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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1922)
RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA, OHXEP fv . p Amemn LKION (Copv tor This Dppnrtmftit Bupplled by th American I.ntlnn Npw grvlrp.) SHE JUMPED FOR THE LEGION Miss Verna Welch Plunges 3,000 Feet In Parachute From Airplane at Wichita Falls. To climb out of an nlrpjnno cockpit nml dive liendllrst toward the earth 3, 000 feet below on her second rldo off of terra flrnm required a good deal of nerve. At least, the net made thou sands of spectators gasp for breath nnd shudder lest the harness fall to work und the parachute, which trailed behind her, remain unopened. Miss Verna Welch was creuting tho sensation. The spectators were tho fiood citizens of Wichita Falls, Tex., Just Before the Flight. witnessing the American Legion's aviation meet, one of the biggest ever held In the Southwest. Miss Welch dropped like a dead weight for several feet nnd then the parachute very slowly opened and the drop earthward became more gradual. She hit the ground with n Jolt but was uninjured. It was n proud young woman who received the congratulations of the hundreds who crowded around her for her daring act. Hut Miss Welch says that she Isn't' sure that she wants to jump from airplanes for a living. The big aerial meet was staged to ralso money for a Legion clubhouse nt Wichita Falls. ACTIVE IN LEGION AFFAIRS Miss May Merritt, Indiana, Rises From Auxiliary President to National Committeewoman. From tho presidency of tho first lo cal American Legion Auxiliary unit an Connersvllle, Ind., to the ofllco of Indiana na tional committee woman In lexs than ,six months .is the simple story of the sud den rise of Miss May Merritt. Miss Merritt, as chair man of tho Aux iliary's national emblem commit tee and chair man' of the resolutions committee, has had much to do with formulating ho plans and policies of the organization during tho past year. Aside from her work for the Legion Auxiliary, Miss Merritt is chielly in terested in better educational advan tages for the children of lloozlerdom. Lack of Patriotism. Enraged because some of his own countrymen refused to stand when "Deutschlnnd uber Alles" was being sung in tho smoking room of a trans atlantic liner, n young German ofll cer, son of n German general, created u sensation by dashing his wlno glass to the floor and otherwise showing his disapproval of tho lack of patriotism displayed by his German companions. Clubhouse Over Oil Well. To build their clubhouso over an oil well was tho unique nnd profit able experience of tho American Le gion men In Waynesboro, Tcnn. Drill ing was begun after oil was noticed in a mud puddle in tho back yard and oil was struck at 200 feet. Tho Le gionnaires plan to erect n flno com munity clubhouso from royalties. Benefits Certain Ex-Service Men; Certain ex-service men who are not eligible for compensation under tho veterans' bureau are nevertheless eligible for entrance Into the national home for disabled volunteer sol dlors. This class consists of those who passed the draft board but wero later rejected at tho training camps for physical disabilities. Highest Commendation. A letter from Postmaster General Work, expressing tho "highest com mendation of your corps" hns been re ceived by Major General Lojcuno, commnndant ntc mnrlne corps, fol lowing tho withdrawal of tho 2,000 murines who have been gunrdlng tho ninlls ov?r tho country for several inontlift. ml M ONLY WOMAN MAJOR IN ARMY Julia C, Stlmson, Dean of School of Nursing, Served at Chief Nurse of Red Cross. The superintendent of tho army nurse corps nnd dean of the Army School of- Nurs ing, is the only tvoman major in :hc United States irmy. MaJ. Julia 0. Stlmson served ns chief nurse of the American Ited L'ross In I'nrls and later as di rector of the American expe ditionary forces lurslng service, ivith 10,000 nurses under her control during tne World war, before becoming superintendent of the army nurse corps und head of the school of nursing. Major Stlmson was born in Worces ter, Mass., and graduated from Vnssar when barely twenty years of nge. She first went overseas as chief nurse of the St. Louis unit, base hospital No. 21. She holds numerous awards nnd citations for her