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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (June 29, 1922)
KED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF Call the new suitatorium Bell phone 227. Miss Elsie Hawkins of Inavalc was a passenger to York Monday morn ing. TTTTTTf J -4 J, -H-- 6 7 " v i 1 '- X h iv in -t t - AS TOLD TO US KKHglSHKHISaKHBKBH , Fred Slaby was in Franklin Wed nesday. ' ' Gollmar Bros., Circus will bo here July 20th. Call the new suitatorium Boll lhonc 227. Mr. and Mrs. N B. Bush went to Denver Monday evening to spend a few days. CommcncinB with last night the Hod Cloud band will Rive a concert every two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Evans are the parents of a baby girl born Wednes day morning. ' J. W. Hauck spent Tuesday in Mc Cook a'tendinp to matters in connec tion with his work. Ghas. Christy and Ernest Barrott spent the first of the week with friends ? in Lincoln. ' The Cowden-Kaley Clothing Co., is having n new sign painted on the s front of their store. Miss Edith McKcighan ictuincd to this city Monday evening after an ex tended visit in Lincoln. ' Some new scenery and an adver tising curtain has been installed in the Auditorium this week. ' Bert Hatfield, Lloyd Barker and Fhil Martin attended the ball game at Lawrence Sunday afternoon. ' Cecil Cummings went to Scldon, Kansas, Wednesday morning where he will work in the harvest fields. James Tanquary came down from Republican City Wednesday morning for a short visit wi.h his family. Miss Edith Hoffman returned home Monday evening from Hastings where she spent a few days with friends. Mrs. N. E. Bridgcman departed Monday morning for her home at Elk hart, Indiana, after visiting relatives here. Don E. Barry, of Janiith Center and, Miss Lena 1. CowntTof Beliafrc, Kan sas were married by Judge Ranney last Saturday. The Red Cloud ball team goes to Franklin next Tuesday afternoon where they will play Franklin team nt Senior's Park. William H. Swallow of Cowles and Miss Jennie V. Walters of Indiana were granted a marriage license by Judge Ranney last Friday. ) Carl Dunkel billed his household ef fects out to Garland, Tuesday and in tends leaving soon for that place he having disposed of his sorc here. The farmers are all busy harvest ing their wheat and oats crop this week. Some have finished while 4he most of them will be thru next week. Scats have been erected in the Con gregational church yard and union services will bo held their each Sun day evening for the next two months. Call the new suitatorium Bell .phone 227. Attorney Bernard McNeny and daughter, Helen and Thomas and Vir ginia Auld returned home Wednesday morning after spending a few days in Denver. Tom Swartz shipped two cars of cattle, one car of hogs and one car of mixed hogs and cattle to the Kan sas City market from Lester Tuesday morning. Leo Walker has received ft power mowing machine which ho will use in his harness fchop. With this equip ment ho can turn out lepair work more quickly. J?)? Mrs. Leon LeMairc returned to her home in Davenport, Iowa, Tuesday morning after spending a couplo of weeks with Dr. and Mrs. Robt. Dam crell and friends. Mrs. Dolly Shepardson of McCook arrived here Tuesday morning to vis- w it her sister. Mrs. Floyd Robertson and family and also her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Dickenson at Bladen. 'A special meeting of Charity lodgo 'No. C3 A. F. & A M; has been called for Fiiday evening, Juno, 30th for work in the Fellow Cyaft degree. Vis iting brethren welcome. W. D, Ed " Bon.-W.-.M- .'- Two good places to cat, at home and Towell's Cafe. G R. McOrary was down from Inn vale Monday afternoon. FOUND Two cranks for Btr'cks. Inquire of C. S. Rominc. