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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (May 19, 1921)
WOm mnr -i RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHDBF Huy Hrend at Powell and Pope's Every sick of Red Cloud Best Flour Is guaranteed Try It. For sale by ul merchants. V II. Roberts, Miller & Manager ;; AS TOLD TO US 8 MK8iKMaaiSMKKBM Eat and drinU Ht Powell &, Pope's Cafe. tf VANTED-(!ood milk cowg.rAT Saby. W. T. Harris spent Tuesday In Hastings. Mr. and Mrs. Irving Richarson de parted Wednesday morning for Fort Scott, Kansas, they being called there on account of the sudden death of her mother. Porter Hulc spent Friday in Hast ings. Mrs. M. H. Finch spent Tuesday in Hastings. 1. - i , . i ji. fik Marshall Finch spent Monday in Hastings. W. B. Smith was in Hastings Thursday. Mrs. Boy Cramer spent Thursday in Hastings. Mr. and Mrs. A. U. Kaley spent Friday in Hastings. Banker Henderson is driving a new Buick roadster. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. L. Thomas spent Friday in Hastings. Mrs. Max Mizcr and daughter, Ma rie, spent Friday in Hastings. W. D. Edson attended the editorial convention at Hastings Friday. Miss Mildred Boren spent the week end with her parents at Cowles. Dr. and Mrs. R. E. Camp spent Sunday with friends at Superior. FOR SALE A Smith Premier typewriter. Inquire at this office. Miss Katherinc Carpenter spent the weekend with her parents at Inavale. Lutheran services every first and third Sunday in the montlrat 11 a. m. Miss Vera Hatfield of Hastings spent Sunday here with her parents. Mirf. T. P-wkins of Duncan, Okla., is here visiti x her father, J. P. Hansen. Mrs. Chas. E! 'redge went to Blue Hill Saturday morning to visit relatives. Ted Harris is driving a new Reo automobile. Joe Crow was down from HepublN can City Monday. G. R. McCrary was down from Ina vale Saturday morning Mr S Flardmnn will hold two ser vices In Blooniinton on Trinity Sun day. Ellery Hooper returned home the first of the week frmo Wray, Colorado. Dr. R. V. Nicholson went to Omaha Sunday to attend the state dental convention. Dun DMIUna .Innnaml,lnll x minify uuruimu iituuvouujr morning for Chicago where he will imAH I 9mo t A Aln Wednesday, Judge Ranney issued a marriage licenso to Ralph J. Wcintz and Eva L. Cockran of McCook. Morrison McConkey returned homo Monday morning from Scottsbluff where he had been visiting friends. Miss Nina Simmons returned to her home at York Saturday morning after spending a few days with friends here. George Hines returned to Wymore Sunday morning after spending a few days here with his son, W. L. Hines and family. Miss Minnie Christian returned to Guide Rock Sunday morning after n short visit hero with her mother, Mrs. J. L. Christian. Mrs. Henry Pharos and son of Central City are visiting relatives in the city. Dr. W. H. McBride went to Omaha Monday to attend the state dental association meeting. Miss Edna Henderson went to Omaha Friday morning where she will visit her sister. . - uiuc Attorney A. M. Walters of Hill was attending district court in this city Wednesday. Three cars of cattle, four cars of hogs and one car of sheep and hogs mixed, were shipped out of here Sun day to Kansas City. The Red Clond Mill grinds all hinds of feed, also has Chick Food and other Ground Grain for Chicken. W. H. Roberts, Miller & Mgr. Mrs. L. P. Albright and daughter, Miss lone, arrived here Monday morn ing from Los Angeles and other west ern cities where they have been visit ing for several months. Mrs. Mary McClelland and daugh ter, Mrs. Chas. Perry returned home Monday morning from Los Angeles, California, where they had been visit ing Joe McClelland for several weeks. Mrs. S. Finchcr returned home Tuesday evening from Tulsa, Okln home, where she spent several weeks visiting her daughter, Mrs. "Maude Derr, who accompanied her home for a visit. Mrs. G. W. Fauntz of Denver ar rived in the city Wednesday to yisit her husband who is foreman of the gang which has been tearing down the old Burlington coal shed for the past two weck3. Grant Turner went to Hastings Saturday to haul R. J. White's house hold goods to this city but owing to the muddy roads he was compelled to leave his truck at Ayr Saturday evening and returned home by auto. Mrs. Helen Gamel of Arapahoe ar rived in the city Monday morning, she being called hero on account of the sudden death of her aunt, Mrs. Emma J. Morgan, who passed away at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Spcnce Potter. Get our prices before buying your winter supply of Coal. We can furnish you the best for less money. Farmers Union Elevator. