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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1922)
EED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF 1 tL I . 1 I tfMtb.Jty',' if ' H")V GENERAL CONTRACTOR We do building from the excayating tp the painting complete. We -will figure your jobs to furnish 'all mater ials, or otherwise, to suit our customers. We do FRAME BRICK and STUCCO'orE, et' us show you the differ ence between good and inferior stucco. We build screen doors and window screens and do carpenter Work of all kinds. Let us have your order for screen doors' and window screens now. GRANT CHRISTY Need Groceries To-Day? W9 fi i A LAV AYS prepared and waiting to fill jt any Grocery order" is the motto under which our store is run. It means that no mat ter how small your order may be or what par ticular items you may want, wc are ready to supply them. We never allow any .of our lines of package, bottled or canned goods to decrease to a "sold out" level; Neither do we offer anything in the Vegatable or Fruit line, unless it is strictly fresh. And what's more, we are sure our pri ces will please you, P. A. Wullbrandt Groceries and Queensware QualitY A GOOD JOB WELL DONE A piece of printed matter with your name on it is your "Per sonal" representative wherever it may be fonnd. Surely then, the best is none too good. That's the basis on which we guar antee your satisfaction with our Printing, Quality is, the watchword here all the time whether the job, be big or Uttle, The Red Cloud Chief w "ftfe. ff - Comfort, Economy ' and Efficiency COMFORT for it means " a ' cool kitchen. V Economy for it wastes no fuel. ' You burn kerosene oil only when you need it. Efficiency for a Florence Oil Stove is easy and quick of operation and every bit of heat is concentrated close under the cooking. Wpiffl$giM ., . , , Come in and let our salesmen show its manyj -, vooa points, r? tyji aW.-u cj py (nttVK r r ors-tirm ' rHE RED, CLOUD CHIEF Red Cloud, Nebraska. PUBLISHEDJSVERY THURSDAY Entered In the Fottofflce at Bed Cloud) Neb m (Second Clue Matter Ai B. McARTHUR,lEditor And Ofrner Advertising Rates Foreign, per column inch 15c Local, ' " " 10 & 12K LOCAL ITEMS OF THIRTY YEARS AGO. (Friday, July 22, 1802) Miss Josic Igou, will be homo to morrow evoniug. Miss Jessie Shorman, was visiting iu Illverton this week. Frnnk 1'ottor nnd Al McCliutoc tiro going to Utah on u visit in n fow days. Fred Sleopur, till old timo lied Cloud hoy, now of St. Joe, was in tho city this wcolt. The-barometer lias been illrting be tween !)! and 1000 this week and still getting hotter. " Elmer KtUoy, has taken a position in tho P. & M. Dank, lately vaulted by Will Letbon. Jlrs. Paul Pharos and her three children, of Topckn, Kansas, nre vis iting at Mrs. P. Nowhouso's. Mrs. S. It. McvUride and hor daugh ter, Carrie, anticipate a pleasant visit to Ueadwood, S. D., in a fow days; Will Tulloy's, the csquiro, lot n box of honp fall on his hand whloh laid him up, it was not soft soap cither. "Wild West" is olorking in Dicker son's butter and egg store for n month while Mr. D. goes west on a vacation. Mrs. Cather, mother of C. P. Cath er, and Miss Rctta Ayer, have return ed from their extended visit to the Pacific slope. i Mr. Will Letson who has filled jthe position as book-keeper in the F. & M. Bank for a number of years, has re signed his position to talje a elm lar one in a mining office in tyeadwi od. Will's many friends will' be- sorry to hear of his removal, but coigratu ate him to his new position. , FARM BUREAU NOTES (By County Agent; HenrjpR. Fausch) FAIRS' The reason of fairs, both'-countsr ind state, is again upon us. It isja'ca son planned primarily for the bljicfit of farmers and stockmen; a .sctson urrangedito give all those vitally in-' terested