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Stroup spent Sunday at Crystal lake. Next Tuesday is the Fourth and this office will be closed all day. Miss Minnie Christian returned home Saturday evening from Blue Hill. Chot Shccloy and Win. Thomas spent Sunday afternoon nt Crystal lake. Miss Velum Amcll-of Oilcans spent Sunday here with her brother, John Arnell and family. Mrs. A. C. Jones is here visiting her daughter, Mrs. Chns. Turner. Mrs. G. L..Earlc and baby depnit ed Thursday, for Osage, Wyoming. M'ss Gertrude Wiggins was a pas senger to Superior Monday morning. I. a Wagoner and family, F. R. Hughes and family and L. H. Ehley and family spent Sunday at Dcwccse. Attorney Geo. Marshall and Sir. Graves were down from Riveiton Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Graves is a printer of many years experience and is cons'dering buying the River ton Review. Just received another barrel of Rawlcigh's stock dip nnd disinfectant. Price $1.30 per gallon, if you bring your cans. Also hnve fly chaser at $1.40 per gallon. John Burress, Ind. Phone 81M. Mrs. R. E. McBrido and daughter returned home Monday evening from Rochester, Minnesota, where they have been the past three weeks, the latter receiving medical treatment at Mayo Bros., hospital. According to the report issued by State Superintendent J. M. Mntzcn the semi-annual apportionment of school funds will bo distributed to the various counties of th's state July 1st. Webster county has 3,12!) school children and will receive $3,170.98. Walter Roby. who has been engag ed in the furniture and undertaking business at Nelson for several years passed away at his home Friday. The funeral services were held nt his home Monday afternoon. The de ceased was a former resident of this city. The proliminni'y hearing of Albert Perry, who was arrested on the charge of shooting Mr. nnd Mrs. Sam Heaton, was held Friday morning before Judge .Rnnney. He was bound over '.o the next term of district court and fur nished the necessary bonds for his appearance. The Red Cloud ball team was de feated Sunday afternoon at Lawrence by the Bangcrt team by a score of 0 to f. Elmore and Polnicky did the heavy hitting for our team. The Red Cloud team goes- to Bladen Sundny afternoon whee they play the team at that place. County Treasurer Examiner C. D. Robinson spent the weekend hero with his wife nnd family. Mr. and Mrs. Irving Cummings spent Sunday with their son, Allen and wife at Hasting?. Clms. I'gglcston came down from Hastings Wcdnosdny evening to spend a few days with his wife. Mrs. Max Marshall depart. d Tlmra dav morning for St. Joe where rho will make her future home. Alf McCall went to Excclhior Springs, Missouri, Thursday morning where he will spend a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Nellums and baby returned to this city Thursdny after spending a few days at Denver. Lynn Bush went to Hudson, Colo rado Saturday morning where ho will work as operator for the Burlington. Call the new suitatorium Bell phone 227. Lynn Bush arrived homo Friday morning from Haigler where he had been working as operator for the Bur lington. Attorney F. J. Munday and County Clerk B. F. Perry were in Dclphla Tuesday attending to some business ma'tters. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Camp depart ed Sunday evening for Greeley, Colo rado where they will spend a couple of weeks. Miss Adaline Mnnlcy arrived in the city Saturday evening from OmaTia to visit her parents, Mr. nnd Mi's. J. W. Manley. Mrs. Julia Warren arrived in thd' city Friday evening after visiting her son, Cai-1, who is stationed at Camp Dix, New Jersey. County Agent H. R. Fausch, who recently underwent an operation for appendicitis at Hastings, is able to bo at his office again. Jas. Gather returned to Holyoke Colorado, Friday morning after spend ing a. couplo of weeks here with his wife nd his parents. CAcil Bruno" went to Hastings Mon day morning after spending a couplo of wf"ks hero with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Bruncr. IT'S UP TO YOU! To the people of Red Cloud and vicinity Do you believe that a successful flour and feed mill is a necessity in the community? If you do and will give