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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1920)
"-1" u4V' . i" Rw 5 "Ki Sufi ' tit) Xr v 4 I fitx ." i -v, "2A i?fl iS S.S 51 ' . L "3.H i"-lcJvl $s. tvf I'm? t" ,fflMffanfwfar i I mM )i . M ? LJ1 ran kw X I en i M i W. - ZzsSi.i0tr- T -tffTf( ,- - 'v,-. A NcwspiWfir That (lives Ihc News Fifty-two Weeks Each fear For $2.00 VOLUME 40 RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. DECEMBER 9. 1020 mmmmmammKmmnmmummmmmBaHmm0Bmmuammmvptar NUMBER 50 vivo " r vjy m iiuiBUdy jgfg DISTINCT COURT PROCEEDINGS ATTOKNKY MUMMY WINS I Judge Dlhvorth and Court Report-1 , RATHER PECULIAR CASK tr G. M. Baird arrived early Monday, The iprcme Comt, the last of tho morning and hold a three days term .week, according to Sundays State, of couit. with a jury present, vdis-' " "olds in lavor of Adolphus posing of the following: 1 & a prominent citizen 01 ucavcr CUIMINAu CASES I '' wa? C'UU"KC(' with mtcrrupt- State vs Louis Glebe, Defendant found Z,mw 1 n i,, vU ,n ....:u... r., r inn n.,,1 nnoio n vices at that place one Sunday not so ''; ."ne..f ". ami C0Sts nb'vcry many months ago. j Pri rices on scssch oy wiu cuuri. .,,,, ... ...i. ':... . i; Stnto vc ri,n,....n1 Tv-nnn AI,U. "l "" '" tu "B . I'"" " DO rOi M? WEX.P JAF SELECTING YOUR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS? Our Jewelry Store is (lie place to come, and let us HELP YOU by showing our beautiful line of 'GIFTS THAT LAST' ' ' We have a beautiful line of WATCHES, BROOCHES RINGS. SCARF PINS. CUFF1 LINKS. FINE PEARL NECKS and numerous OTHER PIECES OF FINE JEWELRY that will wear for years and make the giver proud of (lie fatft (hat SOMETHING was GIVEN (hat was WORTH WHILE. JUST A WORD ABOUT PRICES We have purchased our slock on (he LOWEST market PRICES and will be pleased to explain why our goods are very reasonable. GIVE US A CALL TODAY - J. c Columbia Grafonolas i I w .y I (lismisi m I George I MITCHELL THE JEWELER Columbia Records S&&S&StiSISSiSS vs for term State vs George Conner, Intoxication, pica of guilty, sentence of U0 days in County Jail. State vs Leo Fredericks and Clayton Wood, cjiargcd with burglary, fugitives,, continued. State vs Arthur McKinney, charged with aiding prisoners to escaped. Dismissed. I CIVIL DOCKET i Clark Implement Co. vs William Wal- $ i Lena Rehtus vs Loy Rouse ct al, con S' I tinund. Ralph Rose vs Arnold, Settled and dismissed. Tolley vs Slawson, continued. go King vs Dell Walker, Replev in, Judgement for plaintiff and $25 damages. William D. Hicks and Elmer Fogg vs Webster County, Continued. Lottie Sagl vs Harry Roats et al, continued. John E. Wakefield Co. vs Besse Aud itorium Co., Sale confirmed. Finley Bright vs Francis Doyle, con tinued. Charles F. Gund vs L. J. Segrist ct al, In Degree. Charles H. Potter vs Edward McAlis- ter, continued. State of Nebraska, ex rel Harry Chaplin et al vs Charles Waldo et al, continued. Mabel Houchin vs Henry Houchin, Divorce for plaintiff. Alfred C. Brown vs Pansy Brown, Divorce for plaintiff. For Christmas Send Them Your Photograph THE APPRECIATED GIFT Make an appointment now for your sitting and you will have your pictures in time to SEND THEM EARLY Sittings made Sundays and evenings if you wish Don't Forget the Location Ovor Smith's Shoo Store- The Gleason Studio VAVJSV.