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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1921)
8V 9. " ?' o 3 few wtHf . -,-( , ffn wi wwitKMtMiWfMMnibi)t.VHTCIi0lS tort 1ioop aw "nf WW101; ..aott ifc l i sx .a, -gBagsaSKg' a Newspaper That Gives The Nevis Firty-tmo Weeks Each Year For $2.00 VOLUME 49. RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. FEBRUARY 17. 1921 NUMBER 7 I ' 'J"w """ ' :v"7 fi ii Here is Just What You Have Been Looking for Columbia Records 85c -This price covers all standard non-exclusive ar tists records in the ten inch size. We have spledid new selections. CALL TODAY. J. G. WI1YGHELL ! Columbia Grafonolas THE JEWELER Columbia Records Find Safety Deposit Boxes Stolen From Guide Rock State Bank i F,, "gffi--1 i1!':! SPECIAL SALE! HORSE MILLINERY and ftULE JEWELRY Begins Feb. 19 : Closes March 5 Hustings, Feb. 11. Guide Hock olHc lixls toddy recovered eleven safety de p 'it boxes stolon from tlio Outdo Rock statu bank wbon that institution wns robbed three weeks ngo. The boxes IIANQUET TO TKACHERS (By a Teacher) were discovered in u culvert a mile and n halt north of Uluo Hill by federal valentine favors wore presented inspectors of tho Mate highway, and On St. Valentino's day tho Red Cloud teaching force were tho gucats of tho W. C. T. U. at a reception given at tho home of Mrs. Barbara Pharos. , The house was tastefully decorated in keeping with tho occasion, and to cacli teacher. wire dolivered to Sheriff Cole. A largo number ol members of the Registered liberty bonds nmouiitiog local Union were present to greet to more than $11,000, certificates or i and cntcrtnin our worthy instructors deposit worth more than 58,100, and and about fifty people partook of the notes worm over siu.uuu, auu a laro ueucious supper served. amount of stock certificates were ru covered in tho boxes, which were found opened. Tho ofllcers today discovered that h basement In Uluo 11111 in a build, iug formerly occupied as a saloon and lntor by tho A. D. Grnbon vulcanizing company had been usod as n rendezvous by tho robbers. Only tho boxes were' taken from tho bank. Statu Journal Mrs. Leadabrand Laid to Rest Miss Jessie Kellogg introduced tho teachers to the officers of tho W. C. T. U. Tho evening was spent in enjoying the fine program prepared by our en terprising President, Mrs. Alice My ers. This program consisted of after dinner speeches, music on piano, Saxo phone, and vocal solos, readings, poems and memorials to Frances E. Willard, whose heavenly birthday will he celebrated on the 17th of this month. Prof. Holtzen made a short hut in teresting talk in thanking the hostess The death of Mrs Mary A. Leada. brand,' which oceured at her home in Pawnee township, Smith county, one UU.V ..K .1..,, w...b.. - .v, I , , . , , ,, the hearts of her many frieu Is in that """ "' """"' " vlcjnjt of the teachers, for tho great plcas- For the year past or more sho had'" of meeting with and being cn- been in noor health and hud made wsruunea uy mo y. v,. i. u. Lost ! ! Golden Opportunity, if you (ail to buy at this Special Sale. Strayed! from the path of econo my by not satisfying your wants at this sale Stolen! Your time and money by overlooking and not purchasing at this sale All auto and harness repairing dono neatly and promptly FOEGEL A 1DITTI H7D Red Cloud Building Je U. UILjCiK. Nebraska oiffiiMfliioiiiniMiiminM CHEAP ADVICE! as be Advice is one of the cheapest things in the world. It's as free the air. No matter what your troubles may be, just let it known and advice will come piling in. The old maid knows how to rear children, the bachelor knows just how a wife should be handled, and even a bald-headed drug gist can sell hair tonic and get away with it but the advice you seek, not the klnd.that is volunteered, is the kind you want. We are not a volunteer in the advice business, but if you are a patron of our bank and ask advice on financial matters we will be glad to help you in any way we can. THE WEBSTER jCOUNTY BANK Edward Floiance, Preident Rod Cloud, Neb. S. R. Floiance, Caihier DtpotUi Guaranteed lnj the Depotltort OuaranUe Fund of the State of Xtbratka mmmwmtmmmmmmmmmwmjsm HUM! S iraniiniM Without A Doubt You would be indignant if you were obliged to pay a high price for an inferior grade of merchandise. You have no cause for that if you patronize us. Every article that leaves our store is sold under guarantee 'Satisfaction or your money back' This method of doing business is vouched for by a large list of regular patrons. Don't, take our word for it-ask your neighbor. P. A. Wullbrandt Groceries and Queensware every effort to roKnln her health, through tho assistance of both local physicians and specialists, but all till ed to accomplish thedc9lred results.