us your patronage and support we will endeavor our utmost to give you the -desired result. We have recently placed 500 3 pound baking samples of our flour in your homes and we now await your verdict. We have recently purchased this mill, and if We can merit your approval and patronage we arc here to stay. Our motto is. "Live and Let Live." Red Cloud Roller Mills H. ELMQRE & SONS Protect Your Horses and Cows From Flies Wc Sell Only The Best The Market Affords Dr. Hess' FLY-CHASER Standard FLY-SHY Richardson FLY-NO These have all been tested by our customers and found reliable. CHAS. L. COTTING The Druggist How did your neighbor's last bargain tire turn out FTb55; lA-i I .' Jt3 An out-In-thoopcntlrc. The dealer sells yott confidence, not price. Ho wants you sntNfied with performance nnd value. The only way he knows to get your business is to do serve It. This Is the "Usco" Idea. w Compared with the ten- minute thrill of the bargain appeal, the "Usco" Is just plain common sense. A ' A A A A A A A A A A oNo e . a iax charged wtxms ...ii 4sfiRmto nifisffrtr ssvv ssssmm, t i .? w . Jr mlv:aA t- rn. v ll&JV.'tiK J&8WSt A hlMflh!At VatfQSc&J-ffifiSA A mssmm "zmxm i United States Tires llpM United States 'Rubber Company ,)ri!g?Ssl i t r'.i i. rMtmmiMT Aimmmra r in ta i.r ... -. . m i m k prtrtrtKi ei ROB ABLYyou know at least one car-owncr who is always on the lookout for the cheapest tires he can find. He likes to get them by mail or at a sale or at some place where they have biy red bargain signs over the door. It would be fine if he could get "the edge" in every tire trade. But the dealer can't afford to let him have it. Even if a man saw any slight percentage in tire stropping at all tt disappeared when the "I Jcr-rt" Iirillil.tit- lin nnVn clown. . ...... . ... AtfD iianucim prouuet-anu tnc dealer sells It with pride. Agoorf tire. The Jcalcrhas no desire to trade you into a larger profit for himself. United States Tires re Good Tires Copyright 1922 U.S.TiroCo. Where Yott Can Buy U. S. Tires Oley Ivcrson. Bladen, Neb. Blue Hill Tire CoBlue Hill, Nob. Brick Garage. Campbell, Neb. Cowles Garage, Cowles, Neb. Flathers & Lane. Riverton, Neb. bu never knew that v Corn Flakes l i. sKmimt .tfrwxjf-3 i r.T- Hi w Mmm mmH,, could be so wonderful Kelloi 9 ' Mr "Say, Captain, iet the enemy coma on i W can hoi J out u long, lam! time with this Me box of Ktlloes' Corn Flahesl Wish it was lima to cut nowl" Kellogg's are a revelation, not only in Corn Flakes,' but in cereals! Such delicious flavor, such crispy crunchiness never before was be lieved possible in corn flakes! Kellogg's are a revelation to your taste! You have a great treat awaiting you the very first time you sit down before a generous bowlful of Kellogg's Corn Flakes and a pitcher of milk or cream and fresh fruit, if it's handy! It, isn't fair to yourself and your family not to share in the pleasures that Kellogg's Corn Flakes so generously spread over the nation and the world! You aire missing a taste-thrill! So, tomorrow morn ing, serve Kellogg's Corn ' Flakes for breakfast, or for lunch or for between-meals nibbles! They're wonderful and never tough or, leathery or hard to eat!' Insist upon your grocer supplying KELLOGG'S .Corn Flakes the delicious kind in the RED and jGREEN package that bears the well-known signature of W. K. Kellogg, originator of Corn Flakes. NONE &RE GENUINE WITHOUT IT ! rfW TOASTED BNVJ ml Mil ' i "" 40b0l CORN FLAKES Also makers of KELLOGG'S KRUMBLES and.KELLOGG'S BRAN, cooked and Icrumbled Ytes, Garber's Is The Place! To Buy Wall Paper, Paints, .And Electrical Supplies. The best place for Picturo Framing. THE flUGflES WAY Cleaners-Dyers-Tailors WE CLEAN HATS Mrs. Homor Hanoy went to Grand Island Monday morning where she will spend a few days with friends heforc going to Omaha where they will make their future home. Dr.W.H.McBride DENTIST OVER STATE HANK Red Cloud Call the phone 227. t new suitatorium Bell 3. JtfltK? a.itfB 3TOXWI Nebraska.