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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (May 19, 1921)
Bf RED COUD, CHIEF ! A BLUE SERGE SUIT IS ALWAYS GOOD. REAL HAND TAILORED AT $40 $42.50 $45 $47 THE HUGHES WAY FOR CLOTHES TR.OUBLES The Frank R. Hughes Go. CLEANING DYEING REPAIRING LADIE'S TAILORS MEN'S TAILORS BOTH PHONES We Call and Deliver STATE FARM BUREAU NEWS During the past month, two women were elected to the board of directors of the Dukottt County Farm Bureau. Thec were, Mrs. L. II. DcForrestof Covington precinct and Mrs. Dan F. Shcehan of Emerson precinct. line a definite program to be submit ted at the next meeting. H. D. Lute secretary of the state federation, is a member of this committee. The Red Cloud Mill Leased nnd operated by V. II. Rob erts, who lc-opened the mill two years igo, Is making the Hour ns good, If not, hotter, thHii in the pRst. Try n ncl of Red Cloud Best Flour nnd booht your' home mill. Every nick is guaranteed and is Eold by all the luerehnutsnll the Umc. He is tiUo prepared to grind I orn, barley nnd nil kinds of feed Catronize your home mill , Dr.W.H.McBride DENTIST OVEU STATE BANK Wingert and sons, members of the farm bureau in Hall county, arc the largest truck gardeners within sever al counties of Grand Island. They aie farming ft() acies near Wood Rivdr. They have cut 25 acres of cabbage, 15 acres of sweet potatoes, G acres of onions, !1 acres of melons and li acre of peppers and egg plant. The egg business of the Hamilton county shipping association was sat isfactory djring April, the first full month of activity. During the month. IMC cases of eggs woic ship ped to Grand Island and netted the I producer five to eight cents a dozen above the local market price. Twenty nine cars of livestock were also ship- I ped out during the month by the live- ' . Iilttnin.a llLicnnintllttl fK 1 7ii members. J. N. Norton, chairman of the or ganization committee, is supervising the membership campaign in Thayer county this week. He will spend the next two weeks in the western coun ties directing the clean-up work now Boys and girls winning free trips fiom Dakota county to the club week activities to be held in Lincoln arc as follows: Ben Allen of Homer, Anna Daley of Jackson, for pig club work and Joseph Culbertson of Dakota City lor the largest gain made on his heifer. Money for the first two fur- COAL We are in the coal business and will try to have a supply of good coal on hand at all times, and will have a price on it that will save you money, We have a car of Sunnyside Maitland now, and will have a car of NIGGERHEAD in a few days. You will find that these are extra good coals. We arc selling this coal on a close margin and will have to sell for cash. Please do not ask us for credit. The Farmers Co-op Elevator C. A. KAILEY, Mgr. being done. Reports from A. J. De wald, in charge of the team in Thay-' nished by the Sioux City Stockyards er county, on progress being made, company and the Inst one by the Ne have been very satisfactory. ' braska Farmer. R d Cloud Nebr kn Definite steps for the unionizing of At a meeting of the Seward coun all farmers' organizations in the ty farm bureau last Monday evening, state for working out of mutual prob- W. E. Younkin of Burwell, was em lems were taken at a meeting held ployed to fill the position of maiket in Omaha last Friday. At the close ing agent. Mr. Younkin has operated in four of the meeting, Chnirman Frazeur a large farm for several years, filled rural school districts in Frontier appointed a committee of five to out- vnrious positions in the railroad ser- county have taken a prominent part HBF 4 NEW EDISON '' llAifflr aVI I k & UHlIll MrDEdisonnhas sad H7 Ail I H:l l-l I Kvrc OhHHHHI H'-7 jllliBllll Hi MrlnllH within the reach H I vice and has had experience in mar- j in an action to organize a rural High keting farm crops and livestock. He School. Under this plan the union says there arc two ways open to the will bo for high school purposes only. farmer to secure greater profit. One The four districts, 27, 34, 30 and 37 have signed petitions to vote on the proposition, May 27. If it carries, the question to bond and build this summer will be voted upon immediate ly. This action has been taken be cause the present high school tuition has doubled and so raised the school ing away from home that there is a growing demand for some form of rural school work within the reach of the farm homes. is to lower the cost of production by using more efficient methods, and the other is to Fecure better prices by more efficient marketing. Farm Bureau members Would you like to know Mr. Edison's Favorite Tunes ? YOU khow Mr. Edison, the scientist now meet Mr. Edison, the music lover. Almost every day, Mr. Edison sits close to his Official Laboratory Model, hand cupped to ear, and enjoys his favorite Rk-CrraTIONS. Mr. Edison has his own private collection of Re-Creations. He has built it up with the discrimina tion of a confirmed collector. We have just received a booklet containing 25 of his favorite