Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1921)
) l -.. '"ltnii, HsabSS- ' iipi- ! f"SHP38BKw;1- SS5WPsaffiMfeteahr- 4 Newspaper That Gives The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For SI.GO VOLUME 49 RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. DECEMBER ft. 1921 NUMBER da. UB.JLMHII-H IIIIH"! ! !! "" '" '"I"1 ' trrgwiilii r IIBITI!" n aiurdav oaf gams tj p..? Having decided to do a slricitly cash business we are going lo give our trade the benefit. You will find we are putting our prices as low as possible. On many' things as much as 10 Discount SATURDAY, DEC. 10th We are going to give some real bargains in groceries. Come early and take advantage of this sale. No. 3 Cans Hominy extra fine, per can.. No. 2 Sweet Corn, equal to any 18c corn. Per l fl can a Iv No. 3 Sweet Potatoes per can White" Flyer Soap 7 bars for No. 3 can Kraut, per can Hand picked beans 4 pounds for Early June Peas, regular 15c sellers. 2 cans 9K for wb No. 10 dark syrup RfX per can... ot No. 5 dark syrup per can . 13c 22c 25c S5g 25s 24c 63c Mc K, 28s Small milk, per can Five cans of Oil Sardines No. 10 cans light syrup, per can.. 2Sg TB - No. 5 cans light syrup, per can i 1 3 dt Good bulk coffee per pound Fancy Red Salmon per can Pink Salmon per can... Large milk per can 1 Bread, small loaves 3 for Bread, large loaves 2 for Lewis Lye per can Solid pack gallon peaches Gallon cherries for Welches Fruillade Jam, 15 oz. jars Prince's Royal Jam 15 07.. jars No. 3 Can Beets per can ... Buy one pound of Cocoa and we will give you 1 lb. With every $5 order we will sell you a sack of sugar fur &o0 97g Ma ,82e f 7e $6.86 We Meet all Competition You want just as much money for your produce as you can get for it and when you sell to the Union you may rest assured you will receive the highest price possible to pay. A Ilk? i CI imctt8ffi3sar.E niers RED CLOUD, NEBR. wriai'ttTygmTTlfWgri-T'lll,KTI l-Mll',-tJ4 tiiiBffiiiiiwB1 s Legion Presented Picture By Povcil & Pope Mi-s-is l'owi'Il mill l'opi. this wool, pit seined tho loval Atnurieun Legion I'nM No '21S with a beautiful picture of tin' r'olliM'iiin at Homo Tiii pict ure ih 21 x IS inuliei litnuitifully exe cuted in colms in a heavy frame of biono and blue linrmoni'liiK wonder fully with tho picture itself. The mt'iubcrh of tho Pout aro deeply great fill for the ptesont and thoroughly up precialo the .spirit in which it was glv-en. I. 0. 0. F. Hold Initiation New Banner For Post 238 'lui'Mlay tho uilli'iMs of tho local Amorlciti'o'i l'o.t iveoived thi'ir ni'w post burner from National Mend quaitt'M, which tln-y ordered t tin tlino iiko. It t l1! xH'j feet, niado ol tlu lluest wool tuintlng, ill two pieces sowed bade to buels, with tho name of tho post placed on In hewed letters. It js (rimmed on tlimu stdch with yellow faille bullion fringe, mounted on u two piece screw joint ash banner pole, sur mounted by a bolld brass ealo and ornamented with eight yellow slllc tn soIh and cord. Tho banner is of blue and the Legion emblem is placed in tho center in broiro and gold. Tho local mombers aro jtiitly proud of it. Tuesday night the. I. O. 0. P. lodge of this city together with a large num ber of visiting brothers met at the Masonic Wall where tho degree teams of Hastings Lodge No. GO conferred, nil four degrees on a class of candidates The Hastings lodge Is