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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 24, 1921)
w & 1 r t l ' 1 r y Hi If ft i j is Hi fj n hi , .. ' 4j5 A Newspaper That Ulvcs The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For 5!.5iO VOLUME 49 RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. NOVEMBER 24. 1921 NUMBER 47. l""'-tuuMirTPAjjiiimuj"ui'nimraimii'iijjm wwmijunnin Christmas Economy FOR as liille as $4 we can make you a dozen phologra hs thai you will be proud lo give your friends. That is 33 k Cents each. What else can you give them at that price that will give them as much pleasure. Oilier Styles Priced 'Higher im ii'iiiwmMWBMwwOTtm iimwpwbmmwwww w iwww mmwwiii imn 1 1 wmmm w m SUNDAYS and EVENINGS by appointment until Christmas. THE GLEASON STUDIO Red Cloud PROGRAM Band Concert Dec. 2nd, 8: 1 5 p. m. IBESSE AUDITORIUM, RED CLOUD J. E. DETZ, Conductor 'I'ln' UiimiI Ti iniiperteis M.uoh l. l ()v rtuic lOipheti-.) .....). OlTenlmeh Cniiinl S iio, (Klinttinn Pollen) ('. j Urn iilionso ( s plaved Im M. A. Met cut) A i In mm, (The Ln-t ('iintineiit) Suite In four pit ts No. I fN ettiiiiH timl M iriiiiiir llwnii of I'luko. No 'J A (Joint l''tnii! inn. No. .1 -i !. ve I hee, I'l'lii' IVmee mill A:iim) No I - l'he lln-t i (ifiifin ol Alliums V. l Safiiinelt VoiNil So ii (SvM'Oicst S mi Hvfr T il.l) U M, Stu it, ( Sunn hv lluriltn ui) Oveitniv (Under ui Seville) (!. KusMtii haciplione Son. ((J-its.'t ie I'ollct) '1'. II. Uollin-oti (A- pl.i"'iHi K I'. X uhiiuse) I'lie ISltflc M in (l-'ioni tin' Millie. Tim Dweller of the Western U'.irl.l) I I'. Sousti The Hut ! ol .iii Hill (Ci.iti'l descriptive Military lAllltllttill) Albert C S.MI't 1st ir Sp uipli'il It miii'i Tin I will if ve it Dini'x in tli Auditorium IU11 Kuotii nf'er I III' CHI I"" t i Vji J V aluss rw CERTAINLY you want the lowest price on all your purchases. We are going to give you this help when making your purchases at our store. Remcmherour store, the next time your wants are in our line. We are after your business. J.C-MITCH6LL The Jeweler Grafanolas and Records riEiHOTiiiiii'irrMmm nm All Wool Blankets Just received a large shipment of all wool U. S. Army blankets which we sell at A. C. Hale Passer, Away The Best Gams This Season Vtrliiu l ('mi mi II lie, Alio lii-. been The most exciting itthlette event it si U'-.iili'iit f th I'onnly fur seveiftl has hcen the pleasure of the ulli.ins e.i i s ami o tins city f j i tilt: imst two ol Ueti Cloud to witness this jear v. us eais, ph'-M) I iiv,u :il Ills home I list the font tmil g.itne pl.ijoil last Kiidtiy night utter ill ilitii'ssof sonii' live jeais afternoon tit HeilgeV field between the I urn Hon I'lm luuni'ilhiie imiisl' of his All StHf tain timl the Amuiicuu IjI'K" iiMitli wus hi'ttit failure ion. Tlio K'une was liurd Touuht fn m The ihc(usi'i1 whs 1) irti February 8th t thu vnrv tioiiniiitirf iiml intensely ill 1 S 17, at infield, Inu.i, mul was 7t lorestiiiK ami has heeti the one Mil ji-ct ears (i mouths uti'l four (Uys olil. lie. of dlsuiibstou hiidiik thu funs ever is survived hv Ills wile, one son, three slii'e. iliuihifs mid n'vial o her relatives Tlio Kintii! sttu ted out hy the I.Ck'ion At tlie. time of ifoiii),' to ptoss the (lute kiuUliij ult to tlio All tittus and llio iind hour tot the fuuerul servleai huvo foimer temn was Hie HiM to heme, not liueti iiiiuouiieed. K". NovvUud miliini; u diop kick 'from tlie All .Stars twenty. two j'Hnl CIIAMBKK OF COMMEItCC ,l"" huter duiuiK this iimiter New. .MET TUESDAY EVI'NINd huiiio Wils "" the reeeiviiiK end for a The regular .semi-monthly meeting frd pass mid hiieuuedod in ero-sn.K of the Chamber of Commerce was llio Lolnn iiiuIuiik u toiii'lidown, hold labt night. the All Stars failing to Idolt ko:i1. The meeting went on record as SC(,ieC to X This ini.vrter scorned very iChrUnla1sTree0 - ' f l'f f beinB made after u number of mem- iUn" ku'T-'s '" fleeted so that the bcr.s hail voluntarily spoken in faor lust thieo iiiurteis would he plujed of the proposition. within tlie time limit. The balmico of Other business of a routine nature was transacted. attended. The