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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 13, 1921)
- 10 X UD OLOOT. HIBIASKA, CHUT M, IHE HED CLOUD-CHIEF Xsd Cloud, Nebraska. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY entered In the Foitofllco nt itcd Cloud. Nob M Second Claw Matter" A. D. MoARTHUR,JEditor and Owner Change Your Key. SChe fellow who la always harping ftf One atrtng soon gets out of tuna frith the world- Boston Transcript. A House of Hearts. A "hearty" home is that of the wife of a doctor in California. The tables, chairs, etc., in fact, all thb furniture of the peculiar house aro heart-shaped I Tho owner's bed has a heart-shaped headboard supported on both sides by bedposts carved to represent Cu pid's arrow. Tho heart-shaped head board Is decorated with a heart shaped plcruro frame In which two angels cmbraco each other I The re markable house Is named tho "Peri cardium," which means tho membrane enclosing the heart and the great blood vessels. WWWWWWftrWVWWWWWW Let Us Figure With You on Your Lumber and Building Material M alone -Gellatly Co. VUWUWWWWWVWWWUVrUWtftftMMUV If You Are From Missouri or my other place, come in and LET US SHOW YOU how much cheaper building material it now than it has been the. last year or two. Piatt Frees Fun ji Can You Write a Story s With Movie Titles? L Alt filght! , Hfrm'm Your Chmnoo! , To Show your' ability and winone of the prizes given by The ORPHEUM Theatre by so doing. In the Hit that follows you wil) find titles of pictures being released by the FIRST NATIONAL EXHIBITORS CIRCUIT of which The ORPHEUM is a frachiae holder. In Search of A Sinner The Fighting Shepherdess The Inferior Sex The Family Honor1 The Woman Gives' Polly of the Storm Country Don't Ever Marry Passions Play Ground The Love Expert The Yellow Typhoon A Splendid Hazard Married Life The Perfect Woman Yes or No Go and Get It' The Notorious Miss Lisle 4The Jack Knife Man' .What Women Love' 45 Minutes from Broadway In the Heart of a Fool' Harriett and the Piper' 'The Kick in High Life' These are your titles and the idea is to join all the titles together, or as many as you wish, with as few words as possible between them! Example;, Dinty lived 45 Minutes from Broadway on the loonervuie Trolly line. He took A Splendid Hazard in Married Life which was Dangerous Business. THE PRIZES First, $3.00; Second $1.00: Third, $1.00 and the ten next best will receive a pass to THE FIGHTING SHEP HERDESS, with Anita Stewart. sLwi'iio at Tl, ORPUCI TM - January 21 and 22. Sign .your name to your story and mail' or .... w. .w v..... ., .uuuuKvi ui nib vsijjiituiu, uui iaier man Wednesday, Jan. 1 9, as the contest will close on that date. The only condition and rule of this contest is that you attend the show next Thursday, Jan. 20, when the winners names will be shown on the screen. 1 he prize story will also be published in the papers, going to be lots of fun, so let's all try. The Branded Woman .'The Master Mind 'Good References Toonerville Trolley Passion Peaceful Valley Twin Beds Nomads of thtf North Old Dad Dinty' Sowing the Wind The Devils Garden The Scoffer Curiosity The Woman in His House' Dangerous Business' 'The Great Adventure' Habit' Mammas Affair' The Truth About Husbands Unseen Forces' Love Honor ane Behave' It is Will Conduct Farm Bureau Campaign in this County On January 24th an intensive cam paign will bo launched in Webster county in tho interests of the Ne braska Farm Bureau federation with both tho view of acquainting tho farmers of tho county with tho aims of tho farm bureau und tho securing of memberships in the Webster Coun ty Farm Bureau. The campaign in Webster county will be conducted along lined similar to those adopted in counties which have already been organized. Two meetings will be held on Monday, Jan. 21th, at tho most convenient point in tho county. Both meetings will be addressed by J. A. Crawford of Kansas who is in charge of the campaign in Nebraska. Mr. Crawford hts been engaged in farm organization work for many years and is a practical farmer. Ho is a forceful speaker and under stands the work well. The purpose of having him in Webster county is to explain tho purposes of tho farm bureau in such a way that ita valuo to tho agricultural interests of the state and nation cannot be misunder stood. At the recent meeting of tho Ne braska Farm Bureau it was announc ed that thero were 13,854 members in the seventeen counties that have been canvassed to date. No work was done during the holidays but the forces wero strengthened and tho of ficers in charge are in tho hopes of adding 3,000 names to the list each week. In most of tho counties a percentage of close to 00 per cent of all farmers solicited has been main tained. Somo idea of how the farm bu reau movement is sweeping over tho United States may be gained from the fact that, though the American Farm Bureau Federation is only a little over one year old, it has"'l,500, 000 members in thirty one states.' "However, said H. D. Lute, secre tary of tho Nebraska Farm Bureau, "it might bo a good idea to offer the suggestion at this time why ,the fanners of Webster county Bhould get into the organization along with the farmers of Nebraska as .well as throughout the United States. 