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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1921)
MKTTB-,1S. b - I i5-IZiSr, -'S532Titr v "S? .g'-CS'Aja : i "KaHSEF-sHrtfiatwaas.- ?ETr. : cr--- ur VT1-J .i'.l a t ---. -HJV3 - - VL1 ! - .vi:- n z -s .- -.: - iiV -.- h" rt '. .t y k 1 W:FV--- TO - II I i I I W " - " -.3KSC2;.?.i53: "-. '.-"u-ltiilllllKVj -----s-v?-.-J jagcSraeaeggKttttggj.-W s-WL -r.'-Mm- -xsm rerft-5t--aA2y&--!swr ' ' i - ?rig-gg MsfeausagraaaEaiBtoJBgw ?--l A liy rfTtJEB" -, U! --- W - A. is. AWSPs? MIS W B.- JT ??" f : i -tr,. JHV r" TCZ24 -- .- - .-- . Tr t iTfflTiBmWKii I VS ' ;--: . ' . - m v&W VI JL tffli- -WB -K, '. MS,, w K3 flMai .? -' g -- V 'T:Hv--iHiaffPWBBggg . . - HTM i'TiWf J 1.411 - lr - -- - -- .Tit L7 CI fcVl UCW fl i i V 1 P XiJ - . : - - -i TTTr T Ml - mt .v:iiv - i . -hu-m . iin r- nH -r -z i'i cit u.a "i Jt i-r- - i:.'n -v f'.it.jt . . z a .j -' - :. i TTTTr- t- W3Wi . -ir-- ffWSWtt4 k.V-' a i .ATM? i ' 'MVfi- " P fflM -iaiiW.S f".-- Hft.4 . x. "'",- ". . sr:. .?&4Ji' ,BS3 . &u . j M. ;J -rtn . - iwuff lJSrl m ' Mil .-tfVrw- .' Wva i sit SB C5 i - ....i ' - I - Uriii ," . --: r .i-a-aati.-.-!!. -rea-.iffc aaa. - aretaitii rai - s - vm. ;i -- ;ai - tjtSdVj' tn it raB!wr . wi tr tivi n ri "..i - ..miffc i cjn - r.. - -.t- -.- -; ..r. f-..- ..-saoi.-... J3a-nsj-.. -uirc7i..' r.i V J i- " -x&z. &&m!2zs8$-3m:''3 r vk.-s-cc-.. " '--cr.v . ---r-r--i: . - t,!. "aFr-T:s"5C-"-i--:-'i.!3 VOLUME 49 mroiMiMMJiiiii i vim&xwriMsmjwTumiwjwKysaJiv.iumxwimmumMijaaxwr UNIVERSALI for Ihe AYUITC 1 IMC 1TTIIIIU UIIMia on Knobs and Handles Ihe Mark of Genuine Universal Aluminum TRINE'S irj!iiiuii!nai!!:iiui!!inrj!;m;!!;iiiii.:!!i:!:i!i!!i!!m ON THE w.?J wH masMyr y r VvVVVvvwiii - S ST I S innlTK I -j Ba Spring work on the farm will be requiring the time of every farmer. The work has to be finished at a given time. Little at tention is give to other matters. Still, the matter of nourishment must be thought of Let us supply your wants in groceries canned goods, relishes, cookies, Etc. Satisfaction or your money back guarantee We'll pay market price for your produce P A nMr ii 'JT Rl TU T7 WUIIC Groceries fflimni mi I0MT With the beginning of spring work on the farm comes additional demands on your equipment. Inspect your harness, and for the best of repair work give me a trial. Fogel J. ft. Hf i. ijannmii'miiiji ZEJ - XOUR KITCHEN hi i r -itffTswrT! I " 7. QuiclOeaiied anapntisssai. Eeadii fos? rfh pPofter Daif I CLEAN when put away today, clean when used again to morrow. The beauty of "Uni versal" Seamless Aluminum Ware isn't all in its looks. It also is in its service. It will work for you day after day and always in a saving way. It will save you time in cooking better meals. It will save you time in cleaning. "Universal" utensils are seam less. Rims are tightly rolled to give them stiffness. Sides and corners arc rounded for cjuick, easy cleaning. Cool handles doubly braced." Tight-fitting lids on po'ts and kettles. All the newest features for lasting sat isfaction in "Universal" Alum inum Ware. IVe have evcryliiitifjor yon. You need everything wc have. tmaaaaat S&AJALfcSS Mxmmwm Hardware FARIVI Iran and Queensware arnes BLUER Red Cloud Nebraska f a Rewsnaimr That tilus The ficMS RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. MAY 26, 1921 MEMORIAL DAY The following U the Memorial Dny program to bo given in the Methodist church at 11 a. m., Sunday, May 20th: Anthem Choir Prayer - Solo Scripture Heading cv Cope ' -. ,t tii..i..ii ' I iiev. .iary ii. iuueiiuu Hcv I Anthem - Choir""" "Cl,u" Ul "7""' Address Rev. E. T. Haddock, .1,,B st01 ,W,IS l, d in l,ree Song Choir and Audience "America" DECORATION DAY The following is the program for Decoration Day, Monday, May 30th: 1:30 P. M. Parade will form on corner of Web ster street and Fourth Avenue. All soldiers of Civil, Spanish American, World War, American Legion and Hoy Scouts will march in a body to cemetery where they will decorate the graves. 