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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1921)
-, i.-vr Fwt'MttrtaftirlBWtWS & ftggLK3',:ia rejrAVtt1' KkkHH1-jlwrr ? -am- -rr.?jj?f.Vi-ra-.,.i---l4 . ,, gintu UUlovJ V '- Ja-t-ttnVt yy V?1 4 p - I 4 Newspaper That Gives The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year Ft S2.00 VOLUME 49 RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. MARCH 3. 1921 NUMBER 9 59c While They Last! For a limited time only, while they last, we are offering you the first chance you ever had to buV STANDARD BLUE LABEL Columbia Records - This Price Applies to 130 Popular Retired Records Come in today and look over the list of 130 popular retired Columbia Records. Standard Columbia Blue Label Records, all made within the last eighteen months. Here's your chance to get just the numbers you've always wanted at 59c each. Dance, Song, and Comic Selections gU Including such artists as Al Jolson, Van and Scheiick Hurry Fox, Ted Lewis' Juzz Band, Art Hickman's Orchest.rn, etc. A truly splendid selection, Come early or you may miss theQiies you want. J. C. MITCHELL Columbia Gralonolas THE JEWELER Columbia Records LCf. .' I'ji-Afc-'ra' g.-'j-;.- fe'Lsi-feriJK ji; . .,.--. iiiuMinvdrcn t? Without A Doubt- You would be indignant if you were obliged to pay a high price for an inferior grade of merchandise. You have no cause for that if you patronize us. Every article that leaves our store is sold under guarantee 'Satisfaction or your money back' This method of doing business is vouched for by a large list of regular patrons. Don't take our word for it-ask your neighbor. JL asL w w ullbrandt Groceries and Queensware VBMIIID UVAVAfVVAV.V.VAV.VV.V.V.VAVVV.V.".V-"JVV,J COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MET ON TUESDAY The County Board of Commission ers met pursuant to adjournment at 10:30 a. m. with all members pres ent. John W. Ely, President of the Commercial Club of Guide Rock ac companied by a committee from said club appeared before the Board and asked that the playing of Sun day base ball bo permitted in Guidfl Rock precinct. On motion by Chaplin, seconded by, Shidlcr the following resolution was made and passed: Resolved, That the playing of Sun- day base ball be permitted in Guide Rock precinct. Said games to be conducted in accordance with House Roll No. 200 passed by tho 1910 leg islature of Nebraska. ; At 2 o'clock, tho time set for the opening of Bridge bids for the year 1921 the same were opened and read by the Clerk. The following firm? were bidders: Illinois Steel Bridge? Co., Western Bridge and Construe- tion Co., Allied Contractors Inc. , After a careful comparison of the bids it was found that the Allied Contractors Inc. were- tho lowest bidders. Motion made by Chaplin nn seconded by Stumphcnhorst that tin Allied Contractors Inc. bo awarded, the contract for tho building of what- over bridges arc necessary for Web- stcr county tor the year 1921. Mo tion carried. ' On motion the County Treasurer was instructed to take up the 1920 nrotest tax receipt of tho Farmers' Union store of Bladen and rccjucg,. their porsonnal assessment by the sum of $140,000.00 (actual value) re funding to them tho proper amount of tax overpaid and issue regular tax receipt for tho remainder. Tho following Bonds were approv ed by tho Board: C. R. Rakcstraw, J. of P. Glcnwood precinct. B. B.- Gocrig, Road Ovcrscere Dis trict 8. Peter Knchaus Road Overseer Dis trict 3. H. L. Schcnk, Road Overseer, Dis trict 10 U. W. E. Toap, Road Overseer, Dis tric 1G. Emil Sack, Road Overseer, District 3. John Hemmelborg, Road Overseer, District 4. D. B. Stunkard, Road Overseer, District 9. On motion the County Treasurer was instructed to take up the 1920 protest tax receipt of Adolph Nczey chlcb and reduce his real estate as sessment on improvements on the N. E. H of sec. 12-4-9 from $5000 to $1500 (actual value) and to refund Mr. Nczcychteb tho amount overpaid and istcw him the regular tax receipt for tho rcma'nder. Tho ry.jcinlmont of W. E. Bean as assiSFo: for Inavnlo precinct to fill vn carry caused by tho resigna tion of O. C. Lcrhrane was approved I by tho l;i..-yrt. , Tho following claims were audited and allowed and County Clerk in structed to draw warrants on tbo proper funds in payment of same: GENERAL FUND Frank Starr $154.51 Clarence Kizor 30.40 February Weather Report Temperature: Mean 37 dog., mnxl. tnum 70 deg. on 25tti, minimum 10 dog. on 7th. Precipitation: Total 0.07 inch. Snowfall: Totil J inch Number of days Clear 17, partly cloudy fi, cloudy 0. Prevailing wind Direction N V 13 day. Baptist Church Notes Preaching nt It a in. by Rev. Eva liulfuui Frit?, of Kansas Mrs. Fritz will preach at the Haptist church Saturday oveniug at 7:30. Sunday Sohool at 10. a. m. The Sun day School is growing each week and a splendid 6plrit prevails in all tho ser vices. All are cordially invltod to como study and worship with us unless duty callH you elsewhere. Married Friday Evening At seven o'clock on Friday evening, at the home of tlm bride's parents oo cured tho marriage- of Miss Wilma Marie Pegg to John R. Fliz. Tho ceremony