'r "It is not the idea of tho farmtm reau to supplant or usurp any flidst ing farm organization, but rather to co-operate with them and thus bring the millions of farmers throughout the country into an organization to carry out the plans, oi, the U&ted. States Department of Agriculture, set in motion several years ago to stimu late organization, apd . copsrttlftl among farmers. , "The farm bureau has succeeded! in securing financial aid from' the fed eral reserve banks to help wool grow ers hold their clip for better prices; it succeeded in securing the repeal of tho daylight saving law over J the president's veto, and -and 'BO far 'has prevented the passage of the Nolan bill which proposes to place a one per cent tax. on, all farm Jand held by an individual farmer in excess of l0,- flnn. Imnmvmnanta nvttmntaA QOJfi. ! "The federation secured better rec ognition for tho fanning industry in tho recent national platforms ..than was ever secured beforo and it or ganized the Committee of Seventeen made up of the leaders of all the vari ous farm organizations which is now devising plans for bettering the mar keting conditions of the products of tho farm. . "These things are just suggestions why tho farmers of Webster county should prepare to take .a part in the meeting to be hold in this county and loarn more about the farm bureau." NOTICE All members of the. Christian church and all spiritually minded people are requested to meet at the South Side Mission Sunday" morning at 10:30 A. M., January 10, for tho purpose of re-organizing the spirit ual forces of tho community and for such other matters as God may di rect. If you believe tho Bible is a suf ficient rule of faith and practice; in conversion of sinners; in tho baptism of tho Holy Spirit; in tho right of private judgment in the form of re llgionl in tho union of nil saints, and in New Testament Christianity. Or if you aro opposed to card playing; tho modern dance, the Sunday moving picture show, and kindred vices, are opposed to a federation of and with inconvcrted church people COME. , Signed: C. H. Zeiss S. C. Jensen Albert Hummel Mrs. Coleman Mrs. Maud HummelMaggio Smolscr D, J. Duckworth Mrs. Zeiss Pictures Vaudeville ORPHEUM m asassaaaaaaasssssaaaj fcil Theater I i Red Cloud DUO sirtgsflii 0 lUJ T ., I PINK TIGHTS 1 onig n t A story o! Circu8 2-Reel Century Comedy, LOOSE LYONS LYONS and MORAN in Friday Qnce a Plumber Also 8th Episode of the Phantom Foe Saturday HARRY CARY in a Real Western Sunday Blue Streak McCoy LIONEL BARRYNORE in Er The Master Mind Also a 2-Reel TOONERVILLE COMEDY THE SKIPPERS TREASURE GARDEN ROBERT WARWICK in Wednesday pj mZZQURA Cut this program out, keep it, so you won't forget the dates M 0 A Drawn. A Boston banks aaya m art an a traragant cation. In this ka makaa no raisraocs ta a paraoaan?. Om aC our fondaat ambitions la aoma daj; to ba abla ta hata aaouin gatnarad ta fstaar aa taat wa can ga oat at try what It Is Ilka tabs Datratt lYaa Prasad Gratitude. A clerk stnployed behind ths conn tar at a post offlca in ths south of Ent land recsntljr rsscnsd a young. 'girl from drowning. In order to show their apprsdatlon of ths young maa'i bravery, local residents baVa now da ddsd to purchass their atampa at aia post oalcsj London Punch, ' Nat Vocal Sound. The grasshopper does not nse tha throat In producing lta shrill nota. It ta produced by the wings. One of tha rtba of aach wing resembles a 12 walla another part af tha wing la drawn tight lflca a 'dram. Wham tha grasshopper drawa ana ffla arar tha J other It causes tha dram to tttrata, a Mrs. Win. Hayes Joo Bent Win, Zaclinry Frank Yetter Orvillo Smith And others. Alice Tenant Mrs.,McConkoy E. W. Anderson Ilisa Cox Susan Dickson i iip. ' ,(f ciiifi Va tavi on. j.o .3-0 .L'Co i ejaaawvfc ILuf ,.!.. .V-rrB V':;u " eln' ... mm aturday Is In of Unheard-of -Bar gnins at Hamilton Clothing Co. Opportunity never knocked louder or harder at your door than it does now -today -nor spoke more plainly in terms we can understand dollars and cents. Don't throw opportunity away Come to THE GREATEST OPPORTUNITY that every presented itself in your community. . SUITS HA LF PRICE Beautiful models in every cloth and weave. Entire range of styles in A all colors, grey, browns, mixtures, blue serges,, $60 values, Fri.-Sat.,bajU and Michael -Sterns Dress Shirts All Silk Shirt. HALF PRICE All Other Shirts Y Off 1 lot Mens Dress Shirts $1.00 Sweaters of all sizes, styles, cor ors, stripes, descriptions Special Friday-Saturday J6 OFF All Wool Shirts Vz Off Shoes Mens Tan Dress Shoes,' blucher Jstyle, rubber heels, Sale Price $5.50 Mens heavy Work Shoes $3.50 Please Note that This Big; Sale Closes Saturday Night, Jan. 15th. HURRY! : l i n M 3k mmw.mnwamwMwmmw!jm!&MmmmmwmmMmmm "Quality" Job Printing wj ' a: JJkJ J h ( uoeqH m jti? ' i . OR. -Jk'v.'4i''W,l,W,W' -.. ,.. iAit, -. V- -.A.r -- (. . m