services during the wnr. One of the major's most recent ex periences was the honor of christen ing the army transport Chaumont. "General I'ershlng wns there," Major StlniRon said in spenklng of the event, "and I spilled champagne nil over tho general's best uniform when 1 broke the bottle over the bow." FEW BUCKS NOW IN U.S. ARMY Number of Trained Doughboys Has Been Reduced, Bringing Total to Not More Than 20,000. Doughboys Just plain buck privates of infantry nre becoming nlmost as scarce In the regular nnny as shave tails wero some time ago. Every time there Is n reduction In the size of tho army, the number of buck privates Is very perceptibly cut down. At tho present time, It is sidd tlmt there arc not more than 20,000 plain, unspcelnl lzed "bucks" In the ranks of the United States army. There arc only 47,SJ17 men In nil branches of tho foot regiments while there were more thnn 53,000 enlisted men in the infantry when the wnr started In April, 1017. Impending additional reductions n the size of the army will show n further drop in the number of pri vates, ofllcers say, nnd ienvo the In fantry only a framework of highly trained specialists with Jnst a few humble bnyonet-wleldlng bucks here nnd there to give a sketchy suggestion of a wartime force. ' This framework of specialists will be maintained, tho Wur department declares, so that in nn emergency the nrmy may be able to quickly expand, filling in the vncant ranks with raw recruits who, with a few weeks' train ing, will make our lighting forces a highly trained machine. PREFERS TO MARCH, AS 'BUCK' Brig. Gen. William V. McMaken, Ohio, Has Served His Coun try for Forty Years. William V. McMaken of Toledo, 0., wno was n ongaaier general in me iservlco to which lie gave 40 yearn of his life, says that ho prefers now to march as a "buck" in tho rear rank nt pa triotic and memo rial demonstra tions since his military career is over. But tills modesty some tlmcs causes him a little embar rassment. During tho American Le gion parade at the nntional convention In Cleveland, In 1020, when Mr. Mc Maken marched in the ranks, ho re ceived tho "bawling out" of his life from nn erstwhile hurd-bollcd sergeant who noticed thnt tho former brlgndieV general had failed to "dress right." Mr. McMaken wns n brigadier com mander In tho Thirty-seventh division during tho World wnr. Carrying On With the I American Legion g..- ". ..-........".Ml.II.M.I.Ml A memorial to the marines who were once students of the University of Minnesota has been unveiled on the university campus. An entire Island In tho Mnumee river, 20 miles from Toledo, O., hns been bought by a Toledo Post of tho Amerlcnn Legion to be used as n va. cation resort. Athletic and plnyground equipment for seven playgrounds In Buck's coun ty, Pennsylvania, Ins been presented to encli of as many communities by the American Legion. A special troop of boy scouts who could not pay their entrance fees Into the scout organization wero organized and given their uniforms and equip ment by tho Amerlcnn Legjon nt Ot- tumwn, la. The $800,000 romnlning unexpend ed following tho payment of tho Now Jersey state bonus to former service men mny bo used by the American Le gion to provldo hospltnl accommoda tions for Incapacitated ex-soldlers. X v-"'" ajmi Mm IMPROVED UNIFORM INTERNATIONAL Sund a) School T Lesson T (By ItEV. P. D. FITZWATEIt, D. D Tcnclicr of English Ulblo In tho Moody Ulble Institute of Chicago.) Copyright. 1922. Wntern Ncwapaptr ttnlon. LESSON FOR JULY 30 THE FIRST RETURN FROM EXILE LESSON TEXTWcr. 29:10-14; Ezra 1: 1-11. GOLDEN TEXT Wo know that nil things work together (or good to tlium thnt lovo Clod. Korrmns 8:28. UEKEHENCE MATEHtAL-Penlma EC; 130; 131; Jcr. 29. JPIUMAItY TOPIO-Ood's Peoplo Re turn Homo. JUNIOIl TOPIC-IIow God Kept a Great Promise. INTERMEDIATE AND -SENIOR TOPIC How God Kept a Grcnt Promise. YOUNG PEOPLE AND ADULT TOPIC Striking Manifestations of God's Providence. I. Tho Return From Captivity Pre dicted (20:10-14). It seems that false prophets wero flourshlng In Babylon telling the peo ple Hint they would speedily bo re stored to their own lnnd. To counter act this tho Lord moved Jeremiah to send this letter to the captives in Babylon (vv. 8, 0). In this letter he advised them to settle down nnd quietly pursue their regular callings of life nnd not to bo led astray by tho false prophets (vv. 0, 7). 