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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 5, 1922)
..:. ' UV lllslotluiil HuiMf "" ? - ft i I 4 '.tt M IHX i 1 i i. . IALT inr w I V i.iucol -CKi. -iv!-arsBsi'i3". . . .-?.n ....iStf r?ty-J MCTnuy4f&tgrfg,stt... i.-rsa!wu,w ... A Newspaper That fiUes The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year Fer $1.50 VOLUME 50 RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. JANUARY 5. 1922 NUMBE R lvuvyvi"Jv.v-v.v.vv.v.vv.v"A,ft 1 Are You Buying Dependable COAL? That is The Kind We Sell Grace Church Services ifew "peace" Dollar First Sunday after Kpiphamy I Services for Sunday, Jan. 8th, as fol- 1 IWM Sunday School at 10 i. m. Morning huivico at 11 u. in. Kvening Service ttt7'..'i0 p. m. Tho Kpipli.uny season is in com- Will Be Out Tuesday t Malonc Gellatly Co. i WWWVWWUWWVWArWWWW Sell Your Cream Feed Your Calves And Pigs Skimmed Milk You no doubt will shake your head in disaproval at this suggestion, and yet farmers over the country arc doing this very thing and making money by it. You Can't Afford to Let a Calf Have Cream so long as butter fat js bringing the price that is being paid for it at'the present time. Give the pigs and calves an inexpensive food mixed with the skimmed milk and market the cream for cash. Security Food Compound for calves or pigs contains every element necessary for their healthy growth that the cream contains. Besides "being an ideal food it acts as a tonic, giving strength and vitality. A small amounjt of Security Food mixed with skimmed milk gives surprising results. A special offer to prove its merits To get you to using this food we are going to make a special price of 54 for a 25 pound pail, the regular price of which is S5. We also have the Buttermilk Hog Builder. A trial will convince you. moratiun of tho visit of tho Wisu Men from (he East who rnnie to worship and honor tho Infant Christ they were the first Gentiles to see Jesus hence tho feust is called The Epl pliainy or the Manifestation of Christ to the (lentlles. Ou Friday, .Inn. (Jth at 8 p. in. there will he a service of Evening Prayer with special EpipliHiny hymiiHand sor nion by Rev. J M. Ilatus. All are welnonie Washington, D. C, Deo ttl.-Tho uvv silver dollar of the 1021 design the peaco dollar will ho ready for Jdhtiibutlon Tuesday, it wan snidtndi.y lit the treasury. Coinage of the new dollar is being rushed iy the l'hUnt'ol p'lia mint, oillelals said. The first dol lirof the new series struck olf hue bieu presented to President Hatdlug. The new dollar lias tho head of llbei tv on one side ami on the other a ilovo upon a mountain top, ulutchitut an olive branch, struck by the rays of tho sun, with tho word"pcuco" bcuoath it, This is tho first change in the design 0' the dollar since 1878, oflioials snld, and will remain as tho design of tho dollar for twenty. five years, unlfbn changed by legislation. About 000,000 of the now dollarB pro bably will bo coined with tho dat of 11)21 and after that the dollar will carry (Into of the year in which it is stiuclc oil'. EHorts are being made, it was ex. plaiued, to complete the coinage of at least a half million of the new dollars with the 1021 date in order to avoid n scarcity of the coin which would re sult in a n re in in oi being placed upon t lit-in by numismatist. There will bo in all about 8l80,000,COO of the new design coined, otllcials said Coinage of silver dollars ceased in 11)01 it was explained, when the silver pur chases authorized by tho Sherman act had beeu completed, but it watt re-inn Drew Saladen reel -aimers Union RED CLOUD, NEBR. BMimircMsinaiam BE PRACTICAL I The young man in love often goes into raptures about "the blue of the sea in her oyes and the golden haze of autumn in her hair." but remember this, young man SHE'LL EAT just the same as any other healthy girl. Therefore, get down to practical affairs. Save your money, deposit it in a good reliable bank like ours and get ready to own a home for you and the girl and to provide the three square meals a day that you will both need as long as you live. You know when poverty comes in at the door, love sometimes flies out at the window. THE WEBSTER COUNTY BANK Edward Floiancc, President Rod Cloud, Neb. S. R. Flotance, Cathie r Capital and Surplus $J5,ooo oo Deposit Guaranteed by the Vepoiftor Guaranty Fantt of the State of Nibraeka iMmraraiiwMiiroM CITY COUNCIL HOLDS REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING Mayoress Mary Peterson called tho Council together in regular session, with all members present, in tho Council chambers, on Tuesday even ing and after tho minutes of tho De cember meeting wero read and ap proved and the report of the City , Treasurer, presented and placed on file tho Council listened to a report of Supt. Frazicr regarding a test en j Deep Rock lubrirating oil and the good qualities of the St. Clairo Re fining Co. products as explained by one of their representatives, finally vctfng to give the latter a thirty day I ChiL of recoct for the Council tht,UAr"lu n February ofthlsy.ear, when 1 Mayoress annotated B. It. Frazicr. lu puidiaae of silver wnsbegUu iml.'r 'superintendent of tho water and light, t!' Wttiiitiu act to replace the dolla.s donnrtmnnt nt n salnrv of S1G0.00 , meiiou mm som 10 w.o i.r.u.. Buu... ii. ...i.:t. I:- . Iinent duriiii: tlio war.