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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1922)
k ' H & fe. i C'.i'.iu Ulitorloil totUVw Mncoln v g- fM1 r. 1 M. fti. Lff :- JtottJ wc -SB flSS&k - -":TfJ3 Vte. sf -i. - Si&TOffl - -' ----. r-:l s 4 Newspaper That 6Ues The Reus Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For SI.50 VOLUME 50 RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA, SEPTEMBER 20, 1922 NUMBER 39. Hoi eproo f H osiery Wears Longer'" Looks Better 4 THAT is the Holeproof story in a nutshell. And when this desirable com bination in hosiery is offer ed at very reasonable prices you can easily understand why Holeproof is popular in all walks of life. Hole proof comes in a wide va riety of regular and fancy styles in silk, silk f aced.and lusterized lisle. Made for women and children, too BARBARA PHARES rtt Agent: Warner Bros. Corsets Home Journal Patterns, WISE PARENTS WILL HAVE THEIR CHILDREN'S EYES EXAMINED AND TESTED BEFORE SCHOOL BEGINS. BY SO DOING THEY KNOW THE CHILDREN BEGIN THE SCHOOL YEAR PROPERLY PREPARED TO MAKE THE BEST USE OP THEIR SCHOOL HOURS. BRING THE CHILDREN IN BEFORE SCHOOL STARTS. WE MAKE NO CHARGE FOR EXAMINATION AND PIT NO GLASSES UNLESS NEEDED. . FOUNTAIN PENS WITH CLIP $1.50 BLOTTERS FREE ASK FOR THEM "RITE-RITE"-MECHANICAL PENCILS 10c LEADS FOR AUTOPOINT, EVERSHARP AND OTHER PENCILS 10c PER DOZEN Pocket Ben Watches $1.50 Glo Ben Watches $2.50 Alarm Clocks $1.25 to $4.75 KODAK DEALER E. H. Newhouse RED CLOUD NEBR. Elberta Peaches For Camming The last car of the season was in to-day. We have only a small amouni of these left. If you want peaches phone your order now Price $2.25 Per Bushel it 9 . mm eoia.jieemer Red Cloud. Nebraska. UO. TTT-ir7ra:-m-.t.t...-.-)..-.., i .u . ,j m. ii i. imiTm 8:00 P. M. 9:00 A. M. 10:00 A. M. 10:30 A. M. 11:00 A. M. 1:30 P. M. 3:30 P. M. 4:30 P.M. 8:00 P. M. YOU ARE INVITED TO ATTEND THE RED CLOUD FAIR J STOCK SHOW OCTOBER 3 TO 6 INCLUSIVE-This Year 1922 Everything Free Except the Tuesday Evening Program. A Big Stock Show, A Big Crowd, A Good Time. Be Sure to Come. The Following is the Program: TUESDAY ENTRY DAY CHERRY BLOSSOMS OPERETTA BY HIGH SCHOOL WEDNESDAY HIGH SCHOOL JUDGING CONTEST JUDGING POULTRY JUDGING POLAND CHINA PIGS JUDGING FARM PRODUCTS JUDGING HOME ECONOMICS JUDGING DUROC JERSEY PIGS BASE BALL INAVALE vs GUIDE ROCK PIG SHOWING CONTEST AT AUDITORIUM QUARTETTE MESDAMES BUSH and GELLATLY, MESSRS. BUSH and THOMAS ILLUSTRATED LECTURE ON POULTRY AND DAIRY VIOLIN DUET MESSRS. IIARDMAN nnd BETZ SOLO MRS. GELLATLY VIOLIN SOLO REV. HARDMAN THURSDAY JUDGING OALF CLUB CALVES CALF SHOWING CONTEST LIVE STOCK PARADE DEMONSTRATION CONTEST BASE BALL GUIDE ROCK vs INAVALE AT AUDITORIUM SENIOR HIGH SC'M)OL ORCHESTRA ILLUSTRATED LECTURE DOWN THE NIOBRARA ADDRESS HON. A. Cv SHALLENBERGER FRIDAY CIVIC AND SCHOOL PARADE FOOT BALL GAME BLUE HILL vs RED CLOUD THE JUDGES Livestock Judge will bo W. W. Derrick of Lincoln. Mr. Derrick is from the Animal Husbandry Department of the College of Agriculture. Miss Florance Atwood, Extension Specialist of Lincoln will be judge of the Home Economics Department. Miss Atwood judged this department two years ago and gave very satisfactory decisions. Charles Comman of Lincoln who is one of the best judges in the United States will judge the Poultry. C0 on feathers and 50 on laying capacity. Geo. Davis of St. Paul will judge Farm Products. He is one of the best Farm Products judges in the State. The Ladies' Department Exhibit will be held in the Peterson building. Poultry and'Farm Products at the Farmers' Union, and the Live Stock in the Sale Pavilion. 10:30 A. M. 1:00 P. M. 1:30 P.-M. G:00 P. M. 3:30 P. II. 8:00 P. M. 1:30 P. M. 3:00 P. M. Ml) IF $ WSfcr, WEBSTER COUNTY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY E. J. OVERING, Jr., Pres. HENRY GILIIAM, Scc'y Oliver Powell Sells Cafe Oliver Powell, who has conducted ft Cafo in this city for the past fivo years, sold the same Monday to C. (J. Howe, of Smith Center, who has taken poh hcssIou of the fcft'ne. c welcome Mr. llowo to our business circle and wish him success. Married at Hastings SUnser J. Aiunulc ami MUs Minnie Elva Ueoigo wont to Hustings, Wednes day, where they weio united In mar rlago by llov. Hachner, pastor of the Christian church The bride is a daughter of Mrs. M, J. George of thin city. She taught sever al terms of 6ohool in Kansas and Is a charming young lady of many accom