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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 24, 1921)
MED J$tfk ,.t tgvy i TaWJSEW EDISON X I Sv ,mW .WWm?' i; 'fflA- emf DOMoDcilChartgsis gjjgy-Mi'Mw ... AtW rnpiRED? Nervous? Worried? jJL Put a Re-Creation, on the New Edison, relax Into a chair, let the musio ' flood the room with melody and comfort. NThe music produces a mood change, j Mr. Edison has devised a Mood Change .Chart by which you can register your re- actions to music. Come in and get your 'supply. Make the experiment in your own home. Have every member of your family, J also your friends fill out charts. It's more interestirjg than the Ouija board. Mr. Edison would like to study your 'charts in connection with his great research Into the effects of music on the minds and 'moods of men. If you don't own a New Edison, come 'into our store and fill out a Mood Change Chart. Get Mr. Edison all the Mood., Change Charts he needs. ' E. H. Newhouse in II SPECIAL SALE! HORSE MILLINERY and MULE JEWELRY Begins Feb. 19 : Closes March 5 Lost ! ! Golden Opportunity if you fall to buy at this Special Sale. Strayed! from the path of econo my by not satisfying your wants at this sale Stolen! Your time and money by overlooking and not purchasing at this sale All auto and harness repairing dono neatly and promptly Red Cloud Nebraska Building J. 0. BUTLER THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Red Cloud, Nebraska. MJBL1SHKD EVERY THURSDAY Entered In the I'oitofllce ut itcd Cloud. Nob at Second CI Ms Mutter A. B. McAUTHUR.lEdltor nnd Owner Farm Bureau Notes BOYS AND GIRLS CLUBS Sow nnd Litter Club. Boys be tween 10 nnd 18 years arc eligible, they must use n pure bred sow that will farrow during March. Each member must secure their sow. Thero will be a show and sale this fall. Be sides the prizes offered, a free trip to Lincoln for theN County Champion and each member will be eligible to try. out for the Stock Judging team. CALF CLUB Boys and girls between the age of 12 and 18 years. They must furnish their own heifer which must be a pure bred. She may be a Holstcin, Hereford or Shorthorn. .This club will start during April and closed with a show and sale next October. Prizes, free trips and eligible to Stock Judging team and those having Holstcin calves are eligible to make the Dairy Stock Judging team. TOWNSHIP ORGANIZATION The Farm Bureau is starting Town ship Organization. The past week Potsdam, Line and- Garfield Town ships were organized as follows: Potsdam Township D. D. Versaw, President, Chas. Siebrass, Vice-piesi-dent, E. .A. Blumcnthal, secretary, Alex Buschow, County director, F. Kuhn, chairman of Legislature Com mittee. Line Township C. B. Steward, presi dent, A. A. Borcn, vice-president, Alex Bentlcy, secretary, D. B. Stun kard County director, James Kcagle, L. Auuushon nntl W. J. Haskins, Leg islation; C. Arbuckle, Sam Johnston nnd D. B. Stunkard Membership Com mittee. Garfield Township S. Ship man, president, George Amnck, vice president, Frank King, secretary, John Ryan, County director, George Amack, Legislature Committee; Ed Lewis, N. R. Payne, N. P. Campbell and Ira Wagoner, Membership Com mittee. Eugene Sullivan of the Statu Fed eration gave one of his good talks on Fnrm Bureau and assisted with the organization. HENRY R. FAUSH, County Agricultural Agent lFpAUDITORlUMB lU Vaudeville i 1 Red Cloud JI 1 li illlli ilBHi nli. Jlrfflj fnl I i i In 0 NEBRASKA FARM BUREAU NEWS NOTES A government veterinarian has been placed at Aurora, Neb. through the action of the farm bureau. His territory will be Hamilton, York and Polk counties at present. If enough farmers sign up to have their herds tested he will be retained permanent ly. Over 100 head of cattle have al ready been listed and 15 applications are still in the hands of the farmers. It is thought that a total of 200 or 1.300 head will be reached. Tho cattle are tested for tuberculosis free .of charge, no matter whether the farm er owns one head or 100 head r D Direction Manager JACK TILLER CHET MILLER Tonight Friday Saturday Sunday UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT u Gk Prices 15c -30c ETHEL CLAYTON in YOUNG MRS. CLAYTON aa.'SJSl A Fifji Story The Secret Gift With an AU Star Cast t Also 13th Episode The Phantom Foe WM. S. HART In His Latest Picture SAND Also A Two-reel Big V Comedy 0 mm PE u J UK HIGH SPEED FREIGHT ENGINES FOR THE BURLINGTON PUBLIC SALE At the sixth annual meeting of the Illinois farm bureau a membership of 10G,000 was reported. Each mem ber signs up for three years and pays $15 a year dues, 10 of which goes to the county and 5 to the state. D. O. Thompson, secretary, reported that in order to make tho work of the federation more effective it ha3 been necessary to create several work ing departments as follows: organiza tion, executive, publicity, finance, gen eral ofllec, clnim and service, legal, phosphate-limestone, live stock, mar keting, crops, and dairy and vege table marketing. Sam Gunrd, associate editor of the Breeders Gazette, has joined the forces of the American Farm Bu reau federation, as director of tho publicity and cducationnl departments. R. C. Pollock, formerly with the ex tension department of tho national Holstcln-Friesian association, has ac cepted an appointment in tho organ ization department and has left for Arizona, where ho will be in charge of an intensive membership campaign. Mr. Pollock graduated from the ag ricultural college at Ames, Iowa, and was associated in county agent work before taking up his activities with the Holstcin association. Sixteen Mikado-type 2-8-2 (so called) locomotives, especially design ed for fast freight service have