1. Tho length of the captivity (v. 10). Their coming back was to be "after seventy yenrs." From Daniel 0:2 It is clenr that seventy years means n definite time. It dates from the time when tho first company was taken captive among which Daniel wns found. 2. Itecovered by God (vv. 10-1-1). God's purpose in tho captivity was to cure them of their idolatrous prac tices. He assured them thnt when Ills purpose wns accomplished he would visit them nnd convince them of His good purpose toward them. When once this was done they would call upon Him In sincerity nnd He would be found of them. Their captivity He would turn nwuy; gather them from all the nations and bring them into their own land. II. Prediction of Captivity Ful filled (Ezrn 1:1-11). 1. Tho proclamation of Cyrus (vv. 1-4). (1) This was not by ac cident, but that the word of the Lord might bo fulfilled (v. 1). What God hns promised He will do; He never forgets. Wherever wo find a promise which He hnth made we can rest upon it ; He will make good. (2) By divine initiation (v. 1). "Tho Lord stirred up the spirit of Cyrus." How tills was done wo do not know. Possibly Daniel brought to his attention the prophecy of Isaiah nnd Jcrcudnh (Isa. 44:28; Jer. 25:12). Every impulse to do good In all men is caused by the Lord even a heuthen king who may not' have been conscious of doing His will, nt God's appointed time took the Initiative in this matter. It may -have been that Cyrus only saw his own action ns n piece of statecraft the creation of a buffer state nation between his king dom nnd that of Egypt. Be thnt as it may, God stirred him up to do Ills .will. y$) The content of His proclama tion (vv. 2-4). (a) "The Lord God 'of heaven hath charged mo to build Him n house in Jerusalem" (v. 2). This makes clear that he had some Impres sion of God's hnnd upon him. (b) Ap peal to Jewish patriotism (v. II). He Invokes God's blessing upon such as possess the national religious feeling, and commands them to go and build tho houso of the Lord God. (c) Lend, usslstnnco (v. 4). Many of the Jow were established in business and there fore were not free to go. Many, no doubt, had lost their national spirit nnd therefore were not nnxlout to go. AH such were to lend friendly as sistance In silver," gold and beusts. Those who cannot go to do God's work should strengthen the hands of those who do go. 2. The response of Cyrus proclum ntlon (vv. 5, 0). The cXlef of the fathers of Judah und Benjamin and the priests and Levltes presented them selves ns willing and ready to go. Tho compnuy which returned wus largely made up of representatives of Judah and Benjamin, 3. Tho royal favor (vv. 7-11) Cyrus brought fortli tho vessels of tho houso of the Lord which Nebuchadnez zar had brought forth out of Jeru salem and put into the houso of his gods. This was n great encourage ment to every loyal Jew whose henrt hud been grieved over the profunnlion of these sacred vessels. Now to. havo D.400 of the&e vesels returned to their owners and sent buck to Jerusalem to bo put to their original use, met u hcurty response by1 the Jews. Who Knoweth the Lord's Mind. Ho that is spiritual Judgeth all things, yet he himself Is Judged of no man. For who hath known the mind of tho Lord, that he may Instruct him? I Corinthians, 2:10, 10. Perseverance Is Necessary. Fow tilings are Imposslblo in them selves. It Is not .so much means, as perseverance, that Is wanting to bring them to a successful issue. Itoche foucnld. Godliness. Godliness consists not in a henrt to Intend to do tho will of God, but in a heart to do It. Jonntlinn Edwards. Enemies Discover Your Faults, Observe your enemies for they first And out your faults. Antisthenes. INct Contents lSPluidPract "'' ":.. -nnnn fimjT. JSSSSSSSsSt tinfihcStomachsnndlfomsrf TJicrctyftomotlniiDi neither OpIam.Morphlnen'f Mineral. NotNahcotic SKpfOiEcSA!taXJVt9& JPunpt k kninTiiiRcmedYfrf ConstlpatlonandDlarrhoo and Wishes od IOSS OF SLEEP rwtflmncSWnattfeo CEKWDnCOtWB tjew yygj cOUQilfJl Exact Copy of Wrapper. Love Thy Neighbor. Thou shalt not avenge, nor bear nnj grudgo against the children of thy peo plo; but thou shalt love thy neighbor ns, thyself; I am tho Lord. Leviticus 10:18. There's