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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 20, 1921)
fit 31. a- wa rtpo I 1 - f .1 : n rl i,,.j UI a itl ,SJ M ri lgjM i m ov no v:uw"'lUlToOft s --- - - o? svwvi-v iw "y .--- . .- ,. . ..-.-. r-" -- -- i r - au?n ti i i i ihm. "ki- T--r"-.i i ii r . Sf -- " i- .- -. i-r; A Newspausf That filvcs Thn Mews Flftyrwo Ww-.ks Kncti Ycnr For $2.00 VOLUME 49 RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. JANUARY 20. 1921 NUMBER 3 jejw ..inTtirics3rKiramnCTaraarfMV.irMj.LiJiug.1 ram fi Why Mot Have a Good Kfcffigaa Bank Entered by Burglars ; Plans All Made for Farm on Tuoiiiy night iiurjriarH ontorod Bureau Drive Next Week the State Bunlr of Guide Knelt for the j purpose of robbery mid iifur tist i g imeKeeper A New Clock will do the timekeeping for you Let us show you our stock County Farm Bureau agent, II. R. C. B. Stewart, mombov of the Farm Bureau Board, have just to !) l'oteisolllco whore they used u J returned from a li-Sp over the county 'mow hnr to dttf u hole through tho jn regard to the membership cam- four chui'gvs of explosives ou the v,ui t Fausch, and Hour nicy guvo n up iv ii(i men worn in- J. Columbia Grafonolas MITCHELL Columbia Records THE JEWELER mmmm&m?m?r' 'fc l: ,--lfc. -.1z.;-irw..1h- - TURNING THE LEAF 1-9-2-0 1-9-2-1 Turn Over A New Leaf Begin the New Year Right That long delayed sitting for a portrait Tour children want it Your parents want it You owe it to them So come in today while the year is young and the thought fresh in your mirid. Ovor Smith's Shoo Store- The Studio inaQEiM n Let Us Do Your Bookkeeping . WHY WORRY ABOUT IT YOURSELF? LET US WORRY. Deposit all you receive in the bank and piy all your bills by check. When your monthly statement is tent you and your cancelled checks returned, you know exactly what you have done with your money. There is no question about the amount paid; for the check shows very plainly, in black and white, the complete transaction. WE HAVE AN INTEREST IN YOU. THE WEBSTER COUNTY BANK Edward Flotance, President Red Cloud, Nob. S. R. Flotance, Cashier Deposits Guaranteed by the Dtpotltori Guarantee Fund of the State of Xtbratka SimmBra noun biielc wall to enter the vault. They did not molest tho Mifo but pried open two or three private safely deposit boxes of which two they took .with them. The bauk does not dulm to Iihvo lost anything ntid dees not. know the contents of the two boxts tlmti wero taken cyrayungggg EZEVb&ift582325 Death Calls Mrs. E. Goodrick Mrs. Kdson Goodrick, passed awny in a hospital' nt Greeley, Colorado la t Saturday morning, a few days after having given bir'.h to a child. Shu was, before her marriage. Miss Itoso Reed, and had been born nnd n-.'ircd in this community. Upon leceiptof word of her serious illncbs her brother 13. V Uced. Sr.,' and her sieti'r Mrs Jennie (Jouldie hud gone to Greeley. The remains were brought to this city Tuesday and funernl servleea weio held from I he Methodist church Wed nesday afternoon. Uev. II. W. Cope in ehargo. Interment was main In the cemetery. Interesting Figures The following figures will no doubt prove interesting to the many readers of the Chief, not alone those person ally interested in the institution, but others as well, as it clearly portrays the fact that co-oporation in any or. all matters shows satisfactory turns. v A little over two years ago tho Farmers paign, which will bo put on in Web stcr county, starting next Monday, January 24. Mr. Fausch is quite optomistic over the outlook of the campaign and stated this morning that tho cam paign in the county would bo con ducted along tho linos similar to those adopted in counties which have already been organized in various parts of tho state. The meeting next Monday, which will be held at tho Besso Auditorium, said Mr. Fntisch, will in all probability bead dressed by Elmer Youngs, of Lexing ton,, president of