been delivered to the C. B. & Q. R. R. by the Baldwin Locomotive Works, Philadelphia, Pa. Weighing upwards of 240 tons each, ready for road duty and standing 78 feet, 4 inches long overall, these en gines were built to "deliver" Hvo stock, fruit and perishable freight in ; record-breaking fashion. An unusual idea introduced into their construction is that some of these locomotives are built to burn ' bituminous coal and others are design- j cd to use lignite coal. Burlington ex perts having found it cheaper to do this than to haul other coal from foreign fields, these engines have been built to suit the coal found on the particular divisions on which they are to serve. Tho high cost of engines at onco comes nome 10 one, wncn it js muni- i ed that cacn oi the "speeu ooys"cost the pretty sum of G8,750, as against the pre-war price of 20,000 for similar engines, r vwJVVvwv-v.v.v.v.v..".-.".v.v. "You've heard about the raisin with a kick of 10 per cent But the raisin with the wallop is the raisin' of the. rent WHY PAY RENT, ANY WAY? "Talk with us about owning your own home1 t - j f& .. c i Malone-Gellatly Co. VUWWWWWWVWWWWWWWWWUWUUU Having decided to quit farming, I will sell at Public Auction at the Chas. Besso farm, 1 mile south and 1 mile east of Red Cloud, commencing at 11 o'clock, on Monday, Feb. 28 25 Head Live Stock Consisting Of 5 Horses and 20 Hogs New Farm Machinery, Etc TERMS: 6 months at 8 on sums over $10. Sums under $10 cash JPOWELL & POPE will serve Lunch on the grounds C. A. Eiker, president of tho Keith county farm bureau, has the distinc tion of being the "bee king" of Ne braska. At present ho has thirty miles of bee stands distributed up and down the South Plntte river. Last year he secured something over 20, 000 pounds of honey and hopes to exceed this amount the coming sea son due to favorable conditions. Tho honey is brought from the different points along tho river to the Eiker refinery where it is strained and made ready for shipment. The work is done by machinery run by electricity. Amendment to the Constitution of the Farmers Union Co-operative Asso ciation of R.'d Cloud, Nebraska. S. W. Etherton, Owner . H. Elllnger, Auct. W. A. Sherwood, Clerk Js Your Subscription Paid tp.,Date? According to announcement mnde this week by J. A. Crawford, mana ger of the membership campaign in Nebraska, tho total in tho 29 coun ties canvassed to date will exceed 20,000 with several precincts yet to bo completed. Work during the past month has been handicapped by im passnble roads but tho work has been continued with a full number o'f so licitors in tho field. Tho schedule has been made out until tho first of tho month with several other counties having expressed a desiro to carry on a campaign. Article fl. Dividends: (a) Out ol the net onrnlngs o( tho Associa tion Ten (10) percent shall bo sot asldo as a sinking fund and that this money shall not bo used (or buying stock, and shall not ex ceed 00 percent ol tho paid up Capital and eight (8) per cent shall bo paid on tho paid up capital Rtock; the remainder of the not earnings shall bo divided pro rata among thoso customers who aro Union members, In proportion to their patronage, upon tho basis ol products sold to and goods bought from the Association. (4) Dividends shall bo declared In tho fol lowing classes: First, upon goods purchased by a Union mombor and his family; Second, upon products sold to tho Association by such classes of persons; Third, dividends arls" Ing out of collectlvo operations. (c) Dividends shall be paid annually, (d) Tho dividends of non-stockholders ellglblo for membership and stockholders who navo not fully paid tor at least Ten shares of stock shall bo hold by tho Associa tion as a payment on tho shares of stock un til Ton shares aro fully paid. If such non stockholders shall noglcct to comply with the requirements tor momborshlp within sixty (60) days after tho declaration of this dividend, such dividends shall revert to the surplus fund of tho Association. Passed January SO, 1921. H. II Crowoll, President. John M. Ityan, Secretary. I ! At our Blue, Brown and Gray Serges. L ) for real values in hand tailored suits 'THE HUGHES WAY9 The Frank R. Hughes Co. CLEANING DYEING REPAIRING LADIES TAILORS MEN'S TAILORS Red Cloud, Nebraska VSAfVVVVWVVAV.V.-.V.V.VAV'.V.-.V.V Tho Committee of 15, appointed by the American Farm Bureau Federa tion to investigate livestock market ing conditions, will meet in Chicago February 25. Ths will bo tho initial meeting of this committee and will bo limited to organization and out lining a plan for investigation. C. H, Gustafson, chairman of the Commit tee of 17, is also a member- of this committee. w , Mr. and Mrs. ED. AMACK UNDERTAKING BOTH PHONES Hi RED CLOUD, NEB fWWWWWWWWrWWWWWVyrV Early Savings Banks. The first savings bank In America wns opened In Boston 104 years ago, December 13, 1S10. In tho same year an Institution called the Philadelphia Savings Fund society was established. Tho third Institution of this kind In America was founded In Now York In 1810. The first regular savings bank was established In Hamburg In 1778 and the second at Berne, Switzer land, In 1737. Tho oldest savings bunk in tho world 'is In Zurich, Swltzer. land, nnd Is now In Its ono hundred and seventeenth your, Tho first reguj Intt anvlnpa linnlr In firont Ttrlfnln was .V" ""'-": "TV"" i ei opcSEd in Edinburgh 107. rears ago. W pwm 1 - If You Are From Missouri or any other place, come in and LET US SHOW YOU how much cheaper building material it now than it has been the last year or two. Piatt & Frees I lii Si ji ! -' 1 f.? jn ! n k towiiJMi'.iw v ; : '--4k -- ihes-)n'i. .juc. '.HTfty-'ftMifrit, -!,( flaSa&areaBssxt