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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1920)
Booluty flfl M-- Mtea JJUWfc-MmM ... -. i va 1 M MgttgfrMKSEEaatBrJEM4 ' Jll figs:aftigg!:gMBgaHfcKa. t h V I V -Jv A ' 4 Newspaper That Hires The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For S2.00 VOLUME 48 RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. DECEMBER 2. 1920 NUMBER 49 IMWWWIMMWMMW WWW i "WMII'W" 0 fwt POSITIVCfcT 0P1 iV j$Jjj' ANt are HRE ffj u-k' J N 0 MATTER what you want to buy nor what you want repaired, if it is in the jewelry line 'twill pay you to come here. In the purchase of jewelry or its repair, the reliability of your dealer is of prime importance. This is why your interests are best served by 'coming to us. IsHmHBS BBSSI Al. W. A. Adopts large Class, Wednesday evunliiK of Inst week was the biuinor event fur tlio local Modern Woodman Camp of this city, 119 tho lodtfo convened In tho Masonic hull whore, with u lut(jo immbor of visiting brothers prchont, 71 candidates for the local lodtfu and Ml ftotn Iuavnlu woio Inltlato 1 into thu mysteries of this order. IJ. 13 K ester, Statu Deputy, was presc it and lllle I the Venerable Coun sel's ciiuir riming the initiation and also emplllled tlio woik with a 1110 tloit picture machine. C. 13. IhuiiHt ol l!eitrico alho abuistt-d in tlio initiation and much credit ii duo him as he bueured this largo class for tho local camp. Vihltlug biothera fiom Guide itoolc aud Hostwiclc also assisted lu the initiation. Alter lodge was over tho utumuciB ooiiKicRated at tho I. 0. 0. F. hall, wiiute tho Royal Neighbors served a dainty luncheon. The IloytiL Neighboia lodge also took In a class of twelve tho same evening. COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDINGS mai Red Cloud, Nebraska t The County Uoniri of Commission-, ors met us per adjournment at 1 ; o'clock p. in. with all members pros-. cnt. A petition asking for the appoint ment of Henry Mngaiin as Road Overseer of District 8'j was ap-, proved by tlio Hoard. 1 L. 11. lllackleilgc, District Judge elect, appeared before the Lloard rel ative to seeming oillec rooms in tlio court house. After the lloard had viewed the rooms desired a motion was inade by Waldo and seconded by Shldlcv that the two rooms oast of tho cent room lie furnished and ar ranged for the Judge. Motion rar llcd. I The following claims were audited and allovuul and County Cleik in- I structcd t draw warrants on the proper funds in payment of same: GENERAL FUND For Christmas Send Them Your Photograph THE APPRECIATED GIFT Make an appointment now for your sitting and you will have your pictures in time to SEND THEM EARLY . Sittings made Sundays and evenings if you wish Don't Forget the Location Over Smith's Shoe Store- The Gleason Studio rffxffffl?f If a Car is Worth Driving it is Worth Building A Garage .... See us for Up-to-date Garage Designs. i The Malone-Gellatiy Co. g IMJWWUWAWWWVVWWVA MWVftrWVWW.VAVWVNVYW Mr. and Mrs. ED. AMACK UNDERTAKING Phone, Store Ind. 1 58, Res, 93 RED CLOUD, NEB 'AVVVWWVUVtfVWVl Boy Scout Council Meets The Rod Cloud Council of Boy Scouts held u meoting Tuesday ovenlngat the Commercial Club rooms, President Uowden presiding. Secretary Hutchison btated that Nat ional Scout Master Piper would bo able to como to Rod Cloud lu the near future. Chairman Uoltzcn of the constitution and by-laws committee read the con. tltution and it was adopted as amend ed. The committee on quarters made their report and stated that they would probably bo able to secure the rooms over the Cotting drug store aud they were instructed to get a loose for one year on the same. Dr. Mcliride Informed the meeting that he had 825 from tho old organlza tlou on baud and they decided to buy gymnasium paraphernalia with the same. It was decided to hold a regular meeting on tho third Tuesday ovenlng of each month at the Hoy Scouts quurt ors. They will hold another mooting at tho olub rooms next Wednesday evening, at which time a few more committees will be appointed to com plcte tho organization. Judges and Clerks G. R. State Dank E. J. Emerton School Dist. No. 18 Consumers' Refining Co. School Dist. No. Gl Ludwlg llcnk Denton & Rushke H. F. Jacohson Harry Vaughan Bladen Lbr. Co. Walter Echtcmock L. C. Peisinger L. C. Smith Type. Co. ... Grlce & Grimes Seth Green E. McBride , C. E. Vaughan .. 