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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (May 19, 1921)
RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF Find Cause of 'Wound' Shock Doctor Canon of Harvard and Aids Announce Results of Ex periments During War. DIFFERENT FROM SHELL DAZE Condition Usually Develops Some Hours After Serlouo Wound or Accident Dead Tissues Be come Toxic and Poisonous. Cambridge, Mass. Discoveries inntlo by Dr. Walter U. Cannon of the Har vard Medical school and otlier Ainori can, British and French medical olt cers toward tlio close of the World war have brought forth new evidence regarding the cause and nature of the Mrungo phase known as "shock," a condition that led to Innumerable, deaths In war time and frequently has u similar result after accidents In time of peace. "Shock, or wound-shock, ns It Is often called, has long ballled the medi cal profosslnii," Doctor Cannon said to a press representative, on being asked to describe the results of hjs Im portant work. Occurs After Any Accident "This condition, which, by the way, bhould not be confused with shell shock, an entirely different phenome non, usually develops somo hours ufter n serious wound or accident. It frequently followed grave shell wounds In the war, and often comes on after a person has been seriously hurt In nil accident in times of peace, ufter, for example, lio lias had a limb crushed In a railroad accident. "There hnvo been numerous theories of thu nature of shock. Home doctors held that shock resulted from nervous collapse, others that it came from a clogging of blood vessels by fat from won nils, eomo that It was duo to pa ralysis of tho nerves controlling the urterlcs, others that the adrenal gland was somehow affected so as to do the mischief, and so on. Our work in Franco gavo us oppor tunity to study shock in the utmost de tail. One by ono wo threw out the theories advanced in former yours. Establish Real Cause. Wo at length finally tested and es tablished tho fact that tho condition results from the tearing or crushing of muscles or other tissues by missiles moving with tcrrlllc velocity. Tho dum aged or dead tlssuo soon becomes toxic, or In other words nets like a Radiophone Chess ETfj &'zmzz?j;snZZ B Sxi P 'fIKTl''lE' i ii ,..... -.J i :...! l& iijTiMTT-fgr"- rmlTmmSi ifiBii ,ii m3 Tnmmmmiwmni TnBri illWffiiMi iiii iiHliillr f rBIHrt'riTiiiTiffl i TTriwBrffHB ' mm SS mm ' For three hours Miss lteovu K. Borke of New York city played chess with 'her sweetheart, II. L. ltogers, who was In Krle, l'n. Itadlophono Is tho an swer tho game being a "stunt" of tho radio show on the Hotel rennsylvnnlu iroof. BIG PROFIT Large Increase in the Industry in This Country. J own Boy Clears $1,200 In One Year by Raising Them In His Back Yard. Washington. liaising rabbits for the market is becoming n pleasurable and profitable Industry in certain parts of tho country. A resident of Kansas City, Kan., has raised UOO to 400 pounds of rabbit meat a year for his own tablo at a cost of only eight to ten cents a pound. In Nebraska n largo religious Institution that has raised rabbits Instead of poultry re ports tho meat more satisfactory than chicken nnd tho experiment profitable. According to a former county commis sioner of Washington, rabbits wero J.TOWH on tho county farm to provide , substitute for chicken for the - sort of poison. This toxin causes nn increased permeability of tho smallest blood-vessels, the capillaries, and thus there Is lost through their walls quan tities of thu fluid portion of tho blond which should lie In circulation. Tho result Is somewhat similar to that of great loss of blood from the body." American, British mid French medi cal and surgical olllcers co-opernled In thu investigations, somo of which were made nt Bcthuiic in 11)17, somo hi London, and others at Dijon In 1018 lu a laboratory of the American expedi tionary forco under Doctor Cannon's direction. "Toward tho end of the war," con cluded Doctor Cannon, "wo hnd learned much about methods of treat ing such cases, finding that It was helpful to keep tho patient amply warm, to give him quantities of wa ter, and, If necessary, to transfuse blood Into ttie system from somebody else's." Says Earth Is Speeding