was performed by Rev. 13. N. Eshelmnn, In the presence of only relatives and iutimatu friends of the young couple. Miss Fern Fitz, sister of the bride was bride's muld and Fred .Gordon best man. Miss Elllo Fitz played the wedding march. After the ceremony a three course wedding luncheon was sorved. Tho brido Is" a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. lien Pegg For seme time past she has hold a position in the store of -F, G. TuriiUro&Sou. . The groom is u son of Mr. and 'Mrs'. E. S. Fitz and has been enguged in farming. Both these young people lmvoii best of friends to wish them happiness and success. A reception, in honor of tho couple, held at tho homo of the groom's parents Saturduy evening. CITY COUNCIL NAMES APRIL ELECTION OFFICIALS President Oatmnn called the Coun cil together in regular session, on Tuesday evening, with all members present and tho .minutes of the Jan uary and February meetings were read and approved, after which (ho following Judges and Clerks wcro appointed to servo at tho gcncrnl election to be held tho first Tuesday in April: CLERKS 1st WARD R. P. Wcesner ahd Phil Sherwood. JUDGES -1st WARD Henry Wolfe, George Harris and Frank Clauson. CLERKS 2nd WARD E. S. Garbcr and W. G. Hamilton. JUDGES 2nd WARD J. W. Robertson, W. II. Walter and P. A. Wullbrandt. Tho places for holding the election were designated as the Council Chambers in tho First Ward and tho Firemen's Hall in the Second Ward. . Tho following claims wcro allowed: B. R., Frazicr $200.00 Mrs. EdLAmack I. T, Amack : Amack & Amack -: Ci Annie B. Spanoglo Henry R. Fausch ... May L. Huffcr A. Stumphcnhorst . C. A. Waldo 83.32 -H-. 439.50 : go.oo G0.00 148.50 UNDERTAKING tJU 1 1-1 mUINHS Kfc.L LLUUU, INhb ? RED CLOUD, NEB POOR FARM FUND Shaffer Oil Co. iFnrmcrs' Union R. C. Bladen Lbr. Co. I. T. AMACK-PHONE IND. 76M J. Is Your Subscription Paid to Date? F. G. Tumuro & Son S. E. Bailoy T. W. Crowell L O. Abbey , H. Ludlow . John Griffith 23.28 J 23.05 44.06 18.45 17G.12 8.85 G.00 11.75 5.00 28.G0 W. A. Patten ... A. Clark Bert Perry S. R. Floranco O. C. Teel : Sam Mountford C. R. Lewis Smith & McKimmcy A. B. McArthur Wilson Atkins .. Nat'l Refining Co. Sinclair Refining Co. Mid West Elect. Co. B. McNeny .. BRIDGE FUND Carl Olson . 5.00 B. F. PERRY, County Clerk. 1G0.00 135.00 130.00 459.58 47.05 150.00 123.00 5.45 2.90 151.23 20G.00 444.35 188.22 300.00 The onmraitto appointed by tho Com mercial Club to consider tho proposit ion discussed at tho last meeting, that of semiring a salaried secretary, re ported Monday evening that they had investigated tho mattor thoroughly and suggested that Miss Edith L. Mo Koifjlian bo secured to assume the duties. The Club will moot nextTucs day ovonlug and a final decision will be made. ' ' " BE ON TIME TO BE ON TIME PAYS. THE BUSINESS MAN RESPECTS THE MAN WHO KEEPS HIS ENGAGEMENT "TO THE MIN UTE." TO BE "RIGHT ON TIME" YOU MUST HAVE A GOOD WATCH WHICH KEEPS THE RIGHT TIME. TO GET A GOOD, ACCURATE "TIMEKEEPER" COME TO THE STORE THAT KEEPS THEM-AND GUARANTEES THAT THEY WILL KEEP CORRECT TIME-COME TO OUR STORE. WE TEST YOUR EYES AND FIT YOU WITH THE EXACT GLASSESIYOU NEED-COME IN. We Mke 'Quality' Right Then the Price Right E. H. Newhouse Red courf Jeweler and Optometrist Ncbrsk How Did If Happen? Well it is this way, there Is a chance for every man that has any energy what ever, to get a homo, come and see us. We have about fifteen (15) farms to offer as follows, Improved and unimproved ones,, will take Crop payments after the first payment is made. These farms are located in the best part of the West and we think this is a much better plan for you Mr. Renter. Buy one of these farms where you can pay out for it, the same as paying rent and you will own your own home. We know of men that have paid out for their land that way in three years, why not you try and get one the same way. We give free transportation, for to go arid see these farms, when the roads are so we can travel over them safely. Now is tho time for you to get the best proposition we ever found in land, if you are interested come in and see us and talk it over. Wo will sure get you a good buy if you will come and ride out with us, We have other good buys of all kinds. Please remember the address. A. H. Carpenter Son & Go. Home Office Red Cloud, Neb. C. R. Carpenler, Selden, Kan CHEAP ADVICE! as be Advice is one of the cheapest things In the world. It's as free the air. No matter what your troubles may be, just let it known and advice will come piling In. The old maid know! how to rear children, the bachelor knows just how a wife should be handled, and even a bald-headed drutf gist can sell hair tonic and get away with it but the advice you seek, not the kind that Is volunteered, Is the kind you want. We are not a volunteer in the advice business, but if you are a patron of ourbank and ask advice on iinancial matters we will be glad to help you in any way we can. THE WEBSTER COUNTY BANK Edward Floiance, Pretident Rod Cloud, Neb. S. R. Flounce, Caihiet Depotttt Guaranteed by the Dtpotltort Guarantee Fund of the State of Xebratla I 1 iftiiWfciAlfew. . 4. pjmWiiti ..ffE.