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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (June 29, 1922)
r BED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF GENERAL CONTRACTOR Wo do building from the excavating to the painting complete. Wo will figure your jobs to furnish all mater ials, or otherwise, to suit our customers. W do FR iE BRICK and STUCCO work, Let us show you the differ ence between good and inferior stucco, Wc build screen doors and window screens and do carpenter work of all kinds. Let us have your order for screen doors and window screens now. GRANT CHRISTY rHE RED, CLOUD CHIEF Red Cloud, Nebraska. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY Cntcrcd In the I'ostonice (it Ittri Cloud, Nob m Second Clans Matter A. B. McARTIlUR, Editor and Owner nrramwmmnnmnioMffinEEMffii Greater Than Riches A good healthy body is more to be desired than all the wealth of the world. Good health assures a clear mind, inspires energy, ambiton and working efficiency. The Food We Eat Is Important The careful housewife will secure only the highest grade groceries and foodstuffs to safeguard the health of the family. Our Goods Are The Highest Quality Selected to give our patrons the best goods obtainable at prices as low as it is possible to make them. This Store Will Help You In the practice of consistent economy and give you full value for ever dollar you spend here. P. A. Wullbrandt Groceries 'and Queensware iwiiffliifflMiimiffiiic:;:!!'!'!! Advertising Rates Forolrfn, per column Inch 15c Local, ' " '' 10 & 12J Ellery Hooper and Ohct Sheeley were in Smith Center Wednesday after nnnn The Kroraatic Kids will go to Stock ton, Khs., next Tuesday whero they will furnish limbic fur 11 dance. If it it's worth printing at all it's worth printing well! Nothing gives a business concern a "Cheap John" appearance as quickly as the use of poorly done printing. A concern is judged by the appearance of their place of business and by the class of" correspondence and the kind of advertising matter used. Since the success of any business institution depends upon the impression made upon the public the necessity of using only the very best printing is obvious. It costs as much to do a job poorly as to do it right We arc prepared to handle high grade commercial printing of all kinds and enjoy doing work for those who are particular about their printing and want it right. The Red Cloud Chief v Political Announcements For Sheriff I horoby announce myself nsn candi date, for the nomination for Shorlir of Webster County, nt the Prlnlary, July 18, 1022, subject to the will of the- Re publican voters of Webster county. JACK WALLER. , 1 .hereby announce mysolf as a candi date for tliu nomination for Sheriff of Webster County subject to tho will of the voters of the Demonrattc party at the Primary election, July 18, 1022. LAWRENCE DOYLE I hereby announce myself as ncandi date for tho nomination for Shcrlir of Websitcr County, at the Primary, July 18, 11)22, subject to tho will of tho Ko publican voters of Wobnor county. N. P. PHILLIPS. Miss Hazel Moore letumed to her home at McOook Sunday morning after visiting with Mr. and Mrs. A. Clark and other rcln'ivos for n few days. Mrs. E. S. Garher leturned home Saturday evening from Rochester, Minnesota, where she has been receiv ing medical treatment in , the Mayo Bros., hospital. I licreby.aiinounce myself as n candi date for re-election to the oflico of County Sheriff of Webster county, sub ject to the will of tho Democratic vot ers, nt the primary election, July 18, 1022. FRANK BUFFER. Comfort, Economy and Efficiency COMFORT for it means a cool kitchen. " Economy -for it wastes no fuel. You burn kerosene oil only when you need it. Efficiency for a Florence Oil Stove is easy and quick of operation and every bit of heat is concentrated close under the cooking. "WWw q Come in and let our salesmen show its many good points. CL W. Trine'st Hardware I hereby announce myself B9 a candi date for tho nomination for Sheriff of Webster County subjeot to tho will of tho Republican voters at tho Primary, July 18, 1022. FRED HEDGE. I hereby announce myself as a candi date for tho nomination for Sheriff of Webster County subject to the will of tho Democratic voters of Webster coun ty at the Primary, July I8h. E. A (BERT) KING I hereby announce mysolf as a candi date for the nomination for Sherifr of Webster County subject to the Will of the Republican voters of Webstercoun ty at the Primary, July 18. OMER CROWELL, Guidebook. I hereby announce myself as a candi date for the nomination for Sheriff of Webster County subject to the will of the Republican voters of Webster county at the Primary, July 18th. ROY RUST. M For County Clerk I hereby announce mysolf as a candi date, for the nomination for County Clerk of Webster County, at the pri mary, July 18, 1022, subject to tho will of the voters of the Democrat party. 