to End & Pastor Outlines Nine Ways by Which World May Meet Destruction. Detroit The world Is traveling on Its wny to destruction at the ruto of (500,000 miles u day, bo tho Itov. fleorgu T. Hulleii of tho West Grand Houluvard M. 13. church believes. That was a sure thing, he declared, and further ho said there are ut least eight otlier ways in which tho old world may come to Its end before the fatal ending of tho "death Journey." First, hu declared, the axis of tho earth might decide to bhlft nbout u few degrees, with tho result that tho oceans would sweep over the dry lands and destroy all llfo before nn ark could bo built. If that falls to occur thero might be u failure of Internal fires and the crust of the earth would nbsorb all the water and the air. The death of our planet might, on the other hand, be brought about by the heat of the sun dying out and leaving tho earth n mass of Ice. Thero was Just a possibility that we might nil be asphyxiated by tho earth passing through tho tall of n comet, or this With Sweetheart .. :. . v.. ws : 'wwwyf'jt fw Wit SWiV v. r-JMvn if IN RABBITS - county hospitals; tho Initial stock, numbering 110 rabbits, Increased to 1,200 in ten mouths, besides those used In the hospitals. A high school boy In Iown, who breeds registered stock on u space 'M feet f-quaro in Ids back yard, raised enough rabbits In 1018 to clear more than 1,200. An Ohio farmer H-nds 100 pounds of rabbit meat a week to city restaurants, yet ls unable to meet tho demnnd. Tho foregoing nro con crete examples of what has actually been dono from records of tho bureau of biological survey of tho United States Department of Agriculture. "It ls now well known thnt rabbit meat," says Ned Dearborn, assistant biologist, In a bulletin to farmers, "Ib as fine us that of poultry, and that n prolific ten-pound doo can easily ralso In n year 20 young, which at flvo months will produco not less than 50 pounds of delicious ment. By menus of compound hutches, nil this can bo dono on an area 4 by 0 feet. Half un PREDICTS SLUMP IN SHIPPING New Chief of Japanese Steamship Firm la Michigan University Graduate. Tokyo. Japan's greatest steamship company, tho Nippon Ynsen Kulshn has selected ns Its president YoneJIro lto, who Is a graduate of tho Univer sity of Michigan. Mr. i o, who has been serving as vlco pMsIdent of tho company, takes the place of Huron Kempol Kondo, who died recently. In n statement to tho press Presi dent lto said that the world's supply of ships Is so In excess of tho cargo demnnd that It Is natural that thn freight market should bo ns depressed as it Is. lie considered the outlook A dnrk one and said that Japan should bo prepared to faco a long period of sorb oils depression In tho shipping busi ness. Molasses Halts City Council. Williamson, W. Vn. Molasses caused the postponement of the month ly meeting of tho city commission of Williamson. Tho city fathers gath ered in their meeting room, only to find that some miscreant had smeared molasses on the seats of their chairs. planet might collide with another world wandering through space. Another Way. And the end might be brought about by the slowing down or the speeding up of the rate of the earth's rotation on Its own axis. Thu rotation at present Is just sufllclent to counter act the centripetal forco of the sun, and If It were slowed down the earth would fly Into the sun, starting at the rate of 1,100 miles an hour and he' consumed. If the rate of rotation; were accelerated the earth would lly out Into spaco Into a temperature ofj 100 degrees below zero and the oceans, would be frozen to their utmostl depths. Otlier ways by which Mr. Gullen, could see the world come to its end were the closing up of nil volcnnoetf and other vents for gases, tho Inovlt-' able result of which would bo n terrific explosion that would shatter the world or bring part of tho ntmosphcre to such a heat that the oxygen and nitrogen would unite and cnuso a combustion of tho atmosphere. That such disasters were not Impos sible was shown, he said, by tho spec troscope, by means of which man could rend the llfo history of tho. planets. He ndded: "The spectroscopo shows that onel plnnet Is In n stnto of white heat, that another showing yellow Is on the down1 grade, that Mars