Holy Ghost (v. 15). Tho energy of tho dl Ine Spirit would enable him to lend the people to repentance (v. 10). (4) Shall go In the spirit and power of Klljah (v. 17). In this power ho was to prepare tho people for tho coining of the Snvlor and the salva tion which He was to bring. III. Zacharlac Asking for a Sign (vv. 1S-23). Although the aged priest was ear nestly praying for the salvation of Isniel the gracious promise of tho angel, which was the beginning of that snlvatlon. staggered his faith. He was unable to believe that that for which he fondly hoped and prayed would bo realized. The angel guve Zachnrlas n sign. He was smitten with dumbness which wns to continue until the ful fillment of the promise. Becnuse he refused to praise God In faith for this gracious promise God caused his tongue to be silent until the promise was fulfilled nnd his lips could open In thanksgiving and praise. Though he wns thus rebuked, at the same timet -his faith was strengthened by tho manifestation of the supernatural. God wants us to trust Mm, to bellevo his promises, no matter how contrary; to reason they may seem. IV. The Promise Fulfilled (vv. 57 W). When tho time came for the birth of John, Elizabeth brought forth n son nnd the neighbors rejoiced with her. On the eighth day they clrcumclzed the child and gave him a name accord ing to the Instruction of tho nngel (v. 111). The name John was contrary to the family custom. By means of writing Znchaiias mnde known tho nnmo which he would hnve by dlvlno instruction, At this time God opened the mouth of Zacharlas and he offered up praise, Youth and Age. In my youth I thought of writing a satire on mankind; hut now in my, ago I think I should write an apology, for them. Wnlpole. Lenity and Mercy. When lenity and mercy piny for a kingdom, tho gentler gamester Is tha Booneht winneri Shnkespenre. Heaven Often Smites. Hcnven often smites in mercy, oven when the blow Is BCVcresLJoauna Balllle. I i i! ii If