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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 20, 1921)
X' RED OLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF M '1 s ii. ! r f y. '3k BESSE AUDITORIUM " iTi-niyi ii ii imwiiiiii i miii iinn i in iiiiiiiibiii i n mil I Tonight Qsniy fbB &S8 J' Ci . 'q u?Kv JUST In 1 A JL A h$ Comedies Review Friday arsdl Saturday aW irk JLa iLi JHL M. tshb VI "i JW f yw man ? and o in th ww tooo&y tile n .umanzee Henry Kccncy of Cowleswa elect ed u member of the state board of directory of the Farmers' Union which hold itn stale convention at Omnha last week. Leo Trims arrived in the city Mon- Judge Blncklcclgc went to Almn Tuesday evening. 0. F. Wohlcnbcrg of Lincoln was in Ujp city Tuesday. Mr. nml Mrs. Chn. Horrific Minnl Kt,1, .:,!,. n, noii,. ' ' ""',' ill ii.innuj,.-. day eveninp from Caney, Kansas, Ed Lewis shipped a car of cattle to where ho had been working for the ' Kansas City Tuesday morning. past few months. Lloyd Ilarker spent the week end Ben McFarland returned homo the in the city with his mother, last of the week from Kansas City Mrs. Andrew Snlndon spent Thurnt w iiimiMwmaiiwtiiiiBiii)Mnii i iiwciwinii mmmimmmmmmmmm hmmmmmmmot and Excelsior Springs whore he spent a couple of weeks. Ititflscll Summers returned to Hast ings Tuesday morning after a short visit here with his mother, Mrs. May Summers. Clarence Johnston wont to Denver Monday evening to attond the Live Stock Show beinjc hold in that city this week. day with Mrs. Kd Church at Lester. Miss Anna Gilliam went to Crete Saturday whore she will teach school. Mrs. F. V. Cowden and daughter, Miss Rachel, 'spent Thursday in Hast ings. llr, Thomas Hummol of Musca tine, Iowa, is in the city visiting Mrs. G. W. Hummel. Mrs. Irvine Cumminars spent the Don't fail to see the opening play week end with her son, Allan and "Tho Marriage Chase-Lister Co, sr m & k w. tg & w. m m v. : m m : m AS TOLD TO US 5 ts is Hi m k m is sc m m k w as a: Call Bell 88 or Ind. 193M. Kilt and drink nt l'pwoll & Pope's Cafo. tf N. P. Nelson spent Thursday in Hastings. Attend the basket ball game at the High School tonitc. Mrs. George Kailcy spent Saturday with friends at Cowlcs. State Agent 0. D. Hedge went to Oxford Saturday evening. Mrs. Will White and daughter, Zoo, spent Saturday in Hastings. Chas. Gilliam returned home tho last of the week from Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gurney are the parents of a baby boy born Saturday. Mrs. J. W. Hauck and her mother, Mrs. Adams, spent, Tuesday in Hast ings. Several men were laid off in the, Burlington yards here the last of the .week. A large number" of trees havd been cut down in this city the .past few weeks. Itussel Jones returned home Tues day from Grand Island where he spent several weeks. Tho members of the Farmers' Union are holding their annual meet ing in this city today. Father Fitzgerald returned homo Friday evening from Superior where ho spent a couple of days. Three trains of one hundred and fifty cars of stock including that load ed at Red Cloud went through here Sunday morning cnijoute to St. Joe and Kansas .City. Ooorl meals pood service niO'lertttP pi Ices Powell & Pope's cafe For tax or auto livery call John W. Sheets, bell phono 82, Ind. 32M. K. C. Burch' returned home Tuesday from Goring where he had been for several weeks. Dan Garbcr, Jack Wisccarvcr and Frank King returned home Thursday evening from Omahn. Mrs. Ella Parker of Obcrlin, Kan sas, is here for an extended visit with her son, N. B. Bush nnd family. Mrs. George Hayes of Woodruff, Kansas, spent Sunday in the city with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sunbcrry. The Red Cloud basket ball teams want you to come to tho High School Friday evening to sec the games. John Hasselbacker went to Dcs Moines, Iowa, Saturday morning to attend tho funeral of a relative. Jay Popo