Is dying, thnt tliej moon Is dead, while Jupiter Is Just get ting ready for sentient life. This world! is on Its way to death, for It Is travel ing straight toward Hercules 000,000 miles n day, and while tho distance Is Immense It Is not Infinite." The Great Danger. Hut tho greatest danger that Mr. Gallon thinks confronts the earth Is a collision with n dead star. Such a star would be Invisible until It cnino within the range of thu sun's rays, which would bo when It was llvo times ns far away as Neptune. It could then bo scon In tho telescope. In twenty flvo years more It would be visible to the naked eye. In flvo years more It would pass Neptuno and In llf days from that time If It kept straight on, It would strike tho earth. Thnt would give us thirty-two years and 145 days of warning from the time tho dead world was first picked i.p by the tele scope. Science tells us tho end Is coming, tho preacher went on more reassuring ly, but It does not believe tho end Is" near. It estimates that God took ninety million years to make the world habitable by man and that man's llfo , on It Is perhaps 100,000 years. Ills comparatively optimistic com- ( ment at the finish was: "Why could (ion spend nil Hint time in making a world If It Is to be de stroyed so soon? God wastes neither space, material nor time. He Is too busy. Ho Is continually making new worlds, but Ho does not destroy them almost as soon as they are made." hour of tlmo u dny and somo liny, road side weeds nnd refuse from orchard, garden and kitchen, Mippleniented by a sniiill quantity of grain, cover the cost of production. Raising rubblt meat for home consumption H n prop ortion for turning to uccount time, spaco and materials which aro ordi narily wasted. In regions whero rab bit breeding Is practiced extensively rabbit ment Is In common uso nnd bus u plnco with other kinds of ment In dally market reports. "Tho first object In -nbblt raising Is to supply homo needs. Tho best en dorsement nn nrtlcle can hnvo Is tho fact that It Is used freely by its pro ducer. If ono ls Inclined to disdain domesticated rabbits on account of ex perience with wild rabbits, lie should know that tho latter, as sold In the butcher's shop, nro not to bo com pared with tender oting hutch rabbits. Tho flesh of the tamo rabbit Is a high ly nutritious nnd desirable food, re sembling somen lint tho whlto meat of chicken. Wherever It has been Intro duced in tho markets, It bus become popular, nnd tho demand for It has steadily grown. .NEBRASKA NEWS IN CONCISE FORM State Occurrences of Importance Boiled to a Few Lines for Quick Perusal. Sunday baseball, a hard-fought Is .sue, was defeated for tho third tlmo 'ut Edison. Tho farmers union at Lodgepole is planning to build a hnll for business co,,l,-v Bnl(1 ' was his Intention to bo nnd social functions. ' u c"Hdnte for tho republican noniln- : The Knights of Columbus nt West'";'"" to sovcrnor ,tho " j,rl; I'olnt have established a new council, "" ry IIo,wn a candidate at the last to be known as West Point council. Primary when Governor Mclvelvio won ,, .. . . . l'10 nomination. More than 130 girls woro Initiated' Into Job's Daughters, a new Masonic ' The supremo court today decided organization for glrlo, nt Omaha. ., Ui&t the counties of Cedar and Dixon Tho stato convention of the Nntlon- nro J'llt,v Ule for damages on ac ol Association of Letter Cnrriors will cmml of tllc death of Frank F. Ilrienzo bo held at Omaha May 30 and 31. I wll was kl,Ictl w,lcri lli8 n"to rjl" Duroc Jersey breeders of northwest' .'ebraska met nt Hay Springs nntl i ISobruska met nt Hay Springs nnd organized tho Northwestern Duroc Ureeders association. A special election to voto on a con tract with tho new hydro-electric light and power company at Hebron has been called by the city council. Announcement bus been made that tho fourteenth annual enenmpment of tho United Spanish War Veterans, de partment of Nebraska, will bo held at Lincoln on Juno 12-11. Special rnll- I'addock, Glenwood and Klin town ships, Gngo county, have hired grad ing equipment equal to that used on county roads and will continue to drag and maintain tho roads at town till p expense. Pilot Ed Gardner, n Lincoln avia tor, was fatally injured nt tho big aerial tournament nt