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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 13, 1921)
'. . v n 4 J -- V t n -sir.t,- ItXD oLOubr-HMiAiKA, oimr ' rt I'Jf- 1. . .1 .L . v TTl IT T-ll , - 'i' "T M- ;?." ii'.'. t-A r BESSE AUDITORIUM Tonight Only A Romance of Paradise Valley or Midnight Riders ill Comedies Novelties Friday and Saturday H. B. WARNER in One Hour Before Dawn Also CHARLEY CHAPLIN in WORK .WUMUi ' AS KIIIIIIII1I1II1I IIII1IIRMI1I TOLD TO US i , Call Bell 88 pr Ind. 193M. . ; Eat and drink at Powell . & Pope's Cafe. t jjjj Earl Weber spent Monday in Su perior. Mrs. C. D. Robinson spent Friday in Hastings. ; "M'VMrs. Mary Polnicky spent' Monday in Hastings.. . , t?Jack Tiller of McCook was In the .'city Monday. ,L A. Graves of Denver is In the ity his week. rf , Jy,Jwjjf9 Blackledge wenfc 'to, 'Alma ,Sjiriay. evening. " ". , ast Attorney J, So GilhamJspent"-Mon- day in Hastings, . .. - Dr.-and-ilnr; E.A.'Creight6nweht a -...- a . . -. .. .. Lh v" 1 A.Aj a a J .u n Hl' ( a Ttiron.. n.i?az:?ii.z.-ir. i yFortax or auto livery cal r aneets. bell nhone azlnd. 82M. v h - . . J 7i.t: . i c John Phillips pf.Gbdland, Kansas; 1J 1 .wJ Father ,Pitrgerald, w$Htjtt Super ior Saturday morning where he held rservlcel 'Sunday.' --""--' -"- ""-' Mrs.1 J. W: AAild went. to, .Lincoln" ..,..,... m. .ji.uiwj'. a. ;';i-j'. i ' I tnrin W ""ulBuay wraiK w upeim a lew uavuHiiii j.rienus..- .' ! ? 1 '.Wagoner mt to Omaha Mon. ' f,'J xjas "?r e 4tft foe lait of tMTfa jRalpChpUnenf,to XfcEfi ; SbndayNmorning tos"pend a fewnli J ' TO1aITii1ai irnnl- tn VnMnm. ! . mav vuiucu ncuv tv Aaiioaa vjilv Sunday moraine: to spend a few days. f Alf 'Nolan went to Cambridge Mon- ;;aay evening to attend mousci ilros. 1? Hereford sale. - & ', ft H. R. Childress of Brickton was'fa ,ttTio city Monday attending to some JtbuFiness affairs. .. pr. C.E. Cross of Douglas; Wyohi liqg, spent a few hours .with friends in ptm's city Monday. ' t (Don't forget the program, ltet supper at the High Sch'oolassem 'jbty room Friday evening. '.Herbert Moore returned home Tues day morning from Denver where he 'had been visiting his mother., i J. H. Ellinger and J. M. Arnold ac companied their stock shipments to 'Kansas City Sunday morning. - Miss Christine Caldwell, who is' teaching school at Keene, spent the weekend with her mother here. Joseph Pavlick shipped two cars of 'cattle to Kansas City Tuesday morn ing. He accompanied the shipmenr. Mrs. McNeny and daughter, Helen, returned homo Sunday morning from Denver where they spent a few days. Call Bell 88or Ind. 193M. Homer Fox spent Friday in Hast ings. E. S. Garbcr is in Lincoln this week. Mrs. F. E. Maurer spent Friday in Hastings. Mrs. W. E. White spent Saturday in Hastings. Earl Hall and Warren Sutton spent Monday in Hastings. , Attorney F. J. Munday was in Cowles Monday afternoon. John Hamilton of Guide Rock was in the city Friday afternoon. Good' meals Brood service moderate pricw Powell fc Pope' oaf e -Mrs. George Huntsinger spent the last of the.eek w th, . relatives ,at Call Bell 88 or Ind. 193M Jack Wlsecaijvcr, Dan Garbcr and Frank King went to Omaha Monday to attend the Farmers' Union stato convention. Red Cloud Post 238, American Le gion, will Jiold its regular meeting in the I. 0. 0. F. hall Friday evening at 8 o'clock. The M. W. A. lodge- will install of ficers at its meeting next Wednesday evening and the members are urged to be present Arthur j Gilbert returned homo Sat urday evening from Lincoln. Ho expects to go to St. Louis where ho will attend college. Switchman Bullock returned to Mc Cook Tuesday morning after work ing In Clair Wolfe's place in the lo- ing bid in this job Call Bell 88 or Ind. 193M. Thero will bo Lutheran services Sunday at 11 a. m. Mooting uftor tuo service Sunday School at 10 o'clock. Dr. Warrick, Tlio Specialist, will meet eye, oar, nose aud throat niitlcnts nml tboso needing glasses fitted at Dr, Diunerells ofUco Tuesday, January 25.' Hours 2 to 5. The Community Services commenced last night at tlio Onptlst church. A, laro number wero present to hear Chaplain E. W. Whlto who Is conduct ing the services. Ray Sutton, who has been work ing out of McCook as fireman, wo.t to work on the switch engino In tho local ynrds Sunday morning, ho hnv- cal yards for several days. Miss Carrie Shuto departed Thurs day evening for Great Falls, Mon tana, after spending a couple of weeks with relatives here. Gcorgo Fentress returned to this city Tuesday morning from Spring Lick, Kentucky, where ho hnd been visiting his brother tho past two months. Mrs. Paul