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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1922)
'' fflrfiw Ai h r t ml Yutft iilitoiliml tiiuMj: "J, liB0!B VOLUME 50 Holeproof Wears Longer BARBARA Agent: Warner Bros. Corsets CAR LOAD OF Keiffer Canning Pears on Track at Depot $1.60 $1.75 At Store Also Car of Peaches $1.75 This will absolutely be the last car of peaches of the season. nr. en cm in ro V ss ea Red Cloud. ia. nsemerua x' .ij OLD TIME DANCE FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6th Besse Auditorium, SSS Come out and enjoy yourselves as this will be an old time dance under the auspices ofv Tho American Legion, MUSIC BY BETZ'S ORCHESTRA r-Si Hosiery Looks Better THAT is the Holeproof story in a nutshell. And when this desirable com bination in hosiery is offer ed at very reasonable prices you can easily understand why Holeproof is popular in all -walks of life. Hole proof comes in a wide va riety of regular and fancy styles in silk, silk faccd.and lusterized lisle. Made for women and children, too PHARES Home Journal Patterns ill Wu'- r " " '"'." """" Per Bushel at Car or Per Bushel Nebraska. -. - - - ...... - ": -' " -, - - . si flocdl : .. .y.w... A Newspaper That Gives The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For 11,50 RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA, OCTOBER 5. 1922 Foot Ball Game Tin' livt font h fjniiiM of tho season vt II tic phijel tit tho llt-clu'i Hold Fri. diy afternoon, at 2 o'olocN, fit which time tho Alum Hljjli Sultool toiim will pluv the locul tuuin Tho boys expect you to be there to free them play. Agricultural Fair Opened Tuesday With Good Exhibits The Webster County Agricultural Fair is now in full swing in this city. Monday h number of men were busy engaged in putting up Hags tind ban ncra on Webster street which makes It loolc like a Pourth-of July eelcbratton. Sunday the live htocl; men com menced bringing their uiioiue cattle, hogs iiud sheep to the Mile pavilion, arid by Wednesday morning this barn was full of the bust btouk that lias ever been exhibited here; some of whicn took 11 est prl.os at tho State fair. Tuesday whs entry day and the poul try department and faun products space, which is on display at the Farm em' I'nioii, whs soon tilled tip and space was at a premium Although this lias been ft poor en-ou 10 secure farm products, lur exhibit wluoh is on tlibplui, is vuiy Kuotl. The poultry tle partment, which is ono of the best mv ctiucs ou the farm, has a largo vari ty at breeds on dibplay which typilies interest that is being taken in this vo cation. Tho Homo Economics Department, tho School display and fruit is on ex bibit at the Peteraon building and it is stated by those who are in a position to know that the entries nro better than ever, which speaks highly for thoso in charge of this department and also the exhibitors. Last, but not least, is tho horses and mules which are being shown at the Tfo barn. Although the entries are not as largu as tho hogs and cattle, they make up in quality for tho num bers shown. Tuesday evening the High School students replayed their musical com edy, "Miss Cherryblossom," at tho Auditorium. A large number wero present to see the play and the stu dents rendered their parts much more efliciently than -when they presented the play tho first time. Wednesday morning the judging of exhibits commenced nnd will be com pleted to-day, Thursday. The opening program was hold at the Auditorium in the evening and the seating capac ity was soon filled up, and many wore unable to gain admittance. President I). J. Ovciing, announced the program for Thumlay, after which Henry Faubuh introduced tho Blue Hill High School judging team, who won first place in the contest hold Wednesday morning, The opening number was a selection by the quartette, Mesdames Ihish nnd Gcilatly, Messrs Hush and Thomas, with Miss Jessie Crabill at the piano accompanied by J. E Itctz with his vi olin. Tho selection was rendered in a very capable manuer and pleased the audience. Messrs Hardman and lietz rendered two violin duets in a very pleasing and creditable manner. Mrs, Gellatly sang a very beautiful solo and also rendered two more pleating selec tions in her usual professional manner after which Rev. Hardman gave two violin selections and Ralph Newhouse three entertaining numbers ou a saxo phone that were greatly enjoyed. Prof. Cornman, of the State Agri cultural College, who judged the poul try exhibit, was present and gave a talk on poultry and also an illustrated lecture on the same which gave thoso present many now ideas in the hand ling of poultry. Stone and