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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1922)
e!' iiJT f- z!i "ZLixti-. r-arrr r -"i i h v v vm GENERAL CONTRACTOR M,js i i ' ' We do building from the excavating to the painting complete We will figure your jobs to furnish all mater ials, or otherwise, to suit our customers. W do FRAE BRICK and STUCCO work, Let us show you the differ ence between good and inferior stucco. We build screen doors and window screens and do carpenter work of all kinds. L'et us have your order for screen doors and window screens now. GRANT CHRISTY ' wimbmbbbmu znmairj3n3n3rjiMaz!njiciaMi,L:j Greater Than Riches A good healthy body is more to be desired than all the wealth of the world. Good health assures a clear mind, inspires energy, ambiton - and working efficiency, , The Food We Eat Is Important The careful housewife will secure only the highest grade groceries and foodstuffs to safeguard the health of the family. Our Goods Are The Highest Quality Selected to give our patrons the best goods obtainable at prices as low a3 it is possible to . i. make them. This Store Will Help You In the practice of consistent economy and give you full valuo for ever dollar you spend here. P. A. Wullbrandt Groceries and Queensware 11 a If it's worth printing at all it's worth printing well! Nothing gives a business concern a "Cheap John" appearance as quickly as the use of poorly done printing. A concern is judged by the appearance of their place of business and by the class of correspondence and the kind of advertising matter used. Since the success of any business institution depends upon the impression made upon the public the necessity of using only the very best printing is obvious. It costs as much to do a job poorly as to do it right We are prepared to handle high grade commercial printing of all kinds and enjoy doing work for those who are particular about their printing and want it right. The Red Cloud Chief m B3Ej3m9 Bm ' JaBaBaBaBaBaBaflaBaBaBaW VHHmBflHBj n fflSSaVTBafiRSxaWi SaaWavar i ffXBBal rmmmmmMa 1 V v j-1 In Comfort, v Economy ., and -Efficiency THE RED, CLOUD CHIEF R4 Cloud, Nebraska. PUBLISHED EVERY THUB8DAT Entered In trio roitofflce At Hed Cloud, Neb at Bccond Clati Mutter A. B. MoARTBUIMEdltor and Owner Advertising Rates Foreign, per column Inch 15c Local. " " " 10 & I2H Political Announcements For Sheriff I hereby nnuotinco myself nsa candi dnto, (or the nomination for Sheriff of Webster County, at the Primary, July IS, 1022, subject to tho will of tho He publican voters of Webster county. JACK WALLER. ' IJlicrcby announce niysolf as a candi date for the nomination for Sheriff of Webster County subject to tho will of tho voters of the Democratic party at the Primary election, July 18, 1022. LAWRENCE DOYLE. I hereby announce myself as a candi date for tho nomination for Shcrlirof Webster County, at the Primary, July 18, 1022, subject to the will of tho Re publican voters of Webster county. N. P. PHILLIPS. I hereby announce myself as a candi date for ro-oleetlon to tho ofllco of County Sheriff of Webster county, sub jeet to tho will of tho Democratic vot ers, at tho primary election, July 18, 1022. FRANK HUIWEll. I hereby announce mysolf nsa candi date for tho nomination for Shorlff of Wobstor County subject to tho will of tho Republican voters at the Primary, July 18, 1022. FRED HEDGE. I hereby announce myself as a candi date for tho nomination for Sheriff of Webster County subject to tho will of the Democratic voters of Webster coun ty at tho Primary, July 18th. E. A. (BERT) KINO I hereby announce myself as a candi date for the nomination for Sheriff of Webster County subject to tho will of the Republican voters of Wcbstercoun ty at tho Primary, July 18. OMER CROWELL, Guide Rock. I hereby announce myself as a candi date for the nomination for Sheriff of Webster County subject to tho will of the Republican voters of, Webster county at the Primary, July 18th. ROY RUST. i m i For County Clerk , I hereby announce myself aa a candi date, for the nomination for County Cleric of Webster County, at the prU mary, July 18, 1922, subject to.; the will of the voters of the Democrat party. R. F. PERRY. I hereby announce myself as a candi date, for the nomination for County Clerk of Webster County, atLthc pri mary, July 