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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1921)
xxd cLoirt), HsMfrncA, amsr FMWiwiiHtiiiittiiiuiiniiM XI L1'll tllYUB k. "VTwW KjkfT ETi (SfCSTTS' g xi Km U 24 iij T&m With Your Eq & and Chicken Monev I Set aside your egg and chicken money and,' -almost before you i realize it, you will have' enough to buy an equipment of beautiful " Wear-Ever" aluminum cooking utensils. Bright, light, silver-like "Wear-Ever"-utensils will make you as proud of your kitchen as you are of theother rooms in your home. U W(Afl(VC AJUMJjfUK "Wear-Ever" wuncvti fj abnxnuk 3 5 Aluminum Cooking Utensils cost slightly more than ordinary utensils because theyarc worth more. Itpaystobuy"Wear-Zii;er" just as it pays to buy good farming implements. " 1YcarEver" utensils nrc made in one piece from hard, thick sheet aluminum without joints or seams. Cannot crack, fluke or peel are pure and safe. TWCtKWK Replace utensils that wear out 'with utensils that "Wear-Ever" TRINE'S HARDWARE GENERAL CONTRACTOR Wc do building from the excavating to the painting complete. We will figure your jobs to furnish all mater ials, or otherwise, to suit our customers. We do FRAME BRICK and STUCCO work. Lot us show you the dif fer enco between good and inferior stucco. We build screen doors and window screens and do carpenter work of all kinds. Let us have your order for screen do' ? and window screens now. GRANT CHRISTY Shop first door north of Holland Hotel. Res. phonr 72N mwmiwm tkmtitmtmitfr. m m mwr DHNCG Given by Red Cloud Post 238, American Legion MkMMMMmiMNIM Besse Auditorium Frldayjtec 9th "KROMATIC KIDS" Will Furnish That Irresistible, Snappy Syncopated Music. You Simply Can't Make-Your Feet Behave Admission $1.10 Spectators 25c lHE RED CLOUD CHIEF Red Cloud, Nebraska. 'UliLISDBD EVERY THURSDAY ntcrcti In Hie 1'oRtnItUr nt lltd Cloud, N'ob as Hecoiul 01 am Matter ,. H MoAIl'fllUU, Editor nnd Ownoc Advertsing Rates Forcliln, por column Inch 15c Local. 10 & 2)i Farm Bureau Notes ANNUAL MEETING The Annual meeting will be held Tuesday, December G, 19?l in the court-room of the court house. 10:00 p. m. "resident's Remarks," John-. Mi Ryan, "Annual RcportV of Agricultural Agehf'IIonry It. Faiiach, "Extension Work," W. H. Brokaw of Linclon, Secretary's rciort by Fred Householder, Treasurer's report by R. W. McCallum and Nebraska Yarm Bureau Federation by J. N. Norton of Osceola. H. C. FILLEY'S DATES We are very fortunate in securing Mr. Fillcy for three days. Mr. Fil- ley is head of tho Rural Economics Department of tho University of Ne braska. Plan to hear Mr. Fillcy. Wednesday night, December 7th at 8 p. m. School District No. HG in Ciar- field Township. Thursday, December 8th, at 1) a. m. Red Cloud High School, at 1 p. m., liluc Hill High School and at 8 p. m. Highland School District No. '10. Friday, December 9th, at 1 p. in. Guide Rock High School, at li p. m. Eckley consolidated School and at 8 p. m. District No. 11 in Inavalo Township. HENRY' R. FAUSCH County Agricultural Agent. Made Big Gain Last Month A second recoul in a month's time in the meinhotsiiip campaign of the U S. Grain (Iroweis, Im; , was established during the past week when fiUG gro.ver oontt acts were sinned, surpassing the murk of nO." made three weeks ago This brings tho Nebraska total to 4.8S1 ami phices tin htuto second to Illinois among tho states carrying on organ!?, t tion t)pfr;it!(iiis. A. .1. Weaver of Tails City, president or tin late slate constl! utioiial convent ioa and an cxtousivo Ian I owner in Kicliiinlson county, signed n urowoi contract with th U. S. drain (irowms dining tins past week with the state in-lit iliut it is "the on I thing lot f n ii ers i do''. Oicuola font nines in the liad Hiiionu Xtftiraslm shipping points with .",0 timer contracts. C. D Jenkins of M tills n, star solicitor, secured 71 con tracts dm lug the week, iniiiiilainiiiL.' tu-. e -eilenl lecoul of tho jircusliiiir s . d.iy peiiod when ho obtained (S 0 intiiiot in Siuindets county in four liijs lime, a national record. An olllcitil count just completed lij s ato leadi-rs shows that 115,(173, 200 mislifls are