Holdroge, when ho crashed li'O feet, coming out of a 1,000 foot tall Bpln. He was rushed to a Lincoln hospital whore he died. Excavation will soon start for Crete's municipal swimming pool which is expected to bo ready for use by Juno 1. A baseball league has been organ- Ized at Arnold composed of teams ' representing various farm bureau or- tho problems of their less fortunate ganizations. Games will be played 8stcr8 wno havo not had the ndvan on Saturdays under tho schedule. tagc of higher education. The expori At a special meeting of tho Super-' n,cnt Is being planned by tho Y. W. ior city council, called to consider tho C. A. ndvisability of convoking a special election to glvo the voters an oppor tunity to vote the $55,000 water bonda which were defeated at tho regular , , ., ,. ,iii.i,i spring election, it was decided to hold O..M. ii f .. oi i such election May 24. Tho University of Nebraska will J tnavo us own moving picture theater on the campii3, nt which will bo shown pictures of historical ovents and sub jects of Interest to studonts. Profes sor Oondra Is In charge of the work. Loans on lands In Nebraskn and adjoining stntes under tho federal furm loan system were resumed May 5 by the Federal Land bank of Omaha, I after M.nonslon t i,RinB fnr mr ' than a year pending adjustment of litigation. Tho second annual convention of tho Nebraska League of Woman Vot ers will bo held In Lincoln Juno 7, o ...... j, urcuimiiK 10 announcement ii.i.uu uy .Mrs. vj. ii. uiciricu, Hast ings, president. Pushed ii lionllrn by her younger brother into while tho two woro plavlng I With H.ll.lrnn nnnr tl.olr lmmn ' nt Hastings, Dorothy, 4-year-old u b, "stitut0' training school for daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. EH Jutlah ! "rlstlnn workers, which will bo op was burned to death. eratc(1 n,0,1B tno llncB of similar I schools in other large cities. Tho A movement has been started nt headquarters of tho Institute will bo Liberty and committees have been ap- at tho Castelar church, 2400 South pointed to look into tho matter of sixteenth street. A summer session providing n playground and public t ot tho school will open July 1. Tho hoi in jr. oieps nuvouecn laiten 10 . ralso part of- tho money. Farmers of Nebraska aro showing an Increasing Interest In tho breeding of horses this Bpring, nccordlng to tho Hlnln rnlloi'o nt nfrlfiilnrn m.IM, indications that tho breeding may bo w the heaviest in years. The Rock Island followed tho ex ample of tho other railroads of tho state, which have reported thus far to the stato tax commissioner, and ' The extension division of tho Uni asked that its valuation be cut from versify of Nobraska has announced a $ll,ri0:t,:)J5 to $C,S73.927. j short courso In citizenship to bo giv- Tho test oil woll on tho Hamilton en to Nobrnskans at tho university nt farm oast of Blue Springs Is reported Lincoln Juno S nnd 9 following corn down 275 feet. inenconiont on Juno C. Over 10,000 persons witnessed tho UnIorsity of Nobrnska track ath-thrcc-day aerlnl tournament at Hold-1 lotos scored n triumph over tho Uni rego. Aviators from n dozen cities vorslty of Kansas track squad nt Lin partlcipatcd In tho event, tho first of coin, when tho Cornhuskors won ;tho its kind over hold in the stato, After a delay of a week on account of nu accident to tho mnchlnory, drill ing was resumed nt tho oil well near Wymore. Tho drill Is now down 270 foot and In a formation of limestone Two bakery firms in Beatrico an nounced a drop of 1 cent per loaf in tho wholcsalo nnd retail price of broad. Tho change Is due, It Is said, to the falling wheat prices. Broadwater, Llsco, Oshkosh nnd Lowollen, nil North Platto valley towns, havo organized an nmatour baseball league, nil teams to employ non-salaried homo plnyors. Commlttoo meetings held nt tho 1 Methodist Episcopal and Congregn- tlonnl churches nt Butto rosultod In tho federation of tho two churches. Omaha membora of tho Modern Woodmen of America nro planning to erect a commodious hendquartcrs building In Omnha, and to bring tho national encampment of Woodmen to tho Nebraska metropolis In 1925. Thomas Ensteln, manager of the Stuart Telephone company; Forrest) Shearer, Stuart, nnd John Koopp of Stuart were drowned' when a boat In which thoy wore