very protlcient in their work and exemplified the ritual work the bout that has been seen hi this lodge for many yours lletween the second and thhd degtee the lodge adjourned to their own hall wheic tbo llcbekahs served an elegant lunch, At the close Grand Secretary (iugo uud several visiting biothcis made short speeches. The Hastings members weio also cutertaiued at a 0 o'clock dinner at the Powell & PopeXafo. Ju The Community ChrJrus Will Give Recital Dec. 18 aiiinrn 1 1 ii imreomranj e w r renc h Ivory Fined $500 And Given 30 Days For Making Whiskey Lust Thursday morning Sheriff Muff ur drove to Hidden where he arretted Frank Hcyait and Kail Itelsh on a charge of making "while mule". They weie brought before Judge Kanney who bound them over to District Court and the appeared before Judge Ulaelc ledge that day and plead guilty. He sentenced each or them to .'10 days in j til and also to j ty a SoUO fine each. As yet the men havo not raised the $')00 "ante" and will no doubt lay that out. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. Parties Owing Taxes m Kansas' (Highland Township, Jewell County, and Logan and Pawnee Townships, Smith County) may pay same at Webster County Bank, Red Cloud, Nebr. Taxes must be paid before December 20th to avoid penalty. THE WEBSTER COUNTY BANK Edward Floiancc, President Red Cloud, Neb. S. R. Florancc, Cadiic Capital and Sutplus $35,000.00 Vtpotltt Gmirantetilb'jiht flijiosliort Guiunl'j i'undotht State of Xthratla txtitfmfflWfawmtfisrTr'fflsmmmiiia Tho Community Chorus, accom panied by a five piece orchestra, will render the sacicd cantata, "The An gelic Choir" by Carrie 1). Adams. Sunday evening, December lSth, in the M. E. church. The program fol low - : Silcrft Night, Holy Night (In Vesper) Processional All Hail tho of Jesus' Name. Chorus "The Heavenly Sign" by L S. Loronx. Male Quartette That Sweet Story of Old, Messrs. h. Wagoner, C. L. Cotting-, N. B. Rush and II. Thomas. "The Angelic Choir." 1 Soprano Solo and Clan u Hark! What Music Fill' the Sky, Mi.s Mildred I5ore:i ;ind Chorus. 2 Contralto Solo Tjfiere Camo Three Kings, Mrs. F. R. Hughes. 3 Recitative. And There Weie Shepherds, Mr. L. Wagoner. 4. Chorus Good Tidings of Great Joy. G Women' Chorus Glory To God in the Highest. 6 Quartet RelhlQhcm, Mr. Chal Gcllatly, Mrs. N. II. But-h, Mr. N. B. Rush, Mr. H. Thomas 7 Soprano Sola Mary's Manger Song, Mrs. Chal Goliath'. 8 Chorus Night, All Nights Excelling. No. 9 Men's Chorus -AJ1 My Heart Thl Night Rejoice-. No. 10 Soprcno Solo Haill Tho Won drous Sire Hirer, Mue Ru! y Koon. No. 11 Women's Chovu-5Haik! Hurki My Sou', Mi. Laird Pct'e". Mi. N. B. Bu.-h, Miss MWri ' Boan end Lad'o ClioruH. No. 12 Final Chon-, with Ssprono and A! o Dat-U to th Lotd's Anointed, Mb" Mildred Borci), M.,c. r. P. Hiighea and Caonw. Director Mvt. F. R. Hugm -1. Pianoist Mi Jesule Cfabill. ViollnMv. J. K. Beta. Violin Miss Ivy Hardman. Cormt Mr. Mercer. Saxophone Mr. Ralph Nevvhouec. Save this piogiam and take it with yoi. In all combinations, for every use lias just been placed on display. Bought right, priced to sell. Toilet Sets Manicure Sets Brushes Combs Mirrors Shaving Sets Picture Frames Clocks Candle Sticks Perfume Bottles Community Christmas Tree A most enthusiastic meeting of the v.uluus committees who me actual 1 lit uoik in tho intiMOSt of this uitnt community festival, was