the Nebraska Farm Bureau Federation, V. H. Brokaw, head, of tho Extension Service at Lin coln, Miss Luckndoo, home demon stration agent of Thurston county and Eugene Sullivan, of Iowa, who will be in active charge of the campaign in Webster county. Those people are wolli-lmown ovor the state and will explain the purposes of tho Farm Bureau in such a way that its value to the agricultural interests of tho county, state and nation,0 cannot bo misunderstood. This meeting starts at 1:30 p..m. On tho following dny, said Mr. Fausch, and throughout tho remain der cfji'ih'i? weak the message of- the bo carried direct O re-, Farm Bureau will to the farmer by a farm to farm canvass under the direction of tho Union Co-operntive Associn- resident enptain in ench precinct. iiiim'KMiMiiEUiranuw Mramnn Nineteen Twenty One Finds us prepared lo again serve you for another year. It also finds our stock of groceries com corhplete, fresh and new. It also finds us con ducting our business on the same honorable basis as heretofore and our motto "Satisfaction or Your Money Back" strictly observed. LET US SERVE YOU THIS YEAR. tion was organized in this city, with j Some idea' of how tho Farm Bureau headquarters in a dingy 12xlG framo Federation movement is sweeping shack on one of tho deserted corners . throughout Nebraska and tho entire of tho city." They bought cream, United States may bo gained from poultry, eggs, and occasionally a con- j the fact that though tho American signment of groceries was ordered for Farm Bureau Federation is only a their members. Gradually their ' little moro than a year and a half old, business increased until they wore oh-' it has approximately 1,500,000 mora liged to seek moro up-to-date and govs in thirty-one states, and in No roomy quarters. They purchased hraska where the organization work tho building they are now located in ' has been in progress for ten weeks the largest business .block in tho in some seventeen counties there arc city and there continued to do busi-Jnow 15,000 members of tho Ncbras noss, and by ability, and square deal-, ka Farm Bureau Federation,,, or np ing built up a business that is second proximately ninety per. cent of tho to none "in tho county. They also, farmers seen. purchased and remodeled a grain elc- Mr. Fausch, who returned last vator down in tho railroad yards, this . week from Lincoln, where he attend also proving to be a successful busi-' cd tho annual meeting of the Farm ness venture. ' ' Bureau Federation, says that it is The credit for tljc. success is not not the desire of the Farm Bureau alono duo to tfio two managers, J. F. Federation to supplant or usurp any Edwards of tho store and Geo. Kailoy ! existing farm organizations, but of tho elevator, but also to the di- rather to co-operate with them and rectors and loyal stockholders' and thus bring tho millions of farmers patrons. ' I throughout the country into an or- A perusal of tho figures will re- ( ganization to carry out the "plans of veal somo interesting facts, one of tho , tho United States Department of Ag- many being that in two years a not riculturo set in motion several years profit of 18,9J2.ol was derived Prices on i ur Precious Stones ARE REASONABLE BECAUSE A PRECIOUS STONE BEARS A HIGH PRICE DOES NOT ME7N IN OUR STORE THAT WE HAVE PUT ON IT A HIGH PROFIT. OUR DIAMONDS ARE FLAWLESS WHEN WE SO REPRE SENT THEM; OUR PEARLS ARE PURE IN TONE; OUR RUBIES, EMERALDS, SAPHIRES AND OPALS WILL BLAZE WITH A NEVER ENDING BEAUTY. ,BUYYOUR JEWELS AND JEWELRY AND JEWELRY STORE THINGS FROM US. EACH ARTICLE WE SELL IS A LIFE LONG RECOMMENDATION OF OUR ESTABLISH MENT. We Make 'Quality' Right Then the Price Right E. H. Newhouse ncd cloud Jeweler and Optometrist Ncbrtka ipilllllipilWIlllW m lwm$M8r0.W& i MwMn " ssqwii' liw ftp- Hffrin Im a $ ffl rCSSiErs 13 f B i Buy TRemfflith Your Egg anil. Chicken Money , Set aside your egg and chicken money and, almost