-AVVJVW,.VVV.VVV.V.V.V.V.V.V-V.V.V.V.Vrt If a Car is Worth Driving it is Worth Building j: A Garage .... See us for Up-to-date Garage Designs. Tho Malone-Gellatly Co. j: WWW.W.V.V.W.V.W.V L"""J Council Proceedings Mayor Amack called the Council to gether in regular session, on Tues day evening, in the Council Chambers with all members present and after the minutes of the Novembor meet ings were rend and approved, the re port of S. R. Florance, city treasurer, was presented and ordered placed on file. Ex-Mnyor Paul Pope appeared and stated tho residents on his street de sired pavement and would like tho Council to consider tho matter in case any work in this lino is to be done next spring. At the personnl request of Frank Peterson, Council instructed Superin tendent Frazier to adjust his June power bill this being tho month when the plant was disabled and he could not use the city sen-ice. City Treasurer Florance was in structed to settle with Fidelity Nat ional Bank and Trust Company as per their figures. Tho following claims were allowed B. R. Frazier W. A. Patten .. . A. Clark Bert Perry Joe Carr S. R. Florance O. C. Tecl Sam Mountford Frank Peterson Turnuro & Son Frame & Smith Bros, Smith & McKimmey . H. S. Foe Chns. Barrett C. R. Lewis Frank Clnuson Grant & Fulton $ 200.00 100.00 135.00 130.00 13.G0 215.83 51.85 150.00 100.00 4.53 12.G0 223.G0 55.0D 32.00 131.40 35.20 518.18 Watts Construction Co 17,272.73 turc, being the tirst of its class on record in this vicinity, at any rate, has atti acted no little attention and has been the occasion for considerable publicity. The District Court found ngainht Mr. Gaddis but his attorney, Frank J. Munday, of this city, car ried the case to tho Supremo Court with tho above result and tho State Journal of yesterday has the follow ing to say concerning tho same: Adolphus Gaddis, once a member of the Clmstian church of Beaver City but said to be no longer one of that congregation, has escaped the odium of a crdict of guilty of disturbing a religious meeting. The supieme court has decided that Gaddis dfd not un lawfully interrupt and molest a re ligious society when on November 9, 1911), he arose from his pew and told the pastor named Stanley, that he was preaching wrong when he said in his sermon on the Lord s supper or com munion thnt deacons had a right to pass a member whom they believed to be unworthy to partake of the communion. Gaddis was flned'in the lower court $15 and costs taxed at $23.30. He ap pealed to the supreme court for re view of tho judgment. The opinion of the court, written by Judge W. B. Rose, says: "Without violating the statute for bidding the disturbance of a religious meeting, a member of n church, if periled by its precepts and usages, may, in a becoming manner with good motives, interrupt a minister in the midst of n sermon to correct an ut terance at variance with the estab lished tenents or rules of such church. Conviction for disturbing a religious meeting held not sustained by the evidence." Tho case is reversed and dismissed. Gaddis challenged the minister's state ment by arising in his pew and tell ing him he was preaching wi'ong, that he had gone too far, that he was touching on a matter between the communicant and God himself. Turn ing his back to the pulpit Gaddis ask ed permission and addressed the con gregation, saying no one hnd a l-ight to judge another and referred to the scriptures as follows: "But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of that bread and drink of that cup." ' "For he that eateth nnd drinkcth unworthily, eateth nnd drinkcth damnation to himself." 