Stone closed the program with a vaudeville stunt in their usual entertaining way. The ofllcers, directors and merchants also the exhibitors, are to be highly commended in making this year's bIiow the best over, and may the years to come bring fortli bigger and better shows for tlia untiring .interest they have f iven this year. C i . j vikk of d'. n t 1 i tul is . . itiiu- f ium in tl o ciy Hi, vec. CITY COUNCIL HOLDS REGULAR MONTHLY MKKTIXG Jicd Cloud, Nebr., Oct. It, 1U22. Mayor Mary Peterson called the Council together in regular session. Members present: Amuck, Crabill, Hummel and Hoffman. Minutes of meetings September 5 and September G read and approved. Monthly re port of S. R. Florancc presented and ordered placed on file. Moved by Hoffman and seconded by Hummel that the expense of cut ting weeds by the city be certified to the property owners. Ayes: Amack, Crabill, Hummel and Hoffman. Car ried . The Council instructed the Mayor and Clerk to send $70.00 to the First Trust Company, Lincoln, Nebraska, us a payment on interest on warrants. On motion the following claims were taken up separately and allow ed: H. M. Beard $150.00 WA. Patten Clms. Whitakcr .... Bert Perry Warren Sutton 110.00 85.00 75.00 5G.25 30.00 85.00 75.00 52:1.18 5.70 Mrs. M. A. Albright ... C. It. Lewis Lawrence Doyle S. R. Florancc Smith & McKimmoy Mrs. M. A. Albright, refund on meters .... 0.92 ... 23.10 23.10 4.93 ... 42.85 - 19.05 - 58.00 . 341.59 1.20 .... 25.51 ... 2.05 .... 103.G1 .. 478.22 . 35.25 W. C. Pcgg Geo. W. Trine Frank Clausen S. T. Mountford Wegster County II. C. Lindsay F. J. Munday W. II. MeKimmcy E. S. Garber Grice & Grimes .- Midwest Klcc. Co. . Sinclair Refining Oo. Fairbanks Morse .-, Crane Co. .. W. D. Edson Lew Simpson . 22.G9 .. 8.00 '6.50 - G0.00 Red Cloud Fire Dept. On motion Council adjourned. CLARISSA M. MAYNARD, City Clerk BOARD OF EDUCATION HOLD REGULAR MEETING Red Cloud, Ncbr., Oct. 2, 1922 The Board of Education met in regular session at tho Commercial Club rooms at 8 o'clock P. M., with all members present. The minutes of meeting of Septem ber 18th were read and approved. Supt. Gclvvick reported and turned over to Secretary of Board the sum of $54 received by him for Tuition collected since last meeting of Board. Tho following bills wero audited and allowed and Secrctnry instructed to draw warrants for the same: Caldwell & Fox $12.00 Harry Dcdrick E. S. Garber . 29.00 17.80 37.80 13.0G 5.59 16.63 29.45 Grico & Grimes Ginn & Co. Greg Pub. Co Manual Arts Press Omaha School Supply Oo. No further business appearing the Board adjourned. B. F. PERRY, Secretary. Grace Church Notes Seventeenth Sunday After Trinity Sunday School at 10 a. m. Morning Service at 11 a. m. Evening Service at 730 p. in, You will be heartily welcomed when attending any of our services. City and Precinct Caucus The Democratio voters of Red Cloud City and Precinct will meet at Triue'u Hardware store Saturday evening, Ontober 7th, at 7:30, for tho purposo of nominating an Assossor and Justice of Peace for the city and Road Oversoor, Justlco of Peace and Assessor for the puulnot. '"W-- Y y , WISE PARENTS WILL HAVE THEIR CHILDREN'S EYES EXAMINED AND TESTED BEFORE SCHOOL BEGINS. BY SO DOING THEY KNOW THE CHILDREN BEGIN THE SCHOOL YEAR PROPERLY PREPARED TO MAKE THE BEST USE OF THEIR SCHOOL HOURS. BRING THE CHILDREN IN BEFORE SCHOOL STARTS. WE MAKE NO CHARGE FOR EXAMINATION AND FIT NO GLASSES UNLESS NEEDED. FOUNTAIN PENS WITH CLIP $1.50 BLOTTERS FREE ASK FOR THEM "RITE-RITE" MECHANICAL PENCILS 10c LEADS FOR AUTOPOINT, EVERSHARP AND OTHER PENCILS 10c PER DOZEN Pocket Ben Watches $1.50 Glo Ben Watches $2.50 Alarm Clocks $1.25 to $4.75 E. H. Newhouse KODAK DEA LER Carload We have a carload of Michigan salt in barrels and bags which will be here soon. A Full Line of Groceries Work Clothes and Shoes Fresh Fruit Every Saturday REMEMBER: We pay the highest market price for your produce. Farmers Union Hardware jj Electrical Goods WHEN you want anything in the line of hardware, whether it be a small item or a bill for a new house we will be glad to serve you. ELECTRICAL GOODS We also carry a line of electrical goods, irons, grills, percolators, wafile irons, motors, etc. GEORGE TRINE FOOT BALL Alma High School vs Red Cloud High School THE FIRST' HOME GAME Friday, October 6th, 2:00 O'clock P. M. Follow the'Band-Hqdgcs Field. JP Admission - 35c and 50c "ffTv ., NUMBER 40. J RED CLOUD NEBR. of Salt Sec us for lamps, sewing machine n i U I I I i I' 41 r u !s . I' IS I ' !1 i m i- i ft I fr HI l'1 m l ADMISSION U. W Till n ) A 11 M Utl.ur f i uunl'tri' HumaaBamciM" mo i. W. I, Yc 'iui v ) HncarcKTtTa&t r W h f V'Jf .. 75c