rcpies.Mitcil i'l the Hist 1 SUU giowcr cotitt acts signed Rupoils i idicato that more in llvidtial contracts h ivj been signed this uioutli than for my corresponding period since tli ounpaigi was inauKOtated and tin bu-liolago Is mounting rapidly. State leaders intimated that tho 11,000 bush el figure would bo reached by tho end of tint week. With annual meeting-i belngschi'dul. ed by numerous cooperative elevators in the state, calls have been received for speakers to explain tho plan of the U. S. Grain Growers This has losult ed in a stimulated elevator campaign and In ought this total to the 100 mark. The ofllelal capacity of the llrst 185 strictly cooporutlvo elevators to acuept eontractiiral relationship with the farmers1 ooinpany is .'1,078,000 bushels with the aggregate number handling close to forty million bushels annually. STATE FARM BUREAU NOTES Hi D. Lute, secretary of the Ne braska Farm Bureau Federation, represented the state organization at the national Farm Bureau Conven tion hold at Atlanta, Ga., last week. Mr. Lute in keeping with the proce dure of the convention submitted a detailed report of Nebraska Farm Bureau activities. In concluding his report Mr. Lute added a word pic ture of the Nebraska farmer at the present time as follows: "The Ne braska farmer is down but not out; ho is slightly disfiguied but still in the ring; he is hard hit hut not licked for ho knows that the basis industry is fundamentally sound and hope springs eternal in hi heart. Tho thinking Nebraska farmer is going to stick to the Farm Bureau for he sees in it the rainbow of promise. He believes 'that this is the organiza tion that will help to secure f6r agri culture the recognition to which it is justly entitled." Senator George W. Norris, and Con gressmen M. O. McLaughlin and A. W. Jeffcrys at the request "of the Nebraska Farm Bureau Federation have taken up with the first assistant postmaster general at Washington the proposition of delivering mail at third and fourth class post offices on Sunday to rural patons. They find that this service was discontinued in order to give the rural carriers an entire day off on Sunday, and as they do not go to the post office on Sunday there is at present no one to distribute mail so that it can be hand ed to the various patrons. They have been assured, however, by the post office department, that while it is not likely that rural carriers will be compelled to do this work on Sunday that an attempt will be made to have the distribution made in some other way. The executive committee of the Ne braska Farm Bureau Federation will hold a December meeting at Lincoln on December 5, instead of on tho re gular meeting date. Tho change is due to the fact that several mem bers of the board have county meet ings planned fo'r the regular date. Regict was expressed at state headquarters of the Nebraska Farm Bureau Federation that the reduc tion in freight rates promised for November 20, is to lie delayed until December 27. The American Farm Bureau Federation joined with the railway .commissioners of several middle western states In presenting th- facts to the intcrstato commerce ir-mmivdon which lesultcd in the promised reduction. It is known that many farmers throughout the slate h.Tve ben holding corn, wheat and hay for shipment until the new i rtittM bo'onie effective. It -cm that I the interstate commerce rummi -ion i did not make its order mandatory, but said that if the reduction was not made by November 20 then the reduction wou'd be ordered. The railroads countered with the pioposi tion that all rates be reduced through out the country ten per cent insce id of muking the greater i eduction in the grain growing .states only. This de claration on the part of the railroads has been followed by an order of the commission making the reduction ap oly to fann products in keeping with lie Washington hearing to be ef lcctive December 27. , t f . . . . Don't Scold the Children - ..,: ui t.!- ...? ,.