1 Cor. 11:28 29. Tho supremo court snys it is mani fest that Gaddis interrupted n re ligious meeting, but if. is not every interruption that constitutes a viola tion of law. It is stated that a per son may,, if permitted by tho usages and precepts of the church, inter rupt a minister to correct an utter ance at variance with established tenents or rites, "otherwise freedom of worship and free speech might be impaired by bigotry and false doc trines." Our Precious Stones i mmmacmmnmmmmmmmmmmmKmnranrmmtmmmmmmm ARE REASONABLE BECAUSE A PRECIOUS STONE BEARS A HIGH PRICE DOES NOT MEAN IN OUR STORE THAJ WE HAVE PUT ON IT A HIGH PROFIT. OUR DIAMONDS ARE FLAWLESS WHEN WE SO REPRE SENT THEM; OUR PEARLS ARE PURE IN TONE; OUR 'RUBIES,. EMERALDS, SAPHIRES AND OPALS WILL BLAZE WITH A NEVER ENDING BEAUTY. BUY YOUR JEWELS AND JEWELRY AND JEWELRY STORE THINGS FROM US. EACH ARTICLE WE SELL IS A LIFE LONG RECOMMENDATION OF OUR ESTABLISHMENT. We Make 'Quality' Right Then the Price Right E. H. Newhouse Red aoud - Jeweler and Optometrist- ttehnkm t Useful Presents Mr. and Mrs. ' ED. AMACK UNDERTAKING Phone, Store Ind. 158, Res, 93 RED CLOUD, NEB WWtJWJWJWfWJWfffffAVJ Death Calls Mrs. Sarah Bright The funeral of Mrs. Stirah Bright, who pnssed away Friday morning, at her homo in Plertsnnt Hill township, was hold on Tuesday afternoon, ser rices being conducted from tho Metho dist church of this city, Rev. Davis, fonnorlyof Cowles, In chargo, nftor which Intel ment was mado in the city cemetery. During tho muny years she has lived In this community she has provod to bo u kind friend and. neighbor and in loving ana aevotea mother. Ilcf husband departed this lifo in tho spring of 1918, also ouo son, Lewis, who sacrificed his lite on the Held of houor la the groat struggle acros tho water, la tho year of IMS. She leaves to mourn her dopartuio two sons, two daughters, father, two sisters ami ono brothor. Mr. nnd Mrs. Claudo Frost have moved back to this city from Oxford whero ho spent a few months farming. Baptist Church Notes Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p m Sunday School at 10 a. m Tho Willing Workers will meet with Mrs, Retta Miner Friday at 2 p. m to proparo for the bazar to bo hold In the near future. Wo note an increasing interest and attendance in the Sunday evonlng services. m After a brief illness Eillt Htirgcman, for several years a resident of this city, passed away at his homo iu the Second Ward, Sunday morning. He is sur vived by his .wife and ono daughter, Mls Bmma. Funeral services were conducted from tho Amuck Mortuary on WednuMuy morning at 11 o'clock, j lu charge of Uov. Copo, pastor of the Our Stock Contains many articles that will make lasting and appreciated Xmas GIFTS Solid Silver Table Ware, Knives, Forks,, Spoons Silver and Nickel Shears All Sizes Articles for Mi-lady's Sewing Table Shaving Sets for Dad or Big Brother Skates, Knives, Rifles, .Sleds, Coas ters, and numerous other articles that willl please the boys and girls. The Gift Supreme that all the family will enjoy SOUTH BEND MALLEABLE RANGE GEO. W. TRINE local Methodist church. Interment was mude In the city cemetory, Tho plan of holding the three con certs, under tho au6p!ccs of the Ue8o Auditorium association has been some what changed. At this time, tickots will bo sold for tho Theo Karlo con cert on Doc. 10 only Tho price will bo fl plus war tax for adults and D0 plus war tax for children, At theso j prices the house should bo tilled, as there Is no quest icin ns to the high musical 6tamlngof Mr. Karle, Thoro Is said to bo no hlghor talent along this lino in the United Stntcs. ltt7fj7t&Y&SJx7&r r&r&ZKlh The Price of Lumber and building material is so much less thnn if lina hftan nnri f nrnsnnntc: fnr if &4 ffnintf miinh Imvnr in an nliririf flinf uta $j0 " . wr w.w M VM w , feel justified in advising you to build now PLATT & FREES :2C 3ME 3C DUG 3ME a.rf m ,i