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Fearn returned to Guide Rock Monday morning after spending a few days here with their son, Glen and family. Rev. Lininger returned to Cowles Friday morning after attending to some business matters. Mrs. E. C. Tagg went to Waco Mondny morning after spending a week with friends here. Mrs. A. Lindley came down from Riverton Thursday morning to visit her daughter, Mrs. C. J. Piatt. Mrs. C. R. Rudd departed the last of the week for Athens, Alabama, where she will visit her brother. Lester Mercer of Gibbon arrived in the city Monday evening to visit his brother, M. A. Mercer and family. Judge Dilworth and Court Reporter Baird are holding an equity term of district court in the city this week. Mrs. Marion Bloom returned home Thursday evening from Fairbury where she had been visiting her parents. Mrs. Wilson returned homo Friday evening from Superior where she spent a few days with her grandson, Bruce Robinson and wife. Owing to a generator burning out at the power house early Saturday morning the steam unit was fired up and used for a couple of days. Dr Warrick, the Specialist, will meet eye, ear, nose and throat patients and those needing glasses at Dr. Damerell's Tuesday, May 24th. Hours 2 to G. The Day of Reckoning While four and a half million men were traveling In 1017 and 1IU8 the road of destiny which led acioss the ocean fraught with danger to tho bat tle fields of France, while more than one hundred thousand of these men Four trains of stock consisting of one hundred and sixty two cars pass ed thru here Sunday morning en route to the markets at St. Joe and Kansas City. The remains of six thousand Amer iran soldiers arrived at Hoboken, New Jersey, this week and will be shipped to the different parts of the country for interment. The Red Cloud ball team will go to Franklin Sunday afternoon where they will play the local team of that place. C. C. McConkey went to Grand Is land Friday morning where he will visit for a while at the Soldiers' Home. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Kent went to St. Francis, Kansas, Monday to visit relatives and attend to some business matters. Miss Hazel Mooro of McCook ar rived in tho city Sunday morning to visit her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Clark. G. G. Etherton, B. F. Reed and F. Erickson went to Kansas City Sun day in charge of the stock shipment from here. To the Public Having disposed of my Interest in the Frame & Smith Bros , garage, desire to get all accounts due the said Arm straightened up Immediately and re quest that all parties Indebted to us call and nettle ut once, Bruce Frame. A POSITION within 30 days after graduation or tuition refunded Send for catalogue Grand Island Business College Nebraska's Oldest, Larg est and Leading Business Training School. Wm. Lain and Jas. Doyle shipped a car of cattlo and one car of hogs from Lester to the Kansas City mar ket Tuesday morning. Wm. Lain ac companied tho shipment to Kansas City. Youll enjoy the sport of rolling 'em with P. A.! i trlntm Albert 1 told in toppy rod bag, tidy rod tin, hand' oomo pound and holi pound tin humidor and in tho pound tryttal glatt humi dor with tpongo molittntr top. FIRST thing you do next go get some makin's papers and some Prince Albert tobacco and puff away on a home made cigarette that, will hit u all your smoke cylinders i No use sitting-by and say ing maybe you'll cash this hunch tomorrow. Do it while the going's good, for man-o-man, you can't figure out whatyou'repassingby! Such flavor, such coolness, such more-ish-ness well, the only way to get the words em phatic enough is to go to it and know yourself! And, besides Prince Albert's delightful flavor, there's its freedom from bite and parch which is cut out by; our exclusive patented proc ess! Certainly you smoke P. A. from sun up till you . slip between the sheets with out a comeback. Prince Albert is the tobac co that revolutionized pipe smoking. If you never could smoke a pipe forget itr You can AND YOU WILL if you use Prince Albert for packing! It's a smoke revelation in a jimmy pipe or a cigarette! . Copyright 1021 by R. J. Reynold! Tobacco Co. WUuton-Saletn, N.C Fringe Albert the national joy tmoke Thursday afternoon an eleven inn ing ball game was played on the lo cal diamond at which time Guide Rock met the home team at the Starke ball park. Red Cloud won the game by a score of 2 to 1. Tho home boys played air tight ball and Pitcher Slaby was at his best. Last Fridnv the following Shrlners, Messrs. Alf Salden, F. .1. Orice, E. W Stevens, Charllo Kaley, A. U. and Date Kaley, W. G. Hamilton, F K. Maurer, U. W. Hutchison, O. S Olei son, nnd Scott nttcndod n mpeting of the Teherna Temple Nobles of tho Mystic shrine at. Hastings. Some over one hundred and sixty candidates were initiated Including the following mem. berfl of the Knight Templar of this city: Judge L U. Blaokledge, R F. Oat man, H O. Gellatly, Lloyd Hines, W. A. Mnynard nnd Lloyd Mclntiie. were dying aud half a million others were suffering wounds and physical ailments which will handicap them ever, another group of men who had ignored the call of their country were living in peace and comfort at home. They were strong bodied but cowardly hearted, shameful but shameless They had willfully deserted their country in its hour of need. By subterfuge, by secret Influence, by flight they evaded the call to enroll themselves In the American Army under the