3 P. M. Resse Auditorium Song Chorus Invocation Rev. Eshclmnn Song Chorus Reading S. 13. Kizcr List of Deceased Soldiers Address -. S. R. Boycc Gettysburg Speech Song Chorus Address Rev. S. Hnrdman Song Star Spangled Banner May Brides Blossom Forth Rcnfro-Burft Mr. Frank Uuri: or PtvwncoCity and Miss Alvena llenfro of this city were married Saturday morning, May 21st, by Judge Messmore lit lteatriee. The bride is the accomplished daughter of Mrs M .tude Renfro. TIio announce niont of tlie as a bin priho to the bride's many friends in Red Cloud. The happy couple became ac qualnted at Armour where the brido has been teaching school. The groom is an energotie young merchant standing high in business circles where he Is acquainted. They will make their home at Armour. WcParlland-Doyle Mhs Anna Alice McPartland and Joseph Francis Doyle were mnrrled Wednesday morni; at nine o'clock by Father Fitzgerald nt the Catholic church. The bride's sister Auues act ed ns bride's maid and Lawrence Doyle, brother of the groom, was best man Many relatives and friends of the cou pie wltuessed the ceremony. A de lightful wedding dinner was served to a large number of guests at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs Anna Me. I'artland, ' who resides northwest of this city. The bride is a well known school teacher who has just completed a torm near Rlrerton, while the groom is a prosperous farmer. They will make their home on his farm south of this city.: Grace Church Services First Sunday After Trinity Sunday School at 10 it. in. Morning service aud baptism at Evening service at 8 p. m. 11 Dr. R. S. Mitchell of Applcton, Wisconsin, arrived in the city Monday evening, preparatory to moving his family to that city. Frank Foley was called to Norca tur, Kansas, Tuesday morning on ac count of tho serious illness of his father. Fireman Gentry of McCook is relieving him. Mr. and Mrs. Ned Sutton and daughter, Helen, departed Monday evening for Marshalltown, Iowa, they being called there by tho death of her mother, Mr3. Barker. Saturday morning Sheriff Huffcr arrested a ccuplo of boys who ran away from homo at Fall City. Sher iff McNulty of Fall City was in tho city Sunday morning and took tho boys home. Fifty - two Weeks Each Ynr For $1.50 The Class Play Tim play. "Mueh Ado About Hetty," which wus Klven by twenty-two mem bers of the eltis. of 10J1 at the I5esse Auditorium lust nltflit was one of the "tu'Si ever presumed ,ner. n ni mruutud uy ilia lioore Kiiuey nuu she ii cerliitnly to bo liilily comtneiul ed tor ihe tine tralnlni: evidenced in acts ltetu.a moving picture star, fjomg South on it vuuntioualosi'9 her memory from the shock of it railway acci dent and is identltlod as a rival, Violet Ostrich, from a handbag she carries. In this character she encounters the real Violet, who has just eloped with her tlfth husband, Ned O'llare, and mixes things up sadly for huiself and the young couple. Hetty was played by Helen Albright iu an expert man ner. Lloyd Slbert took the part of Lin Leonard, Betty's husband and his Interpretation of this part could not bo Improved upou'in anyway Tho real Vlolot Ostrich was Ruby Koon, who had Indulged in too many mar ridges for her own peace of mind, but always "got by" with another one. Howard Kaley as Ned O'llare. Violet's tlfth husband was always losing tils wife or chiimol by the wrong one. Aunt Winnie, the ever watchful aunt of Hetty's was just splendidly en itcttd by Ruth Sutton, but site had a terrible time with