bass fishing capsized In Dora lake, fifteen miles south of Stuart. The reduction of 30 and 35 per cent In road building materials announced recently by Georgo Johnson, secretary of tho department of public works, will mean tho building of 100 addi tional miles of stato roads In Ne braska this summer, according to re ports. Former Stato Senator Adam McMul- Icn of Dcutrice, while in Lincoln re- Ji "i T M".n iX" "CC"B the two counties In May.1918. It is understood thnt the uso of convict labor in erecting tho now $300,000 reformatory for young crim inals is in tho rango of possibilities. Plans, It Is said, are to locato tho re formatory at Lincoln, or at Raymond, a little town only n few miles from Lincoln. A general order was Issued by Col onel J. II. Prosson, department com mander of the Grand Army of the Re public, announcing the stato encamp ment which will bo held nt Hastings on May 23 to 2S. Special faro reduc tions lmvo been granted by nil rail roads to tho old veterans. Tho board of control of tho Masonic home of Plnttsmouth has purchased the Fitzgerald property west of tho lots owned by tho Mnsons, glvlnc them two blocks along Locust street, nnd makes it possible to carry out their desires as to ornamentation and future building. Eighteen college girls from Nebras ka, Kansas nnd Colorado will seek Jobs In laundries, factories and in do mestic; fiorvlrn nt Tlotivni- flila sum. ,or to ,,,, first-iimui lmnu-imi f Lincoln citizens nro greatly wrought up over tho action of tho new city commission for naming F. C. ywZ ZZ7 '"' ,u"""bnr; u Venning mayor of the city over Chas. ,., TJ.0 ., ..i ., . . 1 urjnn. In spite of tho fact that nvnn ,.,,, , ,.,,,, Bryan received the highest votn nt the redent election ho was defeated for mayor by n voto of 4 to 1. Prior to the vote taken by the commission ers, Bryan Indicated ho would resign if ho were not elected mayor. Nonpartisan league and labor lea ders met nt Lincoln nnd made final plans for starting referendum peti- "" " '"' i "'T , "l pr , y,, r0BT tratIou law' which requires all vot- ers, even In rurnl districts, to regis ter for tho primaries; the law giving the stato department of trade and commerce discretionary power lu granting now bank chnrters, nnd tho nntl-plcketing law. The measures wero pugsed by tho lnst iesBaturc, Rev. W. II. Jordan, who recently re 8T!B"C,(' th. Pastte of tho First J'sbnenan church, Shenandoah, l0Wa- ha GOllO to Omaha to open .1 work ls to bo conducted entiroly undo- nominatlonal. Mr. Jordan has pub lished the Living World for tho past two years. Final details for tho 54th annual ;0vetlon f io Nebraska Sunday Cntinnl nnPnilntlMi in lin linlil Minn School association, to bo held Juno 15 to 17 nt Holdroge, aro being com pleted by stato ofllcors ot tho ussocla- dual meet, 04 1-3 to 52 2-3. Under tho provisions of tho now nutomobllo Ucenso law, 9GV6 per cont of tho money collected from licenses romains in tho counties of collection, ot which 75 per cent is to bo sot nsido ns a stato highway fund to bo used for malntcnnnco nnd patrol. Tho re mainder Is to bo sent to tho Depart- ment of Highways for administrative purposes. Miss Elslo Allen, Grand Island; Ne braska's only woman pilot, who en tered In tho alrplano meet at Hold rego, had a slight accident whon sho made a faulty landing. Sho escaped Injury. Tho Nebraskn supremo court al lowed Oscar Peterson, n Boono county farmer, ?300 damages against tho Monroo Tolophono company. Peterson charged tho tolophono company with being responsible for tho death of two horses becauso of Its failuro to glvo him connection with a veterinarian. IMPROVED UN.T0RM INTERNATIONAL Sunda) School T Lesson T (lly Ul.. 1'. U. F1TZWATKU, D. D. Tenclier of English Ullilo lu tho Moody Uitilo Institute of Chicago.) (, 19.M, Western Newspaper Union.) LESSON FOR MAY 22 THE CHRISTIAN VIEW OF THE FAMILY.- ' LHSHON TKXT-Luko 10-SS-42; 2:01, 62i 11 Tim. 3:14, 1C. QOLU13N TKXT-CldUlren, ohcy your piiiuntH In all ihlngB! for this Is wcll plcmslng unto the Lord, l'atheis, pro oke not your children to nnirei lest they be discouraged. Col. 3:a, 21. ItKKKHnNCK MATKIUALCol. 