meeting was well Call and Get Yours Early We Meet all Competition You want just as much money for your produce as you can get for it and when you sell to the Union you may rest assured you will receive the highest price possible to pay. F 'I Leave Your Orders Early Pleaso help us to give you better service by leaving your orders early. The Farmers Union RED CLOUD, NEBR. COMMUNITY CHRISTMAS TREE NOW TO RE A REALITY The various Committees appointed by N. H. Rush chahman of the Com munity Christmas Tree celebration, met last night in the basement of the Library building. It was decided to have two tree, i same being donated by a friend ol the riovement. The large one will be placed in the center of the 'city, de corated some days" before Chrutmns and loft until after New Years. The small one will be placed in the Sales barn and used as a background for the program given on Friday evening, December 23rd. This program will lest one hour from 7:1)0 to 8:30 dur ing which time the business housc will bo naked to close, so that the pro prietors and clerks can both attend. 8 irc""11 rffnrrMiiCTiiiMxmiii Don't fail to see the foot ball game at 3 o'clock this afternoon. Mrs. Robt. Brcakey returned to her home at Grand Island Tuesday morn ing after visiting her mother, Mrs. Buckles, and with other relatives the past week. Dean Dickson, who has been in the U. S. navy for the past three yenrs, arrived hero Tuesday morning from Los Angeles, California, to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dickson. Court Reporter Lcc Johnson went to Beatrice Wednesday morning to spend a few days with relatives and friends. Mrs. R. J. White and baby return ed home Tuesday evening from Omaha wheio sho had been visiting relatives and friends. Roadmaster W. P. Fallow of ry- jmovc spent a few hours In the city Wednesday morning attending to ' Burlington business matters. the game neither side wt re able to mnlttt much gain and tlio forward pubs which w:ih used by the All Stars was not veiy hticceB.sful us it was broken up by the other team. j After the smoke of tue buttle clourul away liny Mouutfoid vvus lound to bo on the casualty list Buffering from a pair of black eves and on the morning after most of the players were limping uiouuil, many stiyiug they felt twenty years older but they till said that it was thu ulcwiuht gumo that they had taken prt In for many u day. On Tuesday evening a banquet was tendered the players at the Powell A Pope Cafe and after the feed tlio re mluiscuices of the vveio revived Ne.t year wo hope that thu Legion or the young men who have graduated from the local school will organize a town team as we have the timber here for tlio best totitu in southern Nebras ka Grace Church Services Thanksgiving Day Sorvico at 10 ti. in., Thursday, Nov. 24th. First Sunday In Advent Sunday School at 10 a. m. Morning Service at 11 a. ui. Evening Service at 7:30 p. m. Continuation Instruction at 7:15 Sat urday evening. Choir Itehemsal nt 8 p m , Saturdny. Tlio Service- for Thanksgiving Day was incorporated into our Prayer Hook in 1789, seventy fivo yours boforo the first Presidential proclamation of Thanksgiving Day. You nre wclcomo to nil our services Mrs. S. P. Small, who was taken to the Lincoln Sanitarium a few weeks ago, is improving and her ultimate recovery is now looked for. (A yL J-A mm r LJOCKS rrwMtf A new &ock of Westclox Alarms BIG BENS SLEEPMETERS BABY BENS AMERICAS Wc tt :e 'Quality' Rig!)t---Thon the Price Right B.M. Newhouse Jeweler and Optometrist RcJ Cloud Nebraska It's Underwear M iNPMMMMHNMMHMMMMMVJNMHaMtWra MMNMMHiMMinnMMHPMMMMMUHMMI Time Now Save Money on Your Winter Underwear Special Heavy Fleece M.i Mi tJ AND. $150 Coopers Wool Unions at 33 Liess Than Last Season Boy's Special Fleece J "J Union, Extra good, at Cr O C See our new display of Overcoats $18tOO-$18.SO and $22.50 The CowdenKaley Clothing Co. ' Ahvays Reliable fHE KIND OF STATIONERY YOU USE tells the whole story of your business career. Write yonr letters on Hammermill Ripple Bond, correctly printed at the Chief office. It creates a favorable impression. -r i j-fv o-w- MV'umi