Storey departed Friday morning for her homo at Winner, South Dakota, after spending several weeks with her daughter, Mrs. H. S. Foe and family. Engineer Fred Nelson, who has been running on Nos. 63 and 64 between Red Cloud and Oxford for tho past year, Is now workimr out of McCook as he has given up his run between this point and Oxford. Tho Farmers' Union will hold their nnnun! meeting in tho I ' O. 0. F. hall Thursday, January 20th, at which time they will elect n board of directors for tho coming year. J. E. McKcnsie and T. R. Smith, who are working for tho Watts Con struction Co., left Monday for Osa watomle, Kansas, whero they will help finish a job for that company. Ford Walker, who has been fire man on the switch engino in tho local yards for several months, went to McCook Monday morning whore ho has been assigned to other duties. Miss Gertrude L. Coon returned to St. Louis Sunday morning torcsumo her duties as Y. W. C. A. secretary after spending a couple of weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Codd. How Did It H apoen? Well it is this way, there Is a chance for every man that has any energy what ever, to get a., home, come and see us. We have about fifteen (15) farms to ofTcr as follows, Improved and unimproved ones, will take Crop payments after tho first payment is made. Theso farms are located in the best part of the West and wo think this is a much better plan for you Mr. Renter. Buy one of these farms where you can pay out for it, tho samo-as paying rent and you will own your own home. We know of men that have paid out for their land that way in three years, why not you try and got ono tho same way. Wo give free transportation, for to go and see these farms, when tho roads are so wo can travel over them safely. Now is tho timo for you to got tho best proposition wo evor found in land, if you aro interested come in and seo us and talk it over. Wo will sure get you a good buy if you will come and ride out with us, Wo havo other good buys of all kinds. Please remember the address. A. H. Carpenter Son & Co. Home Office Red Cloud, Neb. C. R. Carpenter, Selden, Kan, JL viB.fiT&.AniMi4 -i.j fkM-i.-jjL-tm W ' jUnlS state convention, g r-fl 3L t Mies Minnie Tritit of McGook'sricntf I Sunday in the city with herVarents, Mr. and 'Mrs. P(hil Trau Virginia and Thomas A'uld return cd'home Sunday raojralngj from $&; C. D. Robinson) went to Lincoln Monday morning aff&r spending Sun day with his ife and fanjity-here. 'SVpt. . T. Holtzen, returned honi'e Sunday evening from Hebron; where ho spent a couple ot days with rela tives. , y Mr. and Mrs. Fred Taylor of River ton spent Monday in the Idy'."wlth Her parents, Mr. 'and Mrs!5 George Smelser. ' Four' trains of stock, consisting of one hundred and sixty two cars, pass ed thru here Sunday morning enroute to the St. Joseph and Kansas City markets. This is one qf tho largest runs thru here for many weeks. The following shipped stock to Kansas City Sunday morning: Yost & Ellinger two cars of cattle, A. B. Crabill four cars of hogs, J. M. Ar nold ono car of cattle and one of hogs, Dclaney Bros, one car of hogs and W. J. Haskins one car of cattle. D:A:N:C:E Besse Auditorium- Red Cloud Saturday Night January 15th Music and Entertainers Furnished by the Noted Kromatic Kids j &1 WV DM."' ftlVUUAulUlv -MUtftm: untx1 'jiMrvtwuk'' ' ,w II The Edison Policy TTHE prices of the. New Edison, "The Phonograph With a Soul," have 1 increased less than 15 since 1914. A large share of this increase War Tax.- is i j 1: A ' Edison sacrificed millions of dollars in profits, which he might have made. Why and how he did this are explained in the circular, "What Did Edison Do During the War?" Call, or write, for a copy of thisinter- fe&tiiigcifcuiar.:; , , ' :" , Should the goverarneqt increase the Excise Tax on Phonograph, it will be necessary. tQJncreaso the price of the New Edison. We hope that no additional tax Vf ill! be placedupon music, which Napoleon, said' "i tho . axt to which Jeriaifrtiorft ought to give the greatest encouragement" . Even without ab additional Tax.' the Edison Manufacturing Laboratories ' would have' had to increase their selling prices, if they had not been able to maintain a full time1 operation in their Phonograph Works. Accord- ' ingly, they worke'd full force, until the close of the year, and are now '' shut down temporarily, while Edison dealers, such as ourselves, are pre paring their orders fof'1921. ' '. Hr Their will be no increase in Edison prices, if it can be avoided. On the other hand, we guarantee' that the selling prices