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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1921)
$ ' imiu liUWnlonl Botlnj mtmm ii.aiini i itN,- .. ... -. . ..-jaLft-js-jjwei . --, .A- ".-.; i--.! -..-- kt !-"' . JHwM?Ky , .TT--s..-.zr::." ": tt s : -,... -.-r-J ........ -- T.-v t,,,T,CT . ICW"? - ,w ill ;. r pv 14 W" t A 3 . A Newspaper That 6lves The News Flfty-twc Weeks Each Year Ftr f 1.50 VOLUME 49 RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. DECEMBER 1. 1921 NUMBER 48. Christmas Economy FOR as little as $4 we . can make you a dozen photographs that 'you will be proud to give your friends. That is 33V& Cents each. What else can you give them at that -price that will give them as much pleasure. Other Styles Priced Higher SUNDAYS and EVENINGS by appointment until Christmas. THE CLEASON STUDIO ' Red Cloud rawmiimiiifflEffliiffl Parties Owing Taxes in Kansas (Highland Township, Jewell County, and LogaD and Pawnee Townships, Smith County) may pay A same at Webster County Bank, Red Cloud, Nebr. Taxes must be paid before December 20th to avoid penalty. THE WEBSTER COUNTY BANK Edward Floiance, President Red Cloud, Neb. S. R. Florance, Cathie Capital ami Surplus $35,000 00 Dtpotlt Uuarantttdby the flijwrttors Guaranty Fund of the Stair of Xtlratka PROGRAM . Band Concert Dec. 2nd, 8: 1 5 p. m. BESSE AUDITORIUM, RED CLOUD J. E. BETZ. Conductor The KovhI Trumpet.jra Mntoh R. P. Seizor Overture lOrphetiB) i.T. OfTonhaeli Cornet Solo, (Flirtation l'otlcn) C. L. Hnrnhoime (As played by M. A. Morcor) Atlantis, (Tlio Lost Continent) .Suite In four parts No. I Nocturne rind Morning Hymn of Praise. No. 2 A Court Function. No. il I Love' Thee, (Tho l'riuco nnd Anna) No 4 The Destruction of Atlantis . . V. V. Saf i anek Vocal Solo (Sweetest Story Ever Told) R. M. Stult s (As Sung by S. Hard man) Overture (Barber of Seville) G. Rossini Saxophone Solo (Cerlbetto Polka) .T. II. Itolllnson (As played by R. P. NewhotJhe) Clarinet Solo '...J. II. Fuller The Ilnttlo of Sun Juan Hill (Crand descriptive Military Fantasia) Albert C. Sweet Star Spangled llanner The Baud will give a Dance in the Auditorium Ball Room after the concert. I. 0. 0. F. Initiation Next Tuo'dayevci.iing will be u. biff event, in the lodge circles of this rty.L itt which time the Hun Adhem Lodge No 180 1. O. O F. will mnet in the Mn-onic Hall where u large class of u-uididiitcfl will tiiko all four degrees or this order. The Degree Staff of listings Lodge No. f0 will put on tlio ritual work. 11 rand Seuretaiy Uk and other grand ollleers ar planning on being present A luncheon will also Iju served. The Webster County Reserve Officers uraiiiSNiin aanmniBiM All Wool Blankets Just received a large shipment of all wool U. S. Army blankets which we sell at $4.50 Do Your Bit! The Community Christmas Tree Fi nance Cummlttec aro preparing tags, which will be hung on every liouso door in town This tag entitles every householder to contribute his or her bit to this worthy ontoi prise. Chip in as Mutually us you can, let the Christmas spirit anintato your bump of generosity. He a real boost er in this movement and when the tag is bung on your door, bring or send vour cotrlbutlon to 1. Johnson of the Johnson-Graham b'uruituro Co. or one of the other members of the Flnanoo Committee. The following residents of Wobstw County hold commissions In tlio Re. serve Corps of the United States Army, which list shows that this territory Iihs u splendid number of men, who, besides having already served their country during the late war, hive also placed themselves at the call of the Government for duty, in caso of any National Emergency. , The Resorvo Corps is not to be con fused with vetdran organisations, it being a branch of the Regular Army of the United States, that brunch which is roady on call, although not on Hctlvo dutv until called, the mem bers having Itopt themselves in train ing from yeur to year to bo lit for ser vice. WEBSTER COUNTY Lt. R. V. Nicholson, D. C, Red Cloud Another Fire of Mysterious A S