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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1920)
rt.uwj5.i2w tr .Hi V &$, T 'i 4 newspaper That Gives The News FITty-two Weeks Each Year For 92.00 VOLUME 48 T RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. NOVEMBER 20. 1920 NUMBER 48 N lnrrVnttfi;ifcin'Hit 0 MATTER what you want to buy nor what you want repaired, if it is in the jewelry line 'twill pay you to come here. In the purchase of jewelry or its repair, the reliability of your dealer is of prime importance This is why your interests are best served by coming to us. Kgnarj i4aBilil EB33 PHOTOGRAPHS For Christmas Gifts JUST THE THING! We are making a Special Offer for November. Take advantage of it and at the same time be re lieved of a dozen Xmas worries Don't Forget the Location Over Smith's Shoo Store The Gleason Studio VSWVUVUVVVVW".V.V.VVV.VV."AV.VVAVVUUiVJVVAftArt X If a Car is Worth Driving it is Worth Building A Garage . . . . See us for Up-to-date Garage Designs. The Malone-Gellatly Co. . VUSAMAftWhMAUSMnAW UWtfWWUWWWlAAAWS Mr. and Mrs. ED. AMACK t UNDERTAKING Phone, Store Ind. 158, Res, 93 RED CLOUD, NEB VWVWUWIAMAWWWWUWWWWI Red Cloud Scalped Superior Three Musicals Booked for the Besse Auditorium Lust Friday itfturtiuon, ill, tlio Lin coln PnrW, lit Superior, oueured the 1 1 I Cloud vs Superior foot hull tfiuiio aixl uflor tho smoke of the hnttle clear-, oil uwuy it .vus found Unit the Super-' it 1 1 lull Sclmil foot bull team hid been ilefoiited by u scoro of "0 to lit. Thuta wus u lurjje orowd from tl c two towns In iittcndiinee , In tliu qunrter Superior tniide 11 touchdown hut fulled to Ulelc gon'. ltod Cloud iniide u touch down and Itlolcdd gold, suuru 0 and 7. In the second qunrter Superior miidc another touch down hut fulled to kick goal In the lust p.irt of the second qunrter Capt. Wlor of the .Superior j team hud the misfortune to huvu two ribs brokon and wns taken out of the tfntuo. In the last hulf nf the giuno the Ked Cloud team came back stronger Ihiin ever, as in the third quarter (tcno Hush Intercepted Superior's forward pass and run for l.r yards aud made a touch down. Rod Cloud also made another touch down iu this quarter and in the fourth quarter. When the second half of .he gnmo started the Superior fans, who wcro standing on the side lines, looked sad and beforo the game had finished they were howling that the lied Cloud toum was playing dirty hall but our boys all played a good cloiin game. The Super ior people took their defeat hard aud it was a great pleasure for our boys to defeat them on their own Held. I Hi Scout Organization Meets ""'Several of the men of the city who take an interest in the Boy Scouts held a meeting Monday evening to work out deflnate plans for the advancement of this organization in the city, and after discussing matters brought up beforo the meeting they elected the following oflleors and committees: P. J. Munduy, Scout Commissioner; F. W. Coivdon, President; W.U. Hamil ton, Vice President; O Y. Hutchison, Secretary; W. S. Bcezley, Treasurer. Scout Masters, E. M. Ege, Marion Bloom, C. M. Sherwood. Committee on Quarters, Ed Amack, W. G. Hamilton, R. P. Woesner. Committeo on By Laws, Prof. Holt zen, N. B. Bush, Q. W. Hutchison. Those present were also informed that National Scout Master Piper could also be scheduled for a visit here hi the near future and this matter with oth ers of Importance will be discussed at a meeting which will be hold in tho Commercial Club rooms on next Tues day evening. An Invitation is extend ed to all who are Interested In tho Hoy Scouts to attend this meoting ami be como bettor acquainted witli tho plans aud intentions of tho local unit of the largest junior organization in the country. Dont forget tho day but come. Hod ('loud is to have three musk'un treats this winter The Auditoiium Hoard litis higned ii emit met fur these ontettii.neih who hiu'tt iuternutiuual reputation J lied t'oiiil I.h imlfHil fortunate iu si curing fiese iniiHii'luns iiud only be cause el the line Auditorium is the Board utile to su-mo them, as the,- are only mulling three stops in Nebiiiska and In no other town of this size , Manj people have been anxious to have a coiiil teum eotnu to lie i Ciniul oud In i'ueo Kur'c. Ameiiuu'.i great tenor,, who is to appear December 111, a rare treat Is promised. Theo Knrle isauatiirul fuVorlte of thucoucertstago On limitary 10 isudoro Berger,' a violinist of unustuil ability will appear. M-irch 'J a concert will bo given by Miss Myriiu Shallow, prima donua soprano of Chicago Opera Association, MissSharlow snug at the Assembly in Lincoln tins summer aud wonder fully pleased her audience. Her pleasing pcrsotmlitv u n d beautiful voice have brought her success iu her concert work Tho last number alone is worth tho price of the season ticket which will be $5 OX Does Your Watch Or Glasses. Need Fixing ? W. B Campbell Laid to Rest Wiley Brooks Campboll