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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (June 22, 1922)
J I ) 4 l A vtate IJIiiorlom jr, f.i II ll ty ' ,? -r :Bfcggr"S M. - A Newspaper That Gives The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For 51.50 VOLUME 50 RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. JUNE 22. 1922 NUMBER 25, A Fall in, Buddy! In more than 11,000 communities the world over today your old Buddies are. through The American Legion, still in action, fighting at home for the land that was good enough to fight for abroad. There are vacant places in the ranks that can never be filled blank files dedicated to the memory of old ship mates and tcntmates who went West when death rode in the air and sea. But there's your old place in the line, Buddy, waiting for you, and the bugle of duty sounds "Fall in". There are no written orders or commands except those of your own conscience, and bunk-fatigue brings no excited top kicker. Just the same. Soldier, The American Legion needs you and you need The American Legion. That's fif ty-fif ty. Hold up your end and become a member. By midnight Saturday-rJuly 1. Red Cloud PostNo.238 wants to have every eligible service man or woman en rolled as a member. Your honorable discharge is your elegibility ticket. Your Legion button tells the world you have such a dis charge. For further information call on Dr. R. S. Martin, Commander G. R. Beck, Vice Com., Harry Yost, Treasurer A. B. McArthur, Adjt., Married at Grand Island Ou Wednesday hist Air. Hurnard C. 11 mil un of tills city and the lady of his choice Miss Ruth Sutton of Inavulo fctolo ii march ou their many friends and went to Grand Island where they were united in marriage by County Judge J. II. Mullou. So far the wed ding has beon kept a secret. The brido is u daughter of Mr. and Mrs John Sutton of Inavale, a highly accomplished young lady having taught soperal tonns of school in this county whllo Mr. Ilurdeu is a son of Mrs. J. A. Burden of this city, and is one of our most popular youug men. For the past several years he has becu engaged in u'leotrical work and has prospects for a brilliant future. Their many friends extend congratulations. COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDINGS Why Wear Underwear That is Uncomfortable in Cut or Size? &L . r Have a Large Line of Underwear in LADIES' AND . CHILDREN'S Styles Ladies Knit Unionsuits in sizes 36 to 50. Infants in cotton or wool bands Children's in all sizes from 2 to 14 years in nainsook with the waist and place for hose supporters. BARBARA PHARES Red Cloud, Nebraska AGENTS 'Ladies Home Journal Patterns" "Warner Brothers Corsets" Red Cloud, Nebr June l!)th.' This being the dated fixed by- law the County Board of Commissioners met at 0 o'clock a. m., with all mem bers present. On motion by Crowcll seconded by Stumpcnhorst, Geo. H. Ovcring was instructed to have the braces on the Red Cloud river bridge tightened up. The following claims' were audited and allowed and County Clerk in structed to draw warrants on the pro per' funds in "payment of same: GENERAL FUND . . Shafcr Oil Co. $ 13.30 Standard Oil Co. 4.75 Ino. B. Stanser 22.10 Yost & on 22.10 Turnure & Son 11Q.80 Gricb & Grimes 7G.03 Chas. Barrett G.00 BRIDGE FUND Harry Moede 10.00 S. T. Vaughan 5.00 Board adjourned to meet July 3, 1922. B. P. PERRY, County Clerk. Candidates For Office The following is the list of candi dates who have filed for the various county offices. REPRESENTATIVE 71st DISTRICT Democrat Republican I. W. Edson Geo. P. Cather. I. A. Pace Jr., Daniel Garber W. Vic Anderson COUNTY CLERK B. F. Perry 'Elmer Simons Frank M. Dclehoy COUNTY TREASURER Mabel Day Albright F. E. Birtton Bert Ducker Chas. C. Bennott a R. Rakestraw Clara E. Walker Hazel Powell COUNTY SHERIFF E. A. King Frank Huffer Lawrence Doylo JVJVMVJVJVVvJvvJvJVJVVJVJW Phone Ind. 3 on 90, Bell 174. Residence, Bell 241 Mrs. Ed Amack UNDERTAKING BOTH PHONES RED CLOUD, NEB L T, AMAStf-PHONE IND. 32M N. P. Phillips Fred A. Hedge Roy Rust Omor Crowell Jack Walter COUNTY ATTORNEY E. G. Caldwell Howard S. Foo COUNTY SURVEYOR Geo. H. Overing COUNTY COMMISSIONER 3rd DISTRICT W. E. Patterson C. A. Waldo COUNTY COMMISSIONER 6th DISTRICT Sherman Shipman William C. Keihl E.J. Cox COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT . NON POLITICAL Stella Ducker and Minnie Christian. J. B. Wisecarver Dies Tuesday evening Johnson Ii. Wlsc- carvorfono of tho well known dinners of thiir community passed away at tho homoof his slbter Mrs. John Wilson In tho oast party of this city. About two wocki ngo he wns taken borlously ill front what was pronounced pneumonia and remained at the homo of his sister when) medical assistance was more readily arallnblc. Jack" wns born In Winchester, Vir ginia, Dcccnibor .'Hat, 1S01 and wns OLycars, 0 months and '20 days old at the time ot his domlsc. He has resid ed In this county for many years. After coming to Nebraska ho was married to Miss Mary Ollvo Bonn. To thin