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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1922)
ft loW H '", I utl Utilorloal Hoololy Mnnoln 4 4 Newspaper That GWes The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For $1.50 VOLUME 50 RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. JUNE 0. 1922 NUMBER 23. Why Wear Underwear That is Uncomfortable in Cut or Size? Sol (-If D Have a Large Line of Underwear in LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S Styles Ladies Knit Unionsuits in sizes 3G to 50. Infants in cotton bands or wool Children's in all sizes from 2 to 14 years in nainsook with the waist and place for hose supporters. m BARBARA PHARES Red Cloud, Nebraska AGENTS "Ladies Home Journal Patterns" "Warner Brothers Corsets" P Ety,tff.ii axwww mPHiiii ! wm irr-ntm&m0- A GOOD PLACE TO BUY GALLON FRUIT Red Cloud Defeated Holstein Sunday afternoon tho largest crowd of tho buiiaon was present lit the ball park to see tho top notehers, ot tho Polly lenguo, Holstotn, go down to tholr first defeat by the hands of "Christy's Braves". As tho cloolt struck three Umpire Elinoro stepped out in front of tho grnnd stand and announced "Ludlos and Oontloinon tho battel lessor today are Roedur, pitcher and Hagemtuin, catcher for Iiolstein; Slaby, pitcher and 1'lchlor, catcher for the bravos." In the first inning tho bcufly llol steins camo to bat and succeeded in running' six runs across home plate on three hits and several errors before our boys settled down and then the visitois were retired in tJie one, two, three order. In tho second inning Christy's Brav. ea found Uoedor and befoie it was over they ran in four scores, in the third they secured four more. In the fourth inning ltocder was Uhrist enfaon, tho Hist basotniiu. and still the boiubnidment kept up as the Braves scoured two more, in tho fifth thoy Be cured three and in the seventh, ono In tho seonth tho Holstein boys ran in two more and in the eighth it looked liko Red Cloud's balloon hnd blown up us tho visitors secured five more scores boforo they were retired. Red CJloud won the game by a score of 11 to 13 thus giving tho visitors their lirst tnsto of defeat. "ThrrolIowFhgi8"the summary: Keel Cloud securod 23 hits, made 8 errors, Slaby struckout 10 and walked 1, Sut ton secured 1 hits out of 5 times up to bat and "Pink" secured a 3 bagger. Holstein secured 17 hits, made 8 errors, Roeder struck out 1, Chrlstenson Gnml walked 3, Essingcr hit a home run hi tho 8th inning. Tho Braves have made a goodrocoid tho past throe weeks and if they keep it up no doubt they will secure tho pennant. Our team goes to Holstein Sunday and Lawrence comes hero the 18th. I- Bring Us Your Produce We Meet All Competition ARMERS' UNION i i COMMISSIONERS' PROCEEDINGS Red Cloud, Nebraska. June 6th A petition signed by C. W. Rcnkol and 31 other legal voters and frec holdeis of Inavalc piceinct was pre sented to Board requesting thnt a license bo granted to W. R. Burwcll to conduct a Pool and Billiard Hall in, the Village of Inavale. On motion July 3rd at 12 o'clock p. m. was the time set for a hearing on this matter and County Clcik in structed lo publish n notice of said hearing as required by law. On motion of Crowd 1 seconded by Chaplin the County Clerk was in st'uctcd to draw warrants on tho State Highway Fund ns soon as al lowed, by the County. Hoard. It be ing not nccc3saiy to wa't the 10 days as required on warrants drawn on County Fund. The following claims wcro audited and al'owed and County Cle'l: in srruotcd to draw warrants on the The County Board of Commission ers nut as per adjournment al 1 o'clock p. m., with all membcis pre sent. The Bond of So'h F. Gieon as Justice of Peace in Glenwood pre cinct was approved by Board, proper funds in payment of same: GENERAL FUND Ncbr. Fceblc-Mindcd Inst. American Disinfecting Co iP.'JJJlBoncr Dr. J. W. Stockman M. L. Finkenbindcr W. L. Wocsnor Wesley Throckmorton ..:. D H. Kalcy O.K. Beck W. II. Roscncrans BOARD OF EDUCATION Red Cloud, Nebiaska June 5th. The Board of Education