before you realize it, you will have enough to buy an equipment of beautiful " Wear-Ever" aluminum cooking utensils. Bright, light, silver-like "Wear-Ever" uten-, sils will make you aa proud of your kitchen as you are of the other rooma in your home. P. A. Wullbrandt Groceries and Queensware on a toiai capital or. $ui,ouu.uu. Tho auditing of tho books shows that tho cream bought and sold amounted to ?t2,92G.31;Eggs,$l,G72 08; Poultry, 9,051.58. The grocery do--partment did a gross business of"$108,- 734.08; $4,242.41 represents tho amount of gns and oil disposed of during tho year whilo tho total for tho hides handled was $983.87. Tho total business of the'storo was $208, 210.33. Tho elevator totaled $201, 410.24 or a combined total of $409, C20.33. Tho net profit of the store was $8, 027.9G and a dividend of four per cent was declared on tho same. The not profit of tho elevator was $2,533.35, with a dividend of 1 l-3por cent. Tho total profit for 1920 was $10, 561.31 and that of 1919 was $8,388.20. This gives a total of $18,942.51 for tho two years. Tho total of tho Btock sold amounted to $21,500.00. Wo consider this a very good show ing for a business institution practi cally in Its infancy and congratulato Managers Edwards and Kailoy on 'their ability and keen business judg ,-ment. WtAftCVEJ Kiir '?? ftWtfv WW WCJIJI. X fcEflriBfii xJoL? WfARCVES A2.VCCIWK ago to stimulate organization and co operation among farmers. "Tho Farm Bureau Federation has already accomplished some1 big things. It succeeded in meeting tho car shortage problem by getting an equalized rate on grain shipments to tho seaboard and thus releasing mil lions of tonnage for shipment ovor the Great Lakes. . "It has succeeded in securing finan cial aid from tho Federal Reserve Banks to help tho wool growers iiohL their clip for better prices; it suc ceeded in securing tho repeal of tho day light saving law over tho presi dent's veto, nnd has so far prevented tho passage of tho Nolan bill which proposes to place a one per cent tax n i i i.i.i i... .t.i on mi J.IUIU iium iiuiu uy nil jimivm-i ,,,.,, . , , ni nrmn i v,ca f sm.nnn. im-lbo held in tho county nnd learn moro provements exempt. Tho federation f ?" ?a Buroa? "JS organized tho 'committee of seven- and ot behind its momborahip drive tW mnilo un of tho leaders of all tho In Webster county. various farm organizations which is At a meeting of tho Webster Coun $3 d V tJl AlviT,'T"' t4lrvr T Tfritanaili? cost slightly more than ordinary utensils because they are worth more. It pays to buy "Wear-Ever' just as it pays to buy good farming implements. "Wear-Evcr" utensils arc made in one piece from hard, thick sheet aluminum without joints or scams. Cannot crack, flake or peel are pure and safe,' Rcpluce utensils that wear out With utensils that " Wear-Ever" GEO. W. TRINE !IIUI!U!lllilll!l!l!ll!inil!ll!llll!lll!lll!U!!lll!lll!!ll!lllllllll!!!llllllllll!l!lllllllllllll!llllll!li now devising plans for bettering tho ty Farm Bureau, hold last week at marketing conditions of tho products tho offico of County Agent II. Fausch, of tho farm. tl10 following well known farmers "Thcso things," said Mr. Fausch, woro appointed precinct captains and "are just a suggestion why tho farm- will have charge of tho campaign-in of Webster county should pre- tneir respecuvo lawnwupa; . v. u. a aiewara, county udg- crs of Webster county biiouju pre- luvniwiianiu .. 'pare to take part-In the campaign 'to PostCowles;, O. B, Captain, Red Cloud; "Martin Melnts, Stillwater; John Jlyan, Garfield, E. B. Stunkard, Lino; Floyd McCalJ, Wal nut Creek; Burt Grossman, Inavalo; B, E. Harrington, Pleasant Hill; Archio Hay, Harmony; E. J. Peterson, captain, Red Cloud; Martin Melnts, wood; Chas. Sicbrass, Potsdam; John Hommelbcrg, Oak Creek; Chas. Gur noy, Jr., Red Cloud; Allenco Vance, Beayor Creek; Garret Ohmstcad, Guido Rock. "V " M? -'-Tf 'i&xffrfop ''j s wt?2sx&Wl'