that Major Jartree, from Wichita, Kansas, ably Imperson ated by John Bloom who tried to be, a Get ItlcljijSnlck WaUliigrord. Lizzie, slow but sure, as played by Gertrude Wiggins was surely .splendid acting for nu amateur. K. Z Ostrich, a former husband of the famous Violet, Loiimer Edson, was always advertising his photo plays but no one would listen to tho reading of them. Ho got so far every tinio and had to' stop. Mr. Ebenezer O'llare, Harold Gil bert, was the mirth-quake of the whole evening and acted in a profes sional way. Gladys Reufio as Mrs Ebenezer O'llare was great iu her, having ii sprained ankle she had a time keeping watch on her sly bus. baud. Every chautcter thru out the long list could thus bo favorably mentioned if space but permitted. This comedy was bright, clover and full of brisk uctlon aud appealed allka to the young and the youthful-hearted. The stage was sot by the Graham Furniture Co., and huts for the youug ladles were furnished by Mrs. Butler's millinery. A clover specialty between acts was given in which several young ladies were served tea by Marian McDowell, who made a mistake of putting in pop per for sugar and they sneezed the chorus of their catchy song. Mr. Windolph In his usual talented manner played sovoral selections on tho pipe organ. The wholeveniug was ono of keen enjoymont from beginning to end. Everyone seemed to delight in tho tal ent and ability of the cast represented by our graduates and agreed on tho excellency of their lino choice of it play. Charity Lodge Elects Officers Lust Friday evoning .Charity lodge No. .".II. A. F. A. M., met and elected the following olHeers for the ensuing year Master. II. S. Foe. Senior Warden, V. D. Edson. Junior Warden, Floyd Turnnro. Secretary, 15. V. Perry. Treasurer, E. L. Grlmib, A kltohen shower was given Miss Aiineo Arnold last Friday evening i.t the V. A. Sherwood noiue by Mrs. Miner Shorwood. The rooms were beuutlfullv decorated and many of the unique features greatly delighted those present. The approaching marriage of Miss Arnold to Mr. Phil ahorwood prompted the gift of many useful pres1; ents. Many were accompanied by au amusing verse. Light refreshments were served and all spent. a very enjoy See Our Charming Presents For Brides And Sweet Girl Graduates I We Mike 'Quality' Right B. ft Newhouse Red Cloud Jeweler and frniBRiMimi lamiEimnaM r, The High CoSt Did Come Down COMPARE One Year Ago Today 100 Pound Sack o! Sugar $32.00 Ono Sack of Best Flour 4.2G Ono Bushel Potatoes 6.00 One Pound Gypsy Boy Coffee .GO One Can Pink Salmon 30 Ono Can Best Pork and Beans 20 Four Pounds Navy Beans 60 Four Pounds Head Rice ..c.. .70 Six Cans Good Peaches 3.00 Six Cans Good Apricots 3.00 Six Bars Soap Ono Toll Can Milk One Can Standard Corn Ono Can Standard Peas ONE YEAR AGO TODAY THE ABOVE GOODS WOULD COST The Farmers Union J. F. Edwards, Mgr. A 0&?SK Red Cloud, Neb. iciMiiMiBniiTinimi wv M Ed. Amack Amack rs. i UNDERTAKING BOTH PHONES RED CLOUD, NEB I. T. AMACK-PHONE IND. 76M tVUVftWSftWAMV.V-WVW - rWfg? TPl TO RED f ' 'J vf-J NUMBER 2L izzmxsss&sseaimeixnEM ntximjji'XMmwz&YsmKKT. M NO TIME IN HER LIFE CAN YOU BETTER SHOW YOUR DE V0TI0N TO YOUR FRIEND, BY SENDING HER A REMEMBRANCE THAN WHEN SHE GRADUATES UNLESS IT IS WHEN SHE WEDS. FOR BOTH OF THESE OCCAS IONS WE HAVE BEAUriFUL, AP PROPRIATE GIFTS. COMETOSEE OUR WARES AND IT WON'T TAKE YOU LONG TO DECIDE WHAT TO GIVE. WHEN ASKED, WE SHALL BE GLAD TO HELP YOU MAKE YOUR SELECTION. 3S Then the Price Right Optometrist Nebrt ka of Living, aiwMiiinuii .mmjmm THESE PRICES TODAY $9.00 :::: 2.00 .... 1.10 35 15 15 25 25 1.45 1.45 .35 .... .13 .... .13 .... .13 Today $16.89 60 18 20 20 YOU $51.03 VWl i i I. T. Amack & Amack CLOUD JULY 4th rVr5H - ; .J,l..y . Vt- r "" RJV '