tunes. This booklet is entitled "What Edison Likes in Music", and inter estingly describes Mr. Edison, the Music Lover. If you would like a copy of this booklet, together with a 12"xl9" proof of Franklin Booth's etching of Mr. Edison, please fill out this ballot and mail or bring it to us. What other well-known person's favorite tunes would you like to know? Please write his or her name on the ballot. Mr. Edison's love of music has made the phonograph his favorite invention. He spent over three million dollars in research work to perfect the New Edison. Then, to prove its perfect real ism, he stood the New Edison side by side with the living artist and matched its performance with the actual performance of the living artist. No one was able to detect any difference between the two. This is the only true way to prove the realism of a phonograph or talking machine and the New Edison is the ony phonograph which sustains this acid -test of direct comparison. A Gentleman's Agreement IF you love music, your credit is good here. Pay cash or suit your own con venience. Ask us about our Budget Plan. FREE In addition to "What Edison Likes in Music", you can obtain a copy of the bulletin, "What Did Edison Do During the War?" and a proof of Booth's famous etching of Edison, suitable for framing. Just use the coupon. BALLOT Bring or send this coupon. Mark the items you want. No charge or obligation. I Name I Address. I I Whose favorite tunes would you like to know? E. H. NEWHOUSE Licensed Edison Dealer What Edison Likes in Music. D Booth etching of Edison, 1 2x19, for framing. Edison & M"ic-thc Story of the New Edison. What Did Edison Do During the War? (Bulletin.) ECKLEV SCHOOL CLOSES WITH A PICNIC Eckley Consolidated School District No. 90 closes with an annual. Fea tures of the day were picnic dinner, speaker of the day was P. M. White head, formerly superintendent of Red Cloud schools nnd a base ball game between the Eckley school and the Dixie Dodgers. All the patrons of the district dropped their work for the day and attended the picnic. The Eckley school Is the first Rural Consolidated School u. Webster county. It has been in operation for four years. It first started with two districts consolidating, later on two more schools consolidated with them. They have a six room school and the past year five teachers were employ ed and over one hundred pupils were enrolled. These pupils are transport ed to and from school by two Stude bakcr horc-drawn hacks, one Ford truck and one largo truck. The first year of consolidation the 9th and 10th grades of High School work v.T! given, the rccond yoai the 11th grade was added and last year the 12th grade. In last year's class was four boys and four girls, all had taken the- 9th grade in town schools and then enrolled in the 10th grade in their home school. There was a question in their parent's mind as to whether these pupils would be satis fied with the country school, but i when the four boys and four girls all I graduated last year there was no longer the question. This year the graduating class consists of four boys. Where is the school that has a record equal to Eckley? Miss Maude Bean who has been at the head of the teaching force of this school the past four years leaves for Lexington, Wawson county, where she will take up her new position of Homo Demonstration Agent and Boys nnd Girls Club Leader. Miss Bean is well qualified for her new position. S)ie is a strong leader and through her untiring efforts has built up a veal community center in the Eckley neighborhood. She is an organizer of Boys' and Girls' Clubs. She has produced some real club members. Last year they had three champion Cora Club members, this year they have the county champions. In Poultry and Pig nnd Calf. Miss Bean goes to a good county. Alva Hccht is County Agent and Dawson county is the home of Elmer Young, state president of the Nebraska Farm Bu reau Federation. Webster county's loss in Miss Bean will he Dawson county's gain. HENRY R. FAtfSCH, County Agricultural Agent. Notice To I'.redltors In tho County Court ol Webster County, Nebraska In tlio matter ol tho estate ol Niels Jen. sen, Deceased. - Credltorx ol Haiti estate will take notice, that tho tlmo limited lor presentation nml Ml I n k ol claims awilimt said estate is Septcm bcr loth 1U2I, anil for the payment of debts Is Novomlicr 1 Ith 11)21, that 1 will kit at the conn, ty court room in wild county on tho lOtli lay ol Juno, 11)21 to examine, hear and nllow all claims duly lllcil which are a first or second lion upon halil estate, anil on tho I'Jtli ilayol .September 11)21, to examine, hear, allow nml adjust all rlaluiH and objection), ol general creditors duly tiled. Dated this Mth day ol May, IWI. (.Seal) A. I). ItANNKY County Judijc. Congregational Church Notes Rev. Mnry II. Mitchell, Pastor Preaching services at ll it. m. Sunday school at 10 ti in. Prayer and Bible Study Friday even. lug at 8 o'clock. All are welcome to nny of these services II, Neuerberjj in spending the day la Superior. 'XjJ . w 5' I'WMsejWFuHwt t fwr