in agriculture an opportunity to exchange ideas and to get new and better thoughts: a season designed to give tho rural people a chance to' Fee what is best in making farming more prosperous and permnnent. Organization is at the base of all industry, but in no branch of the in dustrial world has it made itself; i&iore keenly felt than in fanning, jj and county and state fairs have contribut ed a big share in impressing thejfact mat tnere are constantly increasing opportunities in farm liftj. Many' in spirations for better crops, belter live stock, better farm products. land better education have been obtained at these regular annual events and each year new ones are offered. For visitors the fair offers both entertainment and education. There are still too many cheap and vulgar amusoments to take up the time of the young folks, but they are on the decrease, and, judging from tho grow ing sentiment against them, the time will not be far distant when nothing but clean, wholesome amusement' will be tolerated at our public fairs. For exhibitors the fair forms in their minds new ideas of their pro ducts. It acts as a guide to lead them moro nearly in the right path in their future activities, for it is next to impossible for any man to achieve success unless he is willing to ndopt other's ideas such as are gathered at public exhibitions of this kind. Tho farmer owes much to the fairs. Without them ho loses sight of what is host in tho work ho has chosen to follow. In plainer words, ho "pots be hind the t'mos," and this no farmer who is really anixous to got ahead can affoul to do. Attend the fairs; it will pay from vn money-making standpoint. BEAUTY LEFT BY THE MOORS Gardens of Southern Spain Have a Charm That Is Seen N owners Else In Europs. The gardens of Spain, with a fen notable exceptions, were not laid out on the grand scale of those of the Italian villa near Rome, nor. .of the more magnificent of the French cha teaux, bnt they have a romantic flavor of their own and a charm that is quite unlike that of any other Euro pean gardens a charm that, In no small measure, can be directly traced to tho influence of the Moorish occu pation. This Moorish Influence is particu larly apparent In the gardens of southern Spain (and thoy, nfter all, aro the most characteristic), whore the vegetation Is seml-troplc in char acter, and where palms and myrtles and thickets of citron and orange trees give it truly African (piallty to the Inndscape. Perhaps as character istic as nuy of theso southern gardens nro the Jnrdlncs del Alcazar In Seville. Of the original Alcazar, a huge for tress that formed the main military bulwark of the city, little or nothing remains. It had been built In tho Twelfth century by tho Sultan Abu Yakub Yusuf, tho same enlightened monarch who had caused tho great mosque to he erected, of which the court of oranges and the world-fumed Glralda tower alone remain. Ernest Pelxotto, In Scrlbner's Magazine. TRUTH ABOUT ARCTIC REGION Discoveries Made by Stefancson Dis prove Theories Which Have Been Held for Centuries. There Is a rather general Idea that the land around the Arctic sea Is life less. And another widely-held belief Is that only very few flsh exist In tho waters near the poles. Both of theso Ideas have been disproved by Ste fansson in his book, "The Friendly Arctic." To prove that flsh did exist In those frigid and remote regions, the author and his companions risked their Uvea, for they purposely crossed the Beau fort sea without taking food supplies. Fortunately their belief was justified and they were able to live on the life found In the sea. There Is as much flsh to the cubic mile of the Arctic sea as In any other sea, while on the land there are birds by the million, Insects galore and many other forms of