a man in this town who sells KEY OVERALLS. Ask him to show you a suit. Extra quality. Better workmanship. Costa less per day don't give get your , Answers Call of Blood. Ono of tho chiefs of tho Fiji Islands has a remarknblc record. Descendant of a famous lino of chieftains, ho ,1s also nn Oxford graduate, served ns cook with tho II. M. A. corps In Franco In 1010, nnd later as a clerk with tho Royal Scotch Borderers. He hns been mcdaled by King George for bravery. Despite his good running stnrt, ho han deserted civilization and returned to tho South Pacific to llvo among his fellow Fiji islanders. Don't be Fooled Low Price and High Quality Don't Go Together. Stick to CALUMET The Economy BAKING POWDER Never accept "Just as Good" Brands; it will only mean disappointments and fail ures on bake-day, which are expensive. . Calumet is a high grade Baking , Powder, moderate in price jjMy t JK''S w Ssjjkjss? BEST BY TEST WMAOtWfATIWI The World's Greatest Baking Powder 10 Cents Children iSS bflllfiKCvsSjSllSSSKiSSNCSa Special Care of Baby. That Baby should have a bed of its own all aro agreed. Yet it is more reasonable for an infant to sleep with grown-ups than to use a man's medicine in an attempt to regulate the delicate organism of that same infant. Either practice is to be shunned. Neither would be tolerated by specialists in children's diseases. Your Physician will tell you that Baby's medicine must bo prepared with even greater care than Baby's food. A Baby's stomach when in good health is too often disarranged by improper food. ' Could you for a moment, then, think of giving to your ailing child anything but a medicine especially prepared for Infants and Children ? Don't be deceived. Hoke a mental note of this: It is important, Mothers, that you should remember 'that to function well, tho digestive organs of your Baby must receive special care. No Baby is so abnormal that the desired results may be had from the use of medicines primarily, prepared for grown-ups. MOTHERS SHOULD READ THE BOOKLET THAT 13 AROUND EVEflY BOTTLE OF FLETCHER'S CASTORIA GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the z&m TM CKNTAUR COMPANY, NKW YORK CITV. Fellows who tell you they have never hnd a chance would bo afraid to tako ono If they saw It. It is hard work to keep up nn aver ngo thnt you don't have. to wear them. Buy them. U they full satisfaction, take them back and money back or a new pair Freel I SHUT MFB. CO.. tktn.Iiiut City. lo. INION MADB GUARANTEED Tho boa constrictor Is rarely moro than fifteen feet long. For truo blue,' use Red Cross Ball Blue. Snowy-whito clothes will bo sure to result. Try It and you will al ways use It All good grocers have it. Advertisement. Talkative. Mrs. Bcnhnin Money tnlks. Bcnhnm Then you'vo got moro thnn your shnro of cash. When you use it you never spoil any of the expensive ingredients used such as flour, sugar, eggs and milk. Best that science can produce Stands the test of daily use. Gives Charming New Color Tone to Old Sweaters PUTNAM FADELESS DYES dyes or tints as you wish Cry For COdCBaJBMR?KVn$4 Signature of PARKER'S HAIft BALSAM IUmoTnDwaraa-RtoiiIIlrrAUUid Rutorea Color ami Beauty lo Gray and Faded Halrl niwni Chftn. Wlm. Vtchoiitir,W.T. oo. ana mi du lrrnre-i.ra. HINDERCORNS nemo, am cJ lonm. tL, tops ail pin. etiiurw comfort in tb at naiaiuK ( a.n utajll w mm UlUI"i Slit. UlJoozCUmlMUWorka.l'atctivria.M.X. Jd ffaMtt mabaal HalWIliM mmtr 1l,i a . m a t... UAIOI iLT MLLCn aitkacts and kills ALL FLIES. Neat. clMi,ornmtnUt,con Tfnlcnt. tbip, Caita all ai-ason. liana of metal, can't ipUl or tlporrrt will Dot loll or Injurs anything. Onarantora firctlra, HoM . brdnOrni. or 6 by EXWd&S, prepaid, I1JS. BAHULU BOiUUia, 1M IX Kalb Are., UrooUrn, N. X. Oar Ilaalnma la We Tear 'Km Up und Hell the Vlrttn STANDARD AUTO 1'AHTS COMPANY I'arts for AU Multra of Cars Call, write or phone; you'll receive prompt Service. Illgheat prlcea paid for old cars. 2021 O Street Lincoln, Nebraska, VV. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 29-1922. No Exception. Tho Irato Father I can see right through that chorus girl's Intrigue, young ninn. Tho Lovesick Son I lenpw, dad, but they nil dress like thnt nowa days. Now York Sun. Do not turn your back on trouble! I meet them squarely. IHSstIH IS 'n