was born Octobor 21, 1858 in preen County, Tennessee, and died at Red Cloud, Ne braska, Novomber 21, 1020, aged 02 years, 30 days. ne was married September 10, 1880 to Ella Cathorino Tcdlock, who pro ceeded him sixteen years ago. Death was caused by dropsy of tho kidneys from which he suffered almost two years. j Ho was a kind and loving father and fought tho battles of lire faithfully. He leaves to mourn his departure six daughters, one son, six sisters, Mrs. White of Tennessee, Mrs. Dodd and Mrs. Justice of Esbon, Kansas, Mrs. Tucker of Oarsvillo, California, Mrs. Crawford of Manard, Texas and Mrs. Weoms of Salem, Kansas; three broth ersWilliam of Esbon and Jim of Lin coln, Kansas, Tllraan of Idaho, and one stepbrother V. L. Weesner of this city. Tho funeral services woro held Tues day at tho homo of Mrs. Weems at Salem, Kansas after whfch intermout was inaile in the Salem cemetery. G. It. McCrary was down from Ina valo Tuesday afternoon. FAKM BUREAU ANNUAL MEETING Saturday, December 4, 1920, nt 1:30 P. M. Court Room Court House. President's Remark John M. Ry- an- . " Secelnry's Report Fred House holder. County Agent's Report Henry R. Fausch. Adrcss by County Agent Leader, R. E. Hollund, Lincoln, Nebraska. Address by Secretary Nebraska Farm Bureau, II. D. Lute, Lincoln. Mr. Holland will talk on the ac complishments of the Farm Bureau in Ncbrasku. Mr. Lute will explain the member ship campaign, which is being start ed in Nebraska to enroll the farm ers in the County, State, und Nat ional Farm Bureau Federation. Every farmer is invited and urged to attend this meeting. Remember the date Saturday, December 4th, at 1:30 P. M. THE FARM BUREAU The Farm Bureau is an organzn- tion of and for the farmers. Hereto fore, there has boon numerous local bureaus throughout the country. To day when n farmer joins the County Farm Bureau, he at onco affiliates himself with the State and National Federations. In unity there is strength. This probably accounts for the rcmarkublc growth of the State and Nationnl or ganization in the pnst few months. Tho Stato and National Farm Bu reaus aim to icplace no cxisiting or ganization. Tho'r plan is rather to weave together, the interests of farm ers' organizations. Thus local farm ers' organizations ally themselves with the national movement, while in no way losing their local "say so" nor identity. Farm Bureau work promotes tho business side of farming. It is not a trust. It is an association for mutual helpfulness in tho conduct of business. HENRY R. FAUSCH, County Agricultural Agent. Rev. J. M. Bates recently under went an operation at tho Clarkson hospital in Omaha and his many friends arc pleased to learn that ho is doing nicely. Services at tho Congregational church every Sabbath morning at 11 o'clock. Treadling by Rev. Mary II. Mitchell. Sunday school at 10 o'clock. You arc invited. Curtis Friday and Mr. Swanson of Holdrego flew to this city Monday and took dinner with Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Bush. They left in tho after noon for Oklahoma'. a IV c tuant to do vour REPAIR V G WE WILL DO IT RIGHT AND AT A REASONABLE PRICE. WHETHER IT IS A WATCH, CLOCK, JEWELRY OR EYE GLASSES, WE HAVE THE MATERIALS ,'AND WE KNOW HOW TO FIX IT SO IT WILL STAY FIXED. WE HAVE A FULL LINE OF OPTICAL GOODS, JEWELRY AND SILVERWARE AND WILL BE PLEASED TO SHOW YOU WHAT YOU WANT. WE TEST YOUR EYES AND FIT YOU WITH CORRECT GLASSES We Make 'Quality' Right Then the Price Right E.H.Newhouse a ctouj Jeweler and Optometrist Ncbnk' IV flllMil& M The Maelle Greater than the Phonograph Different In construction Superior In tone Actual In reproduction HTHE ACTUELLE-a Pathe Freres in- ventlon marks the first really radical advance in the science ol sound t epraductlon since sound recording was invented. The result achieved is a natural purity of tone which would have been beyond belief less than twelve months agn. Now comes the real revolutionary ad vanceand again it is the Pathe organizat ion that has won out with the Actuelle. Exit Sound Box, Tone Arm, Horn The problem of the phonograph maker is to take out of the way of the tone obiticals which affect the reproduction in a lesser way. The tone box, the. tone arm, tho tone chamber and horn arc in the way. The ACTUELLE dis cards all the obstacles. A taunt wire carries the tone di rect from the record to a parchament cone which amplifies and reproduces the tono in its natural, vivid vigor, with a full fidelity that no phonograph could ever equal. Come in and hear this wonderful instrument play your favorite records. Wc will be pleased to have you call. f!E!GRICE & GRIMES Nebraska PATHEPHONOGRAPHS AND PATHE RECORDS m 3ME 3E aiic he Attend the Foot Ball Game This Afternoon The Price of Lumber and building material is so much less than it has, been and the prospects for it going much lower is so slight that we feel justified in advising you to build now PLATT & FREES Kearney vs Red Cloud i mv 3BE as H m