law which this nation adopted for its self-preser vatiou. Remaining at home, they reap ed the benefits of the abuortnal oppor tunities which fell to the selfish in the war. Since the Armistice they have lived in security, undisturbed. Now the Government 1 taking ac tion against a large fraction of them those who are classed as draft desert ers. The names of all these draft deserters 160,000 of them are to be made public by the War Department. The day of atonement is at hand, and the Government is making an effort to brand and puuish each of them. The success in Its efforts depends upon the support the Government receives from the public, the press, officials charged with the enforcement of the law and The American Legion. Two motives actuate The American Legion in Us, heartfelt wish to have wide-pread publicity given to the list of deserters which the War Depart ment Is now releasing. These motives represent principles which every loyal American, war veteran or not, must wish to see upheld, The first is the universally accepted conception of law as something to be enforced if govern ment lb to bo effective, The men who shirked must be punished or one of the most important laws ever adopted by this country becomes meaningless. The second Is the simple Idea of justice to the mau who served. If the publi cation of toe draft deserters' list docs nothing more than oust from well pay ing jobs the" men who gained those jobs by slanklug, it will have served a just purpose. It is In no spirit of malign vengeance that tho men who served ask that justice be meted out to tho men who were found wanting hi their country's hour of need -American Leg Ion Weekly Kansas Pickups SMITH COUNT? Karl Abbott made a trip to Mankato, Friday. Mrs. D. K. Orevvell is quite sick at this writing. Mr-. Ona Lock visited relatives in Lebanon Saturday. Miss Sybil Lull visited Mrs Ernest Lock one day last week. E. E. Spurrier, county commissioner, ia in Smith center this week. "Miss Ella Grewell spent last week with her sUter, Mrs. Fay Upp. Mrs. Alziua Fieldgrove visited last week at the home of Qrover Ueardslee. Mrs. Thelma Relihan spent Thurs day with her mother, Mrs. Robt. Lannl gan. Dr. H. M Tweedy and wife of Smith Center spent Sunday with T. S. Spurr ier and wife. Will Lull and wife of Vermillion, South Dakota are here visiting rela tives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Vance of Lebanon visited their daughter Mrs. Ernest Freeman last week. Earl Abbott, wife and baby Elmer spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. E Spurrior. Mrs. F. M Brown spent a couple of days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Rohrer, la9t week. Mr. and Mrs. E E. Spurrier and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Abbott made a business trip to Red Cloud Thursday. Mrs. James Spurrier returned home Saturday from a two week's visit with relatives in Hurr uaic ana macKiito. Henry Lull of Hoxle, Kansas is here visiting and trying to regain his strength. Henry has been quite poor ly Mrs. Anna Carry of Dewltt, Nebras ka has been vi-iting her neice, tlattie Mlobcals, but is now home of her sister, Mrs. Robt. gan tti THE GIFT QUESTION SOLVED In search of ideas for Graduation gifts? Have you seen our stock? " Among our exclusive novelties there are sure to be some things which will smooth out some of the wrinkles in your brow. We are ready and willing at all times to show you our stock and make suggestions that will aid you. Do not hesitate to come in for ideas for we will treat you as cordially when you look as when you buy. J. C. MITCHELL JEWELER AND OPTICIAN m m mmmmmmmmmmmmam Mrs at the Lanni- Notice to Contractors. Legion Will Have Ball Team At a meeting of the American Leg. ion Friday evening it was decided to organize a base ball team among Its membership. Gilbert Beck was ap pointed manager and he has seoured several ex-service men who are first class ball players aud no doubt after a little practice will put up a ball game like the people waut to see. Paraphe nalia for the team will be ordered in la tew days. s ' Scaled proposals will bo received at tho ofllco of the City Clerk of lied Cloud, Nobrns ka until noou Juno 7th, 1921, (or tho con struction ol a concroto box scv.-er on 8th Ave nue. Dlds must bo in ado upon tho blank' proposal from which, with specifications aud plans will bo furnished by tho City Englneor, Geo. II. Ovorlng. Tho Engineer's estimate Is $1323.00, Tho City Council reserves tho right to reject any and nil bids. Hy order of tho City Council this 20th day of April 1021. Attest: O. C. TEKli It. F. OATMAN City Clerk. I'rcsldont of tho Council. (Seal) TrjWfji i i W?n WEARAWITTTRIBVVJ nfcb11" "fuss xZSMr El - Vlt4l' JE I SPECIAL Young Men's New Sport Suits Silk Lined Gabberdines, Sheppards, Plaids, Homespuns $27. so Sold and Guaranteed by CHAS. L. COTTING ' The Druf gist Made by The Best Tailors in This Country to Sell For $50.00 See Them in Our Windows CO WDEN-KALEY CLOTHING CO. "Always Reliable' M u in milium i & p c flMUttHfflttHUNftifii IV. o;