3:18-25- II Tim. 1:3-C; Tit. 2:1-8. riUMAHY TOl'JC-lfclpIng to Mako Homo Happy. JUNIOR TOIMC-Mnlclng Home Hnppy. INTUKMIMMATn AND SUNIOU TOPIC llelng a Christian nt Home. YOUNO I'KOPLK AND ADULT TOPIC The Christian Ideal of Family Life. The Lesson Committee has made nn Infelicitous choice o"f title for this les son. The tenchrr would better Ignore It nnd give himself to the explanation of the passages of Scripture selected, us they un of immense Importance. 1. The Behavior of Martha and Mary When Jesus Was In the Home (Luko-10:.'!S-12). The attitude of Martha and Mary towutd Josiii was the same; they both loved lllm sincerely. 1. .To-us welcomed Into Martini's Imme (v. ML Though Jesus hnd no homo of Ills own, into this home He could come ut uny time and tlnow on? the restraints Incident to n public min istry. How plea-nut It is to enter n home where one con feel "nt home" 1 In Murthn's home Jesus was welcomed for what He was, not for what Ho might nppenr to be. This home was Ills special retreat In the last days of Ills life on onrtlt. 2. Mary sitting at Jesus' feet (v. :)). '1 hough this was Martha's home, her sister Mary lived with her. Mary hud a peculiar spiritual Insight which prompted her to sit at Jesus' feet and ll-teii to Ills words. The real place, to hear Jesus' word is at Ills feet. Let no one Imnglne that Mary did not render any service. The llttlw word "also" Implies that she had taken her turn at service. It. Martini's complaint (v. -10). Sho j wasdesirous of preparing the very ' best po-slble menl for Jesus becauso she loved lllm. She was mlstnkon us to what pleased Jesus. He much prefers the love which concerns Itself with Him than for His. Because of her failure to perceive this she wa.s "cumbered nbout much serving." Her serving got on her nerves; she became distracted. In her distraction she not only found fault with Mary, but even censured Jesus for allowing Mary to sit at Ills feet while the dinner wns not finished. In order to serve Jesus without distraction one must first sit at His feet and listen to Ills words. This gives per-onnl poise. . Jesus' reply (vv. 41, 42). (1) Ho rebuked Martha, telling her that she was careful and troubled about many things. Those who nro concerned with the Muster nro uikIous for nothing' (Phil. 4:0). The one thing needful for every life Is to sit ut Jesus feet. The time to choose this place Is in the dny of sunshine. (II) Ho commend Mary. "Mary hath chosen that good part which shall not be taken away." Those who choose this good part can not be robbed of It by circumstances, friends, or foes. II. Jesus, the Obedient Son (Luke Although Jesus wa.s conscious of Ills 'deity und divine mission, He rendered due obedience us n faithful son. Since lie wns known ns the carpenter's son (Matt. Kl :!"."), und the carpenter (Murk 0:U), It Is reasonable to sup pose that He assisted Joseph In hli work as a enrpenter, und after Jo soph's death He, as thu eldest son of the family, continued with the trade to support the family. Indeed, tradi tion has It that soon ufter they found Him in the templo nt the uge of twelve, Joseph died leaving the care of the family upon lllm. The obedient child Is really nbout his father's bus iness when running errands for moth er lu loving obedience to her request. III. Timothy's Home Training (II Tim. :i:14, 15). This Is u picture of n real Christian home. From n child, thnt Is, a bnbe, Timothy wns tnught tho Holy Scrip tures (v. 15). This teaching was not done In thu Sunday school, but lu the home of his mother (II Tim. 1:5). The Sunday school can never take the place of homo teaching. Timothy hud n godly ancestry. Ills mother hud the good sense to 1111 his mind with "? tho word of (loil before It became pre occupied with other things. The rea son this is so Important Is because tlits Scriptures are (imi-bronthed, anil able to inako one wise. The wisdom which Is obtained from the Scriptures leads to Christ, the only Savior, In whom alone Is salvation (Acts 4:12)., Thoso Without Fault. And I looked, and lo, u Luinb stood on tho Mount .Ion, nnd with hlin nn hundred nhd forty and four thousand having tho Father's nnino written lnV-4. their foreheads. And In their mouths was found no guile: for they nro with out fnult before tho throne of (Jod. Rovelntion 11 :1, C. Peace. Thou wilt keep him in perfect pence, whoso inlod Is stayed on Theo; be causo In trusteth In Thee. Isaiah 20:3.