Red Cloud A.S, Biuo Hill F. A., Iuavalo F. A., Red Cloud F. A., Blhden Inf., Blue Hill Lt. E. W. Boner, Lt.S G Funk, Lt II. D. Fetty, Lt. II. S Foe, Lt Q W. Ray, Lt. E R. Henry, Capt. A. B. (lelwlclc, Inf., Red Cloud This lint was furnished by the Re serve Otllcers Association of Omaha, who, in sending the same have an nounced a call for u state' convention if Rfsnrvo Ofllcers of Nebraska to be Oricrin Hpstrnvs Pmnertv held Docomber l'2-l3tli 1021, at the I Army Building, Omaha, for the pur- This morning about 'iitn o' the pose of instruction on the reconstitut Call and Get Yours Early We Meet all Competition You want just as much money for your produce as you can get for it and when you sell to the Union you may rest assured you will receive the highest price possible to pay. r 'i Leave Your Orders Early Please help us to give you better service by leaving your orders early. The Farmers Union , RED CLOUD, NEBR. ttjmr tim.tmimihrMmwvmmi. v.., b II C. T. Dickenson blauksmlih shop on Webster Street was dlcovred on fire and tho alarm was given. The Fiio Department and oliiz-n responded quickly, but thu lilt?. must h ivo bei ri agisted as th bin ding wits neatly tiurned down by I lie tim.i the depart tnent arrived. Tho building belonged to (Jennie Bcurdslce and Mrs. Wolf of this city and was in mind shape, having been encted about twelve jours ago Mr. Dickeiibuu, who has occupied tho building for several years, valued his tools ami tock at $l,()i0 and carr ied $2,500 iusurancH on the Mime. Ho stated that, the (Ire in the forge wont out. at four o'clnck yesterday nftornnon anil that theru had been no lire in lh otlico stove siuue tlir.-n n'cnick that day. Tho Kill1 on building jist north of the hUokumitb "Imp was leiug lorn down and it. -. hIhii imrntvl oiiis!der able. The 11 ie vus uuilnubtedly of in cendiary origin. I .Grace Church Services 1 ! Second Sunday In Advent Sunday .SoJiom at 111 a, in. Holy ComniiinJon in II a m. Evening Snrvice at 1:'M) p. m. Connrtnatlnn InsHtieKon nl 7:11 p m. Saturday, Ohoir RehenrsAl t3 p m. Saturday Come and worship wltlius. ion or the Eighty NlntlktDivlsioii, and, tho no tables of organization of the War Department. The Omaha Ollicera are sponsoring' tli prognitn for ihu couveiiiion iind p'Oinise to spare no expense in mak ing their comrudes attendance remun erative. To The Farmers Mr. Farmer are yuu Mitihfled with the PRICE of OUBAM? For 1 wo weeks I liave let my com. not It irs buy at their own price FRI D Y MOItNINR, DKC. a, I will BOOST tho PRICI3. ' Now who Is entitled 10 your patron ntte? The one who pays tho price will iuuly or the ono who pays because he has loo Think It over iwid give me a&harc'of your patronage. C. S. HOMING. Lutheran Church Notes Regular servicet nro hold every ihot and' third Sunday In the inoiiili in ho Advenlist ohurch, Comer of 3rd Avo. .ltd WaWiiiJ S' Blhio OIh-k m-e lug at -lO'.IW 11. ul. lrenclililg at Hum. If Vmi Hi'i'iint worshiping olohero yoiiu cordially Invited to woishlp with us.. O. U. IUinitz, Postor New French Ivory In all combinations, for every use has just, been placed on display. Bought right, priced to sell. Toilet Sets Manicure Sets Brushes Combs Mirrors Shaving Sets Picture Frames Clocks Candle Sticks Perfume Bottles Come and look-We will be pleased to show the goods. If you buy here you save money. We Mike 'Quality' Right Then the Price Right B.Ji. N&wtioiise Red ctoud Jeweler and Optometrist Nebraska It's Underwear Time Now Save Money on Your Winter Underwear Special Heavy Fleece AND $1.50 Coopers Wool Unions at Less Than Last Season Boy's Special Fleece jT (JJjt Union, Extra good, at Cr O C See our new display of Overcoats $1600-f18.50and $22.50 The CowdenKaleyClothingCo. 1 'A ways Reliable ' rPHE KIND OF STATIQNERY YOU H3E&tfa ttifr whole story cf your business career. Write yonrv lottor on Hhmmermill Ripple Bond, ctrrectiyv printed at the Chief of lice. It creates f avorf bl impff issioji .. V M L.J 4M m wttt4wvtV''.iwiv.Tyitft.T"XK wttjf vwK-t ry4Mrw-'r'i!T'v.''weH-fr't tp).rj