of the New Edison, in 192iti will not be reduced. The manufacture of Edison Re-Creations is being increased, and a spec ial department is beingjinstalled for the rapid manufacture of timely selections. Ask your banker aboutthe Edison policy, whereby you are able, to buy a before-the-war value 'with an after-the-war dollar. , , r E. H. Newhouse Authorized Dealer ' Red Cloud, Neb. Estimate tf EiftaMS far Wetoter Chr ty, Nebraska Tr the year 1921 I, U. F. Porry. county Clork ot Wobator County, NobrMka do hereby certify that on tho flrtt regular meeting ol tho County Hoard of CommlHlonora ot Wobator County, Nobroakatho following oattraato ot Expensea tor Wobator County tor tho year 1921 wu mado and adopted. Soldlora Itollot I 100.00 Poor 4000.00 Aaaeaaoraft Deputy 4000.00 County Attornoya Office 1600.00 County Board 4 Board ot Equalla atlon 6000.00 Dooka 4 Stationery .... 9000.00 DUtrlot Court 6000.00 County Superintendent' OfUco 9600.00 Bladon Fair Auoclatlon 800.00 County Ulghway Commlaalonor 1600.00 County Agonta Office 8000.00 Incldontala 20000.00 Eloctlona , .1600.00 lino job bb00uuu HoAuSt 8800000 im.Too.oo Wltnew my hand" and Official Seal tkla 12th day ot January IBM.'" v; ' " '., (Seal.), " ; Mb. F.PJSBRVrf. -h, ' ' r WoiuitOttfk, v. qpp iuwitWStoi ASSO- ?Ffflr ,7"br the m eCtlngs held at Lincoln last week, tk( Livestock v meetings drew, the big cKrwds. Tuesday was sheep day Wednesday, horses; I'nurs day, awine'and Friday, cattle. Web ster county .men attending theso meetings were: Allen Vance, John M. Ryan, C. B. Steward, P, M. White head, Carl Fauscb, J. W. Auld and Cecil CrowelC ' The Annual Stockmen's 'banquet was held Thursday night at tho Lin coin Hotel. , Frank Tomson was toastmaster and 0. B. Steward,- Re gent Whitemoro, Col. Bixby, Howard Gramlich and S. A. Nelson, responded to toasts. Following the banquet tho annual business meeting was held. The State Association was re organized and each County Associa tion becomes an. auxiliary of tho Stato Association. Members of tho County Association automatically be come members of tho State Associa tion. President of tho County Asso ciations, become vice-presidents of the 'Stato Association. J. H. McLaugh lin was elected president, M. B. Pos 8on, secrctarry and Howard Gram--lich, treasurer. 'HENRY R. FAUSCH, County Agricultural Agent. To the Citizens of Red Cloud Do you beliovo an evil mind can hyp notize a good man lo do a sinful deed? George Clayton believed that God's will, and not man's, wan always su preme, even jn a hypnotic trance. As an experiment at tho society party, bo allowed himself to bo hypno tized. While under spell, the hypnotist whispered in his ear, "Ono hour be fore dawn you will kilt Harrison Kirkc, tho man who insulted the girl you love." Strangely enough, the next morning Kirko was found killed. What happened One Hour Before Dawn? What part did tho girl play? Frankly, we believe It's the most startling screen sensation since "The Thirteenth Chair". It's as mysterious Thi FOLKSWoVpu "OMAHA'S FBI,, ,. -: vZ ITI audevilk "OMAHA'S FIIKM, ctZ CENTRE," lK&$fl40 Exhiliratinz Burlesaut: Vai .ylIJi fllllial ttHlt liilroMtit " I' IIME MATINEE EVE1V WEEII1T tnybody flttMNICMI llitiAlnr fi lAltES'.IIMC MATINEE EVE1Y WEEUAT ,.,, XrlSSSf !?i1 " Aoaly .- in phw mi wwn l as a woman's heart, and as weird as the tales of Edgar Allan Poe. It's an 6nth railing play, an absorbing ro mance, and it 'b fittingly and forceful ly played by H, B. Warcer, that digni fied star, who is ably assisted by Anna Q. NilsHon. If your husband claims he can solve mysteries you ca'u safely wager the botcher bill that ho will not be ablo to Bolve this ono before tho last fifteen feet of film. It will puzzle you too. BESSE AUDITORIUM. FARM LOANS Farm loans mado at lowest inter est rates on cither improved or un improved lands. Absolutely no delay. No expense for examination. J. H. BAILEY. Seems Queer, Sometime. Jud Tunklna says a friend some times takes tho liberty of telling you to much about your faults you won fler how bo manages to remain friendly. Duriug tbe absence of Dr. Creighton, Or. Martin will lmvo-olmrgo of his otll;o. Or. Martin will continue the fitting of 'glasses and'maUe all repairs needed to spectacles. . it To The Public! All stockholders, farmers and those who are interested in the affairs of the Farmers Union. Kindly read our announcement Next Week in the columns of this paper. We are state facts to you and have 'official data' to back our statements. Watch for it. Farmers Union Red Cloud's Leading Mercantile Establishment .- rrsaB!tartiiw.VM