plishments. The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Qeorgo A mack residing southeast of this city. Ho is a graduate of the Red Cloud High Sohool and has been farm Ing with his father. The young couple will make their home on his farm at Seldeu, Kansas, Democratic Candidates Spoke Here Wednesday Wednesday afternoon the llrst poll tlclal speaking for the fall election was held by the Democrats in this olty at which time a largo number of men and women were present. Cualrmau l J. Munday after making a few timely re mai Us introduced lion, A. C, Shallen bergcr, candidate for congress, who made a good speech, he dwelt on the present unjust and high taxation in this state and other Issues and closed by stating that If cloctod ho would make a fiKht for lowor freight nnd psr- IpiiRcriateh Senator O M. Illtolieock then t )0l; llio 11 ior i n I discussed luo tut iir law and cumnoy t)htm uu 1 c'o ed by ftat i)i.' that ho was U 4iir, ri pealing l' " YolsUnd Act. SHOOTERS ATTENTION The Long Distance Telephone is a mighty aid in the modern day conduct of business, social and family affairs. The business man is in constant touch with his market by Long Distance Telephone, ready to buy or sell at the most favorable opportunity, distance is eliminated in the social life of far commu nities, and the absent member of the family is enabled to keep in constant touch with loved ones at home, The many and varied uses of this service have es tablished the Long Distance Telephone as an essential part of our evcry-day life and it is now your servant, ready at your call at a moment's notice to serve you speedily, efficiently and at a minimum cost. ityylNl'rfjj , A trial of ourscrvice will convince you. Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Go. bM October 8th will bo the first shoot on the Davis Cup now on display in the United Grocery stores window. A scries of G shoots CO targets per man 300 in all, aihLd bird handicap giving the new shootois the samel chance or better than the cxper enccd one: A's avciage is -17-50. A starts with 3 added birds. A bleaks 47-50 plus 3 added total 50 giving A one point on the cup and a chance to be in the final shoot off. The second shoot A gets only 2 added. A breaks 45-50 plus" 2 total 47 not a perfect score, but A will get 5 added at the third shoot. Each shooter will be re handicaped by his previous shooting. B average is 30 out of GO-addcd birds 20. B breaks 40-50-20 added 50 not 60 because if B broke them all he could only get GO giving B one point on the cup, but the next shoot B would only get 10 added instead of 20 at the 6th shoot. All that have a point on the cup will have the final shoot off 25 targets each being handi caped on 25 targets instead of 50 the winner taking the cup. Each shooter winning a point on the cup will receive a silver spoon. The one that actually breaks the most targets on the 300 will receive a trap shooters emblem, watch fob. We want women, men nnd boys to como out and learn to shoot, but to compete for these trophies, shooter must be a member of tho Red Cloud Gun Club. Fco of $2.00 being paid to secretary. I hoot- v i'l b- held t itir? O- iVr ft'i it 2 o'clock evoiv two vcl", ' Vi l'm nlnavi wcVon'o, Carload of Salt We have a carload of Michigan salt in barrels and bags which will be here soon. A Full Line of Groceries Work Clothes and Shoes Fresh Fruit Every Saturday REMEMBER: We pay the highest market price for your produce, F cu?AII.6 sU nion Hardware Electrical Goods WHEN you want anything in the lino of hardware, whether it be a small item or a bill for a new house we will be glad to serve you. ELECTRICAL GOODS We also carry a line of electrical goods, irons, grills, percolators, waffle irons, motors, etc. See us for lamps, sewing machine GEORGE TRINE Will Observe Armistice Day At a meeting held last night the members of Red Cloud Tost 238 Amerl can Legion decided they would ob servo Armlstlco Day hero this year. They expect to ljave a barbecue, a pro. gtnm, races, foot ball pnmo and a ilnncn In tho evoitiug. DlllVreiit com. mluios h ivo Wen appointed and 'AL' lojn expect to mi lc thl'J smu bi,T d In' iib bills on. i Special Agency for the Literary Digest Frank Cowdcn Jr., has been appoint-' ed as the acredlted agent of the Liter ary Digest. Give hlin your subscript and reuowals. Yearly subscription $1 single copies 10c. - Tho Wm. F. Lewis Stock Co., opened here Mnmlnv night for a weeks' en. KfiKeiurut, Thoy aro playing to food ' 6U"d crowdn and giving satisfaction.