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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1921)
r iRt UUtoili-M 8o.lty l Muooln U t y fc .X W v H I - f' n:-v r. -' . i --i --.. -- jmjr ' - r- . vv)"u' m . 'iwhwju rt.w-"i i t !., vrYWvri,Jir'',rv zcfM.s' j '"- - i --ir --- -. ', .nt.'r1.Ti'vrfJJrri.j.TPSTW. -"' r . 4H.rj rf?Sir'?lgW A Nensnapcr Thnt hcs fhc News Fifty-rwo WccIuj Enrli Ycnr Tcr 51.50 VOLUME 49 "KED CLOUD. NEDRASK A. MAY 12, 1921 Ty-r-n-' " "W1 NUMBER 19 mm invaatvimiMinf. juhuijA .VVCiMfcrHJMaMH-feMMP. .mjgiuHiir w UNIVERSALI ZE-OUj-" K1TCH EN vcReadn fev ffi3ST - LJ. . V 7W&5! Max MM i wu.wwi x x r ri v MtrV!-! Home Talent Play at 3ESlfc 1 ' rl. AtYYCdiiA " Zfi4 i LINCOLN COMPANY WOl'Ll) I (i t nvv 'VM. i. envrcrennv AliaitoriUm Monday Tho rarmcra' Telephone company ' of Red Cloud nnd the Lincoln coni- Moiuluy ineniiiK at tho AinUtoiium i puny, which nNo maintains an ex ilic l.ploreis," a four act drumu, ' clinntf in the Webster county capital nwwmnaraaTiara See Our Charming Presents i H ."t! ;- , r- !pLEAN wheii ;mc away today, clean when ir-ul again to morrow. The beauty of "Uni versal" Seamless Aluminum Ware isn't all in its looks. It also is in its service. It will work for you day after day and always in a saving way. It will save you time in cooking better meals. It will save you time in cleaning. "Universal" utensils are seam less. Rims are tightly rolled to uive them stiffness. Sides and corners arc rounded for quick, I easy cleaning. KjOoi nanaies doubly braced. Tight-fitting lids on pots and kettles. All the newest features for lasting sat isfaction in "Universal" Alum inum "Xare. Wc have everything jor you. You need everything we have. Ill lirt mjnitln.t 1... II 'P..1....1. i?i.... tuir3vuti'viuj lauillU XtllUIIL outia for tho biMiotlt ot tho local Ameilcan I. vioii Post. IIpIz's orchestra will fin nihil the music and Mis' Wiudolnh who has had considerable expurlcii ;o hi a full j l-allet dancet will put on a specially bHtween the first and second arts The euitiiii will the promptly at 8:15. Following is tho casto of Misraelors: Am: vMi.u MAOi:i:.NZih..Chny. Pichler Hicii.vRD Lou.vs Paul Polnlehy 1J A damson Kitoti Pone Sin Rohlut Ilori.omt, lit ..L. L. Hiiius CUoiifii: Ai,i.i:uton. .. Kvciott Stioup Lady Ki:r.sKY Mi-.. K Stroup Mils Chowli.y Mrs. P. Polniuky Li t'Y Ai.liuiion .... Mls Grace Keagle Miller and Tiller Dispose Of Their Show Interests inMMnpr l1he WHITE LINE on Knobs and Handles fhe Mark of Genuine Universal Aluminum TRIN SEJZM&BSS 't.'S Hardware Wednesday a deal was consmnatod whereby Messrs. Miller and Tiller, malingers of tho Uesso Andiioriuni disposed of their show inteiests in this theatre to Messrs. Linn and Mc Knight of Hot Springs, South Dakota Tho new mnnageis of this theatre ure experienced show men and will no doubt exhibit a class of pictures with which the public will be pleased. Since Chct Miller came to this city laat November he has given the people a first class show and has made many friends who icgrot to see him leave. Mr. Miller aud wife will go to Dearer soon aud expects to conduct n show in Colorado In tho near future. Mesrs Linn and McKnlght will move thoir families hero shortly and make this their future home. The business men of the city are indeed glad to ueleoini them toour midst and trust they will find Hod Cloud au ideal location a - Wakes Hit As Whistler t niimfflamirin" :iiiH!iiMM,:n !!JMMnlIIIWJ : torn inn " a.,.i' ' id i.. ijux .aifluiaiiin ON THE FARM Spring work on the farm will be requiring the time of every farmer. The work has to be finished