0. C. Tecl Thos. Friend Edith L. McKelghun Djvilobt. Damcrell E. J. Emerton Arthur Burgc Boom 'Bros. V. S. Hall .. R. S. Proudfit Lbr. Co. Consumers' Refining Co. Geo. H. Ovcring Dr. Robt. Martin E. A. Hendrickson Webster County Argus . May L. Hufter Angel of Death Takes Mother and Daughter Mrs. Wm. Hasklns After an illness of about one week Mrs. Wm. Haskius gave up the struggle and surrendered her spirit to Its maker at about ten o'clock, ' Thanksgiving Day, November sftth. The deceased, Molly Stevens, was born in Hamilton County, Indiana, July 17, 1875. Sho with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clark Stevens, camo to Nebraska In the year of 1884. Sho was united in marriage with Wm. Hasklns, August 27, 1890, and to this union were born three children, Mrs. James Jan. sen of Iuavale and Pearl and Wilbur, at homo. She leaves to mourn her early demise, her husband and three children, four brothers, E. W. Stevens of this city, Bert of Smith Center, Kansas, Otto of Benkleman, Roy of Hastings and three sisters, Mosdame8 Clare Pope and (lien Fearn of this city and Mrs. A, Stanley of Lebanon, Kansas, also her father, Clark Stevens of this city. Funeral services were conducted at the Methodist church, Saturday after noon, Rev. Cope in chargo and inter ment was mado in the city cemetery. Hiss Pearl Hasklns Death again cost its shadow over tho Wm. Hasklns homo, as on Wednesday Miss Pearl, aged 22 years, passed to her eternal reward. At tho time of her mother's demlso she, was seriously ill with typhold-pneumoLla but hopes for hor recovery were entertained at that time. This leaves but threo mem. burs of this once happy family, tho father, ono daughtor and one son. Fuuerai service will bo conducted irom tho Methodist church Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Annie B. Spnnoglc Henry R. Fausch Red Cloud Cemetery Assn... Albert Nelson W. Gf Hamilton Clo. Co. ... Western Fraternal Assn. . F. E. Maurer A. B. McArthur C. F. Dickenson C. A. Waldo 0. C. Tcel 6 00 $871 95 , 15 00 '14 00 , 15 00 , 10 85 , 15 00 5 00 72 43 3 CO . 45 30 , 25 95 , 18 00 , 21 01 , 71 GO , 74 G9 3 75 . 4 75 . 4 50 . 12 25 . 2 00 . 47 66 . 32 00 . 3 00 . 4 20 . 18 75 . 15 00 . 17 88 . 5 25 . 15 00 . 2 10 , 8 45 . 42 90 . 45' 00 . 41 66 . 165 00 . 10 00 . 50 00 . 31 25 .. 15 00 . 12 00 . 26 50 . 7 25 . 42 80 C. F. Cathcr Wm. H. Thomas Frank Ellingcr Jns. Hubatkn .. . Wm. H. Thomas J. F. Kniggo Grant Shidlcr C. A. Waldo BRIDGE FUND A. O. Meffoul Citizens Lbr. Co. Ben P. Banks Simon Van Boening, Jr. Adam Albcr L. R. Columbia W. V. Law A. J. Guy M R. B. Mclllcco Walter Bangert POOR FARM FUND Mrs. Mary Emerton J. A. Silvoy Lbr. Co, 6 00 12 00 50 00 274 70 165 00 188 00 190 00 173 50 45 00 54 60 15 00 36 00 60 00 21 00 G 00 30 00 16 85 18 00 28 00 35 40 No other business anncarincr tho Board adjourned to meet December 28, 1920. B. F. PERRY, County Clerk. Boy Injured by an old Gun Thanksgiving Day Charles, tho llttlo son of Mrs. Henry Hansen, was play ing with an obsoloto rillo, when he placed a loaded catridgo In tho muzzle of the barrel and pounded the snmeon the sidewalk causing tho catridgo to explode and the bullet to lodge in his plueral cavity. He is doing nicely at tills writing. Baptist Church Notes Preaching at 11 a. hi. and 7:30 p, m. Sunday School at 10 a. m. Rov. R. R. Coon has been engaged to supply our pulpit regularly each Sun day for tho near f uturo. The Willing Workers will moot with Mrs. Joseph Toplmm Falday at 2 p. m. Lunch will be served at 4:30. . Not In Modern Flats. I From tho thno of tho Greek phi losophers, Epicurus nnd Democrltua, until about 1S0O, heat was considered I form of matter. Does Your Watch Or Glasses Need Fixing? We iJani fo do your REPAIRING WE WILL DO IT RIGHT AND AT A REASONABLE PRICE. WHETHER IT IS A WATCH, CLOCK, JEWELRY OR EYE GLASSES, WE HAVE THE MATERIALS fAND WE KNOW HOW-TO FIX IT SO IT WILL STAY FIXED. WE HAVE A FULL LINE OF OPTICAL GOODS, JEWELRY AND SILVERWARE AND WILL BE PLEASED TO SHOW YOU WHAT YOU WANT. WE TEST YOUR EYES AND FIT YOU WITH CORRECT GLASSES We Make 'Quality' Right Then the Price Right B. H. Newhouse . m t m m Kai a Jeweler mnd Optometrist n.. if !. r-v The Maelle Greater than the Phonograph Different in construction Superior In tone Actual in reproduction T-HE ACTUELLE-a Pathe Freres in- vtntlon marks the first really radical advance in the science ot sound repraduction since sound recording was invented. The result achieved is a natural purity of one which would have been beyond belief less than twelve months ago. Now comes the real revolutionary ad vance and again it is the Pathe organizat ion that has won out with the Actuelle. Exit Sound Box, Tone Arm, Horn - The problem of the phonograph maker is to take out of the way of the tone obiticals which affect the reproduction in a lesser way. The tone box, the tone arm, the tone chamber and horn arc in the way. The ACTUELLE dis cards all the obstacles. A taunt wire carries the tone di rect from the record to a parchament cone which amplifies and reproduces the tone in its natural, vivid vigor, with a full fidelity that no phonograph could ever equal. Come in and hear this wonderful instrument play your favorite records. We will be pleased to have you call. MiiGRICE & GRIMES PATHEPHONOGRAPHS AND PATHE RECORDS ::o 3ME El The Price of Lumber and building material is so much less than it has been and the prospects for it going much lower is so slight that we feel justified in advising you to build now PLATT & FREES m H' n m 1MB QIIG DG 3HE m