left Tuesday morning for Waupaca, Wisconsin, where he will visit his son, Elbert, who is seriously till. jSupt. F. G. Gurley and Train master Welch of Wymore spent a few hours in Red Cloud Friday at tending to company business. The following shipped stock Sun day morning: Delancy Bros, ono car of hogs to Kansas City, Yost & Eshel man two cars of cattle to St. Joe, A. B. Crabill two cars of hogs to Kansas City and Crabill & Leadabrandt one car of hogs to Kansas City. Question" by the nt tho Orphcum Sun day evening. Last Thursday morning at Wood ruff, Kansas, a lire broke out which burned most all of the business house in that burg. , Mrs. Ollie Ellison went to Sinn wood, Iowa, Saturday morning to at tend tho funeral of her "mother, Mrs. Eva Tcnnant. Miss Stella Ducker returned homo Saturday evening from Lincoln whore she attended a county superinten dent's meeting. There will bo a basket ball game at tho High School gynasium tonito at 8 o'clock. Womor Corn Iluskors vs Red Cloud. Adm. 15-25c. E. Carter, of Inavalc, purchased a ticket from tho local ticket office Sun day morning for Evnnsville, Indiana, where ho intends to visit relatives. The students of tho Red Cloud school will close their first semester's work next week nnd final examina tions will be in order during tho week. Dr. Warrick, The Sppcinlist, will moPt eyo, oar, nose ami throat piitlcnts nnd thoe needing ghmscK fitted at Dr Datrerells ofilco Tuesday, January 25. Hours 2 to G Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Ellison left Sunday morning for Concordia, Kan sas, he having completed all the busi ness for the Watts Construction Co. in this city. During the absence of Dr. Crelghton, Dr. Mar in will havo charge of his oul:o. Dr. Martin will continuo the fitting of glasses and make all repairs needed to spectacles. It Marshall Finch and Enos Reynolds returned home Friday evening from Blue Springs where they had been assisting in getting an equipment ready for drilling for oil. Al Eckwall of Bloomington was in the city Wednesday and while here he made this office a pleasant call and talked about the good old times we had in the winter of 1917 at the old camp, Funston. At tho program and basket supper held at the High School last Friday evening $7fc.50 was realized, part of which was used to pr.y foot ball bills and the balance was given to the basket ball teams. Hid FOLKS AT HOME EXPECT YOU ins ruLivd-ro tell 'em all about "OMAHA'S mc&rvmAgrt? VISIT Exhilarating Burlesque; Vaudeville SUgiAtt m Flllidw llh PrtttrClrli. FnnnjClowM.OorgiOni Eqolpan. Brilliant Senile Etilronnint LADIES' DIME MATINEE EVERY WEEKDAY Everybody Goes) Ash Anybody UMTS THE BICSEST ABO BEST SHOW VEST Of CHICA80 wife at Hastings. Will Mcl'hcraon and Ben Copley went to Oneida, Kansas, Sunday for the purpose of driving an auto back to thi" city which belonged to John Edwards. They "drove the car to Mankato where it broke down and they nrrived-homo Monday evening. Friday evening, Jan. 21, at 8:15 there will he a double header basket ball game at the High School gynn sium at which time the Nelson High School boys' and girls teams will meet tho local teams. Adm. 35G0c. There will be a debate at tho High School assembly room next Wednes day evening at 8 o'clock. Tho Red Cloud and Cowlcs schools will debate on tho subject: Resolved, That Tho Literacy Tost On Immigration Should ho Repealed. Rod Cloud affirmative, Cowlow negative. Adm. 25c. Mrs. Eva Tcnnant, who had been in pror health the past year, passed nwa tho last of the week at the home of her sister at Slanwood, Io-..a. She resided in this city for sevcri'l years and while hero gained a large number of friends. A daugh ter, Mrs. Oliver Ellison of this city and several relatives arc left to mourn her death.. Next week the Furm Bureau mem bership campaign starts in Webster county. If ono for a moment con templates the strength