-."' mi wcaimg uun;b in men biuctt-iiis ui let them romp. But put stockings play. Romping play is good for them igs the on them that are "wear insured". Put them in $$ Armor Plate ; Hosiery fto which is made of the best and strongest yarns obtainable knit to shape and size exactly and dyed with Harms-Not Dyc(whichabsolutelydoes not rot, burn or weaken the yarn). You'll buy Armor Plate stocking! again and again because in service they keep tlieirshapc and color, fit snug and "neap like armor plate". And they're "perfect In weave, wear and wash." ' Take home a pair or two of these excellent hose today. Barbara Pfoares REDtCLGlD, MERASKA V uiaaaMnniMtMruittaxtttnnirunarfli VVVUV.VVV,AVAV.V.V.VV.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.VAV.V.VVS Are You Buying Dependable COAL? That is The Kind We Sell I Malone - Qellatly Co. WWW Ji your printed matter comes from the 'Chief you know it is 'right' Dr.R. V. Nicholson DENTIST Red Cloud Nebraska THE HUGHES WAY! Cleaners-Dyers-Tailors WE CLEAN HATS The Margin of Safety Is teprosentod by tlio amount of iiifiiirancu yon carry Don't lull j onroelf into a fancied security. Llecutiso lire linn never touched yon it dooHn't follow tlmt jnirioiiimuino Tomorrow -no today, if you Imve time and you better Hud lime--fidine to tlio nlllce itml we'll wrile u policy on your Iiiiiish. furniture, htoio or niorcliandihf. -LA IKK MA 111: TOO l.Vl'K- C. TEL Reliable insurance Forming Good Reading Habits If parentB wish their children to form Kood reading habits they mnRt first fimii Minli I till in I lini.ii n1. a. A .... .1 jiuiui rum uiiuiin iiiuuiauivuu, ivuu theie is no belter way to do this than to bring Into Hit household u period. icl tlmt will bo of interest to overy member of il; that will aupply the best rending for old and ynuug. Among the puiiodiculs of this description Tho Youth'h Compiulou Is unique.. Not only does it aim to entertain and in. foi in boys mid girls in tholr toens, at its name i slights, but there is not a p.iHo in it that patents can pass over with inditrorenco. The 52 Is&ues of 1022 will becrowdod with serial storlea, short stories, editor lalF, poetry, fncts and fun. Subscribe now and receive: 1. Tho Youth's Companlon-tVi Issues in 1922. 2, All tho reuiHii)ing issues of 1921. ',), The Companion Homo Calendar for 1022. Allfor82.C() I. Or include MuCnll's Magazine, the monthly authority on fashions. Hoth )i iblleiitious, only $,'! 00. Till'. YOUTH'S COM PAN'! OX, ( iiinii'iiwo'tllh Ave. A M l'atilM , liokton, Mass. The univial meeting of the Nebras ka Farm Bureau Federation will be held at Lmc?ln January !, f and G. Ad county iarm Bureaus are entitled to one man and one woman delegate. Many of tl-e county Farm Bureaus elected their delegates at their Octo ber meetings, though the great ma jority of them will be selected at the December meetings of the county or ranrat'crs. Burlington Buys Equipment In Htitiolpatlon'of, nnd proparntory for, tho movement of the tremendous vacation, convention and regular traf. fie which will move next year, thi Bur lington Route is placing contracts for 127 pn6senger cars. Included in the order are 12 dining ears, 5 chair ear, M coaches, 12 bag gago, ii'i mail and ',':.' miscellaneous cars. All of these cars will bo of nmssive bleel construction and embody all of the latest-appioved devit'os and com forts known to the modern car build er. Placed end to ond, this equipment would tuiiko h I rain almost a mile and one-half long What of Your Occupation? Kvery oecupnfn lifts Itself with the 'onliii'glng Hf' of her Iio prac tices It. Tho. occupation that will not do that no ono really litis a right to oc cupy herself about.- Phillips Brooks, Mrs. Ed. Amack I. T. Amack j; Amack & Amack jj UNDERTAKING I BOTH PHONES RED CLOUD, NEB I. T. AMACK-PHONE IND. 76M rVWWVAmV.Vm'mV.mJVfmVfSJ'&JV FALL STOCK NOW HERE My Fall and Winter stock of PLUSH and FUR ROBES have arrived, and include some handsome patterns. T Also am still doing expert auto top and harness repairing. Fogel Bldg. I A Dlfl EH Red Cloud Ii Vi DU1LLK Nebraska N V, Phillip-, was down fiom Wrank" ' lilt Wednesday. Dr.WM.McBride as: Mr sr DVHU h'lATK BANK Red Cloud Nebraska UH 3J COAL We Sell I Niggerhead Naitland And Routt County Lump We sell for cash that's why we sell cheaper. 5f -i xa FARMERS9 ELEVATOR 3G HQ 4 tf i J 4 AW s 4