18, 1022, subjecl(,to the will of tho voters of the Republican party. - ELMER K. SIMONS. For County Treasurer I hereoy annonncc myself as a candi. date for the nomination for County Treasurer of Webster County subject to the will of the voters of the Repub lican party at the Primary election, July 18, 1922. MRS. HAZEL POWELL. I hereby announce myself as a candi date for the nomination of County Treasurer of Webster County subject to the voters of the Democratic ticket at tho Primary election, July 18th. BERT DUCKER. I hereby announce myself as a candi date for the nomination for County Treasurer of Webster County subject to tho will of the voters of the Repub lican tioket at the Primary election July I8tb. MRS. CLARA E. WALKER. JFARM BUREAU NOTES (By Henry'R. faupch, County Agent) STOCK JUDGING As per schedule Webster county boys and girls participated in the third annual Stock Judging contest. Twenty members of the Calf and Pig Clubs took part in the contest. M. B. Posson, Animal Husbandry specialist of Lincoln was in ch&rgc. The contest was conducted as follows: Each contestant was numbered and ho was known to the judge by number and not by name. Mr. Posscn would u.e n good individual for dcsciibing tho different parts of the animal. Then r. class of four animals were brought out for n practice, following this two more classes of four animals each were brought out for contest and on one of these classes oral reasons on placing the class were re quired. Reasons counted 50 and plac ing B0 points. The above method was used on cattle, sheep, hogs and horses. The live stock used for contest wcic on the farms of Henry Fnusch, Axild and Johnston, II. IV. Crowcll and W. E. Thome. Following is the score of the con testants. Eugene White 727 out of a possible 800, Cecil Means COO, Oscar, Lea 706, Albert Vance CG3, Logan Ohmstcdc 510. Spencer Vance 039, Lorimer Edson, G33, Robot t Overing, 020, Harold Koertner GIG, Amc'ia Steward G12, Howard Moans GOo, Earl Woodward, 570, Gilbert McMahon 507, Cha. McMahon 5G1, Edgar A'nrtck 503, Harry Fishcl 538, Oscar Ramoy 530, Gilbert Lundstcdt 515, Allen Vaughan 513, James Simpson 283. High contestants in cattle 'arc: 1st, Oscar Lea, 2nd Cecil Means, 3rd, Eugene "White, lth Spencer Vnnce and 5th Logan Ohmstede. High contestants in hogs arc: 1st Eugene White, 2nd Oscar Lea, 3rd Albert -Vance, 4th Amelia Steward and 5th Cecil Means. High contestants in sheep are: 1st Eugene White, 2nd Lormier Edson, 3rd Logan Ohmstede, 4th Cecil Means, 5th Harold Koertner. High contestants in horses are: 1st Eugene White, 2nd Cecil Means, 3rd Oscar Lea, 4th Logan Ohmstede. 5th Albert Vance. The six highest contestants will com pete in another contest at the Web ster County Fair held at Bladen Aug ust 22nd aid 25th. The three highest of six will represent Webster county at the Nebraska State Fair Septem ber 2nd and 6th. All of the members are invited to attend judging prac tice even if they are not six highest. This is verv valuable and useful work even if you do not make the team. Guide Rock Community Club gave a banquet for Club members Thurs day evening, June" 6th.. M, B. Posson who was in charge of the judging contest was the main speaker. Need less to say the club members enjoyed the feed. S ' ' ' , , V " K-1 hi m I hereby announce myself as a candi date for the nomination for County Treasurer of Webster County subject to the will of the voters of the Repub lican party at the Primary, July 18. CHAS. C. BENNETT, Cowles, Nebr I hereby announce myself as a candi date for the oflice of County Treasurer of Webster County, subject to the will or ine itepuoncan voters at tne pri mary election. July 18, 1022. F. JS. UR1TTON, Blue Hill, Nebr. I hereby announce myself as a candi date for County Treasurer subject to the will of the voters of the Democrat ticket at the Primary July 18, 1022. MABEL DAY ALBRIGHT. h ;;OMFORT for it means a cool kitchen. JO Economy for it wastes no fuel. You burn' kerosene oil only when you need it Efficiency rfor a Florence Oil Stove is easy and quick of operation and every bit of heat is concentrated close under the cooking. "3"4tafefc. - Come in and let our salesmen show; its many gooapoints. jy Lutheran Church Regular services every first and third Sunday in the month in the Adventist church, corner Third and Walnut. Coming