at a given time. Little at tention is give to other matters. Still, the matter of nourishment must be thought of Let us supply your wants in groceries canned goods, relishes, cookies, Etc. Satisfaction or your money back guarantee We'll pay market price 'for your produce i P0 A0 Wi Groceries and Queensware llbraitdt The I'aisons, Ivans., Dally Hej ub lion, Thursday of last ivoel", in the account of a pro-ginni given in tl o Cluistlan church there Tuesday .even, log lias this to say of o former of iMcCook. "The whistling solo by Mrs. Hcrbu t Prey va) encored scrotal times. Mis Prey, who is an excellent whistler, obliged the audience with sevciai .. lections." Vc underslaud that Mrs. Prey was considered a vet y good whistler when she lived hete, and slnco moving to Parsons, has taken instructions in Hint art and lias improved greatly. Wo congratulate her upon hor succoss aud hope she tnayjbeeome one of the foic most artists in that lino. McCook Re publican. Mrs. Piey is u daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C T. Dickenson of this city and she was roared to womanhood here. Her many friends mo Indeed pleased toJOHi'ti that is becoming a mastei in hor chosen ai t. Victory Medals smwuMii Bring Bn Ysur Harness unnraawt Wilh the beginning of spring work on the farm comes additional demands on your equipment. Inspect your harness, and for the best of repair work give me a trial. Fogel Bldg. J. . mum Red Cloud Nebraska Victory medals ate now available for all ex sorvlco men who served in tho World War betwoeu April Oth, 1017 and November llth, 1918, at home or abroad. Vou can obtain a medal by writing to thu U. S. Anny Victory Medal OlTIco, Army Building, Omaha, Nebiaska, and they will send you the application blSnlte. Degree ol Honor Notes wave before thu state railway com-! mis -don Friday present inp n new pha-f of their nncient trouble. lie-1 fore the Lincoln company bought its i Hod C loud pxcluuipo from tho Hell it j mod .' Iouk dlstanco connrction with! tho 1 f .d exchange of tho rnrmers' i company. This connection w.ts coiT-j tinucil for n long time nflor it pur chase ! tho Bell exchange. i Beci.usc of tho activity of tl.c lo-' cal company, as the other side say,! it cut tho toll connection several year-, ago, hut tho state railway com mission ordeicd it restored. L. II. UlnckledgCi now a district judge, filed a petition asking that the two ex changes bo consolidated as to service. Tho commission fixed up a schedule of interchange service rates and or dered enougli trunk lines put in con necting tho two exchanges to give this. The Farmers' company refused to do this, nnd appealed to the su preme court The supremo court said that the Lincoln company could not be he com pelled to subject itself to tho loss of its property, which would inovitnbly occur if tho only advantage it pos sessed over a locally-owned company was taken from it. It sot aside tho commission order without prejudice to-the rights of tho parties to pro ceed further to get an order for such an exchange of service as will com pensate tho companies for thoir ser vices and at tho same time protect each company in its own individual management and control and not op erate to create discriminatory con dictions thnt cnu'c injury. Mr. Blacklcdi'o sent In a request for an order in compliance with this holding maintaining the toll connec tions between tho two exchanges on tho payment of a five cent charge. Frank II. Woods, president of the Lincoln company, nkcd permission to ever tho loll connection. Ho said that the oompany'is now losing 5,- 000 lo $7,000 a year