of such an organization, both state and national, and the influence it carries in the councils where farmers' interests are at stake, he is not going to hesitate about getting into such an organiza tion for his own welfare and tho welfare of his neighbors and the ag ricultural industries in genpral the better judgment of the farmer will tell him to join this organization. ll Senator Duiton also introduced bills providing for the publication of finan cial statements of schools and town shiptreasurers. A penalty is provided for those who refusa to oboy tho law. Ho also has a bill making it.a peniten tiary offense to steal an automobile or truck,, the penalty to be five to 25 years in the pen. Several other bills were introduced by him. HRPHEUM WHERE THE COOP SHOWS ARE A Friday and Saturday ANITA STEWART iri The Fighting . roess Also 2-reel Big V Comedy Starting Sunday , For Eight Days Chase-Lister Theater Co. 'The Show Without a Headache' Dr. E. GflJlP GHlftOPRUGJOR PHONES ) Office 76-M IND. J Reiidence 190-Y Office 2 Bloclci North of Fireman' Hall RED CLOUD NEBRASKA FARM LOANS Farm loans mado at lowest inter est rates on cither improved or un improved lands. Absolutely no delay. No expense for examination. ,J. H. BAILEY. Dr.W.H.McBride BGNTIST OVER STVJ'B BANK Rod Cloud Nebraska If . l . ,r M YOU Are Invited to Attend the Special Meetings at The Baptist 0hurch Gospel Messages by Major E. W. White D. D. FOR TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS CHAPLAIN FIRST INFANTRY MICH. N. G. Music by Chorus Choir, Led by Mr. L L. Brandt, of Hastings NOTE The Meeting Sunday Evening will be Held in the Methodist Church COME! You vylll b interested end Helped u- f i n m To meet present low prices on Merchandise and to clean up on COT TOM BMTS. - will close them out at the following prices; I 8c Bals for ! 4e 25c Bats for m 50c Bats for 35c $1.80 Bats for $1.30 This is all CLEAN COTTON, bought at tho higher prices MY LOSS is YOUR GAIN. If you arc needing, or going to need bedding, don't wait, as the supply is limited and they arc BARGAINS at these prices. Cretones, Challies, Silkolines, Comfort Cloth at J4 off During This Sale BJUB MXISEI &H a BE Sin 63 0 n Well it is this way, there Is a chance fof every man that has any energy what ever, to get a home, come and sec us. Wc havo about fifteen (10) farms to offer as follows, Improved and unimproved ones, will take Crop payments after the first payment is mado. These farms arc located in the best part of the West and we think this is a much better plan for you Mr. Renter. Buy one of these farms where you can pay out for it, the same as paying rent and you will own your own home. We know of men that have paid out for their land that way in thrccyears, why not you try and get one the same way. We give free transportation, for to go and see these farms, when the roads are so we can travel over them safely. Now is the time for you to got the best proposition we ever found in land, if you are interested come in and see us and talk it over. We will sure - ge,t 'you a good buy if you will come and ride out with us, We have other good buys of all kinds. Please remember the address. A. H. darpe nter Son & Co. Home Office Red Cloud, Neb. C. R. Carpenter, Selden, Kan Pianos - Player Pianos Home of the Vidrola EVERYTH1NG IN MUSIC Guarantee BKy?ffjJ!5B You Red Cloud, Neb. A Service That Serves The Best Coffee ON THE MARKET TODAY May be obtained at our store. Ask' for Thompson-Taylor's Breakfast Delight A superior blend, a taste and aroma you will like. Requires less to make a "cup that cheers" Costs no more than tho ordinary coffee 50c lb. Try a pound this very day you buy it under guarantee. Our other popular brands Paxton-Gallagher, 40c lb., Butter Nut, 40c lb., and Frontier, 40c lb. Farmers Union Red T Cloud's Loading Mercantile EeUbliphrnnt J - v" i - " ''r i.rKiaiIWXHSIVJWtKlJttVW