-rSunday World !! IV M ll'll .1 lllllll lll.lll'lll. Ifciin ,i.,i. r:..v,i i... .i, rv...i,it Herald I Tho Mayoress stated that tho town of Cowlcs desired to arrange to take light from the Red Cloud plant and tho matted was taken under advise ment. ' Tho superintendent was instructed to procure an extra transformer for use at the Auditorium, W. J. Linn to pay for tho same and take it out .in nowc". I It was moved and seconded that the Mayoress and Clork bo instructed to draw warrants to pay Dr. Seoh S-V 000.00 and the Grand Island Loan & , Trust Company $2,000.00. The following resolution was adopt ed: Rc3 lived, That the members of the City Council are, and a:pcct continue in be, unanimous in support ing the authority ot the Mayor over all the appointees of the city and any violation of the orders of the Mayor I uy miy oi mo iijiiiomiee win uc nuuin ! ed by the Council sufficient caifso for litis removal by the Mayor, and the appointment of his successor. . The following claims wero allwcd: B. R. Frazicr- $150.00 W. A. I'atton.-... Chas. Whitakcr Bert Perry , OUio Buzzard S. K. Florancc O. C. Ted" L. Doyle- C. R. Lewis Sam Mountford 'American Ins. Co. $1.40 One of Each $2.75 While the present stock lasts I am offering two bargains. A guaranteed watch with unbreakable crystal . - - $ 1 ,40 A guaranteed alarm clock - - $ 1 .40 These are both special values at the prices. Also a very few guaranteed eight day alarm clocks at the right price. I We Mike 'Quality' RightThen the PriceRight I ! ,- : B.H . Newhouse xc j aouj Jeweler and Optometrist ncbrakj Webster County Argus Clins. Barrett t.... Geo. II. Overing. Johnson Oil Co. Nat'l Refining Co 'I GENERAL CONTRACTOR Wc do building from the excavating to the painting complete. Wo will figure your jobs to furnish all mater ials, or otherwise, to suit our customers. We do FRAME BRICK and STUCCO work, Let us show you the differ ence between good and inferior stucco. Wc build screen doors and window screens and do carpenter work of all kinds. Let us have your order for screen doors and window screens now. GRANT .CHRISTY Shop first door north of Holland Hotel. Res. phono 72N The u was a vory pretty home wed. ding iu Republican City when Rf B Brooks, pastor of tho Methodist lvpis copal church, .pronounced the words uniting in marriage Mlsa Margaret Drew of this city and Mr. Carl Saladen of Uethnny, Nehraslca. Miss Brow was born and grew to womanhood hero. Sho graduated fiotn the local high school in lDlT anil hns since been teaching nmr lnro. She hns a host of frlemR Mr, S'iladen's home was at Red Cloud whern'ho graduated from tho Hi h to (School, until lie entered Cottier Utii- verslty, where he is now in his senior year. He is a student volunteer and is now serving as student pastor a few m'le.s out from LiiK'olu, Be isayounu man of grt'at"promise. Tho wedding ceremony was porforr ed at tho resi lence of Mr. and Mr. Jay Drew iu the south part of town, at 9 o'clooli Sunday, December i!.", a real Christmas wedding. After tho cere- 125.00 inony the bridal couple, with tile hiichIf, 85.00 H't down to a delightful wedding 75.00 ! breakfast 43.75 Tho sister of tho bride, Mrs. Enel 370.70 Garver, was bridesmaid and the 48.88 groomsman was Mr. Hollis BaMelz of 75.00 ' Harlan, Kansas. Thoso present wnro Mr. and Mrs. Jay Drew, Mi. and Mrs. Eucl Garver of Waunota and theirchildron, Mrs Lea- vitt of Bethany and her daughter, Helen and Mr. Hollis Da Met, of Har lan, Kansas. Tho bridal ceuplo spent Christmas day at tho Drow home, attending c'ltiroh both morning and evening, the groom being tho pastor's guest iu pul pit in tho morning and offering tho prayer. Their hoine will bo in Bethany until 85.00 30.88 27.00 3.70 12.00 8.00 200.71 159.G0 HARNESS aed SADDLERY Back to Pre-War Prices Come in and see for yourself our exceptional values. Harness and leather goods of all kinds oiled and repaired Bid!. Ji Oi HUI LEU Nebraska ! WW Mrs. Ed. Amack I. T. Amack i i Amack & Amack UNDERTAKING ': BOTH PHONES L T. AMACK-PHONE 1ND. 76M nn,rvi ri tr mi?d . ll-U'ifiV.LVy-U, 1J.1J g J'A'.VA'WWVJftfiW - iw" xn" NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS All persons owning property in tho business district of this city are re quested to remove tho ashes out of the j,lnP Wu, Mr, snhulon will graduate hallways and cellars &t once, uIfo from tho University. evj- clean up the comluistiblo material in the buildings. L. R. RUST Deputy Firo Marshal STOCK 'iIOLDErYmEKTING Tla annual stock holders' meeting of tho Farrrars' UnJn will bo held in tho I: 0. O. F. hall on January 17th. Meeting called to order at 10 a. m. sharp. By BOARD OF. DIRECTORS The love and good wishes of many, friends in Republican City follow tlietn. Harlan County Ranger. Answered Final Summons Noah McDowell, rosldlug southeait of this city, pacd away ab his homo this morning after an illness of sevoral mouths. A wljfe, Uvo daughtern, two sons and several rclatlvoa are left to moaro bis' death. . :(' . ' , WE take this opportunity 'of ex tending to our frien3Tand patrons the Season VSreetings and wish ing you a happy" and prosperous New Year. Xhe splendid patronage we have received during the past year is thoroughly appreciated and we wish to . express our thanks and give assurance-that we shall put iorth every elrort, during the -eeming-year, to make our business relations even more satisfactory if possible. J- C. MITCHELL The Jeweler Red Cloud, Neb. IU ; ..?,1Q. i n, ,,( ' ..Vfor ,. I i I ! i.j. i- rfclj. 'Hj5 iw wxs&Hni m ; t-i.