union wcro born two daughters Mrs. Bruce Pay no of Omaha, and Mrs. Geoi e Kuiloy of this city. For the past several years he has worried for the betterment of tho farmers' cause and was Instrumental In o'KanlziiiL' tho Farmers Union in this community and sorvwl as a mem ber of the Board of Directors until the first of last January when ho resigned. Thp deceased was a man who made fast friumls of all his acquaintances. Ho wns free henrted, llbornl iu his views, of a cheerful disposition and his loss will be keenly lelt. Besides his wife and two daughters ho is survived by a brother, Hump, and twojilstors Mrs. John Wilson of this city, and Mrs. Barr of McCooU. . The funoral services wcro hold at hlAiiitne nt two o'clock this afternoon Rov. Ira B. Wagoner assisted by Rev. Cope in charge. Interment was made iu tho city cemetery. .... Commander Martin Issues Statement About the Legion Tho preamble of the American Leg. ion's constitution states that it is dedi cated to God and Country. The Leg ion, during its oureor of only throe years has demonstrated that It is tho best insurance policy tho Nation has. Our post appeals' to all eligible cx service mon in this community to join the Legion and to aid our fight for Americanism. The blue and gold but ton of the American Legion marks its wearer as ono who has not thrown away his patriotism with the uuiform. It means that he has not "passed the buck" to someone elso to boo that tho sick and disabled buddies get justice and to fulfill all those thlnes that he desired to result from the war. Kvery man in the service hoped for better things after the war. Moro than two million doughboys, gobs and py renes realized that It was going to be a fight to bring to pass all the things that they dreamed of. The result of this prevailing sentiment was tho formation of thcAmcrican Legion. Legion members are from every branch In theservieo, from those who were foreed to remain at home to men who won tho congressional medal at Chateau-Thierry and in the Argonne. It includes all ranks from private to general. Our Lecrlon post can be the most beneficial organization in this com munity. Its purposes are high; Its Ideals are untarnished. It deserves your support and the membership of every war veteran, Join Red Clond post of the American Legion and make it the beat post in your State. ROBT. S. MARTIN, M. D Commander Red Cloud post American Legion. I A FEW SPECIALS FOR YOUR PHONOGRAPH Tungsten Needles, 12 for - 25c NEEDLE PLAYS 20 TO 50 RECORDS. ASK FOR FREE SAMPLE Steel Needles, package of 100, - 5c Sapphire Points, each - 25c TO PLAY EDISON RECORDS ON YOUR INSTRUMENT, ATTACHMENTS TO USE EDISON RECORDS ON VICTOR OR COLUMBIA DOc EACH ALSO HAVE THREE CABINET TYPE PHONOGRAPHS AT SPECIAL BARGAIN PRICES KODAK DEALER E. H. Newhouse RED CLOUD NEBR. r -x Long Distance Service rw- An Investment . A single Long Distance telephone cull often results in a con siderable saving by renson of tho quick, time-saving and econom ical manner in which business is dispatched. Buying and selling in tho present day often involves market j, rices which arc chang ing quickly, and tho shrewd business man is always closely in touch with the changing conditions. Your investment in Long Distance service wil pay you n re turn that is measured not only in Dollars and Cents but also in tho timo you have saved, the inconvenience you have avoided and the results you have been nblc to accomplish without delay. The many uses of the Long Distance service arc not confined to the conduct of business, and every day finds the increased use of this. service in the social and home life of tho community. To congratulate or extend sympathy to friends, for the missing mem ber of tho family, to call tho loved ones ct home, to keep in per sonal touch with relatives at distance points arc only a' few of the many uses. Tho exchange manager will gladly give you information rel ative to our Long Distance Service and Rates. Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. i Congregational Church Notes Sunday School at 10 a. m. , Preaching services at 11 a. m., con ducted by Mr. Stephen Helb of Frank, lln. All are welcome. Grace Church Not 2nd Sunday after Trinity Sauday School at tov If owing Service, nfcji. KTaftlag 8vof &$ Attacked With Shot Gun Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hcaton were brought to Dr. Martin's office last Friday for medloal attention as the result of being fired upon with a shot gun. Their wounds were not serious, however, and both are able to be aronnd. They allego the attack was made by Albert Perry and filed com plaint charging him witn the shooting. After the shooting Mr. and Mrs. Heaton started, walking to a neighbor's place and?were picked up by Carl Oglovie and brousrhtto town. rslaaaaonbaad and will appaai ? .. ppuu mm ll --?"" - ' ,AT- 3G 3d COAL We Sell Niggerhead Maitland And Routt County Lump L I FARMEl J I IS ELEVATOR1 QmimMffimmmSBSSEMnEM We sell for cash that's why we' sell cheaper. J ?i $ r WJWlM w.wi -?