- Tho deceased was born in St. Louis, February 27, 1872. Sho was united in marriage to Peter Leadabrand of Smith county in 1890. To this union were born six children; four sons, Harry, Jay, Edgar and James, twj daughter, Viola and Molba. Aside from rearing hor children she also extended a moth er's love to five step children, Francis, Samuel, Andrew, George and Matilda. Iler husband preceedud her to the Great Jloyond on December 20, 1007, ns did one son Harry, at the age of 11 years and one daughter, Viola who died in infancy. Tlio fuuerul services wcro conducted on Saturday, at 10 o'clock, Rev. Father Volku, of Esbon, Kansas, oillclating. Tho large number of peoplo in attend ance was evidence of the high, esteem in which sho wusheld. Interment was made in the Mt. Hope comotory. February Jury List The following persons woro drawn to serve ns Jurors at' the term of court oillod for February 28th: Henry Brooks Christ Waechtor W. A. Crary Henry Williams Peter Lulin John Kuige Sr Marian Mnrauvlllo Cha9. Uarrott o c. iioit Warren Thomas K. S. Martin J. II. Hanson Clark Storens R. Doughlt W. II. Chapman FrnnkStrobl Jako Portnicr "Chas Neymolr C. It. Uessu Win. Spllkor Yanoo Sorgenaon John IMoi Holla lirooks Lord Anderson Wo found much in common be tween tho teachers and this organi zation of women in their fight for prohibition and Temperance in every thing. The teachers arc teaching Physiology and Scientific Temper ance today in school, thru tho pio neer efforts of this same class of women. They heartily, co-operated with tho W. C. T. U. in helping with the petitions sent to our State Sena? tor and Representative on tho Moving Picture -Censorship bill in both houses known ns Senate File 78 and House Roll 113, by writing their signatures as they left. More people should get acquainted with our fine corp of teachers, before the school year ends. COME EARLy"aND BRING EAR TRUMPET Tho Pastor says "While it is pos- siblo that all men may get to heaven. yet I apprehend that some of them will disturb the rest by arriving late." Which reminds us of an occasion when a gentleman addressing a gath ering, was interrupted two or three times by one of tho audience, vho evidently didn't hear well, with "louder, louder." Tho speaker somo what irritated by the repeated In terruption addressed himself to tho disturber, saying "And when Gabriel blows his trumpet on Ressurection morning some doggono chump will wail "louder, Louder, LOUDER." Foresight. Congregational Church Notes Next Tuesday uftornnon, ut2 o'clock, the pupils of the Lincoln grade school will glvo n'WHHhliigton Birthday pre; gram at the litifcHo Auditorium. Tho I children will give a few drills iu front Regular preaching services Sunday of tho Auditorium after tho program will bo given Inside. The entertain- morning by Rev Mary II. Mitchell, i Sunday School at 10 o'clock. An Independent telephone has been placed In tho east room of tho church building and it will bo usod for a study and reception room by tho pastor who oxpects to bo hero every Friday aud Saturday. Mr. auu Mrs. I'orry ot uurvnru are in the olty visiting their son, Frat,k Perry and wlfo. Mayor Amack, who was taken to tho Nebraska Sanitarium at Hastings Mon day afternoon, was broughthomc Wed nesday afternoon. .The Rod Cloud High School dobat ing team went to Falrbury Wednesday whoro they debated against the Fair bury nigh Sahool team on tho subject: "Resolved that tho lltoraoy test on Im migration should bo repealed". Tho Falrbury team won tho debate. Miss Norrls, tuo instructor 01 HnglUu, ac companied the local team to that city. mont will be fmoto the public and they1 should attend it. "Soaked" Family Doctor. After a Kentucky Judge hud fined Ills family doctor $30 and costs for speeding and had sentcuced him to jail, for three days, ho went on to .say: "You and I aro friends. I am your lawyer and you aro my doctor, but I jun hero to administer Justice as 1 see It. And you will serve that sentenco in spite of our friendship or what any of our friends may do." Just wait un til it conies Doc's turn to sit In judg ment on that judge I Kerosene and Coal. Kerosono contains more heating en ergy thnn coal when considered on a Tclght basis. A pound of kcroseno contains about 10,000 heat units, whereas a pound of high-grade coal contains about 15,000. Tho cost of tlio various fuels for heating purposes do peuds largely upon tho relative sunnly. BE ON TIME TO BE ON FIMEPAYS. THE BUSINESS MAN RESPECTS THE MAN WHO KEEPS HIS ENGAGEMENT "TO THE MIN UTE." TO BE "RIGHT ON TIME" YOU MUST HAVE A GOOD WATCH WHICH KEEPS THE RIGHT TIME. TO GET A GOOD, ACCURATE "TIMEKEEPER" COME TO THE STORE THAT KEEPS THEM-AND GUARANTEES THAT THEY WILL KEEP CORRECT TIME-COME TO OUR STORE. WE TEST YOUR EYES AND FIT YOU WITH THE EXACT GLASSES'.YOU NEED-COME IN. R We Make 'Quality' Right Then the Price Right B. fi. Newhouse m lied Cloud I..,.- ' Jeweler and Optometrist I Nebrtka plMllOnilfflllMllllUllllllllUllllllM YourWW 1 ii Buy Them With Egg and. Chicken Money J Set aside 'your'egg and chicken money and,' almost before you: realize it, you will have' enough (to buy an equipment of beautiful "Wear-Ever"- aluminum cooking utensils.. Bright, light, silver-like " Wear-Ever" uten-j 8ils will make you as proud of your kitchen aa you arc of the other rooms in your home. jyvjunzra WAR TOP w i& &. sj too Itai w3,.,n m WW G7CU "JLwjVE PrWfH A liiT-&"si"t-ii"ir-i finnlrin or 1 Tfi-fotlo mxtuss. wvwibuufc, w.w..w mtttum cost slightly more than ordinary utensils because they areworth more. Itpays to buy "WearrEver" ju3t as it pays to buy good farming implements. Wear-Evcr utensils arc 'made in one piece from hard, thick oheet aluminum without joints or seams.' Cannot crack, flake or peel are pure and safe?' - - -4 . ' 'f ' . Replace utennils that wear out 'with utcnsila that "Wear-Ever", GEO. W. TRINE m E. S. Gaurber Wall Paper, Paints. Oils and Varnish PICTURE FRAMING (Work Guaranteed) Electrical Goods of all Kinds Will Wire Your Housa And Furnish You with Fixtures Dp. . E. GUJIIP GfllHOPHftCToi PHONES I Office 76-M 1ND. J Reiidence 190-V Office 2 Dlocki North of Fireman' Hall RED CLOUD NEBRASKA