life.' Then again, there has been a com mon belief that during the dark peri od, the long "night': U North, the Eskimo is Idle. Such Is not the case; although he reserves this period gen erally for soclalxactlvltIes. Friends make long Journeys to one another and on arriving devote the time to dancing, singing and merrymaking. Indeed, by many the winter darkness Is eagerly awaited. Raisin Creams. Chop seeded raisins very fine and work Into them a scant third of their weight In granulated sugar, using a few drops of strained honey to hold together. Mould Into any desired shape and dip into melted uuBweet ened chocolate. Lay well apart on waxed paper until quite cold and firm. MICKIE SAYS od) Ge;VAH4TSOVCaN -wjtowwowvs BVl VIGVKV 1 F.Mfc 9BIT 'CM JkttMUAtttrV UOWIUGH KUQWJ V4C.GCT rrVkS OU6 ESfRM HUSttSM AMS, QOVKM DOXtt Mitt? WMItf WBB6 ONCE A NEfcR. n .' -irr r . NV uf. .vv 'r- .7 oh ii Rose ot Blue Uill was iii the city Wednesday evening. Lutheran Cliurcl No horviees until further notieo Pastor will bo absent for three or four weeks - ire '; U-'&'MUi Marriages and Licenses Orln Itonfrow Pltuey to Miss Paulino Irene Mitchell, both of inavalo, .license July 21. 1 Jas. Sbainbaugh, Bostwlck, to Miss Lynn Bramwelf Guide Rock, license July 24. J: B. Fleher of 'Salinas Has., And Miss Beatrice I, Buenning, Ballnk, Has., arrled JnJj 9Qtli,g-Gtj. Jge. The Margin o? Safety lb rcproscntod by tho amount of insurance you carry. Don't lull yourself Into a fanetod security. Bceauso fire has never touched you It doesn't follow that you'ro immune Tomorrow no today, if you have time and you better And timo oomo to tho'oflloo and we'll write a policy on your houso, furniture, storo or merchandlso. -LATER MAY BE TOO LATE- O..C. TEEL, i" - tP I -.JSjt'J-r. -fL KQBr "P dM ----" .. I -V "OK, MUM W.i tiW Mthtr tome ttrfpS M0 thm Umh & whole ahopping big pmth ! JCffoff'i Cm FUh$t Mmiiy, I bUtm I emn t jut mbMt fwrft u much at ywa dm iy. to stop eating y0lvW CORN FLAKES wonderful for the whole family .Uaturo rebels against heavy foods in warm wea'therv Much illness in summer is caused by overtaxing tho stomach. Change your diet and keep snappy, ju mind and muscle! Kcllogg's Corn Flakes with cold milk and ffesli fruit' arc wonderful for the hot days for breakfast, for lunch, for supper or for "snacks." Thoy digest without taxing ,xhe stomach and supply the nourishment the body, needs. fc- f f It m ',- a-or cjiuuren, ior xuc worKcrs ana for tho aged there is no more delicious, sustaining summer food than Kellogg's CornPlakes. prsrnTTregag f "V 'mt .II wwwm TOASTED CORN FIAK?.? BUWW""?, ii'v: Insist upon Kellogg's Corn Flakes in the RED and GREEN package bearing the signa ture of W. K. Kellogg, originator of Com flakes, Hono are genuine .without it I. 'i w r CORN FLAKES AlMsuairi sf KELLOGG'S KRUWLES kU KELLOGG'S MAN. cooked ud krasiUta JULYSPECIALS - i Wilson Bros., & Geo. P. Ide's Silk and Fibre Dress Shirts $2.75 to $3.75 t Kuppenheimer? Bloch's and Cloth, Craft Suits at 20, 25, 33J Per Cent Discount , .. ' Fur and Dress Straw Hats at Big Discount Palm Beach Suits $8, $10, 11,85, $14.85 $16.85. . The Cowden-Kaley Clothing Co. ALWAYS RELIABLE . tbantox yjtolden Liemon Vxiream For Tan, Freckles, Sun burn and Pimples. CLEANSES AND WHITENS If going out Autoing, Bathing or Outing massage it in well-then wipe it off with a dry towel. It will protect the skin. nmUtmvmtm, m E Bring us your Films for us to develop and print. CHAS. L. COTT1NG The Druggist b ;4re2auutsncaaunaiM0U3Uinaua9asixss3!st3n iriutuiMUBxax We Do Only The Highest Grade Add Tone to your business by getting the best Base Ball Game-Sunday 3 p. m. a r' ImI 1111 .I1.J.11 1, IC.Ilbls nsurncS " D1UC IUU TS ACQ UOUU i1 .." i 'ii'i'Wjg'iLXgas h i d.i ) i - T!'JyHtlfMW&&mXX&&'Xli1i'lwi3a., mw ' TwXVA UK4 f "