on tho exchange service, nnd that as long as it was deprived of tho exclusive opportunity of offering what tho rival company co'ild not, long distance connections, this loss would continue. Ho said tho real solution was a consolidation, but provioj-is efforts had been repulsed by the Farmers' company, and now tho only thing that scorned possible was 1 untie its hands and let them go to it in free competition with the fa cilities each possesses. Mr. Woods said thai the Lincoln company had lost 100 subscribers thru a boycott and a drive of tho citizens m favor of their homo company, and as tho supremo court had said it could not ho compelled to contribute directly to its own destruction, ho de sired toll connections severed. If tho other sido or the commission could point out another reasonable and workable solution they would prove wiser than his official staff. II. S. Foe, for the Farmers' com pany, oaid ho dcsiicd tho-commission to framo an order that would meet with tho provision of the supremo court opinion. Ho vigorously opposed a disconnection of toll sendee, and declared that if the other company could prove a boycott the courts wcro open to them to suo them for damages. Saturday's Stato Journal. T-1 ror Brides And -"Sweet Girl Graduates jPTTIff jWHTTIJTHr jT' ikw) Af NO TIME IN HER LIFE CAN YOU BETTER SHOW YOUR DE VOTION TO YOUR TROD, BY SENDING HER A REMEMBRANCE THAN WHEN SHE GRADUATES UNLESS IT IS WHEN SHE WEDS. TOR BOTH OF THESE OCCAS IONS WE HAVE BEAUHFUL, AP PROPRIATEGIF1S. COMETOSEE OUR WARES AMD IT WON'T TAKE YOU LONG TO DECIDE WHAT TO GIVE. WHEN ASKED, WE SHALL BE GLAD TO HELP YOU MAKE YOUR SELECTION. sis We Make 'Quality' Right Then the Price ftight B. H. JSewhouse Red ciouj jeweier ana optometrist Ncbrska rraDniiiin The High CoSt of Living Did Come Down COMPARE THESE PRICES One Year Ago Today Tho Dcgieouf Houor will meet next Tucsdey ufteinoon, May 17th, at 2.00 o'clock sharp. Evoiy momber is ro quostnd to bo present ns thoro will bo Inltlutlou, The repoit from tho dis trict convention which wus hold at Edgar will be glvon by our delegate, Jlis. Llngstrom, undtho chiof of honor Mrs. Wolseh. Tho fourth division will servo refreshments, Come. AttoruoyE. G. Ualdwoll is on il o to attend a meeting of tho Eastern sick list. ' Star. Tho Scott Carnival Company now playing ni Ued Cloud umler the hub pices of the Klro Dcpaitnient were dolayod In arriving here on account of the uillroad traok being washed out duo to rocont heavy lain storms. They opvued Wednesday evening, however, and will remain hole during the week aftur which thoy will depart for Hear ney. Mesdamos W. IH McBride, Lloyd Mclntyrc, C. D. Kobinson and Fred Maurer went lo North Platto Monday 100 Fount! Snclc o! Sugar f 32.00 Ono Sack of Hot Flour 4.215 One Huehel Potato 0.00 ft Ono Pound Gypsy Itoy Coffee ,50 Ono Can Pink Salmon .-.- ,30 Ono Can Do&t Poilc and OcHim. ....... ,20 Tour Pounds Nuvy Lltaua.. ........... .00 Four Pounds Head Rho .T. .70 Six Cans Good Pcachen 3.00 Six Cans Good Apricots......... .3.00 Six Cars Soap .GO Ono Tall Can Mlllc 10 Ono Can Standard Corn 20 Oiiw Can Standard Poas '. 20 ONE YEAR AGO TODAY THE ABOVE GOODS WOULD COST YOU 5G1.G3 TODAY 8.00 :::: 2.00 .... 1.10 36 IS .IS .23 2-48 1.4S . .13 .. .13 .... .13 Today $16.89 wiWwwiwiiwimiMMiiroini ' m Hrr7i jrp M jj 83 A (lOul) I'ACK TO TJ1A.DH J. F. Edwards, Mgr. is&GKaiCTin BVQ PJ rif r 'TV Red Cloud, Neb. Mrs. Ed. Amack I. T. Amack 1 1 Amack & Amack UNDERTAKING BOTH PHONES I. T. AMACK- RED CLOUD, MED -PI IONE IND. 76M WAVVAAVV-VVWWV fThe-ExplorersMAt The Auditorium May 16. JZS iSS H h '1