11. P. PERRY. I hereby announce myself as a enndi date, for the nomination for County Clerk of Webs'er County, at tho pri mary, July 18, 1022, subject to tho will of the voters of tho Republican party. ELMER K.SIMONS Wednesday, Jacob and Chas. Ooll of IUuo Hill paid tho S300 flue of Frank Hyen, assessed several months ngo for violation of the prohibition lnwj fmd for which tho Goll brothers signed ns sureties. Our community wos ncraln treated to concert by the local band Wednes day evening. As usuol n largo and enthusiastic crowd turned out to hear tlim and responded to each number with loud npplause. Many beautiful selections wero rendered nnu among tho'e particularly pleasing was a saxo phone solo by Ralph Newhousc. Exceptions. "Sometimes, John," said r.rnilikln's wife, "I do pet a little discouraged, and think you nrc hard to please." "You don't say so," was the astonishing re joinder. "Yes, but I must admit there Is one thing you never found fnult with the way I look when I wear my lost year's clothes." Detroit Fre Press. Shakespearean Philosophy. We defy augury; there Is n special providence In tho fall of a sparrow. If It be now, 'tis not to come; If it ho not to come, It will be now; If It he not now, yet It will come; the readi ness Is all. Shalu'snoaro. Lutheran Church Regular services held every first and thifd Sunday in tho month in tho Ad ventlst church corner Third and Wal nut. lllble Class at 10 a m. Preaching at 11 a. m. Sunday we will also celebrate Holy Communion. Announcementsreceived Immediately before the services. WelJ come. O. R. HEINITZ, Pastor, Notice of Administration For County Treasurer I hereby announce myself as ncandi. date for the nomination for County Treasurer of Webster County subji-ct to tho will of tho voters of tho Repub lican party at tho Primary election, July 18, 1022. MRS. HAZEL POWELL. I hereby announce myself asacandl- date for tho nomination of County Treasurer of Webster Countv subiect to the voters of the Democratic ticket at the Primary olection, July I8th. BERT DUCKER. I hereby announco myself as n candi date for tho nomination for County Treasurer of Webster County subject to tne will of the voters of the Repub lican ticket at tho Primary election July 18th. MRS. CLARA E. WALKER. i i I hereby announco myself as a candi date for tho nomination for Countv Treasurer of Web9ter County subject to tno win or tne voters of the Repub lican party at tho Primary, Julv 18. CIIAS C. BENNETT, Cowles, ICebr In tho County Court of Webster County, Nebraska In tho matter of tho estate of John son 15 Wisecarver, decoased. To all Persons Interested in said Estnte Notice is hereby given that Mary O. Wisecarver has this day filed a petition in the county court, praying that ad ministration of flid estate may be granted to horsolf ns administratrix, and that said potition will bohoird be fore tho court on the 14Mi day of July, 1022, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M , at the county court room In the city of Red Cloud, in said county, when all persons interested in said matter may appear and show cause why the prayer of petitioner should not be granted; and that notice of tho illlutj of said petition and tho hearing thereof, be given by publishing a copy of this order in the Red Cloud Chief, a legal weekly newspaper printed and of Ron. oral circulation in said county, for threo consecutive weeks prior to said day of hearing. Dated this 2Cth day of Juno 1022. SEAL1 A.D. RANNEY, County Judge. I hereby announce myself nsacandl date for tho oflice of County Treasurer of Webster County, subject to tho will of tho Republican voters at the pri mary election, July 18, lO'.'U. P. E. MUTTON, Blue Hill, Nebr. I hsroby announce myself nsacandi- flnte for Countv 'J'riwiMirtir miMppK (n the'wlll of the vntors of tho Democrat ticket at the Primary July J8, 1022. MABEL DAY ALURIGUT 1 hereby announco myself as ncandi date, for the nomination for County Treasurer of Webster County, nt the primary, July 18th, Btibject to tho will or tno voters ox tno Democrat party. C. R. RAKESTRAW, Bladen, Neb. For County Superintendent I hereby announco myself ns a candi date for renomlnatlonjfor County Sup erintendent of Schools on the Non Political ticket at the Primary election July 18th. ESTELLH E. DUCKER. 1 hcroby announce mysolf as n candi date for tho oflico of County Superin tendent of Schools, of Webster county, on the Non. Political ticket, subiect to the will of the voters at tho Primary! July 18, 1022. MINNIE CHRISTIAN. Don't Let The Senate Boost Your Clothing Bill Within a few days the Senate will have taken action upon the Tariff Bill which has already passed the House. It provides a tariff of, 33c per pound on. the scoured content of -wool. To Every Man it Means an Increase of at Least $4.00 on Every Suit of Clothes or overcoat he buys hereafter. And every woman who buys a wool suit or coat will have to pay a proportionate increase. Every boy's suit "will cost more, Write or Wire Your Senator at Once and tell him to insist on revising the wool tariff in line with public interest. We want low Clothing prices . So do you. We're doing onr best to keep prices do inn. Help its by writing to your Senator to slice the duty on xvool. The Cowden-Kaley Clothing Co. 20 DISCOUNT LADIES' and MISSES' ::' COATS And SUITS 20 DISCOUNT The P. Weescet Gompany RED CLOUD, NEBR. VVJWWVVrVVV.V."AVAV-VAVUVAV."AVWVVAVJWWWVVW For-Tlose New Floors 0 Bruce Brand OAK xt THE MALONE-GELLATLY CO. 3 ASK US 5 wvvAA.w.VAv.v.vAv.v.vdrVVVtfwwvwvAft Red Cloud Dates July 26th to August 1st, Inclusive i 41 t -A v