hold at the I'unliu .Library .on Tuesday eveniiijj The various comtnittoen were all ulilo to it'poit profit's", mid m.tltciB hi c hhupiiiu up for 11 Cliilstmiis tiLat and entertainment which all may enj y, 1'roRram mid (joatiii committees will uotl; toL'tlici1, the liHhling mid docoratliiK comnilrtues ulll have every tiling in line shnpe, tho Ilnnncc cum nlttce mil arm the Hoy Scout.s with sulllcient tags to tiii; every front door in toivu. Now heie is where you can do your part and help in this glad un dertaking. When you net your tii, sot aside a ceitalti hum to kIw! ua your heart prompt.s you, talco it down town and ;,'lvu it to one of the nicinliur.s of thu (liiauce committee, or drop It in tl.o special box for that purpose at th .lohusou-Graham Fiirulturu Co , or at Grice k. Gi lines. Don't be afraid of yiviii,' too much, as any surplus will be used for the bonellt of the leally needy in Red Cloud and vicinity. Don't foitfet that the prop am ii'xl treat will bo given at thu Sulei bam on Friday evening, Dec i'lrd. Come and look-We will be pleased to show the goods. If you buy here you save money. I We Mike Quality' Right Then the PriceRight I B..H . NewEouse W .4 A J J kcj ciouj jeweier ana uptomeirist Nebras Aa M. W. A. Elects New Officers Tlu M. V. A lodge mot Inst niidit and elected tho following olllcuiu for tho ensuing year: Porter Hale, Vener.iblo Consul. ArtNolfcon, Worthy Advloer. W A. hherwood, llanher. C. S. MoArthur, Artntaut Ranker. A. V. Duoker, Clerk. II, J. Miituer, Trustee. Grace Church Services Chrlstoas Ecofioiny IVOR as Utile as $4 we can make A you a dozen photographs that you will be proud to give your friends. That is 3 3 J4 Cents each. "Wlml else can you give them at will give them as much pleasure. that . price that Other Stylos Priced Higher SUNDAYS and EVENINGS by appointment until Christmas. THE GLEASON STUDIO Red Cloud mmrrnwiaww rarvj; j.xijuvjiju JU-Jiiiggi-iuiJprf-giaL.TrTrTT 1 1 m in Liooa v awes BE A GOOD FELLOW! Contribute to to the fund for 6 Corntiiunity Christmas Tree. Make your contribution to ri member of (he fin&iice committee or drop in one of the boxes. An pquity term of district court will be held in tho city Monilnv. There arc nine applications for citi zenship on the docket besides bcvoral civil cases. . Be A Goodfaellow. . Third Sunday in Advent Sunday School tit 10 a. ui. Jornlil(f Sirvn't at 11 n, m HvenluK Survlee id 7:30 p. m. ConflrtiiHtlun Inhtrilelion at 7:1ft p m Saturday. ' Choir lU'ln arivl at 8 p. m. Sittitdny Qome nud woislup with uv. i Lutheran Church Notes Jteguhir services aro held overy first and third Sunday in tho month In tho Adventist church, Corner of Jrd Ao nnd Waluut St. O. R. IIeinit., Tastor Albert Hildebrcndt of Buffalo, New York, arrived in the city Thursday lo visit his brother, Fred Hildcbrandt and wife'. I ERTAINLY you want the lowest ys price on all your purchases. We are going to give you this help when making your purchases at our store. Remember our store the next time your wants arc in our line. We arc after your business, The Jeweler 7unTCHeL.L. Grafanolas and Records THE KIND OF STATIONERY YOU USE tells the whole story of your business career. Write yonr letters on Htmmermill Ripple Bond, correctly printed t the tmei tnice. it crttt Mvortoit imprcit ion. 't 'rt;'1) !Srj' ,'iVJw ' l v.Mi'j u D T S- 1 SSM - JWWJ