Sunday, June 18, locul ser vices will be dropped in favor ot the Diamond Anniversary observance of Synod which will take place In Pros pect Park near Hastings. All congre gations within a radius of seventy miles have been invited. The history of the Missouri Synod begins with a number of conscientious Christians who emigrated from Ger many on account of pietism, rational Ism and also the religious intolerance practiced by many of the German rul ers. Their party consisted not only of Saxon weavers and stocking makers, but there were among them merchants, men of the medical profession, jurists, officers of the civil government, paint ers etc., numbering approximately 750 men, women and children. Many of these emigrants left their homeland at considerable sacrifice of material ad vantages. After their arrival in America their faith spread rapidly. In place of the German that the founders employed almost exclusively we find ber mission arlee now preaching the Gospel of Christ in seventeen languages. To gether with other Synods of like faith in every respect she now represents the largest Lutheran body in the world. Two services will be held in Hast ings, in the forenoon at 10:30 and in the afternoon at 2:30. The public is invited to both. O. R. Helnltz, Pastor. I hereby announce myBelf as a candi. date, for the nomination for County Treasurer of Webster County, at the primary, July 18th, subject to the will of the voters of the Democrat party. CR'RAKESTRAW, Bladen, Neb. ti vi.: G. W. TrineV Hardware Far Cwiity SHttrtiterieit I hereby announce myself aa a candi date for renomlnatlontfor County Sup erlntenient ot Schools on the Non PoUUcal.tlcket at' the Primary election Suly lBthj A .w,r7"3i DUCKER. t J ft h "daS" for tho office of County Superin- iHaeBtW't!Ctt3M) oi wenster county, on the Non.Political ticket, subject to the will of the voters at the Primary July 18, 1022. MINNIE CHRISTIAN. Notice of Application for Pool Hall License. ' i 9 Notice Is hereby given that on the 5th day of June 1022, W. B. Burwell filed his application and petition ask ing for license to conduct a Billiard and' pool Hall on Lot Fifteen (15), Block 12, In the Village of Inavale, Hfthrtr.Ua.' That on the 3rd day of July 1022 at the Court House In Red Cloud; Nebraska at 2 o'clock P. M. tho hearing on said application will bo Had Wore" the County Commissioners time, all nbleotlons and remonstrances prttnnt the ffrantlba of said license will be heard. (Seal). B. P. PERRY County Clerk. THE COWDEN-KALEY CLOTHING COMPANY Always Reliable Which means what you buy o us you get the best goods the market can produce at prices that are reasonable and fair. We are gaining in the good graces of the clothing buying public every day and people are coming from a greater distance than ever, to trade with us. For years we have main tained only one set policy "A Square Deal to All" This month is STRAW HAT, LIGHTER UNDERWEAR COOLER CLOTHES month.' As usual we arc strongly equipped with this line of merchandise. Come and See Us First 20 DISCOUNT LADIES- and MISSES- COATS And SUITS 20 DISCOUNT The . P. Weesnef Gompany RED CLOUD, NEBR. I tf LMHLflaVHHill&MHaaW 1 1 MPT M llftl 1 liMP" I I'llaHtfHaaHpllr' ! 1 VIVBQaaaaaCaHlswilaHb'MintWbd:'' I a MayJ"ftfB3BaBP'aMawwaaiajaaBiiaBBaBi iwfawni9fr I H m nlmlflmf aTrftiMBK!) MUliKE WMaHDaaaaHaaWWal i m !Bmulm njNQHW UnM nBiflarogiriMu 111 WTTM1 1 VPP Hb fclBLj 9 m our ' tu j' I Buy Them With 'w - .um Tm j. . pSS ana jumenen money j gr 'Seaiic!$fyouregg ancl t chicken moneyan3lt almost before youirealize it, T you SvillhaveJ enough to buy an equipments of, beautiful "Wear-Ever '-.aluminum cooking utensils. Bright, light,. silver-like "4Wor-E;Vuteh sils will make'proud of your't kitchen! as you'arVof.theother. rooms in your home. I i$?Wear-Everw ,Smi Aluminum Cooking .Utensils .2 cost slightly more than ordinary utensils because theyare worth moreTJt pays to buy 'jWearEverJL just as it 'pays to buy'goodfarming implements " Wear-E&tr utensils are made in one iece from hard, thick sheet aluminum without joint or ssamsA Cannot crack, flake or peel are pure and tkitT' WNW jdJtCbi IWMK UIMIIIII UMW ' Iwkh utanatla Umi"W irJSwr thatwaweufcl tW uEyr) I- I TRINES HARDWARE -, t Have your next printing done by the "Chief i v I i f ! ' ' ii ( t j; A I ill ' fl I W 4- I fy-