met In regular session at the Commercial Club rooms at 8 o'clock p. m. Mem bers present Overing, Grimes, Wees ncr and Perry. Members absent Sherwood and Pope, Vice President Grimes presiding. The minutes of meeting of May 22nd wereVead and approved. Tho. following bills were allowed and Secretary instructed to draw war rants for same: G. W. Trine Webster Co. Argus Johnson & Graham Pope Bros. I Phone Ind. 3 on 90, Bell 174. Residence, Bell 241 Mrs. Ed Amack UNDERTAKING . BOTH PHONES , RED CLOUD, NEB L T. AMACK-PHONE IND. 32M imiwuwuwwwwwwwvwuwva Malono & Gellatly Co. Rev. S. Hardman Cresent Paint & Mfg. Co., Tho secretary reported County Treasurer on Juno paid off $2,000 more of tho on tho Lincoln School house. No further business appearing the Board adjourned. i B. F. PERRY, Secretary. i 20.30 3.25 5.29 1.05 7.65 3.95 201.30 that tho 1st had Bonds Mrs. Ira Wolfo Chas Sutton Dr. Robt. Mnitin Hugh Lawson H. II. Fctty A. F. Hcartwcll ..... A. B. Myers D. L. Dailcy L. P. Johnson W. R. Wondorly Ralph Hunter James Silvey Foote & Davics A. D. Ranncy C. P. Conley ...-. M. Kennedy - The Gillette Safety Razor Only $1.00 Each WE HAVE A NUMBER OF THE GENUINE GILLETTE BROWNIE SHAVING SETS, CONSISTING OF ONE GENU INE GILLETTE SAFETY RAZOR AND 3 EXTRA BLADES, IN IMITATION LEATHER CASES, AT ONLY $1.00 EACH. FORMER LOWEST PRICE ON GILLETTE WAS $5.00. CALL AND EXAMINE THEM AND YOU WILL BUY ONE KODAK DEALER E. H. Newhouse RED CLOUD NEI3R. Chas. Putnam Adams County Smith & McKimmey E. W. Stevens Floyd McCall Malono & Gellatly Co. Dr. Robt. Hoxsey F. E. Maurer Bert Leonard Geo. Trine Pope Bros." P. H. Boner Frank Starr Kee-Lox Mfg. Co. Nat'l Wood Renovating Co. -.-. H. S. Foo Morhart Bros. Dr. C. Wegman Scth Green E. McBridc C. E. Vaughan O. C. Tool Grace Church Notes Trinity Sunday Suuday School at 10. Holy Communion at 11. Evening Service at 8. YOU aro wolcomo. If your printedotnatter comes from (mm? you know it is 'right' Lutheran Church Regular services every first and third Sunday in the month in tho Adventist church, corner Third and Walnut. Coming Sunday, Jane 11, services will be conduoted at 8 p. m., Sunday School at 7 p. m. Tho pabllo is invited. Mrs. Jno. Williamson Thos. Friend F. W. Endorf Tobcy Co. Huffman Supply Co. Web. County Argus , Dr. E. D. Lciby Anna Stumpenhorst H. R. Fausch E. S. Garber Red Cloud Cemetery Assn John H. Crnry Congregational Church Notes Preaching by Rev. Ludwig Thomson at 11 a, m. Sunday School at 10 a. m Farmers Union Assn R. C. Malonc-Gcllatly Co. T. J. Chaplin H. H. Crowcll H. A. Stumpenhorst C. A. Waldo Grant Shidier $130.4 1 1G8.-JG 32.D0 50.00 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 G0.43 G.00 1.10 1.10 1.10 17.00 81.75 74.65 1.10 191.90 8.00 3.00 2.70 7.70 40.05 C5.75 270.51 5.50 G.12 25.00 G8.61 8.00 2.00 5.50 5.25 9.00 .25 2.25 .75 7.00 2.00 GG.28 37.50 G0.00 205.00 3.75 10.00 , 1.00 , 161.09 85.75 1G9.50 129.00 133.80 133.20 273.00 THRIFT "Savo young man and becomo respect able and respected. It's tho surest way."-DENJAMIN FRANKLIN THIS MAXIM from the mind of one of America's greatest thinkers should strike homo with the young men of Red Cloud and vicinity. Our most successful business men have heeded it in their youth and arc happy for having done so. They practiced thrift without personal inconvenience and the dollars they thus saved proved the foundation for their succsss. If not already a depositor open an account today. THE WEBSTER COUNTY BANK Edward Floinnce, Preiident Red Cloud, Nob. S. R. Flotance, Cashier Capital and Surplus $j5,oob.oo VtpotUt Quaranttetf by the DepotUort Qaai anty !' 'ami of the Stale of Xibrmka iiMiiiiMiimiM WfJWJWJUWffffmtm9t.mi'JmmffmVffmVffmVJffJWJW For Those New Floors ruce E Jl If -v 5 I e Brand to OAK 3- THE MALONE CELL ATLY CO. ASK US 'JWWWtArYWUWWUWWWWI un Hi! COAL We Sell BRIDGE FUND Arch Harris Irvln Ailca Geo. Heston 27.00 7.50 70.00 (Cp.p.Unaed on page if bt) m IHI . -. .1 Niggerhead Maitland And Routt County Lump We sell for cash that's why we sell cheaper. FARMERS ELEVATOR de mh &JQ H . .'-T T m r! i ,l